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We performed a genome‐wide association study (GWAS) and candidate gene analysis to: (i) evaluate the effectiveness of the GWAS in our small population by performing GWAS for carcass weight (CW) and fatty acid composition; (ii) detect novel candidate regions affecting non‐CW carcass traits, chemical composition and sugar; and (iii) evaluate the association of the candidate genes previously detected in CW and fatty acid composition with other economically important traits. A total of 574 Japanese Black cattle and 40 657 Single nucleotide polymorphisms were used. In addition, candidate gene analyses were performed to evaluate the association of three CW‐related genes and two fatty acid‐related genes with carcass traits, fatty acid composition, chemical composition and sugar. The significant regions with the candidate genes were detected for CW and fatty acid composition, and these results showed that a significant region would be detectable despite the small sample size. The novel candidate regions were detected on BTA23 for crude protein and on BTA19 for fructose. CW‐related genes associated with the rib‐eye area and fatty acid composition were identified, and fatty acid‐related genes had no relationship with other traits. Moreover, the favorable allele of CW‐related genes had an unfavorable effect on fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that some leptin gene polymorphisms were associated with economically important traits in cattle breeds. However, polymorphisms in the leptin gene have not been reported thus far in Japanese Black cattle. Here, we aimed to identify the leptin gene polymorphisms which are associated with carcass traits and fatty acid composition in Japanese Black cattle. We sequenced the full‐length coding sequence of leptin gene for eight Japanese Black cattle. Sequence comparison revealed eight single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Three of these were predicted to cause amino acid substitutions: Y7F, R25C and A80V. Then, we genotyped these SNPs in two populations (JB1 with 560 animals and JB2 with 450 animals) and investigated the effects on the traits. Y7F in JB1 and A80V in JB2 were excluded from statistical analysis because the minor allele frequencies were low (< 0.1). Association analysis revealed that Y7F had a significant effect on the dressed carcass weight in JB2; R25C had a significant effect on C18:0 and C14:1 in JB1 and JB2, respectively; and A80V had a significant effect on C16:0, C16:1, C18:1, monounsaturated fatty acid and saturated fatty acid in JB1. The results suggested that these SNPs could be used as an effective marker for the improvement of Japanese Black cattle.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to better understand the genetic architecture and the possibility of genomic evaluation for feed efficiency traits by (i) performing genome‐wide association studies (GWAS), and (ii) assessing the accuracy of genomic evaluation for feed efficiency traits, using single‐step genomic best linear unbiased prediction (ssGBLUP)‐based methods. The analyses were performed in residual feed intake (RFI), residual body weight gain (RG), and residual intake and body weight gain (RIG) during three different fattening periods. The phenotypes from 4,578 Japanese Black steers, which were progenies of 362 progeny‐tested bulls and the genotypes from the bulls were used in this study. The results of GWAS showed that a total of 16, 8, and 12 gene ontology terms were related to RFI, RG, and RIG, respectively, and the candidate genes identified in RFI and RG were involved in olfactory transduction and the phosphatidylinositol signaling system, respectively. The realized reliabilities of genomic estimated breeding values were low to moderate in the feed efficiency traits. In conclusion, ssGBLUP‐based method can lead to understand some biological functions related to feed efficiency traits, even with small population with genotypes, however, an alternative strategy will be needed to enhance the reliability of genomic evaluation.  相似文献   

We performed genome‐wide association studies (GWAS) using the BovineSNP50 array to detect significant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that may affect the concentration of 22 free amino acids and three peptides in Japanese Black beef cattle. A total of 574 Japanese Black cattle and 40,657 SNPs from the array were used for this study. Genome‐wide significant SNPs were detected for β‐alanine (three SNPs on chromosomes 22 and 29) and taurine (26 SNPs on chromosome 22). Importantly, the top two SNPs for taurine were highly significant (= 6.2 × 10?21), and the frequency of the increase‐concentration allele (Q) for taurine was found to be 0.73. The Q allele frequency of this population was similar to that of the other unrelated Japanese Black cattle, but different from that of the other breeds. In addition, the significant SNPs were not associated with carcass traits or fatty acid compositions. Interestingly, the top three of the four most significant SNPs for taurine were located near solute carrier family 6, member 6 (SLC6A6), which is a membrane transporter for taurine. We also found two associated variants in the 5′‐upstream region of SLC6A6; however, they were less significantly associated than the SNPs from the BovineSNP50 array.  相似文献   

