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Towards the selection of taxa for plant genetic conservation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The signing and ratification of the Convention on Biological Diversity has resulted in increased scientific and public interest in the conservation and utilisation of biological diversity. This has in turn triggered the need to develop more effective methodologies to conserve biological diversity for the benefit of all humanity. One of the first factors to be considered when conserving botanical diversity is the efficient and effective selection of the target taxa. The aim of this paper is not to set detailed priorities for the genetic conservation of the plant genetic resources of any particular crop or species complex, but to draw attention to the factors that should be considered when formulating priorities. The factors that are considered important when selecting plant genetic resource targets are: current conservation status; potential economic use; threat of genetic erosion; genetic distinctiveness; ecogeographic distribution; biological importance; cultural importance; cost, feasibility and sustainability; legislation; ethical and aesthetic considerations; and priorities of the conservation agency undertaking the conservation. Each of these factors is discussed in turn. Although it is not possible to provide a single methodology for the selection of plant genetic resource targets at this time, it is hoped that the consideration the factors discussed will make the selection of target taxa more object, make better use of the limited conservation resources and thus enhance the process of genetic conservation as a whole.  相似文献   

The Arasbaran Protected Area is an important but little studied nature reserve in NW Iran. In the past habitat heterogeneity and biodiversity have been threatened by over-exploitation; in the future depopulation may lead to partial abandonment. The soil seed bank was examined to see whether there are sufficient species represented as persistent seeds to reconstitute the vegetation in the event of habitat deterioration. There were differences between seed banks from different soils and vegetation types but essentially all soil seed banks contained few species and low densities of seed. Moreover, the species in the seed bank were unrepresentative of the vegetation. During future periods of changing land use it will be important to maintain the existing vegetation. There are however indications of successful recent conservation management. Annuals are abundant in the woodland seed bank but absent from the vegetation. The forest is recovering from the disturbance of collecting fire-wood.  相似文献   

Towards a methodology for on-farm conservation of plant genetic resources   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
The signing of the Convention on Biological Diversity at the ``Earth Summit' in 1992, its ratification and its subsequent entering into force have highlighted the need for an approach to biodiversity conservation that employs both ex situ and in situ techniques in a complementary manner. Though much research has focused on ex situ techniques, less progress has been made in developing methodologies for the conservation of genetic diversity in situ. The definition of in situ conservation used in the Convention on Biological Diversity encompasses two distinct processes: conservation of wild species in genetic reserves and of crops on-farm. Of these two, the latter, where the genetic diversity of crop land races is conserved within traditional farming systems, has been the less studied and remains less well understood. While there are still relatively few practical examples of on-farm genetic resources conservation, most genetic diversity of immediate and potential use to plant breeders is found among land races, and there is evidence that it is being rapidly eroded. This paper attempts to set on-farm conservation within the context of plant genetic resource conservation as a whole, to introduces a possible generalised model for the conservation of genetic diversity on-farm and to promote debate around the science of on-farm conservation.  相似文献   

Although conservation and restoration practitioners have focused on maximizing aboveground population size and seed set of rare plants, a clear understanding of seed bank dynamics is crucial to managing these species. Santa Cruz tarplant (Holocarpha macradenia) is a threatened annual forb restricted to coastal prairie habitats in central California. Holocarpha produces disk achenes germinating within a year of production and ray achenes forming a persistent seed bank. We constructed both deterministic and stochastic demographic models for a restored Holocarpha population, using demographic rates measured separately for unmanipulated plants and plants growing in plots where vegetation was clipped. The deterministic models indicated that regardless of germination from the seed bank, the population would decline without clipping or similar treatments that enhance survival and reproductive output. Deterministic models showed only a slight positive effect of increased ray seed germination rates on population growth, which would need to be balanced against a potential loss of buffering against environmental variation as the dormant seed bank was reduced. Our stochastic simulations suggested that extinction risk for Holocarpha populations would be minimized by intermediate levels of ray seed germination. Thus, managers should focus on improving the performance of aboveground plants before considering actions to stimulate germination, since the former will yield a greater increase in deterministic population growth and not sacrifice any buffering effect of the seed bank. This case study emphasizes the importance of considering dormant seeds and seed banks in designing successful restoration and management strategies for plant species at risk of extinction.  相似文献   

