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The purpose of this work is to establish alternative renewable resources by a process of chemical free water based extraction of xylan which is an important plant component with diverse industrial applications including food and pharmaceuticals ones. In this respect, we have shown an alternative source of water soluble xylan (WSX) from rice bran which is usually wasted and seed coat of underutilized finger millet. Extractions were carried out using water at ambient temperature (25 ± 2° C). Hydrolysis and derivatization of the extracted WSX revealed the predominance of xylose followed by arabinose and glucose, with Ara/Xyl molar ratios of 0.55 and 0.68 respectively. Elemental analysis showed similarities in carbon and hydrogen, while nitrogen and sulfur contents showed some variations. Structural identification of β - glycosidic linkages and acetyl groups from the FTIR spectrum; β-D-1, 4-xylopyranose backbone with α-L-arabinofuranose and 4-0-methylglucuronic acid substituents evident from 1H and 13C NMR confirmed the presence of xylan. Characteristics of the extracted WSX (SEM, particle size, XRD and TGA) showed similarities in the two sources. Thus both rice bran and finger millet seed coat are potential sources of xylan and further optimization of the process can provide economic and environmental benefits.  相似文献   

In the present paper, we analyze a seed fiber arising from Pergularia tomentosa L. (PTL). It was, primarily, characterized using different techniques. The morphology of the fibers was observed via Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). They are also checked in term of decomposition behavior through TGA/DTG instrument. The cristallinity index was determined using XRD and it was about 52 %. The chemical composition in terms of moisture percent, ash, waxes and fats, lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose were, respectively 8.5 %, 2.74 %, 1.88 %, 8.6 %, 16 % and 43.8 %. The contact angle value was measured and the evolution of drop profile was captured with video-camera using GBX Tensiometer Surfaces Sciences Studies. Further, fibers were dyed with Methylene Blue, Direct Red 79, Sumifix supra yellow 3RF and Reactive Blue 198. Color coordinates (ΔL*, Δa*, Δb*, ΔC* and ΔH*) of the samples were so measured. All obtained data were compared to cotton fibers and some other cellulosic fibers. The Results revealed that, based on such properties, PTLF could be a competitive fiber in many applications field (textile weaving, composites, etc).  相似文献   

In this paper, two nano-chemicals in the form of nano-suspensions were obtained commercially from the market. These two nano-chemicals were claimed to have UV-protective and anti-bacterial functions, but the active ingredients of these nano-chemicals were not disclosed. This was commonly found in commercial nano-chemicals used for textile application. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to use some simple analytical methods for evaluating the active ingredients of the nano-chemicals and hence provide an evaluation procedure for the industry. The particle sizes of the nano-suspensions were examined with a particle size analyzer. The results revealed that originally most of the particles of anti-bacterial nano-suspension fell into the range between 400 nm to 640 nm, but upon ultrasonic method for further dispersion, the particle size was confirmed to be smaller than 100 nm. In the case of UV-protective nano-suspension, its particle size was smaller than 100 nm. The active contents were characterized and analyzed using an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrophotometer and it was revealed that the major metals present in these nano-suspension were silver, titanium, and zinc with different concentrations. Also the major organic compositions of the nano-suspensions were identified by a GC/MS spectrometry. The results were qualitatively and quantitatively discussed.  相似文献   

Natural bamboo fibers have excellent properties suggesting that there is a good potential for them to be used in textiles; however, they have not received the attention that they deserve owing to their coarse and stiff quality. Therefore, a chemical method for extraction and modification of natural bamboo fibers for textile end uses were developed and optimized in this paper. The quality of natural bamboo fibers were characterized by their chemical composition, linear density, and tenacity. Experimental results show that the modified bamboo fibers are finer, with significant lower content of noncellulosic substances. The processing parameters are optimized as: 20 g/l NaOH, 3 g/l Na5P3O10, 5 g/l Na2SO3, 3 g/l penetrating agent, with a fiber to liquid ratio of 1:10, at 100 °C for 2 h, and the bamboo fiber thus produced has cellulose amount of 73.25 %, fineness of 3.26 tex, average length of 44.5 mm, breaking elongation of 2.8 % and tenacity of 2.41 cN/dtex. The result of this study may offer a possibility of developing natural bamboo fibers into practical applications in textiles.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to develop a method with lower application temperature and a device structure to obtain reproducible photovoltaic textiles. Two different kinds of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) solutions over a silver (Ag) layer was used as anode, a blend of poly(3-hexyl thiophene) (P3HT) and [6,6]-phenyl C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) as light absorbing layer and a thin aluminum (Al)/Ag layer as semi-transparent cathode. These devices capable of generating electricity from sunlight were fabricated on polypropylene tapes that could be woven into a textile fabric. The short-circuit current density and power conversion efficiency of photovoltaic tapes were increased by using an Ag layer beneath the PEDOT:PSS electrode. The photovoltaic textile structure exhibited remarkable power conversion efficiency (0.29 %) by transmitting the light through the upper electrode. This approach may be used in industrial applications to develop photovoltaic textile materials.  相似文献   

