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Loma salmonae infections of salmonids culminate in the development of branchial xenomas and subsequent focal hyperplasia of the lamellar or filament epithelium following xenoma rupture and spore release. The effects of this acute branchial disruption upon net ionic flux rates and plasma electrolyte concentrations were determined in juvenile rainbow trout given an experimental oral exposure to L. salmonae. Mean numbers of branchial xenomas peaked at week 5 post-exposure (PE), which coincided with a reduction in the specific growth rate, although there were no significant differences in mass, length or condition of Loma-exposed fish compared with unexposed controls. Following exposure, negative net whole body Na(+) and K(+) fluxes decreased, whereas net Cl(-) fluxes remained unchanged compared with non-exposed control fish. At week 3 PE during the initial branchial xenoma formation stage, there was a significant negative whole body net K(+) flux in Loma-exposed trout compared with other points during the exposure and subsequent infection. Additionally, Loma-exposed fish had marginally elevated plasma Na(+) and Cl(-) concentrations, whilst K(+) levels remained unchanged, compared with control fish. Although there was a progressive decrease in leucocrit, haematocrit remained unchanged over the course of the Loma exposure and subsequent infection. These results suggest that ionic compensation can occur at the gills during the development of xenomas during exposure to L. salmonae and the resultant infection, therefore allowing defence of plasma electrolyte concentrations, unlike the acute ionic disturbances seen with some other parasitic diseases.  相似文献   

Two trials were designed to quantify the effect of feeding ratio and fish size on the cohabitation transmission of Loma salmonae, the causative agent of microsporidial gill disease (MGD) in salmonids, Oncorhynchus spp. To evaluate the effect of feeding ratio on disease onset, groups of 45 rainbow trout, O. mykiss (Walbaum) (RBT), were fed daily at 1% (low), 2% (medium) or 4% (high) of the fish biomass in the tank. There were three tanks at each feeding level: two tanks were exposed to the pathogen and one was a control. For the second objective, 300 RBT were separated into seven tanks so that the weight classifications were small (17-23 g), medium (32-38 g) and large (57-63 g). Each size class was done in duplicate with one control tank containing medium-sized fish. Separately for each trial, on day 0 post-exposure (PE) five highly infectious RBT were added to each tank (not including the control tanks) to begin the cohabitation exposure period. Beginning on day 21 PE and continuing biweekly until days 70 and 77 PE for the feeding and fish size trials, respectively, each fish was evaluated for visible branchial xenomas to determine disease onset time. Using survival analysis, the survival curves for the low, medium and high feedings were not significantly different from each other. However, there were significant differences amongst the small, medium and large weight classes in the size trial. The median numbers of days to the development of branchial xenomas was 31, 38 and 42 for small, medium and large size fish, respectively. On any given day, a medium or large sized fish had a hazard ratio for developing branchial xenomas of 0.66 and 0.63, respectively, compared with a small fish. In addition to host species and host strain differences, fish size is now considered a host risk factor for the development of MGD.  相似文献   

Survival analysis techniques were used to compare experimental exposure methods of Loma salmonae (Microspora) in rainbow trout (RBT) by measuring xenoma onset and clearance time. Twenty‐eight naive RBT were exposed per os (fed L. salmonae spores) and 28 RBT were exposed by cohabitation with 28 L. salmonae‐infected RBT. Exposed fish were examined once every week (7 days) post exposure (PE). For xenoma onset, the median survival time, the time to first appearance of branchial xenomas, was 6 weeks PE for both per os and cohabitation exposure. For xenoma clearance, the median survival time, the time to total clearance of branchial xenomas, was 10 weeks for per os exposure and 12 weeks for cohabitation exposure. There was a significant difference between the survival curves of per os fish compared with cohabited fish for both xenoma onset and xenoma clearance. The incidence rate of xenoma development was greater for per os exposure (0.1745 cases per fish‐week) compared with cohabitation exposure (0.1342 cases per fish‐week). Similarly, the rate of xenoma clearance was greater for per os exposure (0.1028 cases per fish‐week) compared with cohabitation exposure (0.0885 cases per fish‐week). Differences between exposure methods were attributed to differences in the frequency and duration of exposure to spores. Survival analysis was useful for examining the onset and clearance of L. salmonae and may have applications for understanding disease dynamics in aquaculture.  相似文献   