Fatty acid composition is an important indicator of beef quality. The objective of this study was to search the potential candidate region for fatty acid composition. We performed pool‐based genome‐wide association studies (GWAS) for oleic acid percentage (C18:1) in a Japanese Black cattle population from the Hyogo prefecture. GWAS analysis revealed two novel candidate regions on BTA9 and BTA14. The most significant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in each region were genotyped in a population (n = 899) to verify their effect on C18:1. Statistical analysis revealed that both SNPs were significantly associated with C18:1 (p = .0080 and .0003), validating the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) detected in GWAS. We subsequently selected VNN1 and LYPLA1 genes as candidate genes from each region on BTA9 and BTA14, respectively. We sequenced full‐length coding sequence (CDS) of these genes in eight individuals and identified a nonsynonymous SNP T66M on VNN1 gene as a putative candidate polymorphism. The polymorphism was also significantly associated with C18:1, but the p value (p = .0162) was higher than the most significant SNP on BTA9, suggesting that it would not be responsible for the QTL. Although further investigation will be needed to determine the responsible gene and polymorphism, our findings would contribute to development of selective markers for fatty acid composition in the Japanese Black cattle of Hyogo.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting should be considered in animal breeding systems to avoid lead in bias in genetic parameter estimation. The objective of this study was to clarify the effects of pedigree information on imprinting variances for carcass traits and fatty acid composition in Japanese Black cattle. Carcass records [carcass weight, rib eye area, rib thickness (RT), subcutaneous fat thickness and beef marbling score (BMS)] and fatty acid composition were obtained for 11,855 Japanese Black feedlot cattle. To estimate and compare the imprinting variances for the traits, two imprinting models with different pedigree information [the sire–dam gametic relationship matrix (Model 1) and the sire–maternal grandsire (MGS) numerator relationship matrix (Model 2)] were fitted. The ratio of the imprinting variance to the total additive genetic variance for RT (6.33%) and BMS (19.00%) was significant in Model 1, but only that for BMS (21.09%) was significant in Model 2. This study revealed that fitting the sire–MGS model could be useful in estimating imprinting variance under certain conditions, such as when restricted pedigree information is available. Furthermore, the present result suggested that the maternal gametic effects on BMS should be included in breeding programmes for Japanese Black cattle to avoid selection bias caused by imprinting effects.  相似文献   

The objective of the current study is to evaluate the association between fatty acid composition and fatty acid synthase gene polymorphisms as responsible mutations. For this purpose, we selected seven previously reported single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in FASN gene, including one within promoter region (g.841G>C) and six non‐synonymous SNPs (g.8805C>T, g.13126C>T, g.15532A>C, g.16024A>G, g.16039C>T, g.17924A>G), and genotyped them in Japanese Black cattle. Genotyping results revealed that g.8805 C>T and g.17924 A>G were monomorphic loci. Genome‐wide association analysis including the other five SNPs revealed that only g.841G>C showed significant associations with the percentages of C14:0, C14:1, C16:1 and C18:1 at 5% genome‐wide significance level. In order to further evaluate the effect, we genotyped g.841G>C using additional three populations, including two Japanese Black populations and a Holstein cattle population. g.16024A>G was also genotyped and included in the analysis because it has been reported to be associated with fatty acid composition in Japanese Black cattle. In the result of analysis of variance, g.841G>C showed stronger effects on fatty acid percentage than those of g.16024A>G in all populations. These results suggested that g.841G>C would be a responsible mutation for fatty acid composition and contribute to production of high‐grade beef as a selection marker in beef cattle.  相似文献   

