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日粮中添加叶酸和甜菜碱节约蛋氨酸和胆碱的效应对肉仔鸡生理生化和生产性能的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
试验采用单因子完全随机设计,包括不同甜菜碱和叶酸添加水平组合的12种试验日粮和正常日粮对照。总计832只1日龄健康公肉仔鸡。随机分13组,每组4个重复,每重复16只鸡,采用两阶段饲养方法(0~3周和4~6周)。于3周和6周末采集肝脏、胸肌和血液样品。统计生产性能,并测定血液生化指标和肝脏和胸肌粗蛋白含量。结果表明:①在本实验条件下,4个叶酸添加水平和3个甜菜碱水平组成的12个日粮可节约正常日粮对照组中添加的蛋氨酸和胆碱,对0~3周和4~6周龄肉仔鸡的日增重和耗料增重比没有产生显著影响(P>0.05);②如以3周龄肉仔鸡血清总蛋白、白蛋白、尿素N和肝脏粗蛋白的含量为判定指标,日粮中添加1.5mg/kg或2.25mg/kg叶酸,同时添加300mg/kg、600mg/kg或900mg/kg任一水平的甜菜碱即达到节约部分蛋氨酸和全部胆碱的目的。 相似文献
Efficacy of initial postweaning diet and supplemental coconut oil or soybean oil for weanling swine 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
D C Mahan 《Journal of animal science》1991,69(4):1397-1402
Two experiments involving a total of 581 crossbred pigs weaned at 23 +/- 2 d of age evaluated 1) the efficacy of two diets that contained milk products during the initial 14 d postweaning and 2) the effect of coconut oil or soybean oil additions to swine starter diets. In Exp. 1, postweaning performance responses of pigs fed a control corn-soybean meal-dried whey (C-SBM-DW) diet without added fat were compared with those of pigs consuming diets that contained 3, 6, or 9% levels of coconut oil or degummed soybean oil. The results demonstrated no beneficial weight gain, feed intake, or gain-to-feed ratio response during the initial 14 d postweaning to either dietary oil source. From 15 to 35 d, gains increased to the 6% added fat level, but there was no effect on feed intake when the gain-to-feed ratio was improved to the 9% fat level. In Exp. 2, two diets containing milk products were fed during the initial 14-d postweaning period. The first diet contained corn, soybean meal, dried whey, dried skim milk, and fishmeal (high nutrient dense diet, HNDD), and the second was a C-SBM diet with 25% dried whey. During the period from 15 to 35 d, diets contained no added fat or a 6% level of coconut oil, soybean oil, or the 1:1 combination of each at 3%. The results demonstrated that for the postweaning period from 0 to 14 d pigs fed the HNDD had higher gains (P less than .01), feed intakes (P less than .01), and gain-to-feed ratios (P less than .01) than pigs fed the C-SBM-DW diet.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
Apple JK Roberts WJ Maxwell CV Boger CB Fakler TM Friesen KG Johnson ZB 《Journal of animal science》2004,82(11):3267-3276
Three hundred sixteen crossbred pigs were used in two experiments to determine the effect of supplemental manganese source and dietary inclusion level during the growing-finishing period on performance and pork carcass characteristics. All pigs were blocked by weight, and treatments were assigned randomly to pens within blocks. In Exp. 1, a total of 20 pens (five pigs/pen) was randomly assigned to one of five dietary treatments consisting of control grower and finisher diets, or control diets supplemented with either 350 or 700 ppm (as-fed basis) Mn either from MnSO4 or a Mn AA complex (MnAA). In Exp. 2, a total of 36 pens (six pigs per pen) was assigned randomly to one of six dietary treatments formulated with 0, 20, 40, 80, 160, or 320 ppm (as-fed basis) Mn from MnAA. Pigs were slaughtered when the lightest block averaged 120.0 kg (Exp. 1) or at a mean BW of 106.8 kg (Exp. 2). Neither ADG nor ADFI was affected (P > 0.21) by Mn source or high inclusion level (Exp. 1); however, across the entire feeding trial, pigs consuming 320 ppm Mn from MnAA were more (P < 0.04) efficient than pigs fed diets formulated with 20 to 160 ppm Mn from MnAA (Exp. 2). Color scores did not differ (P > 0.79) at the low inclusion (20 to 320 ppm Mn) levels used in Exp. 2; however, in Exp. 1, the LM from pigs fed Mn tended to receive higher (P = 0.10) American color scores than that of pigs fed the control diet, and Japanese color scores were higher for the LM from pigs fed diets containing 350 ppm Mn from MnAA than 350 Mn from ppm MnSO4 or 700 ppm Mn from MnAA (source x inclusion level; P = 0.04; Exp. 2). Chops of pigs fed 350 ppm Mn from MnAA were darker than the LM of pigs fed 350 ppm Mn from MnSO4, and 700 ppm Mn from MnAA diets (source x inclusion level; P = 0.03; Exp. 1), but L* values were not (P = 0.76) affected by lower MnAA inclusion levels (Exp. 2). Even though the LM tended to became redder as dietary MnAA inclusion level increased from 20 to 320 ppm Mn (linear effect; P < 0.10), a* values were not (P = 0.71) altered by including 350 or 700 ppm Mn (Exp. 1). Chops of pigs fed MnAA had lower cooking losses (P = 0.01) and shear force values (P = 0.07) after 2 d of aging than did chops from pigs fed diets formulated with MnSO4. Results from these experiments indicate that feeding 320 to 350 ppm Mn from MnAA during the growing-finishing period may enhance pork quality without adversely affecting pig performance or carcass composition. 相似文献
A total of 214 gilts was used (two trials) to determine the effect of protein level and choline supplementation during gestation on weight gain, conception rate and subsequent reproductive performance. The gilts were fed either a 12 or 16% crude protein sorghum-soybean meal diet containing either a high supplemental choline level or no supplemental choline in a 2 X 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Conception rate was not influenced by either protein or choline level. Choline supplementation increased pig weight at 42 d of age (P less than .14) and litter weight at 21 (P less than .12) and 42 d (P less than .1). Gilts fed the 16% protein diet produced larger pigs at 42 d (P less than .13) and heavier litters at birth, (P less than .1) 21 d (P less than .14) and 42 d (P less than .05) than gilts fed the 12% protein diet. A larger choline effect on litter size and pig and litter weight was observed for gilts fed the 12% protein diet than for those fed the 16% gestation diet, although the protein-choline interaction was not significant for any traits measured. The incidence of spraddle leg condition was low and was not affected by level of dietary protein or supplemental choline. 相似文献
Experiments were conducted to examine the interrelationships between methionine, choline and inorganic sulfate in the diet of weanling pigs, and to evaluate the selenium (Se) status of pigs fed diets with or without supplemental sulfate. Two trials utilized 288 weanling (3-wk-old) pigs allotted to dietary treatment based on weight, sex and litter origin. There were six pigs/pen and three replicate pens/treatment in each trial. The basal corn-soybean meal diet was formulated to supply .55% sulfur amino acids and contained a choline and sulfur-free vitamin and mineral premix. Lysine was added to provide a total of 1.13% lysine. Seven additional treatments were formulated by substituting for corn .17% DL-methionine, .29% choline dihydrogen citrate or .25% Na2SO4 to create a 2(3) factorial arrangement of treatments. There were methionine X choline X sulfate interactions for average daily gain (P less than .001) and feed-to-gain ratio (F:G; P less than .05). Adding choline, methionine, Na2SO4 or choline plus methionine to the basal diet did not improve gains. However, when Na2SO4 plus methionine or Na2SO4 plus choline were added, daily gains were increased (P less than .05) and F:G was improved (P less than .1). Addition of all three supplements did not result in a further increase in gain. Pigs fed choline-supplemented diets had higher (P less than .01) hematocrit and tended (P = .07) to have increased hemoglobin concentration. There was no effect on serum triglycerides or alkaline phosphatase activity due to dietary treatment. The concentration of Se in muscle, liver, kidney and blood was not influenced by sulfate content of the diet. 相似文献
Effect of supplemental methionine, choline and their combinations on the performance and immune response of broilers 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