Glugea plecoglossi (Microspora) is a significant cause of economic loss in cultured ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis, in Japan, due to the unsightly appearance of infected fish harbouring xenomas in the body cavity. Modes of transmission of G. plecoglossi via the skin and digestive tract were studied in an experimental infection model using rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Combined with Uvitex 2B and in situ hybridization (ISH) assays, the early development of G. plecoglossi was successfully traced. Following a bath exposure of fish Uvitex 2B-labelled G. plecoglossi spores were observed to attach to microscopic injuries (trypan blue-positive sites) of fish skin, after which ISH-positive sporoplasms were found to invade the epidermis as early as 5 min post-infection (PI), migrating rapidly to the subdermis. It was also shown that G. plecoglossi entering via the skin does not spread into the internal organs but develops into subdermal xenomas. After rainbow trout were exposed to G. plecoglossi spores by oral intubation, spores germinated in the intestinal lumen, followed by penetration of sporoplasms into the gut mucosal epithelium 5 min PI. In vitro trials determining stimulation factors (fish mucus, changes in pH, digestive enzymes) for the extrusion of the polar tube were inconclusive. The present study indicates that skin wounds and the gut epithelium can be portals of entry of G. plecoglossi and that natural infection in fish seems to occur perorally rather than via the skin.  相似文献   

The mechanisms behind the pathogenesis of rainbow trout gastroenteritis (RTGE) are still unknown. This study examined the macroscopic and microscopic changes in trout with RTGE (RTGE+), as well as the blood chemistry. A total of 464 rainbow trout were sampled from 11 sites in the UK, comprising 152 RTGE+ fish and 330 random, apparently healthy fish. A case definition for RTGE was assessed by the analysis of its agreement with three laboratory tests: histopathology, packed cell volume and kidney bacteriology. Cluster analysis indicated the presence of three distinct presentations within the population of RTGE+ fish. Cluster A included gross signs associated with moribund RTGE+ fish, and clusters B and C identified gross signs consistent with concurrent diseases, notably furunculosis, enteric redmouth and proliferative kidney disease. The information gained was used to select RTGE+ fish without concurrent disease for the analysis of RTGE pathogenesis with blood biochemistry. This analysis revealed a severe osmotic imbalance and a reduced albumin/globulin ratio as indicatives of selective loss of albumin. These findings are compatible with a protein losing enteropathy.  相似文献   

Two strains of hatchery-reared adult brown trout, Salmo trutta L., [208–334 mm total length (TL); n =  591] were individually marked and released into a limestone stream. The estimated survival after one month (86%; n =  508) was comparable to that for resident brown trout and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), (89%; n =  771), but declined to 14% ( n =  83) after 8 months compared with 52% ( n =  451) for resident trout. The movement of resident trout out of stocked stretches was higher (14%) than from control sites (5%), but the population size in both individual sites and the overall study area were unaffected. The growth of resident brown trout was unaffected by stocking, but rainbow trout showed lower growth rates in stocked versus unstocked stretches both one and 8 months after stocking ( P <  0.002).  相似文献   