In view of the remarkable interest of the flora, vegetation and landscape of Linosa island, a natural reserve should be suggested including protection of the traditional agriculture. Especially for the last aim completely new ways have to be elaborated. An integrated approach of nature protection and on-farm conservation could be the ideal conclusion.  相似文献   

Plant invaders may directly or indirectly affect ecosystem resilience through their impact on soil seed banks. The invaders, and the application of control measures, change seed bank dynamics by altering the number of seeds entering and leaving the seed bank. We tested the impact of bitou bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera ssp. rotundata), on the seed bank. We examined seed banks in heavily-invaded, sparsely-invaded and managed dunes, where bitou bush biomass had been controlled. While management of bitou bush may have reduced the density of bitou bush seeds in the soil, it did not reduce the richness of other weed species. Native tree species richness was significantly higher in seed banks of sparsely-invaded than either heavily-invaded or managed sites, perhaps indicating a permanent shift in community structure following invasion. However, remaining indices of native seed bank diversity were similar across all invasion categories, indicating that seed banks of many native species were unaffected by both invasion and management. While examination of seed banks is informative in assessing past and potential community dynamics, low similarity between the standing vegetation and seed bank at all sites indicated that many hind dune species had other storage or regeneration modes and seed banks cannot be relied upon for comprehensive dune restoration.  相似文献   

Procedures for seed regeneration of plant genetic resource accessions were investigated in terms of their effect on the variance effective population size and the probability that the initial allelic diversity is maintained after 10 and 20 cycles of regeneration. Four regeneration systems were compared: a bulk system (BL) where seeds are collected and treated in bulk, a partial sampling system (PS) where seeds are collected from not all, but some plants in the population with an equal number of offspring being raised from each sampled plant, a single seed system (SS) where accessions are regenerated so that each plant leaves one progeny, and the biparental mating system (BP) of Gale & Lawrence (1984) where plants are pollinated in pairs with one offspring being raised from each of the paired plants, or two offspring from one of the paired plants. It was shown that the relative efficiency of the four systems largely depends on the rate of selfing and that differences in the effective population size of the systems increase with increasing rates of selfing. The SS system gave by far the largest effective population size in regenerating the seed of moderately or highly selfing species. Although the BP system gave the largest effective size for outcrossing species, the SS system, when combined with selfing, gave a much larger effective size. The BL and PS systems were in no case the most effective. Of these two, PS system with a sampling fraction of 50% was as effective as BL, but less effective with a sampling fraction smaller than 50%. Calculations of the maintenance of the allelic diversity, however, revealed that differences between the systems are not appreciably large unless the accessions are regenerated over 10 or more cycles with 50 or fewer plants.  相似文献   

A priority list of 323 plant species was created through a consultative process for ex situ conservation in the recently inaugurated Israel Plant Gene Bank (IGB). The IGB is set up to preserve plant genetic resources and the endangered genetic variability of the Israeli flora. Upon its inauguration, we consulted with the country’s leading plant breeders and botanists in an attempt to create a list of the most important plant species to be included in the initial collections. The list includes crop wild relatives (CWRs), selected according to their contribution to humans: edible plants (grains, vegetables, oil); forage plants; species with potential industrial and biotechnological applications (e.g. spices, medicinal plants, aromatic plants, fibers, dyes), and species with horticultural and forestry potential. We further ranked the species on the basis of assessed values for each of seven characteristics: distribution range in the country; abundance; rarity of the growing habitats; endemism; red number index—representing imminent threat of extinction; availability of samples in Israeli collections, and genetic relationship to cultivated crops. The sum of the assessed values for these seven characteristics was used to group the species on the list into four main prioritized-collection schemes. Statistical analysis indicated that all attributes had similar influence on the collecting prioritization scheme. In general, rare species with low abundance in their growing habitats were ranked in the highest priority group, while highly distributed species were sorted together into a lower priority group. The prioritization scheme will be used to optimize the collection in the IGB with the aim of establishing its collecting activities.  相似文献   

