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From 1989 to 2004, the breeding success of African penguins Spheniscus demersus at Robben Island, South Africa was significantly related to estimates of the abundance of both their main prey species, anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and sardine Sardinops sagax, and to the combined biomass of these species. When the combined spawner biomass of fish prey was less than 2 million ton, pairs fledged an average of 0.46 chicks annually. When it was above 2 million ton, annual breeding success had a mean value of 0.73 chicks per pair. Given previously estimated values of survival and age at first breeding, these levels of breeding success are inadequate to sustain the African penguin population. With the higher level of breeding success, an equilibrium situation might be attained if adult survival could be increased by 6-7% per annum. Attempts to reduce mortality of penguins have included the collection, cleaning and return to the wild of oiled birds, culling of Cape fur seals Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus seen preying on penguins around breeding localities and control of the spread of disease. Management of the purse-seine fishery should ensure adequate escapement of fish to maintain the combined biomass of anchovy and sardine above 2 million ton. The maintenance of suitable breeding habitat and removal of feral predators from breeding localities will also be important in improving breeding success.  相似文献   

This is the first report of a Plasmodium blood parasite found in the Galapagos Archipelago. Phylogenetic analyses place this parasite, recovered from endangered Galapagos penguins (Spheniscus mendiculus), within the genus Plasmodium, and suggest a close relationship to some of the most dangerous lineages of Plasmodium that have been known to cause severe mortality and morbidity in captive penguin populations. Infectious disease is an increasingly important cause of global species extinctions, and extinctions due to avian pox and avian malaria (Plasmodium relictum) have been well documented in Hawaiian avifauna. Plasmodium blood parasites had not been detected in Galapagos birds until now, despite previous microscopic and molecular screening of many of the species, including the Galapagos penguin. While penguin populations now appear healthy, it is unclear whether this parasite will have an obvious impact on their survival and reproduction, particularly during El Niño events, which cause stress due to reduced food availability. It is possible that this parasite arrived with or shortly after the recent arrival of an introduced mosquito, Culex quinquefasciatus, known elsewhere as a competent vector of Plasmodium blood parasites.  相似文献   


Blackbeans (Phaseolus vulgaris (L.) var ‘Black Turtle') were grown on a Lakeland soil in a factorial growth chamber experiment with 0 and 8 ppm added Zn; 0, 20, 40, 80, and 160 ppm added P; and under two temperature regimes ‐ a 28°C/23°C (day/night) temperature and a 20°C/15°C (day/night) temperature. Blackbeans were also grown at two field sites in Southern Manitoba which were selected for their low supply of available zinc. Zinc, at 0 and 15 kg/ha, and phosphorus, at 0, 100, 200, 400, and 800 kg P205/ha vere disced into the soil in a factorial experiment.

Blackbean zinc uptake was much greater at the higher temperature, while phosphorus uptake was not similarly affected by temperature. Blackbean phosphorus uptake was regulated by the plant when sufficient Zn was present but was not regulated at low plant Zn levels. At low blackbean Zn levels, plant uptake of phosphorus further decreased blackbean Zn uptake. Blackbean Zn uptake was not affected by phosphorus concentration as long as Zn levels remained sufficiently high.  相似文献   

This review considers the question of whether nature reserves are of practical value to horticulture, using the case of lily culture. In both agriculture and horticulture there is a constant readjustment with Nature to conquer diseases, create new plant forms, or adapt the existing cultivated forms to special conditions of soil, climate, and environment. Among the 80–90 species of Lilium the great variety in their respective flowers stands out immediately, and, with their different physiological characteristics, crossing the species leads to a wide range of different hybrids. To be able to keep up a great variety of healthy hybrids, it is necessary to maintain the original species, as they supply new genes and sometimes carry appropriate resistance-factors. Hybrids and species are complementary and not supplementary, however useful the hybrids may be. The distribution and conservation status of lily species show that they should have more protection—not only in the interest of science, education, and recreation, but also of horticulture and aesthetics.  相似文献   