Flavobacterium psychrophilum, the causative agent of rainbow trout fry syndrome has become a widespread fish pathogen in freshwater aquaculture worldwide. In this study, a low molecular mass fraction (P25-33), with an approximate weight of 25-33 kDa, was identified among F. psychrophilum strains in an immunoblotting analysis with anti-F. psychrophilum sera. The immunogenic efficacy of the isolated and extracted P25-33 was investigated in two intraperitoneal immunization trials with rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). The first trial included immunizations using P25-33 with Freund's complete adjuvant (FCA) and the second trial included immunizations using P25-33, formalin-inactivated whole and sonicated F. psychrophilum cell preparations without FCA. In both trials, antibody titres against F. psychrophilum were analysed with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and the efficacy of the immunizations was determined by a challenge with F. psychrophilum. The P25-33 was shown to give rise to a protective immune response in rainbow trout after immunization with FCA, but not without FCA when a low concentration of P25-33 was used. Instead formalin-inactivated whole and sonicated cells of F. psychrophilum were able to protect the immunized fish more effectively when immunized without FCA. The results suggest that whole or sonicated F. psychrophilum cells could be better candidates for a cost-effective water-based injection vaccine than the immunogenic fraction.  相似文献   

A candidate vaccine against Aeromonas hydrophila in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, was developed using a bacterial lysate. To test the strength of protection, A. hydrophila challenge models were compared using injection into both the intraperitoneal (IP) cavity and the dorsal sinus (DS) with selected doses of live bacteria washed in saline or left untreated. Unlike the IP route, injection into the DS with either saline washed or unwashed cells resulted in consistent cumulative mortality and a dose response that could be used to establish a standard challenge having an LD50 of approximately 3 × 107 colony forming units per fish. Survivors of the challenge suffered significantly lower mortality upon re‐challenge than naïve fish, suggesting a high level of acquired resistance was elicited by infection. Passive immunization using serum from hyper‐immunized fish also resulted in significantly reduced mortality indicating protection can be transferred and that some portion of resistance may be antibody mediated. Vaccination of groups of rainbow trout with A. hydrophila lysate resulted in significant protection against a high challenge dose but only when injected along with Freund’s complete adjuvant. At a low challenge dose, mortality in all groups was low, but the bacterial lysate alone appeared to offer some protection.  相似文献   

The absorption of astaxanthin from diets (30 mg kg?1 inclusion) supplemented with either unesterified astaxanthin; isolated astaxanthin monoesters, diesters or a cell‐free carotenoid extract from Haematococcus pluvialis were studied in rainbow trout (>200 g). No significant differences (P > 0.05) were recorded in the apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) (≈60–65%) between astaxanthin sources. However, following consumption of a single meal, peak serum astaxanthin levels at 32 h (≈1.0–1.6 μg mL?1) were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in fish fed unesterified astaxanthin and astaxanthin monoester, compared to fish fed astaxanthin diester and the cell free extract. However, no significant differences (P > 0.05) were recorded in serum astaxanthin uptake rates between sources of astaxanthin. Results suggest that the extent of carotenoid esterification negatively influences the peak serum levels of astaxanthin in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), were exposed continuously to infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) at 0, 101, 103 or 105 plaque forming units (pfu) L−1 of water to estimate the effects of chronic IPNV exposure on early life stages. Fish density averaged 35 fish L−1 (low density) or 140 fish L−1 (high density), and the tank flow rate was 250 mL−1 min. Virus exposure began at 6 days before hatch and continued until fish were 44 days old. Cumulative per cent mortality, analysis of survival and hazard functions, and discrete-time event analysis were used to explore the patterns of survival and mortality. In eggs and fish exposed to IPNV, mortality significantly greater than in the 0 pfu L−1 exposure did not occur until IPNV concentration was 105 pfu L−1 at low fish density and 103 pfu IPNV L−1 at high fish density. These results suggest that in the natural aquatic environment, where rainbow trout densities are likely to be considerably lower than in this study, mortality resulting from infection with IPNV will very likely not occur when ambient concentrations of virus are ≤103 pfu IPNV L−1. In aquaculture rearing units, trout density is likely to be as high or higher than the densities used in this study. Therefore, continuous inputs of virus at concentrations greater than 101 pfu L−1 may result in IPN epidemics in aquaculture facilities.  相似文献   

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