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兽医内科学是动物医学专业理论性、实践性很强的一门核心课程,要求学生具备分析、解决临床实践问题的综合能力。课堂教学是课程实施的前沿阵地,而课堂教学与临床实践之间的专业脱节,是影响兽医内科学培养目标达成的突出问题。文章从农林教育专业和课程供给侧改革视域下,从教学大纲、教学资源、教学方法及教学评价等四个方面对兽医内科学课堂教学进行优化,以增强兽医内科学课堂教学对专业实践能力培养的供给侧支撑力度,保障动物医学人才培养目标的有效达成。  相似文献   

Acute radiation‐induced dermatitis (ARID) is a common sequela of radiation therapy in dogs. There is no consensus regarding ARID management in human medicine and the standard of care in veterinary medicine has not been reported. The objective was to report the practice standards for ARID management in dogs in North America. The design used was a questionnaire survey. Fifty‐eight private and university teaching veterinary hospitals were contacted, 54 participated. The topical and oral medications used to treat ARID, prevent or treat bacterial infection, control pain and the indications for and timing of treatment initiation were the outcome measures. A minority of facilities (4/54, 7.5%) use exactly the same protocol regarding all parameters. There was agreement (>75% of facilities) with respect to the general use of oral antibiotics (77.8%), the need for pain control (92.6%) and the use of tramadol for pain control (76%), although the details of their use varied widely. There is a divergence of opinions regarding all details of ARID management in dogs except the general use of oral antibiotics and pain control medications.  相似文献   

随着动物医学专业教学质量国家标准以及专业认证标准建议稿的出台,培养高素质应用型动物医学专业人才已成为今后发展的必然趋势。动物医学专业“3+1”培养模式的实施有助于应用型人才的培养,而其中的“1”即生产实习则成为重中之重。因此,为保障相应的生产实习教学质量,必须确立“3+1”培养模式下动物医学专业生产实习教学培养体系和生产实习教学评价考核体系。同时,建立适应“3+1”培养模式下的教学生产实习基地及管理模式。通过加强生产实习教学环节的建设和管理,既提高了学生实践能力,又顺应了社会变革需要和教育部相关要求,极大地增强了毕业生就业能力。  相似文献   

We have previously defined a set of 62 attributes-12 in the area of professional characteristics, 28 addressing knowledge and understanding, and 22 delineating skills-that veterinary students should be expected to have demonstrated by the time of their graduation (Walsh DA, Osburn BI, Christopher MM. Defining the attributes expected of graduating veterinary medical students. J Am Vet Med Assoc 219:1358-1365, 2001). We have used this set of attributes as the basis of an outcomes assessment completed by California practitioners to determine whether graduates from the University of California School of Veterinary Medicine are meeting these expectations. Based upon this assessment, these 62 defined attributes appear to reflect very well practicing veterinarians' views and expectations of DVM graduates. The survey results also indicate that, overall, the recent University of California graduates are meeting these set of expectations. Simultaneously, the outcomes assessment focused attention on several areas, including private practice management, work expectations for successful practice, and surgical capabilities. For each, California practitioners recommended that the definition of the expectation be expanded and that the level of achievement by graduates be improved. Defining a set of attributes expected of veterinary graduates is a key step in obtaining an effective outcomes assessment of a professional educational program.  相似文献   

高职院校畜牧兽医专业是以培养从事畜牧兽医生产、服务及管理等工作第一线的高级应用型人才为目的。随着现代畜牧业的快速发展,用人单位对畜牧兽医专业毕业生综合实践能力提出了更高的要求。从如何提高教师素质、优化课程体系、完善实践教学环节、改进教学内容、建设专业特色教学资源库以及人才培养考核评价体系等方面探讨了新形势下畜牧兽医专业应用型人才的培养模式。  相似文献   

为了顺应"工学研融合"人才培养模式的发展要求,根据动物医药专业人才培养目标定位,提出了"123"递进式实践教学模式,从优化实践教学内容、搭建多层次实践教学平台、改革实践教学模式、打造"三能型"师资队伍、改革考核评价体系、建立"三级监督、三方联运"的监督保障体系等方面着手,对动物医药专业实践教学体系进行改革并付诸实践,使动物医药专业人才培养质量明显提高。  相似文献   

Veterinary teaching hospitals (VTHs) are experiencing case-load trends that have negatively affected efforts to prepare students for entry-level veterinary practice, particularly in the area of technical skills training. This article examines the clinical training available to veterinary students through a variety of collaborative shelter models. Benefits and potential problems related to initiating a collaborative shelter clinical training program are reviewed. Collaborative efforts between animal shelters and veterinary schools can provide crucial opportunities for outreach teaching initiatives, particularly for teaching medical and surgical skills.  相似文献   