Historical data on the distribution and status of the purple gallinule (Porphyrio porphyrio) in Portugal were collected by bibliographic research, from museum catalogues and from questionnaires to wetland managers, ornithologists and birdwatchers. The population suffered severe decline and range contraction at the end of the 19th century and most of the 20th century, due mainly to habitat loss and degradation and excessive hunting. However, the population has begun to recover in the last decade mainly through direct protection of the species and of the remaining habitat, together with creation of artificial wetlands and a reintroduction programme, and probably also due to immigration from Spain. The population size has increased about 10-fold and the range has expanded to most of its former area. The estimated Portuguese breeding population in 2002 was 49-67 pairs. Densities varied between 0.05 and 7 individuals/ha in recently colonized areas and stable (saturated) areas, respectively. Although the population is recovering, its small size, high fragmentation and several natural and anthropogenic threats lead us to consider it still a species of major concern in Portugal.  相似文献   

This study is the first report assessing the effect of soil inoculation on the signalling interaction of Bradyrhizobium japonicum, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and soybean plants throughout the early stages of colonisation that lead to the tripartite symbiosis. In a study using soil disturbance to produce contrasting indigenous AMF treatments, the flavonoids daidzein, genistein and coumestrol were identified as possible signals for regulating the establishment of the tripartite symbiosis. However, it was unclear whether soil disturbance induced changes in flavonoid root accumulation other than through changing the potential for AMF colonization. In this study, soil treatments comprising all possible combinations of AMF and B. japonicum were established to test whether (1) modifications in root flavonoid accumulation depend on the potential for AMF colonization, and (2) synthesis and accumulation of flavonoids in the roots change over time as a function of the early plant-microbial interactions that lead to the tripartite symbiosis. The study was comprised of two phases. First, maize was grown over 3-week periods to promote the development of the AM fungus Glomus clarum. Second, the interaction between soybean, G. clarum and B. japonicum was evaluated at 6, 10, 14 and 40 days after plant emergence. Root colonization by G. clarum had a positive effect on nodulation 14 days after emergence, producing, 30% more nodules which were 40% heavier than those on roots solely inoculated with B. japonicum. The tripartite symbiosis resulted in 23% more N2 being fixed than did the simpler symbiosis between soybean and B. japonicum. The presence of both symbionts changed accumulation of flavonoids in roots. Daidzein and coumestrol increased with plant growth. However, development of the tripartite symbiosis caused a decrease in coumestrol; accumulation of daidzein, the most abundant flavonoid, was reduced in the presence of AMF.  相似文献   

The county of Norfolk was surveyed for otters between December 1974 and June 1975 inclusive. Only 32 sites out of a total of 233 sites visited had signs of otters and a further 8 records were received. A total population of 17 pairs was estimated, considerably below the carrying capacity of the area.  相似文献   