Development of suitable approaches to the analysis of genetic diversity in a spatial context, where factors such as pollination, seed dispersal, breeding system, habitat heterogeneity and human influence are appropriately integrated, can provide new insights in the understanding of the mechanisms of maintenance and dynamics of populations. In this sense, it is important to recognise that patterns and processes may take place at different scales at the same time, and that the scales of a study must be chosen in accordance with the objectives pursued. Apart from conventional approaches to genetic structure, spatial autocorrelation and related techniques, such as Mantel test, correlograms, Mantel correlograms, join-counts, variograms and point pattern analysis, can detect and characterise the existence of spatial genetic structures and lead the way to discussing the environmental and biological factors responsible for them. An alternative way of including spatial variability in modelling approaches that deal with genetic patterns or processes is through the use of constrained ordinations. Although scarcely used at present, these methodologies have great applicability in conservation biology and can lead a way to an effective integration of genetic, demographic and ecological perspectives.  相似文献   

County planning authorities in the British Isles are currently preparing plans (Structure Plans) which will determine the future pattern of land-use and one input to these is the evaluation of the relative ecological quality of different areas. These evaluations are being made on the basis of various criteria, such as extent, naturalness, richness and diversity, although there is no general agreement amongst ecologists or planners as to how such information should be combined to produce a single index. One possible index is suggested and the results obtained in a trial application are described.  相似文献   

Terrestrial orchids typically produce numerous small seeds that contain very small nutrient reserves. The seeds are structurally adapted for wind dispersal but little is known about their fate after dispersal. Some studies of seed viability in situ indicate survival for up to two years in temperate orchid species. Seeds stored in the laboratory may last much longer. We investigated seed viability of seven North American orchid species with seed packets buried in a range of soil and wood substrates within their natural habitats. In Goodyera pubescens most seeds germinated within one year. Four other species continued to germinate sparsely during the observation period, but after almost seven years many seeds were still viable. In one species, Liparis liliifolia, seeds that had been in situ for four years had germination rates as high as 68% when sown in vitro with a compatible fungus. The remaining two species did not germinate during the observation period but the seeds were judged to be intact and tested positively for viability after four years in the ground. These observations are interpreted as different species-specific strategies for in situ germination and their seed bank potential is discussed.  相似文献   

Previously, there has not been any in situ conservation sites for crop germplasm within the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service (ARS), National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS). Using morphologic and molecular (SSR markers) techniques, we assessed the genetic variation present in populations of rock grape (Vitis rupestris Scheele), a native American grape species, throughout its range. We identified seven in situ conservation sites for rock grape using a strategy based on morphologic and molecular data, taxonomic information, population size and integrity, and landholder commitment. In collaboration with federal and state landholding agencies, we have established the first NPGS in situ conservation sites for American wild relatives of a crop.  相似文献   

以PMI基因替换植物表达载体pCAMBIA1301中的hpt基因以及pBI121中的GUS基因,构建了以PMI基因为选择标记基因的植物表达载体pCAMBIA1301PMI和pBIPMI,并导入根癌农杆菌EHA105中。研究了两种表达载体对雪柑上胚轴的转化,在培养基附加25 g•L-1甘露糖和5 g•L-1蔗糖为碳源的选择压下,pCAMBIA1301PMI的转化率为27.7%,pBIPMI的转化率为12.7%,对再生植株进行了氯酚红检测和PCR检测,建立了以PMI/甘露糖为选择系统的雪柑转基因体系。  相似文献   