1. A study was conducted with broilers to find out the effect of addition of methionine (0.0, 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5 g/kg) and choline (0.0, 1000 and 2000 mg/kg) to a basal diet containing crude protein, 221 g/kg, ME, 12.25 MJ/kg, methionine, 3.6 g/kg and choline, 1300 mg/kg. 2. Supplemental levels of methionine and choline were found to be ineffective in improving the growth, food consumption and food conversion efficiency of broilers. 3. However, a higher value for leucocyte migration inhibition was observed in chicks fed on the diet containing 6.5 g/kg methionine and 1300 mg/kg choline, indicating a significantly improved cellular immune response. 4. HI test and ELISA indicated enhanced antibody titres in chicks receiving 3.0 g/kg methionine and 3300 mg/kg choline, showing a significantly better humoral immune response. 5. Methionine and choline should be supplemented at levels higher than the recommended level of BIS for better health and production in chicks. 相似文献
Four experiments were conducted to evaluate lipid digestibility in finishing swine fed chemically hydrogenated fats. Dietary chromic oxide was used as an inert marker to measure the apparent digestibility of supplemental fat (SF) that consisted of fully hydrogenated (FH), partially hydrogenated (PH), or PH products blended with other fat sources. In Exp. 1, diets containing 5% SF (as-fed basis) comprising 100, 66.7, 33.3, or 0% FH animal fat (iodine value = 2.5), with the balance contributed by soy oil, were fed to gilts (n = 24). Apparent digestibility increased linearly (-12.0, 26.0, 61.2, and 72.6%; P < 0.001) as the amount of FH fat in the diet decreased, suggesting the digestibility of FH to be near zero. Experiment 2 (2 x 4 factorial; n = 48) evaluated diets containing 5% (as-fed basis) blended fat (FH tallow and yellow grease) to achieve iodine values of 20, 30, 40, or 50 compared with PH tallow with identical iodine values. Digestibility of diets formulated with PH tallow was greater than those containing blended fat (73.4 vs. 67.2%; P < 0.01), especially at lower iodine values (interaction; P < 0.10). In Exp. 3, digestibility was measured in pigs (n = 96) fed 5% (as-fed basis) PH choice white grease with iodine values of 20, 40, 60, or 80. Increasing iodine value did not alter digestibility (66.2, 69.2, 68.2, and 69.7%). Experiment 4 investigated digestibility (n = 32) of diets formulated with 8% (as-fed basis) PH fat (iodine value 20 or 50) with 0.10% lysolecithin as an emulsifier. Lipid digestibility was 14.5% greater in the 8% SF diet with an iodine value of 50 compared with the diet with an iodine value of 20 (79.15 vs. 69.12%; P < 0.001), but lysolecithin was without effect. These experiments indicate that partial hydrogenation is superior to blending unsaturated fat with saturated fat sources and that digestibility is not greatly affected by decreasing the iodine value via partial hydrogenation. 相似文献
Apple JK Wallis-Phelps WA Maxwell CV Rakes LK Sawyer JT Hutchison S Fakler TM 《Journal of animal science》2007,85(3):737-745
Crossbred pigs (n = 185) were used to test the effects of dietary Fe supplementation on performance and carcass characteristics of growing-finishing swine. Pigs were blocked by BW, allotted to pens (5 to 6 pigs/pen), and pens (5 pens/block) were allotted randomly to either negative control (NC) corn-soybean meal grower and finisher diets devoid of Fe in the mineral premix, positive control (PC) corn-soybean meal grower and finisher diets with Fe included in the mineral premix, or the PC diets supplemented with 50, 100, or 150 ppm Fe from Availa-Fe (an Fe-AA complex). When the lightest block averaged 118.2 kg, the pigs were slaughtered, and bone-in pork loins were collected during fabrication for pork quality data. During the grower-I phase, there was a tendency for supplemental Fe to reduce ADG linearly (P = 0.10), whereas in the grower-II phase, supplemental Fe tended to increase ADG linearly (P = 0.10). Even though pigs fed NC had greater G:F during the finisher-I phase (P < 0.05) and across the entire trial (P = 0.07), live performance did not (P > or = 0.13) differ among dietary treatments. There were linear increases in 10th-rib fat depth (P = 0.08) and calculated fat-free lean yield (P = 0.06); otherwise, dietary Fe did not (P > 0.19) affect pork carcass muscling or fatness. Moreover, LM concentrations of total, heme, and nonheme Fe were similar (P > 0.23) among treatments. A randomly selected subset of loins from each treatment was further fabricated into 