O bjectives : The expectations of small animal pet owners in Great Britain were evaluated on a number of issues regarding aseptic practice and clinical management and compared with final year veterinary students' assessment of actual veterinary practice.
M aterials and M ethods : A survey was completed by 328 small animal pet owners and 56 veterinary practices in Great Britain. Questions from the pet owner survey related to expectations and opinions on a number of surgical issues and questions from the veterinary surgeon survey examined veterinary practice in relation to the same issues. Comparisons were made to determine whether there were any differences between pet owner expectations and veterinary student assessment of actual practice of small animal first opinion clinics.
R esults : In the majority of issues examined there was a significant mismatch between client expectation and provisions made. Of particular importance was the discrepancy regarding the use of surgical gloves and administration of analgesia.
C linical S ignificance : These results suggest that attempts should be made to understand and improve the disparity that exists between small animal pet owners and veterinary surgeons in Great Britain.  相似文献   

Communication is a critical clinical skill closely linked to clinical reasoning, medical problem solving, and significant outcomes of care such as accuracy, efficiency, supportiveness, adherence to treatment plans, and client and veterinarian satisfaction. More than 40 years of research on communication and communication education in human medicine and, more recently, in veterinary medicine provide a substantive rationale for formal communication teaching in veterinary education. As a result, veterinary schools are beginning to invest in communication training. However, if communication training is to result in development of veterinary communication skills to a professional level of competence, there must be follow-through with effective communication modeling and coaching in practice settings. The purpose of this article is to move the communication modeling and coaching done in the "real world" of clinical practice to the next level. The development of skills for communication coaching and feedback is demanding. We begin by comparing communication coaching with what is required for teaching other clinical skills in practice settings. Examining both, what it takes to teach others (whether DVM students or veterinarians in practice for several years) and what it takes to enhance one's own communication skills and capacities, we consider the why, what, and how of communication coaching. We describe the use of teaching instruments to structure this work and give particular attention to how to engage in feedback sessions, since these elements are so critical in communication teaching and learning. We consider the preconditions necessary to initiate and sustain communication skills training in practice, including the need for a safe and supportive environment within which to implement communication coaching and feedback. Finally we discuss the challenges and opportunities unique to coaching and to building and delivering communication skills training in practice settings.  相似文献   

Periodontal disease has deleterious effects on an animal's health and potentially serious implications for its welfare. Consequently, veterinarians frequently perform routine periodontal treatment in small-animal practice. One would therefore assume that small-animal dentistry would constitute a core component of a veterinary curriculum. However, most practitioners received little or no formal training in dentistry during their veterinary degrees, and the amount of instruction students currently receive is variable, often with limited opportunities to practice. At the Royal Veterinary College, a prototype dental model was developed to address the lack of practical training; it was made using ceramic tiles, silicone sealant, and grout to emulate teeth, gingiva, and calculus, respectively. A study was conducted with third-year veterinary students to compare the outcomes of learning to perform a professional dental cleaning using a model (group A) or a video (group B). Performance was assessed using an objective structured clinical examination. Students in group A scored significantly better than those in group B (p<.001). All students also completed a questionnaire evaluating attitudes toward the use of a dental model in learning dentistry-related skills. All students identified a model as a potentially valuable learning tool to supplement existing teaching methods and facilitate the acquisition of small-animal dentistry skills. The dental model has the potential to equip students with useful, practical skills in a safe and risk-free environment.  相似文献   

Veterinary students at two large veterinary referral teaching hospitals were surveyed on their perceptions of competition with interns and residents for learning experiences during clinical instruction. Their responses led to an additional survey of a cohort of clinical educators on how this competition might be managed, what impedes effective management, and how progress toward an improved clinical learning environment might be measured. This article describes the results of the survey and discusses the nature of the competition and factors affecting the competitive learning environment. The results of this study should be expanded to include a larger cohort of veterinary students and an assessment of house officers' and faculty members' perceptions.  相似文献   

While many studies have evaluated whether or not factual information can be effectively communicated using computer-aided tools, none has focused on establishing and changing students' attitudes toward international animal-health issues. The study reported here was designed to assess whether educational modules on an interactive computer CD elicited a change in veterinary students' interest in and attitudes toward international animal-health issues. Volunteer veterinary students at seven universities (first-year students at three universities, second-year at one, third-year at one, and fourth-year at two) were given by random assignment either an International Animal Health (IAH) CD or a control CD, ParasitoLog (PL). Participants completed a pre-CD survey to establish baseline information on interest and attitudes toward both computers and international animal-health issues. Four weeks later, a post-CD questionnaire was distributed. On the initial survey, most students expressed an interest in working in the field of veterinary medicine in another country. Responses to the three pre-CD questions relating to attitudes toward the globalization of veterinary medicine, interest in foreign animal disease, and inclusion of a core course on international health issues in the veterinary curriculum were all positive, with average values above 3 (on a five-point scale where 5 represented strong agreement or interest). Almost all students considered it beneficial to learn about animal-health issues in other countries. After students reviewed the IAH CD, we found a decrease at four universities, an increase at one university, and no change at the remaining two universities in students' interest in working in some area of international veterinary medicine. However, none of the differences was statistically significant.  相似文献   

