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Abstract: This paper examines the evolution of the dairy complexes of New Zealand and Chile in the context of increasing bilateral interaction between the two countries, and their recent signing of a ‘Trans‐Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership’ (TPSEP) free‐trade agreement. The two economies can be said to occupy semi‐peripheral positions in global markets and have, through the twentieth and into the twenty‐first century, increasingly competed for market share in a range of primary product (particularly agricultural)‐based export markets. Similar sets of historical processes, although variably timed, have shaped the roles of New Zealand and Chile respectively as resource peripheries, and the extent to which the two countries can collaborate for mutual benefit and transcend these roles is uncertain. In taking a sectoral approach this paper questions the compatibility of the two dairy complexes in the context of the TPSEP, and recommends further sectoral and localised studies in order to better appraise the model of ‘co‐opetition’ promoted through the agreement.  相似文献   

Abstract: Rarely does one come across critical analysis which looks at islands as the strategic and candid promoters of a role as political and economic usufructuaries over external resources. This paper is premised on the proposition that a small territory is especially obliged to use extra‐territorial resources as its hinterland for economic success. Such resources extend over a whole range of goods and services and include access to investment, welfare, security, stable currency, international relations, specialised labour power, transfers, markets and higher education. The MIRAB syndrome is one way of articulating this condition. This paper proposes a second cluster of features that are, or can be, deployed by small territories in a manner somewhat different from MIRAB; this second cluster has a more proactive policy orientation and a disposition towards carving out procedural and jurisdictional powers. It is thus proposed to consider a small territory's engagement with the external hinterland as a position on a sliding scale, a strategic mix of options located between two distinct development trajectories, of which MIRAB is one and the PROFIT model the other.  相似文献   

Despite an improving regulatory framework and policies governing compensation and resettlement, the majority of the millions displaced worldwide each year by hydropower dam construction continue to experience marginalisation and impoverishment, suggesting that external financial support must be supplemented by strengthened community‐based resilience. In order to understand more about the innate resources of displaced rural communities, we applied a community resilience approach to two resettled Co‐tu ethnic minority villages in an upland area in central Vietnam to identify their community capitals and their application in improving livelihoods and living conditions. We found that weak human and financial capital constrained the ability of the resettled residents to adopt new livelihoods or migrate to seek employment. Reduced forest and river access also problematised responses to a lack of agricultural land. However, traditionally strong village affinity and social networks were retained. In addition, indigenous skills such as housing construction, honed by a highly mobile traditional lifestyle, allowed residents to construct culturally significant structures like community houses and modify or augment received housing stock. These elements of social and cultural capital eased the process of post‐resettlement adaptation. We conclude that governments should reassess current resettlement policies that prioritise financial compensation and should incorporate awareness of the adaptive resilience and limitations fostered by indigenous knowledge and practices in resettlement action plans.  相似文献   

Abstract: Local communities are frequently displaced from areas selected for environmental protection. Development of nature‐based tourism, believed to be more environmentally benign than traditional agricultural systems, has been encouraged by governments and national park managers in the hope of providing alternative livelihoods for local people. This paper examines the extent to which indigenous peoples resettled from within one Vietnamese national park have engaged with the nascent tourism industry, thereby providing a perspective on the success of their resettlement, through the eyes of those communities affected. The perspectives of resettled peoples are contrasted with those of villagers who have continued to reside within the national park, using traditional means of survival, along with new initiatives designed to supplement their livelihoods and to reduce their dependence on national park resources for survival. Resettled villagers are unable to survive on agricultural activity alone, tourism has done little to provide an alternate livelihood and the park environment is still threatened by the use of park resources by resettled communities in their struggle to survive.  相似文献   

Abstract: Global flows of people and information in the Asia–Pacific region are creating new forms of place that stretch across national boundaries and rural–urban distinctions. These new mobile forms of place link long‐inhabited rural areas to cities, national centres, and to rural frontiers within the nation. Here, we describe new forms of place that are being produced by contemporary migration and economic change, using data from the Philippines and applying Appadurai's theorisation of translocality. Our analysis links these flows of overseas migrants to concomitant processes of economic change, migration and new rural livelihoods. We outline changing practices of place within the Philippines, exploring ways that transnational migration can articulate with apparently ‘local’ development and the flow‐on effects from migration on the spatial patterns of rural livelihoods.  相似文献   