Consideration of the shortened fattening period seems to be worthwhile for the realization of profitable beef production. In this study, change of fatty acid composition of the lumbar longissimus during the final stage of fattening was investigated in Japanese Black cattle. Each of 110 fattening animals was sampled three times: the initial two samples were taken by biopsy (25.7 months and 27.5 months on average) and the final one was from carcasses (29.9 months on average). Preliminary analysis indicated that removing muscle tissues from the constant body position of the living animals should be essential for sampling. Average monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) at three sampling points were 58.1%, 58.5% and 60.5%, and the differences of the third sampling with the first and second samplings were significant. Both in steers and heifers, MUFA also increased as the fattening stage proceeded, and MUFA of the heifers at all the sampling points were significantly higher than those of the steers. The increasing rate of MUFA rose from 0.21 percentage points (pp)/month at period 1 (from the first sampling to the second sampling) to 0.84 pp/month at period 2 (from the second sampling to the slaughter).  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify genomic regions associated with fat‐related traits using a Japanese Black cattle population in Hyogo. From 1836 animals, those with high or low values were selected on the basis of corrected phenotype and then pooled into high and low groups (n = 100 each), respectively. DNA pool‐based genome‐wide association study (GWAS) was performed using Illumina BovineSNP50 BeadChip v2 with three replicate assays for each pooled sample. GWAS detected that two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on BTA7 (ARS‐BFGL‐NGS‐35463 and Hapmap23838‐BTA‐163815) and one SNP on BTA12 (ARS‐BFGL‐NGS‐2915) significantly affected fat percentage (FAR). The significance of ARS‐BFGL‐NGS‐35463 on BTA7 was confirmed by individual genotyping in all pooled samples. Moreover, association analysis between SNP and FAR in 803 Japanese Black cattle revealed a significant effect of SNP on FAR. Thus, further investigation of these regions is required to identify FAR‐associated genes and mutations, which can lead to the development of DNA markers for marker‐assisted selection for the genetic improvement of beef quality.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters were estimated to investigate the relationships between meat quality traits and fatty acid composition from 11 855 Japanese Black cattle. The meat quality traits included beef marbling score (BMS), beef color score, firmness of beef (FIR), texture of beef (TEX) and beef fat color score (BFS). The data on fatty acid composition included oleic acid and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) contents, the ratio of MUFA to saturated fatty acids (MUS) and the ratio of elongation. The heritability estimates for meat quality traits ranged from moderate (0.30) to high (0.72). The strong genetic correlations between them were useful for simultaneous genetic improvement. In addition, high heritability estimates of fatty acid composition, ranging from 0.60 to 0.63, indicated that they could also be improved genetically. The genetic correlations of fatty acid composition with BMS, FIR and TEX were weak and negative. In contrast, positive and stronger genetic correlations were found between BFS and fatty acid composition, in particular, related to the level of unsaturation (0.77 and 0.79 for MUFA and MUS, respectively). This implies that improving the level of unsaturation makes fat darker (more yellow) and thus requires balancing with BFS.  相似文献   

In our previous study, we detected a QTL for the oleic acid percentage (C18:1) on BTA9 in Japanese Black cattle through a genome‐wide association study (GWAS). In this study, we performed whole‐genome resequencing on eight animals with higher and lower C18:1 to identify candidate polymorphisms for the QTL. A total of 39,658 polymorphisms were detected in the candidate region, which were narrowed to 1993 polymorphisms within 23 genes based on allele differences between the high and low C18:1 groups. We subsequently selected three candidate genes, that is, CYB5R4, MED23, and VNN1, among the 23 genes based on their function in fatty acid metabolism. In each candidate gene, three SNPs, that is, CYB5R4 c.*349G > T, MED23 c.3700G > A, and VNN1 c.197C > T, were selected as candidate SNPs to verify their effect on C18:1 in a Japanese Black cattle population (n = 889). The statistical analysis showed that these SNPs were significantly associated with C18:1 (p < 0.05), suggesting that they were candidates for the QTL. In conclusion, we successfully narrowed the candidates for the QTL by detecting possible polymorphisms located within the candidate region. It is expected that the responsible polymorphism can be identified by demonstrating their effect on the gene's function.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of probiotics administration on fatty acid metabolism in Japanese Black cattle as per changes in blood fatty acid concentrations and blood biochemical tests. Eighteen clinically healthy Japanese Black female fattening cattle bred on the same fattening farm were randomly classified into the probiotics administration group (n=9) or the control group (n=9). In the probiotics administration group, 50 g of probiotics were started per animal per day at the age of 18 months, and the administration period was 2 months from the start date of the study. Blood was collected twice before starting the probiotics administration and at 2 months after starting the probiotics administration. In the probiotics administration group, palmitic, linoleic, arachidonic and α-linolenic acid tended to be higher at the end of the administration compared with those before probiotics administration. Additionally, as a result of multiple comparison test, monounsaturated fatty acids at Post was significantly higher, and the ω6 / ω3 ratio was significantly lower than in the control group. Vitamin A, E and albumin were significantly higher at the end of the administration than in the control group. In this study that administering probiotics to Japanese Black cattle in the late middle stage of fattening period did not have a significant effect on fatty acid metabolism during feed digestion and absorption, but suggested that may alter some blood fatty acids concentrations.  相似文献   