This paper describes application and evaluation of polypyrrole as an antibacterial polymer. Polypyrrole was produced embedding two doping agents: chloride and dicyclohexyl sulfosuccinate ions. Stability of the antibacterial efficacy of polypyrrole deposited on cotton fabrics was assessed before and after three different kinds of washing (namely, laundering with anionic and non-ionic detergents and dry-cleaning). Polypyrrole showed excellent antibacterial properties (100 % of bacterial reduction) against Escherichia coli for both doping agents. Treated fabrics were further characterised by scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray analysis and infrared spectroscopy. The antibacterial efficacy diminished after launderings with anionic and non-ionic detergents because of two different mechanisms: the neutralisation of positive charges under alkali conditions (dedoping), and a partial removal of polypyrrole by abrasion and surfactant action. After dry-cleaning, polypyrrole embedding chloride and dicyclohexyl sulfosuccinate ions still showed excellent antibacterial efficacy. Moreover, scanning electron microscopy investigations were used to intuitively explain the bactericidal mechanism of polypyrrole on Escherichia coli bacteria.  相似文献   

A flax fiber pilot plant is needed to process small samples of flax straw into fibers to facilitate research on retting and fiber properties. Our objective was to develop and test a modular design for a flax processing pilot plant based on a commercial line that was capable of cleaning fiber and seed flax straw from unretted, dew-retted, and enzyme-retted samples. The USDA Flax Fiber Pilot Plant (Flax-PP), which is the only research facility of this type in the United States, was designed according to the commercial ‘Unified Line’ (Czech Flax Machinery), but smaller and constructed in four individual modules. The modules and their order for processing were as follows: 9-roller calender, top shaker, scutching wheel, top shaker, 5-roller calender, and top shaker. Illustrations and diagrams of the operating modules are presented. Unretted ‘Neche’ linseed flax, dew-retted ‘Natasja’, and enzyme-retted ‘Jordan’ fiber flax were processed, and the cumulative weight loss of material at successive processing steps was determined to assess the effectiveness of cleaning. Fiber strength, fineness, and elongation were determined for the retted samples after cleaning through all the steps in the Flax-PP. A yield of fine fiber from the retted stems processed through the Flax-PP was acquired from further cleaning and refining by passage through a Shirley Analyzer. The various samples behaved differently at different stages of processing and the resulting fibers had different properties. The dew-retted Natasja fibers were stronger and finer than the enzyme-retted Jordan flax after pilot plant processing, but the Jordan fibers appeared cleaner and better retted. The Flax-PP effectively processed samples of diverse characteristics and will facilitate integrated research on retting methods for fibers with tailored properties.  相似文献   

Odour formation in the textile is a serious and embarrassing problem for an individual. The axilla born bacterial species are noted as the main reason for odour formation in axilla. In this research an attempt has been made to identify the odour generating compounds on the textile material after wear trial using gas chromatography and mass spectrum (GC-MS). The result indicates that the worn textile material consisted steroidal fractions of 5a-androst-16-ene-3-one and cholesterol, the major odour forming source from axilla. The results also identified the other important odour forming fatty acids and alcohols like lauric acids, diethyl esters of 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, methyl esters of tetradecanoic acid, 3- methylhexanoic acid, Tetradecanol and acetic acid in axilla worn textile. These components were the derivatives of axilla specific odourous components like phthalic acid, myristic acid, isobutric acid and alcohols. The effect of Terminalia chebula extract finish on the odour formation also analysed and the results shows a considerable reduction in odour causing short chain volatile fatty acids (VFAs) in the worn textile compare to the untreated textile. The analysis also identified more amounts of active components of Terminalia chebula on the fabric surface instead of the odourous components from axilla.  相似文献   

In this study, physical, mechanical, and flammability properties of coconut fiber reinforced polypropylene (PP) composite panels were evaluated. Four levels of the coir fiber content (40, 50, 60, and 70 % based on the composition by weight) were mixed with the PP powder and a coupling agent, 3 wt % maleic anhydride grafted PP (MAPP) powder. The water resistance and the internal bond strength of the composites were negatively influenced by increasing coir fiber content. However, the flexural strength, the tensile strength, and the hardness of the composites improved with increasing the coir fiber content up to 60 wt %. The flame retardancy of the composites improved with increasing coir fiber content. The results suggest that an optimal composite panel formulation for automotive interior applications is a mixture of 60 wt % coir fiber, 37 wt % PP powder, and 3 wt % MAPP.  相似文献   