2.5-cm-thick LM chops, placed on styrofoam trays, overwrapped with polyvinyl chloride film, and placed in coffin-chest display cases (2.6 degrees C) under continuous fluorescent lighting (1,600 lx) for 7 d. During display, chops from NC-fed pigs and pigs fed the diets supplemented with 100 ppm Fe tended to have a more vivid (higher chroma value; P = 0.07), redder (higher a* value; P = 0.09) color than LM chops of pigs fed 50 ppm of supplemental Fe. Moreover, greater (P < 0.01) redness:yellowness ratios in chops from pigs supplemented with 100 ppm Fe indicated a more red color than chops from PC-fed pigs or pigs fed diets supplemented with 50 ppm Fe. In conclusion, however, increasing dietary Fe had no appreciable effects on performance, carcass, or LM characteristics, suggesting that current dietary Fe recommendations are sufficient for optimal growth performance, pork carcass composition, and pork quality. 相似文献
Mahan DC Carter SD Cline TR Hill GM Kim SW Miller PS Nelssen JL Stein HH Veum TL;North Central Coordinating Committee On Swine Nutrition 《Journal of animal science》2007,85(9):2190-2197
Two experiments were conducted to evaluate dietary fortification levels of a B vitamin pre-mix for starter and grower-finisher pigs on subsequent performance responses. The objective was to determine whether the modern pig requires higher dietary levels of B vitamins than estimated by the NRC (1998). Both experiments added fat-soluble vitamins at the requirement levels (NRC, 1998) in all diets, whereas the B vitamins were added at 0, 100, 200, or 400% of the total NRC (1998) requirement levels for the starter and grower pig. Indigenous vitamin contributions from the feed grains were not included in the estimates. Each station used the same vitamin premixes but incorporated its own grain sources in the diets. The first experiment was conducted across 7 stations (Indiana, Ohio, Oklahoma, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, Texas) and involved 660 pigs in a randomized complete block design in 30 replicates. Complex nursery diets were fed in 2 phases. The first phase (0 to 14 d postweaning) and second phase (15 to 35 d postweaning) diets were formulated to Lys (total) levels of 1.50 and 1.30%, respectively. The results demonstrated no performance response to addition of B vitamins from 0 to 14 d post-weaning, but performances increased quadratically (P < 0.01) to the 100% NRC level from 14 to 35 d postweaning and for the overall 35-d period. The second experiment was conducted across 3 stations (Ohio, Nebraska, and South Dakota) and involved 216 pigs in a randomized complete block design in 10 replicates. Corn-soybean meal mixtures were fed in 3 phases formulated to total Lys levels of 1.30% (23 to 55 kg of BW), 1.00% (55 to 85 kg of BW), and 0.78% (85 to 120 kg of BW). Pig performances increased (P < 0.01) to the 100% B vitamin level from 23 to 85 kg of BW, but there was no response to any level from 85 to 120 kg of BW. Carcass measurements demonstrated a greater LM area (P < 0.01) and a lower backfat depth (P < 0.01) to the 100% B vitamin level. One station evaluated an additional treatment (3 replicates) in which each replicate was fed a fifth diet containing the 100% dietary level of B vitamins from 23 to 85 kg of BW whereupon the B vitamins were removed from 85 to 120 kg of BW. This removal did not reduce pig performance responses for the final period or for the overall period. The results demonstrated that supplementation of B vitamins at the 100% total NRC levels for starter and grower pigs was sufficient to meet their needs, and there was no further improvement to or deleterious effect to greater dietary levels. 相似文献
M C Fox K L Watkins W M Craig T B Stewart A J Clawson L L Southern 《Journal of animal science》1988,66(4):911-916