Compressive behaviour of hemp (Cannabis Sativ L.) stems is important for the design of hemp handling and processing machines. Experiments were carried out to measure the compressive properties of stems from two hemp varieties: Alyssa (grown for fibre only) and Petera (grown for both fibre and seed), produced in Manitoba, Canada. The physical properties of the hemp specimens were measured. For each variety, an air-dried hemp stem was divided into three height sections along the stem: upper, middle and lower. For each section, the hemp stem was further cut into 25.4 mm long specimens. Individual specimens were compressed in the axial and lateral directions using a universal testing machine. The load-displacement curves were recorded, and compressive properties were derived from the load-displacement curves. The outer diameter of the hollow hemp specimens varied from 6 to 17 mm; the linear density varied from 10 to 37 g m−1. Diameter and linear density were greater for Petera than Alyssa, and at the lower height section than the higher section for both varieties. The compression tests showed that the maximum compressive load varied from 58 to 1425 N, and the energy requirement varied from 23 to 1809 mJ, depending on the variety, height section and diameter of stem, and compression direction. In general, the maximum compressive load and the energy requirement were greater in the lower section and for larger diameters; higher loads and energy were observed for Petera than for Alyssa and for the axial compression direction than for the lateral direction.  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation can function as a mechanism to maintain locally adapted gene complexes while decreasing the heterozygosity in distinct populations. As a result, reproductive behaviour should be considered a fundamental factor influencing reproductive isolation. This is of interest to conservation biology when one desires to regulate gene flow between two populations either by creating opportunities for increased dispersal, by relocation of individuals, or by re-introduction of a species to its natural habitat. Reproductive behaviour can also influence the effective population size and the actual population size through the Allee effect. We investigated the reproductive behaviour of individuals from two isolated populations of the red winged grasshopper, Oedipoda germanica, an endangered species in Central Europe. We detail several methods to show how several aspects of the reproductive behaviour of this species interact with the conservation of this species. Foreign males were not disfavoured in mate choice and male body size was also unimportant in mating success. Heterogamic matings were as productive as homogamic matings in terms of total number of eggs per female, egg hatching rate, or nymph survival. Therefore, we suggest that cross-matings of individuals from different populations do not positively influence population size by heterosis effects nor act they negatively in the form of outbreeding depression. We found that female O. germanica were able to store viable sperm for extended periods but egg pods showed a decrease in hatching rate when these females were deprived of additional mating opportunities. Multiple mated females laid more eggs than once-mated females. Hence, females are capable of founding new populations even after only one mating but their reproductive output may be reduced. Present-day gene flow between populations of O. germanica probably does not occur. Consequently, there is an urgent need to pursue habitat management and release programmes that maintain current population sizes of this species. With regard to the reproductive behaviour of the red-winged grasshopper, we suggest that relocation programmes release males and female together and at an early adult stage. Also, because female reproductive output increases with mating activity, the initial release should involve excess females. Because males have a shorter lifespan than females a subsequent release of males at a later time may enhance the overall success of local conservation efforts by resulting in more offspring per female.  相似文献   

Management of argali in Mongolia historically has been tied to improving biological research and anti-poaching activities within the framework of trophy hunting. Argali populations in protected areas, where trophy hunting does not occur, have received little attention, and conservation or management plans for these areas generally do not exist. In this study, results from interviews with pastoralists in Siilkhemiin Nuruu National Park in western Mongolia indicate that local people revere argali and are generally aware of and support government protections, but may not be inclined to reduce herd sizes or discontinue grazing certain pastures for the benefit of wildlife without compensation. Because past protectionist approaches to argali conservation in western Mongolia and the greater Altai-Sayan ecoregion have not achieved effective habitat conservation or anti-poaching enforcement, alternative management policies should be considered. Results from this study suggest local receptiveness to management programs based on community involvement and direct benefit.  相似文献   

Five species of musk deer (Forest musk deer Moschus berezovskii, Alpine musk deer M. sifanicus, Black musk deer M. fuscus, Himalayan musk deer M. chrysogaster and Siberian musk deer M. moschiferus) occur throughout 17 provinces in China, and all were listed in the second category of the Chinese State Key Protected Wildlife List in 1998. Among these species, the Forest musk deer has the widest distribution, and its population is estimated at about 100,000-200,000 individuals in the wild. Additionally, there are about 100,000 Alpine musk deer and 2000 Siberian musk deer. As for the Black musk deer and Himalayan musk deer, which occur only in parts of Yunnan Province and Tibet, their populations remain unknown but they can be estimated to be rare due to their narrow and limited distribution. Furthermore, there are some 1900 musk deer kept in farms in China. Generally, the musk deer population has been declining due to over-hunting for musk and to loss of habitats. However, the Chinese government is greatly concerned with wildlife protection today. A series of laws and regulations have been launched and many natural reserves and national parks have been established as refuges for this animal, most of which, are within the musk deer's range, and should have positive effects for musk deer conservation.  相似文献   