胡海辉  王芳 《中国农学通报》2012,28(12):302-306
风景区旅游可持续发展评价是对不同历史阶段旅游可持续发展状态的量化评价。采用层次分析法(analytic hierarchy process,AHP)中的幂法构建综合评价矩阵,从经济发展、社会进步、环境支持的角度,对庐山风景区1990—2000年的相关指标数据进行分析。结果表明:在该历史时段内,风景区旅游可持续发展水平不高,协调性较差,可持续发展与不可持续发展交替变换。其中,1993、1995、1997、1999年,1≤CI≤1.732,风景区的社会可持续发展、经济可持续发展与环境可持续发展三者之间比较协调,旅游处于"强可持续发展"状态;1992年,0≤CI≤1,三者之间发展不协调,但相互之间可以互补,旅游处于"弱可持续发展"状态;1994、1996、2000年,-1≤CI≤0,三者之间发展不协调,也不能通过互补来调节,旅游处于"弱不可持续发展"状态;1991、1998年,-1.732≤CI≤-1,三者之间发展不协调,也不能通过互补来调节,旅游处于"强不可持续发展"状态。  相似文献   

The Republic of Kiribati is a small, highly infertile Pacific Island nation and is one of the most challenging locations to attempt to support dense urban populations. Kiribati, like other nations in the Pacific, faces an urban future where food insecurity, unemployment, waste management and malnutrition will become increasing issues. Homegardening is suggested as one way to address many of these problems. However, the most recent study on agriculture production in urban centres in Kiribati shows that, in general, intensive cultivation of homegardens is not a common practice. This disparity between theory and practice creates an opportunity to re‐examine homegardening in Kiribati and, more broadly, in the Pacific. This paper examines the practice of homegardening in urban centres in Kiribati and explores reasons why change has or has not occurred through interviews with homegardeners and government/donor representatives. Results show that homegardening has increased significantly in the past five years, largely because of the promotion of homegardens and organic composting systems by donor organisations. While findings further endorse homegardening as an excellent theoretical solution to many of the problems that confront urban settlements in Kiribati and the Pacific, it raises additional questions regarding the continuation of homegarden schemes beyond donor support programmes.  相似文献   

Abstract: With the increase of global integration, the peri‐urban area (PUA) of megacities in Asia has become a favourite destination for foreign direct investment (FDI). This paper uses the PUA of Shanghai as a case study to investigate the impact of global forces on the urban expansion of the city, and the link between urban growth and sustainable development in this mega‐urban context. Shanghai has grown impressively during the past two decades in terms of economic and physical transformation. Much of this transformation has rested on the unbridled exploitation of land and other environmental resources in its peri‐urban area. This is characterised by the designation of development zones and the concentration of manufacturing FDI, resulting in dispersed growth and environmental degradation. The disruption of the physical environment, combined with the concentration of the urban poor in these areas (in particular ‘temporary migrants’), has turned the PUA into a potential crisis point threatening the social and economic development of the city.  相似文献   

马威理 《中国农学通报》2010,26(20):434-438
为了解决大学生村官可持续发展问题,通过分析制度嵌入理论,结合大学生村官制度的调研,结果表明:大学生村官制度嵌入在有利的政治经济环境中,具有长远的发展意义,但其非制度化的特征引起的工资福利问题、认同度问题、职能划分问题制约其可持续发展;重构大学生村官制度的嵌入环境,鼓励大学生村官自主创业,能够很好地解决这一问题。因此,各级政府应该不断探索大学生村官自主创业的模式,并在理论和实践上不断使其完善。  相似文献   