Fatty acid composition of beef adipose tissue is one of important traits because high proportions of monounsaturated fatty acid are related to favorable beef flavor and tenderness. In this study, we investigated effects of genetic factors such as stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD) and sterol regulatory element binding protein (SREBP) on beef carcass traits including fatty acid composition using two cattle populations. Sire effect was significantly related to almost all traits except BMS, suggesting that the trait examined in this study is highly controlled by genetic factors. The effect of SCD genotype on fatty acid composition was detected remarkably in both cattle groups, especially on stearic and oleic acids. This result was consistent with our previous studies and suggests that SCD is associated with fatty acid composition. Unlike SCD genotyping, the effect of SREBP genotype was not identified in this study. Our results suggested that SCD genotype would contribute to improving beef quality in field populations. Further studies about the relationship among these factors will bring an insight into the molecular mechanism of fatty acid metabolism in cattle.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate variance components related to imprinting for carcass traits and physiochemical characteristics in Japanese Black cattle. The carcass records obtained from 4,220 Japanese Black feedlot cattle included carcass weight (CW), rib eye area (REA), rib thickness, subcutaneous fat thickness, and beef marbling score (BMS), and the physiochemical characteristics were fat, moisture, glycogen per proportion of moisture content, oleic acid, and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA). To detect gametic effects, an imprinting model was fitted. High additive heritabilities were estimated for all traits (from 0.516 for glycogen to 0.853 for fat) and were reduced in Mendelian heritability. The range of the differences was from 0.002 (CW) to 0.331 (fat and moisture), and the reductions were due to their imprinting variances. The ratio of the imprinting variance to the total additive genetic variance for REA (0.374), BMS (0.291), fat (0.387), moisture (0.388), and MUFA (0.337) were large (p < 0.05). These imprinting variances were due to the maternal contribution and suggested the existence of maternally expressed genomic imprinting effects on the traits in Japanese Black cattle. Therefore, maternal gametic effects should be considered in breeding programs for Japanese Black cattle.  相似文献   

Fatty acid composition of beef adipose tissue is one of its important traits because a high proportion of monounsaturated fatty acid is related to favorable beef flavor and tenderness. In this study, we searched polymorphisms in full length coding DNA sequence of urotensin 2 recepter and investigated the effects on fatty acid composition (C14:0, C14:1, C16:0, C16:1, C18:0, C18:1, C18:2, monounsaturated fatty acid, saturated fatty acid). Eight single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) were identified by sequence comparison among eight animals, including five Japanese Black and three Holstein cattle. One of these SNP (c.866C>T) was predicted to cause amino acid substitutions (P289L) and the other seven synonymous SNP, including c.267C>T, were presumed to be in linkage disequilibrium. Therefore we selected two SNP (c.267C>T and c.866C>T) for further analysis. We investigated associations between these genotypes and fatty acid composition in three Japanese Black populations (n = 560, 245 and 287) and a Holstein population (n = 202). Tukey‐Kramer's honestly significant difference test revealed that CC genotype in c.267C>T indicated lower C14:0 and higher C18:1 than the other genotypes in Japanese Black cattle and CC genotype in c.866C>T showed lower C16:1 than CT genotype in Holstein cattle (P < 0.05). These results suggested that these genotypes would contribute to production of high‐grade meat as selection markers in beef cattle.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to detect quantitative trait loci affecting fatty acid composition in back fat and intramuscular fat in a Duroc pig population comprising seventh‐generation pedigrees using genome‐wide association studies (GWAS). In total, 305 animals were genotyped using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) array and five selected SNPs from regions containing known candidate genes related to fatty acid synthesis or metabolism. In total, 24 genome‐wide significant SNP regions were detected in 12 traits, and 76 genome‐wide suggestive SNP regions were detected in 33 traits. The Sus scrofa chromosome (SSC) 7 at 10.3 Mb was significantly associated with C17:0 in intramuscular fat, while the SSC9 at 13.6 Mb was significantly associated with C14:0 in intramuscular fat. The SSC12 at 1.0 Mb was significantly associated with C14:0 in back fat and the SSC14 at 121.0 Mb was significantly associated with C18:0 in intramuscular fat. These regions not only replicated previously reported loci containing some candidate genes involved in fatty acid composition (fatty acid synthase and stearoyl‐CoA desaturase) but also included several additional related loci.  相似文献   