Rumex rothschildianus (Polygonaceae) is a small dioecious annual endemic to the central coastal plain of Israel. This very rare sorrel is on the verge of global extinction, as its total gene pool consists of two surviving populations only: one small and the other relatively large and flourishing. The other ten populations of this species recorded during the 20th century (all in Israel) are now extinct. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers were used to evaluate the population genetic structure of the two remaining populations. Genetic diversity in R. rothschildianus was H=0.17 with 48.9% polymorphic loci. Gene flow values suggest that the differentiation between the two populations is moderate (mean Fst=0.09). Considering these genetic data, two conservation management strategies should be applied: (1) Large scale reseeding in a neighbouring nature reserve to maintain the genetic diversity detected in this study. Seeds from diverse sources should be used for repeated reseedings in order to prevent the reintroduced populations from going through a genetic bottleneck or suffering genetic drift. (2) To maintain the genetic diversity in the two remaining wild populations, and to avoid risks such as possible outbreeding depression, only intrapopulation reinforcement should be considered. These populations should be carefully monitored and protected.  相似文献   

The phytoremediation of xenobiotics depends upon plant-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere, but the extent and intensity of these effects are currently unknown. To investigate rhizosphere effects on the biodegradation of xenobiotics, a glasshouse experiment was conducted using a specially designed rhizobox where ryegrass seedlings were grown for 53 days in a soil spiked with pentachlorophenol (PCP) at concentrations of 8.7±0.5 and 18±0.5 mg kg−1 soil. The soil in the rhizobox was divided into six separate compartments at various distances from the root surface. Changes in PCP concentrations with increasing distance from the root compartment of the rhizobox were then assessed. The largest and most rapid loss of PCP in planted soil was at 3 mm from the root zone where total PCP decreased to 0.20 and 0.65 mg kg−1, respectively with the two PCP treatments. The degradation gradient followed the order: near-rhizosphere>root compartment>far-rhizosphere soil zones for both concentrations where ryegrass was grown. In contrast, there was no difference in PCP concentration with distance in the unplanted soil. The increases in both soil microbial biomass carbon and the activities of soil urease and phosphatase were accompanied by the enhanced degradation of PCP, which was higher in the near-rhizosphere than far-rhizosphere soil. The results suggest that the effect of root proximity is important in the degradation of xenobiotics such as PCP in soil.  相似文献   

Size classes can be discerned in field size frequency data for Acanthaster planci which may be interpreted as age classes. This interpretation enables a possible field growth curve to be derived, which is consistent with measured growth data from the laboratory (Yamaguchi, 1974) and from field experiments by Pearson & Endean (1969).The aging of size classes enables measured size frequency data for A. planci on the Great Barrier Reef between 1966 and 1976 to be discussed as a recruitment history of the starfish.A. planci populations on all reefs for which size frequency data are available appear to have increased as a result of larval recruitment, rather than through adult migration. There appear to have been three main waves of recruitment, each affecting a section of reef spanning one to two degrees of latitude. The parental stock of the originally observed large populations of A. planci on the Great Barrier Reef was probably located north of 16° 30′ S.  相似文献   

紫苏对不同浓度镉胁迫的生理响应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为探讨紫苏的耐镉生理机制, 通过水培试验, 研究了镉离子浓度为0 mg·L-1(对照)、2.0 mg·L-1、5.0 mg·L-1、10.0 mg·L-1 条件下紫苏的生长、镉富集作用及叶片的保护酶活性。结果表明, 2.0 mg·L-1、5.0 mg·L-1、10.0 mg·L-1 镉胁迫下, 紫苏单株生物量比对照分别减少28.4%、42.4%、66.0%, 不同处理间均存在极显著差异;3 个镉离浓度下紫苏的镉富集量依次为462.4 μg·株-1、705.0 μg·株-1、609.7 μg·株-1, 富集系数依次为91.9、70.0、51.1, 具备镉超积累能力。此外, SOD、POD、CAT 酶活测定结果显示, 随镉离子浓度升高, 紫苏叶片的SOD 活性和MDA 含量显著升高, POD 和CAT 活性显著下降, 破坏了体内保护酶系统的平衡, 抑制紫苏生长。  相似文献   