This article highlights 12 years (2007–2019) of research, achievements, lessons learned, challenges and gaps in discovery‐to‐delivery research in legumes emanating from three projects, collectively called Tropical Legumes (TL) with a total investment of about US$ 67 million funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. These projects were implemented by three CGIAR centres (ICRISAT, CIAT and IITA) together with 15 national agricultural research system partners in sub‐Saharan Africa and South Asia. The TL projects together with some of their precursors and complementary projects from other agencies, facilitated the development of 266 improved legume varieties and the production of about 497,901 tons of certified seeds of the target legume crops in the focus countries. The certified seeds have been planted on about 5.0 million ha by more than 25 million smallholder farmers in the 15 countries and beyond, producing about 6.1 million tons of grain worth US$ 3.2 billion. Furthermore, the projects also trained 52 next generation scientists that included 10 women, by supporting 34 Masters degrees and 18 PhD degrees.  相似文献   

This paper explores contrasting narratives of place meaning in a tourism site in Southern Thailand. Specifically, I analyse the parallel discourses of community change through tourism development embedded in international backpacker narratives, and those of the local Thai elite. By configuring identity and power around binary oppositional categories such as West as economically powerful and dominant/non‐West as economically weak and subordinated, ‘traditional’ tourism studies often locate the dynamics of change in the international tourism industry. To date, there is little research on the very real and important ways that people working in tourism assert agency and understand their own identities in everyday contexts. I argue that local communities can, and often do, shape the changes that tourism development initiates in very creative and adaptive ways.  相似文献   

While in recent years much has been written, and even more spoken, about the interrelationships between population and development, and particularly the importance of acknowledging population parameters in development planning and policy formulation, reality in most Pacific island countries and territories falls short of this rhetoric. Long-term development plans and strategic development frameworks are still compiled without due consideration of demographic circumstances, and economic and public sector reform proceeds in many countries seemingly oblivious of contemporary population dynamics. It is not always lack of basic and timely data that accounts for this malaise, as is evident from a myriad of demographic indicators reported by a variety of government agencies and regional and international organisations. However, these often manage to portray quite different demographic scenarios using identical data sources. This paper examines the institutional and methodological context within which Pacific island population data are collected and demographic information is produced. It concludes by discussing ways in which demography and demographers can contribute towards more realistic planning and policymaking in the Pacific.  相似文献   

环境污染转移对中国农村可持续发展的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了建设中国特色社会主义新农村,实现农村的可持续发展,环境污染向农村转移的问题就必须高度重视。笔者主要分析了环境污染转移对中国农村的生态环境及农民身体健康造成的严重影响,结果导致贫困,并指出环境污染转移导致了恶性循环,同时提出了相应的对策建议。最后得出的结论是污染企业要走循环经济之路,中国农村未来的发展方向是发展生态农业。  相似文献   

乡村旅游新业态发展机制研究——以北京市为例   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
宋增文 《中国农学通报》2013,29(26):217-220
乡村旅游新业态,是乡村旅游的新型营业形态,是根据时代的变迁和时尚的变化,根据旅游市场的发展趋势,依托乡村旅游资源与环境,在市场力、政策力等共同创造出的能够满足乡村旅游者心理、情感、审美享受的新型旅游产品与服务形态。北京乡村旅游发展迅速,呈现出规模快速增长、地位快速提升、体系逐渐形成的特征。北京乡村旅游业态越来越丰富,并首次推出了乡村酒店、国际驿站、采摘篱园、生态渔家、休闲农庄、山水人家、养生山吧、民族风苑8种乡村旅游新业态。总结北京乡村旅游新业态发展机制,抓住乡村旅游新需求、推动乡村旅游分工细化、加速乡村旅游产业升级、促进乡村旅游与相关产业的融合是其发展的内在驱动力。最后提出了北京乡村旅游发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

贵州是中国较早开展乡村旅游的区域之一。在众多乡村旅游地中,贵州天龙屯堡、郎德苗寨、西江苗寨因核心力量导向差异而形成3种不同的乡村旅游开发模式,即公司主导型、社区主导型和政府主导型模式。作为贵州乡村旅游开发的典型代表,3种模式各具特色,值得关注。通过对3种不同乡村旅游开发模式下的市场开拓能力、社区居民获益方式与状况、传统文化保护与传承及其乡村旅游开发模式的形成原因进行横向比较分析,为国内乡村旅游开发提供经验借鉴和理论指导,推动乡村旅游研究的深入。  相似文献   