Seed quality is a critical aspect in agriculture as well as in the long-term conservation of plant genetic resources in genebanks. Since potential seed longevity depends on initial quality, genebank curators need to be aware of the best management practices that contribute to the production of high quality seed during routine germplasm regeneration/multiplication. Among the factors influencing initial seed quality, those related to crop management, including plant nutrient and water supply during crop growth, climatic conditions during seed development and maturation, as well as the harvest and drying practices are of considerable significance. Seeds of high quality can be obtained by planting in suitable areas/fields and at appropriate times, applying good crop management practices, adoption of proper harvesting and drying techniques, careful handling and processing to minimize mechanical injuries and unwanted seed mixing with other accessions, and ensuring minimum deterioration before reaching the designated storage. However, seed production and post-harvest handling highly depend on the biology and agronomy of the species. As germplasm collections contain a wide range of diversity for morphological and agronomic characters and that there might well be critical gaps in knowledge among genebank staff or about the species in question, genebanks may also need to embark on research to gain crop specific knowledge on optimal seed production procedures to improve seed quality.  相似文献   

Characterizations of plant genetic resources based on molecular markers have been increased in the last years. Studies using a broad range of markers applied on hundreds of plant species are the theoretical basis for inferring genetic diversity to propose both breeding and conservation strategies. Despite increased importance of molecular characterization in plant genetic resources, there is scarce information about analysis of this type of data. To fill this gap of information, this review discuss the rationale behind analyses achieved to study genetic relationship among accessions (within and between groups) and to identify accession, and also discuss the adequacy of some analyses and/or parameters for specific purposes. Genetic diversity within groups may be either quantified for the whole group (parameters to choose will depend on type of marker), or quantified and visualized for the relationships among individuals. Quantification parameters will be chosen depending on type of marker, reproduction mode and relatedness of individuals. Visualization is achieved by hierarchical and non-hierarchical methods. Genetic diversity between groups should be quantified either by analysis of molecular variance, or Nei’s parameters, or Wright’s F-statistics. Efficiency of accession identification can be evaluated by maximal probability of identical match by chance and number of resolved genotypes.  相似文献   

A plant conservation programme is a complex process that requires several sets of studies. The relationships between plant location and its environment play an important role. Nowadays, the use of a GIS constitutes an essential complement for these studies that allows the incorporation of space and the analysis of these ecological interactions. GIS is being used at the Lisbon University Botanical Garden as a tool for conservation programmes on several plant groups and situations. Four case studies are presented in this work: (1) comparing ecological patterns between local and regional scale for the endangered bryophyte Bruchia vogesiaca Schwaegr.; (2) selecting protected areas according to habitat suitability—the case of endangered Portuguese bryophytes; (3) analysing the impact of the alien Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N. E. Br. on endemic plant species at the Berlengas Natural Reserve; and (4) ecogeographical survey for selection of sites for seed collection in order to guarantee a representative sample of the existing genetic diversity. Finally, this work discusses how the implementation of a GIS can help to optimise results and fieldwork effort.  相似文献   

Rapid land-use and climate changes are projected to cause broad-scale global land-cover transformation that will increase species extinction rates. We assessed the exposure of globally threatened plant biodiversity to future habitat loss over the first half of this century by testing country-level associations between threatened plant species richness and future habitat loss owing to land-use and climate changes, separately. In countries overlapping Biodiversity Hotspots, plant species endangerment increases with climate change-driven habitat loss. This association suggests that many currently threatened plant species will become extinct owing to anthropogenic climate change in the absence of potentially mitigating factors such as natural and assisted range shift, and physiological and genetic adaptations. Countries rich in threatened species, which are also projected to have relatively high total future habitat loss, are concentrated around the equator. Because poverty and poor governance can compromise conservation, we considered the economic condition and quality of governance with the degree of plant species endangerment and future habitat loss to prioritize countries based on conservation need. We identified Angola, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Laos, Madagascar, Myanmar, Nepal, Tajikistan, and Tanzania as the countries in greatest need of conservation assistance. For conservation endeavors to be effective, the conservation capacity of these high-need countries needs to be improved by assisting political stability and economic sustainability. We make policy recommendations that aim to mitigate climate change, promote plant species conservation, and improve the economic conditions and quality of governance in countries with high conservation need.  相似文献   

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