Twenty-five nongravid crossbred gilts (avg initial wt, 126 kg) were placed on either a high (38%) or a low (13%) crude protein (CP) diet and fed either at the rate of 1.82 kg/d or had ad libitum access to feed. In addition, a fifth group was pair-fed the 13% CP diet to the average intake of the gilts fed high CP ad libitum. The experimental period lasted 30 d. Corn-soybean meal diets were used and CP levels were varied by altering the corn:soybean meal ratio. Gain and gain/feed were reduced (P less than .01) in gilts fed 1.82 kg/d compared with the gilts fed ad libitum or pair-fed gilts. Gain (P less than .03) and feed intake (P less than .01) of gilts with ad libitum access to the 13% CP diet were higher than those of gilts with ad libitum access to the 38% CP diet. Gain/feed was not different (P greater than .10) between the two groups, however. Rate of gain and feed efficiency of gilts pair-fed the 13% CP diet were similar (P greater than .10) to those of gilts with ad libitum access to the 38% CP diet. Plasma total free amino acids, NH3 and total protein were not (P greater than .10) affected by treatment. Plasma urea-N and urinary total N, urea-N and orotic acid were increased (P less than .01) in gilts fed the high CP diet regardless of feed intake level. However, urinary NH3 was higher (P less than .01) in gilts fed the low-protein diet. These results indicate that excess dietary CP for nongravid gilts decreases gain and feed intake and has no effect on efficiency of feed utilization, but it increases plasma urea-N and urinary total N, urea-N and orotic acid. 相似文献
Source and level of supplemental protein for growing lambs 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Two 3 x 2 factorial growth trials and a companion metabolism trial with 13, 15, or 17% dietary CP (DM basis), with or without 3% of the DM replaced with slowly degraded menhaden fish meal, were conducted to determine if level of dietary protein influences whether slowly degraded protein improves lamb growth and protein use. The growth trials included 32 and 34 pens of two weanling lambs initially weighing 23 to 26 kg and fed for 42 d. The metabolism trial included 12 additional lambs fed in metabolism cages with a 2-wk adjustment period, a 1-wk preliminary period, and a 7-d collection period. Plasma urea N (PUN) was measured in all lambs at the conclusion of the second growth trial and at the end of the metabolism trial. There was a protein level x protein source interaction (P = 0.05) for PUN of the 12 lambs in the metabolism trial but not for the 68 lambs in the second growth trial. Replacement of part of the soybean meal protein with protein from fish meal did not affect ADG or G:F at any protein level, but it lowered (P = 0.08) PUN in the second growth trial. Plasma urea N values were higher (P = 0.002) in lambs fed diets with 15 or 17% CP; however, ADG (P = 0.037 in Exp. 1 and P = 0.055 in Exp. 2), and G:F (P = 0.094 in Exp. 1 and P = 0.003 in Exp. 2) were lower for lambs fed the diets with 13% CP. There was little difference in ADG or G:F between lambs fed the diets with 15 or 17% CP, suggesting that a CP level of 15% with supplemental protein from soybean meal would be optimal for 25- to 40-kg growing Finnsheep x Dorset lambs. 相似文献
Three experiments were conducted to determine the effects of excess arginine on performance, plasma amino acid levels and N balance of young pigs (initial weights 6.9, 7.0 and 10.3 kg, respectively). In a 28-d growth trial, various amounts of arginine (0 to 1.6%) were added to a conventional starter diet. Addition of arginine decreased (P less than .01) average daily feed intake (ADFI) and gain (ADG), but had no effect on feed efficiency (G/F). Plasma urea, arginine and ornithine concentrations were elevated (P less than .001) by the increasing dietary arginine levels at d 14 and 28. Plasma histidine levels were reduced (P less than .01) at d 28. Plasma lysine levels exhibited a cubic response (P less than .05) at d 14, but were not affected by excess arginine at d 28. In a second growth trial ADFI and ADG were decreased (P less than .05), but G/F was not affected by the addition of 1.6% dietary arginine. Lysine supplementation (0, .15 or .30%) increased performance in the absence of excess arginine, but the main effect of lysine was not significant for any performance criteria. As in the first experiment, plasma concentrations of urea, arginine and ornithine were increased (P less than .001) by the addition of arginine. Plasma histidine