This paper shows how the world wide web can facilitate the transformation of a trans‐national identity into a global, or pan‐national identity. Specific to the Philippines diaspora is the concept of tahanang, or home as a metaphor for a pan‐national Philippine identity. Not only does the web facilitate the spatial interactions of diasporic communities but it also fosters the representation of national identity. In the case of the Philippine diaspora we find that social networking, via the web, operates at and through a variety of spatial scales, including intra‐diasporic, inter‐diasporic, diaspora‐host, and diaspora‐homeland.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are a set of international development targets agreed to by members of the United Nations in 2000. The goals aim to improve many of the dimensions of extreme poverty and are to be achieved by 2015. This paper provides an overview of the issues relevant to the achievement of the MDGs in the Asia‐Pacific region. The paper begins by discussing the critiques of the MDGs before assessing whether countries in the region are on track to achieve them. Issues relating to data availability and accuracy are discussed and the need to tailor the MDG targets to the special circumstances of some Asia‐Pacific countries is examined. The paper proceeds by discussing the role of international assistance via international foreign development aid and non‐governmental organisations in the achievement of the MDGs. The paper concludes with some policy implications for the international donor community.  相似文献   

In this paper, based on the interpretation of the connotation of high-quality development, an urban development quality evaluation index system was established from six aspects of economic strength, the level of science and education, government management, resources and environment, the level of openness, and infrastructure, the entropy method and cluster analysis were used to conduct an empirical analysis of the quality of urban development in Guangdong Province, and relevant suggestions were proposed accordingly. The results showed that:(1) the level of science and education was the most important factor affecting the quality of urban development in Guangdong Province;(2) the quality of urban development in Guangdong Province was extremely uncoordinated;(3) cities with stronger economic strength had lower resource and environment evaluation;(4) cities of Guangdong Province could be divided into three categories: cities in a quality optimization stage, cities in a quality improvement stage, and cities in a quality lagging stage that could be further divided into three categories.  相似文献   

Abstract: Property developers in Penang (Malaysia) were erecting shrines and performing rituals to propitiate a Malay‐Muslim guardian spirit of local sacred places known interchangeably as keramat or Datuk Kong during a period of euphoric economic growth in Malaysia in the early 1990s. Drawing on anthropological approaches, this article explores the symbolic significance of this peculiar capitalist sacralisation in Penang. It argues that keramat propitiation among property developers can be better grasped by understanding how this spirit cult is engendered and acted on by deep historical structures of cultural hybridity, socioeconomic and ethnonationalist transformations in Malaysia. It is with this background that the keramat cult converges with Chinese supernatural beliefs and becomes a potent idiom that expresses and negotiates contradictions inherent in a highly speculative activity and ethnically charged political economy in Malaysia. This conjunction between the keramat cult and property development activities brings to light the centrality of ethnicity and religion in characterising capitalist formations in a new Asian economy and urban environment.  相似文献   

Based on interviews and participant observation conducted in the province of East Kalimantan, Indonesia, from 2008 to 2012, this paper examines why the agrarian reforms have failed to secure the land rights of local farmers. Since the fall of the authoritarian government in 1998, Indonesia has seen limited, but growing government recognition of customary land rights of local farmers living in forest areas. I present a case study of two villages, in which the greater discretion on the part of the local community to negotiate with large‐scale oil palm estates has led to the abuse of power by local elites, as well as territorial tensions between local communities. The finding questions the optimistic view that state recognition of customary land rights of communities would automatically lead to the security of landownership of local farmers, and its underlying image of harmonious local communities in which members share coherent interests. The agrarian reform that has centred on communities' rights of control over land and natural resources is problematic. When local communities do not possess capabilities for resolving conflicts in an equitable and transparent manner, third‐party intervention is needed to assist communities to strengthen local land rights.  相似文献   

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