Several of the recently released early potato cultivars in Ontario are prone to poor and/or uneven stands. Studies were undertaken to investigate these problems. Basal seed halves of Jemseg and Yukon Gold were found to emerge an average of 4.6 and 5.7 days, respectively, later than shoots from apical halves or whole tubers in 3 years of study. No practical difference in emergence was found among tuber portions of Superior. Sums of squares attributed to seed portions accounted for 51.1 percent of the variation of days to 50 percent emergence for Jemseg, 50.3% for Yukon Gold and 8 percent for Superior. No difference in final percent emergence was found among the various seed portions of Jemseg and Superior. Cultivars with strong apical dominance or dormancy appear prone to uneven emergence.  相似文献   

甜菜种株徒长原因及调控措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查结果表明,甜菜种株徒长的形成原因有种植密度过大,施肥过多或追肥过早和田间管理不及时等。防止甜菜种株徒长的主要调控措施是合理密植;基肥适量,追肥延后;合理控水;打薹干净彻底;喷施生长延缓剂,使结实部位下移,达到种球大,薹坚挺,能增产10%以上。  相似文献   

我国植物纤维复合材料的发展现状及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了近年来我国植物纤维复合材料的发展现状及特点,并根据基体材料和增强体材料进行初步分类。简要概括了植物纤维复合材料的应用领域,总结了我国植物纤维复合材料的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Dispersion and separation of fiber bundles into individual fibers, requires exposing them to a shear stress field to overcome inter-fiber frictional forces. To this end, fiber-mixing tanks are usually used to enhance shear and agitation in water and help the dispersion process. The required time and necessary agitation to separate and disperse fibers depend on fibers’ characteristics. It is well known that excessive agitation will give rise to the formation of rope defects in the output because of the high-energy vortices and optimizing the break up time is important in wet-lay process. In this work, experimental and numerical studies were done to investigate the effects of fiber characteristics on their dispersion in water for wet-laid nonwoven. The effective forces were analyzed using a one-way modeling of fiber behaviors in a stirred mixing tank. Results show that when the fiber diameter is increased, the required time for breaking up of fiber bundles and clumps is increased. The effects of fiber types on fibers break up and dispersing time, were also investigated. In the experimental work, an on-line vision system was designed to observe the dispersion behavior of polyester fibers. The effects of fiber length and fineness on the created defects (i.e. logs and ropes) in dispersion process, as well as on the dispersion speed, were studied. The results confirm that defects are increased by rising fiber length and fineness. It is also shown that increasing fiber length and fineness, decreases the required time for fiber clumps to be opened and reach a maximum number of individual fibers. On the other hand, when fiber length and fineness is increased, the dispersion speed increases.  相似文献   

李彩凤 《中国麻业》2002,24(4):26-28
目前麻田保苗不足已成为限制亚麻生产的瓶颈问题,究其原因除因播种质量外,苗期的立枯病、炭疽病和萎蔫病是造成缺苗的主要因素。针对此问题,开展了亚麻种衣剂的试验研究和筛选工作,试验利用东北农业大学提供的种衣剂1、2、3号与福美霜进行比较,通过苗期调查和收获后测定原茎产量和品质,初步证明所用的亚麻种衣剂对亚麻种苗安全,具有提高苗期抗病力,增加收获株数的效应,并能够增加原茎产量和纤维产量,同时对改善亚麻品质有一定的作用。  相似文献   

种衣剂对纤维亚麻生长的效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前麻田保苗不足已成为限制亚麻生产的瓶颈问题,究其原因除因播种质量外,苗期的立枯病、炭疽病和萎蔫病是造成缺苗的主要因素.针对此问题,开展了亚麻种衣剂的试验研究和筛选工作,试验利用东北农业大学提供的种衣剂1、2、3号与福美霜进行比较,通过苗期调查和收获后测定原茎产量和品质,初步证明所用的亚麻种衣剂对亚麻种苗安全,具有提高苗期抗病力,增加收获株数的效应,并能够增加原茎产量和纤维产量,同时对改善亚麻品质有一定的作用.  相似文献   

Summary The modifying effects of applying the plant growth regulators (PGRs) benzylaminopurine (BAP), gibberellic acid (GA3) and BAP+GA3 on physiological age were studied. Two experiments with two cultivars, differing in rate of physiological ageing (medium-early Pampeana, medium-late Huinkul) and two storage systems were performed during 1988/89 and 1989/90 in two different potato areas of Argentina. In both seasons seed tubers stored in heaps reached an advanced physiological age at planting, compared with tubers from the cold store. Seed tubers of cv. Pampeana were older than those of Huinkul. compared with control crops, those sprayed with BAP maintained ground cover and photosynthesis for longer, and those sprayed with GA3 for a shorter period. Consequently tuber yield was decreased by GA3 in 1988/89, but in 1989/90 all crops treated with PGRs outyielded the control. BAP could overcome effects of advanced physiological age on crop senescence and tuber yield. CIC BA This work was carried out with a research grant from CAFPTA (249/89).  相似文献   