was not affected by either arginine or lysine. Plasma lysine levels were reduced (P less than .001) by dietary arginine and increased (P less than .001) by lysine. In a N balance experiment, addition of 1.6% dietary arginine increased N digestibility, but decreased apparent biological value. Nitrogen balance was not affected by added arginine. Lysine addition did not improve any of these three indices of N utilization. The inability of lysine supplementation to alleviate any of the adverse effects of excess arginine in young swine indicates that the reduced performance is caused by a generalized amino acid imbalance, and not by a specific interference with lysine utilization in the manner of a classical arginine-lysine antagonism. 相似文献
Zinc-amino acid complexes for swine 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Two experiments were conducted to determine the effect of sources of dietary zinc on gain, feed conversion and blood and bone traits of swine. In the first experiment 96 pigs were used in a 28-d study. The pigs were fed diets with no supplemental Zn or with either 9 or 12 ppm supplemental Zn from zinc sulfate (ZnSO4), zinc methionine (ZnMet) or zinc methionine with picolinic acid (ZnMet w/PA), each with or without 5% added corn oil. There were differences (P less than .05) in average daily gain (ADG) and average daily feed intake (ADFI) between the pigs fed the two organic Zn sources, with those fed ZnMet w/PA showing the better gains and feed conversion. However, neither organic Zn source resulted in pig performance that was different from either the diet with no supplemental Zn or the diets supplemented with Zn from ZnSO4. In the second experiment the same dietary Zn sources and treatments were fed as in Exp. 1 except that corn oil was deleted as a variable. No differences in ADG, ADFI, feed/gain (F/G) or in changes in serum Zn or Cu were observed among treatments during either the 21-d nursery or the 56-d growing periods. During the subsequent 56-d finishing period ADG and ADFI were greater (P less than .01) for pigs fed the Zn-supplemented diets than for those fed the diets without supplemental Zn. There were no differences among treatments in F/G during the finishing period. Zn content of bone ash was lower (P less than .01) in the non-Zn-supplemented pigs. These data suggest that the Zn sources used are of similar biological value and do not support the theory that picolinic acid aids Zn absorption. 相似文献
An experiment was conducted to determine the influence of feeding ground raw soybeans to swine during gestation on reproductive performance for three consecutive parities. Sixty crossbred gilts were bred and randomly assigned to two dietary treatments with 30 gilts/treatment. The diets were formulated to contain 14% crude protein with either soybean meal (SBM) or raw soybeans (RSB) serving as the source of supplemental protein. All animals were fed in individual gestation stalls and were given 1.81 kg of feed/d. Upon entering the farrowing house at approximately 110 d of gestation, all animals, regardless of previous treatment, were fed the same lactation diet (15% protein corn-soybean meal diet) until the pigs were weaned (28 d). After completing three parities, 88 of a possible 90 litters were farrowed by each dietary group. Total number of live pigs at parturition and 21 d for three parities were: (SBM) 887, 732 and (RSB) 924, 765, respectively. Average pig birth and 21-d weights for each dietary group were (SBM) 1.52, 5.42 and (RSB) 1.59, 5.41 kg, respectively. Pigs from dams fed RSB had higher average pig birth weights (P less than .05), but weaning weights were not affected. There were no significant differences in maternal weight changes during gestation. Milk samples were collected within 6 h after parturition, 3 and 14 d of lactation. Percentage milk fat for each time period was: (SBM) 5.6, 9.0, 7.0 and (RSB) 6.3, 10.7, 6.5, respectively. Sows fed RSB had a higher milk fat at 3 d (P less than .05) but a lower milk fat at 14 d (P less than .1) than did the sows fed SBM. The study indicated RSB can be effectively utilized in gestation diets fed to swine. 相似文献