In the boreal forest landscape, aspen has been effectively selected against in favour of conifers. The decrease in aspen is of particular concern since it has more host-specific species associated with it than any other boreal tree species. Recently forest management systems have begun to include green-tree retention in order to maintain structural diversity. We initiated this study in order to investigate whether retained aspen trees provide suitable habitats for epiphytic lichens and, if so, whether this varies according to species characteristics, such as morphology and photobiont. We chose to investigate the abundance and vitality of five species: three foliose cyanobacterial lichens (Collema curtisporum, Collema furfuraceum and Leptogium saturninum) and two crustose green-algal lichens (Biatora epixanthoides and Mycobilimbia carneoalbida). These lichens were examined on aspen within forest stands and on remnant aspen in clear-cuts at eight localities, in northern Sweden. Our results show that the response to exposure following clear-felling differs between species according to their morphology. The two crustose lichens were more abundant in the forest stands compared to the clear-cuts. In the clear-cuts, they mainly occurred on the northern sides of the trunks. Even 24 years after cutting, the three cyanolichens were equally or even more abundant on trees in the clear-cuts than in the forest stands. However, they were mainly found on the northern sides of the remnant aspen. We suggest that remnant aspen trees may function as suitable substrate and as stepping stones for colonisation of new stands, at least for the cyanolichens studied here.  相似文献   

The evidence at present available, although incomplete, gives rise to fears for the future of the edible snail Helix pomatia L. The scale of exploitation is increasing, particularly in Eastern Europe, to meet growing demand, mainly from the West. The growth of legislation to control collecting supports the evidence of declining numbers, but the legislation does not appear to be backed by sufficiently detailed population ecology studies. The need for co-ordinated international action on farming, legislation and ecological study is urged.  相似文献   

Pseudomonads were isolated from the roots of winter wheat plants. Plants produced from direct-drilling of seeds into plots where crop residues had been burnt were larger and appeared healthier than those from plots where crop residues remained. Tests showed that roots from the plants direct-drilled into the plots where crop residues had been burnt were colonized by fewer pseudomonads which could inhibit plant growth than those from plants produced from plots where crop residues remained. The tests were performed by inoculating wheat seedlings with individual bacterial isolates and measuring root growth. When several wheat cultivars were bioassayed against each of two of the inhibitory pseudomonads, they differed greatly in susceptibility to the adverse effects of the bacteria.  相似文献   

The effect of human disturbance and activities upon a small, remnant brown bear population in southern Norway was studied throughout a 25-year period. Bear reports are compared with indices of human activities, mainly mechanised forestry including the building of a network of forest roads and the practice of clear-felling. In the last 10 years of the study extensive building of holiday cabins has taken place.Statistically significant negative correlations exist between the number of bear observations and the density of forest roads. Negative tendencies were also indicated in areas close to cabin concentrations. A positive correlation is indicated between the number of bear observations and the length of the timber line in an area.  相似文献   

Egyptian vulture populations have decreased sharply in the Western Palearctic; island populations are almost extinct in the Mediterranean and the Macaronesian regions. In the Canary archipelago, the species only survives in the islands of Fuerteventura and Lanzarote. During 1998-2001 we examined population parameters and evaluated some potential limiting factors for this isolated and sedentary population. The total population (breeding and non-breeding birds) was monitored annually. In addition, 26 fledglings and 33 immatures (<6 years old) and adult birds were captured for individual marking with plastic rings. Twenty-three/twenty-four occupied territories were located in the island and the total population estimated at around 130 birds. Breeding success was lower than recorded elsewhere in the species' distribution area: only 0.43 fledglings/pair/year were produced. Adult (>6 years old birds) and immature annual survival rates were similar, around 90%. Adult survival was lower than expected as territorial birds seem more susceptible to poisoning. Immature survival could be favoured by the existence of regular feeding places. Casualties from power lines was the main cause of mortality (12 cases during the study period). Blood sampling revealed high frequencies of lead poisoning: 13.5 and 2.7% of individuals showed sub-clinical and clinical intoxication levels, respectively, probably caused by the ingestion of lead shot. Priority conservation measures should be directed to reduce electrocution risks, illegal poisoning, and lead contamination. Population reinforcement with birds coming from other populations is not recommended as previous information reveals morphological and genetic differentiation of Canarian Egyptian vultures compared with continental populations.  相似文献   

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