Brachypodium distachyon, an emerging model plant system for some economically important temperate grasses such as wheat, barley and switchgrass, has recently caught wide attention in modern biological research. In the current study, the glutenin, albumin and globulin components of 13 B. distachyon accessions were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) followed by peptide mass finger printing (PMF) and MS/MS protein identification. Abundant wheat low molecular weight glutenin subunit (LMW-GS) like proteins and a few high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) with low expression level were detected in B. distachyon. A total of 18 storage proteins and 15 albumin proteins were identified through PMF and MS/MS. The results demonstrated that the major seed storage proteins in B. distachyon are wheat LMW-GS like proteins and globulins. The identified albumins and globulins were mostly various enzymes that were classified into five groups according to their functions. The 2-DE spot distribution and MS results suggested that post-translational modifications (PTMs) such as phosphorylations and glycosylations are common phenomena in B. distachyon seed proteome.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》2005,91(2-3):217-229
Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seed is a major source of protein for animal feed and oil for human consumption. Selection within elite soybean cultivars for the improvement of agronomic and seed traits is assumed to be ineffective due to the belief that cultivars are highly homogeneous. Previously reported data suggest that latent variation among the single plant selections within a cultivar exists and that mechanisms that generate de novo variation may also be present. The main objective of this study was to perform divergent single-plant selection at ultra-low plant density and investigate the presence of genetic variation for seed protein and oil within three elite soybean cultivars. A secondary objective was to investigate the variation for fatty acid composition. In 1995, single plants from the three cultivars were grown in a honeycomb design using a plant-to-plant spacing of 0.9 m. A total of 333 plants from ‘Benning’, 392 plants from ‘Haskell’, and 371 plants from ‘Cook’ were evaluated. Divergent single-plant selection for protein and oil content was performed to select a total of 20 plants for high or low protein and 20 plants for high or low oil from each cultivar. The selected plants were further evaluated in replicated row-plot experiments for 3 years. Our results indicate that single-plant selection at low plant density was successful in discovering significant variation for seed protein and oil within each of the three soybean cultivars. For protein content, the magnitude of intra-cultivar variation between the highest- and lowest-protein lines averaged 19 g kg−1 across the three cultivars and ranged from 13 to 24 g kg−1. For oil composition, the magnitude of variation between the most divergent lines averaged 12 g kg−1 across the three cultivars and ranged from 9 to 14 g kg−1. Significant variation among the selected progeny lines was also discovered for specific fatty acid composition. The magnitude of intra-cultivar variation averaged from 6 to 29 g kg−1 across the five fatty acids of soybean. The genetic variation discovered within the soybean cultivars is most likely due to latent variation and/or newly created variation. Our data provide evidence that single-plant selection at ultra-low plant density within elite cultivars can be effective in improving the seed composition of a soybean cultivar.  相似文献   

Milkweed (Asclepias spp.) is a crop grown mainly for the production of floss used as hypoallergenic fillers in comforters and pillows. The seeds end up as by-products. Milkweed seed contains 21% oil and 30% crude protein (dry basis). The oil is similar in quality to soybean oil, but there is no information on the properties of milkweed protein. This study determined the MW of major fractions, soluble classes, amino acid composition, and functional properties of milkweed seed protein. Ground milkweed seeds were analyzed for proximate composition and amino acid profile, as well as, subjected to SDS-PAGE and protein functionality tests. Reduced proteins showed eight distinct bands with MW ranging from 6.5 to 59.3 kDa. The dominant protein classes were water-soluble (22%) and salt-soluble (15%). Solubility of milkweed seed protein was lowest (12%) at pH 4, 40% at pH 7, and reached a maximum (60%) at pH 10. The protein produced substantial foam volumes, but foam stability was poor. Its emulsifying capacity was excellent, especially at pH 10, and emulsions formed were stable. Water-holding capacity and surface hydrophobicity index values were higher at pH 7 than at pH 10. These results showed that milkweed seed protein has functional properties that may find use as a thickener, protein extender in adhesives, or emulsifier in paints.  相似文献   

Pregermination of true potato seeds obtained from open pollination of breeding lines and F1, hybrids improved the emergence and stand in a warm climate. Considerable differences in emergence existed within the breeding lines and F1 hybrids. With proper selection of breeding lines and pregermination of seeds, it would be possible to obtain a desirable plant stand in a warm climate.  相似文献   

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