The polymorphisms associated with economic traits in livestock animals provide useful information as genetic indicators for breeding improvement. Over the last two decades, several DNA markers have been developed in Japanese Black cattle; however, the effect of these markers differs across populations due to differences in their genetic structures and backgrounds. As such, there is a need to verify the effectiveness of these markers in each population. This review summarizes the effectiveness of previously reported markers on carcass traits and the development of novel DNA markers in a Japanese Black cattle population in Hyogo Prefecture. As result of genome wide association studies and resequencing analyses, two novel significant markers associated with meat quality-related traits (beef marbling and fatty acid composition) were developed. These findings will lead to the identification of responsible genes and polymorphisms and contribute to the development of novel DNA markers for numerous traits in various cattle populations.  相似文献   

To search for an index for chemical composition related to superior taste in Japanese Black beef, we conducted panel tests and analyzed the chemical composition of seven beef brands. Thirty‐five sirloin beefs from five heifers were used in this study, sold under seven beef brands graded as more than A4 on the Japanese Meat Grade scale. The chemical composition analyses assessed both raw and roasted meat, the latter of which was roasted under the same conditions as those used for the panel test. Results of the panel test and chemical composition analyses revealed that fatty acid composition, sugar content, adenosine triphosphage (ATP)‐related compounds, amino acid composition and odor composition in the sirloin meat differed among beef brands. Furthermore, the correlations of chemical compositions between roasted and raw meat were significantly high. Sugar content and ATP‐related compounds in roasted meat were significantly correlated with the item ‘overall evaluation’ of the panel test. ATP‐related compounds, such as inosinic acid, carnosine and taurine, in roasted and raw meat were correlated significantly with the item ‘umami intensity’ of the panel test. These results suggest that the composition of these components is important for an index related to the overall evaluation of beef.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of bovine growth hormone (bGH) gene polymorphism on carcass traits and fatty acid compositions in Japanese Black cattle caused by nucleotide substitution of CTG (allele A)/GTG (allele B) at codon 127 and of ACG (allele A and B)/ATG (allele C) at codon 172 of bGH, GH genotypes of 135 cattle were determined using allele specific-multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Allele A gave greater rib thickness and lower melting point of fat (MP) while allele B gave higher C18:1% ( P  < 0.05). Allele C gave higher C18:1, monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA), unsaturated fatty acid (USFA) percentages ( P  < 0.05). It also gave lower saturated fatty acid (SFA) percentages, higher MUFA/SFA and USFA/SFA ratios, and lower MP ( P  < 0.05). Interactions of sex and GH alleles were analyzed. In heifers, allele A gave higher carcass weight, daily carcass gain, rib eye area, rib thickness, subcutaneous fat thickness, and BMS while allele B gave greater rib eye area and rib thickness ( P  < 0.05). Allele C gave higher C18:1 ( P  < 0.01), MUFA ( P  < 0.01), USFA percentages ( P  < 0.05) and MUFA/SFA and USFA/SFA ratios ( P  < 0.01), and lower C16:0 and SFA percentages ( P  < 0.05) and MP ( P  < 0.01). GH gene polymorphism affected carcass traits and fatty acid compositions although the effects were more pronounced in heifers.  相似文献   

Isoleucyl‐tRNA synthetase (IARS) c.235G > C (p.V79L) is a causative mutation for a recessive disease called IARS disorder in Japanese black cattle. The disease is involved in weak calf syndrome and is characterized by low birth weight, weakness and poor suckling. The gestation period is often slightly extended, implying that intrauterine growth is retarded. In a previous analysis of 2597 artificial insemination (AI) procedures, we suggested that the IARS mutation might contribute toward an increase in the incidence of prenatal death. In this study, we extended this analysis to better clarify the association between the IARS mutation and prenatal death. The IARS genotypes of 92 animals resulting from crosses between carrier (G/C) × G/C were 27 normal (G/G), 55 G/C and 10 affected animals (C/C) (expected numbers: 23, 46 and 23, respectively). Compared to the expected numbers, there were significantly fewer affected animals in this population (P < 0.05), suggesting that more than half of the affected embryos died prenatally. When the number of AI procedures examined was increased to 11 580, the frequency of re‐insemination after G/C × G/C insemination was significantly higher at 61‐140 days (P < 0.001). The findings suggested that the homozygous IARS mutation not only causes calf death, but also embryonic or fetal death.  相似文献   

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