为了满足不同用人单位对动物医学专业技术人才实践能力的需求,高等农业院校应通过多种途径提高动物医学人才培养的质量,不断提高学生实践技能,为社会输送合格人才。内蒙古农业大学兽医学院在动物医学专业实践教学体系建设、实验条件建设、校内外实习基地建设,以及实践教学方法等方面进行了全面的改革与实践,建立了一套适用于动物医学专业的复合应用型专业人才培养模式,提高了学生的实践动手能力和创新能力,取得了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

案例教学法在《兽医内科学》教学中的应用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过在《兽医内科学》课堂中应用案例教学,探讨了案例教学在兽医内科学教学中的应用,指出案例教学法有利于基础知识与兽医临床实践的联系,能够培养学生独立思考与团结合作的精神,锻炼学生分析和解决实际问题的能力,既有利于调动学生的学习积极性,也有利于提高学生的综合知识水平和创新能力。  相似文献   

The University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine (UW-SVM) has implemented a variety of strategies to optimize teaching in dairy herd medicine. These include the provision of opportunities for dairy cow handling and management using a dairy teaching herd for veterinary students throughout the four-year curriculum, exposure for all students in their final year to a substantial first-opinion dairy case load using a private practice-based ambulatory clinic rotation, and, finally, the teaching of dairy herd health management and problem solving in a group of four final-year elective production medicine clinical rotations. On average, since 1986, 32.6% of each graduating class attended at least one elective production medicine rotation, with a range from 19.0% to 43.4%. For those University of Wisconsin students who could be traced, 65% were still actively involved in some aspect of dairy practice, representing a range of between seven and 17 students per year since the start of the program. The advantages and disadvantages of operating a "regional center of excellence" for training students from out-of-state institutions are discussed.  相似文献   

结合《兽医生物制品学》专业教学特点和教学现状,从教学内容、教学方法和考核方式等方面对兽医生物制品学课程教学改革进行了探索,以期提高教学质量,培养综合型高素质的动物医学专业人才。  相似文献   

The course of development of the initial subject "Veterinary Hygiene" to the reduction and specialization limited to "Animal Hygiene" and the recent extension into the broad field of environmental hygiene is described. This is done with reference to books and other publications which point the way ahead for research of veterinary medicine in environmental hygiene and thus prove the increasing importance of that subject. A survey is given over current German research in that field, future demands as well as the necessary extension of environmental hygiene in graduate and post-graduate teaching of veterinary students as well as further professional training of veterinarians.  相似文献   

Social media is an increasingly common form of communication, with Facebook being the preferred social-networking site among post-secondary students. Numerous studies suggest post-secondary students practice high self-disclosure on Facebook. Research evaluating veterinary students' use of social media found a notable proportion of student-posted content deemed inappropriate. Lack of discretion in posting content can have significant repercussions for aspiring veterinary professionals, their college of study, and the veterinary profession they represent. Veterinarians-in-training at three veterinary colleges across Canada were surveyed to explore their use of and attitude toward the social networking site, Facebook. Students were invited to complete an online survey with questions relating to their knowledge of privacy in relation to using Facebook, their views on the acceptability of posting certain types of information, and their level of professional accountability online. Linear regression modeling was used to further examine factors related to veterinary students' disclosure of personal information on Facebook. Need for popularity (p<.01) and awareness of consequences (p<.001) were found to be positively and negatively associated, respectively, with students' personal disclosure of information on Facebook. Understanding veterinary students' use of and attitudes toward social media, such as Facebook, reveals a need, and provides a basis, for developing educational programs to address online professionalism. Educators and administrators at veterinary schools may use this information to assist in developing veterinary curricula that addresses the escalating issue of online professionalism.  相似文献   

高职高专中兽医教学的目的是使学生掌握中兽医的基本理论和技能,初步具备运用中兽医诊疗技术对畜禽疾病进行临床诊断、预防和治疗的实际工作能力。针对高职高专人才培养的要求和畜牧兽医高职高专教育自身的特点,以"培养实用型、应用型人才"为目标,对中兽医课程教学进行了大胆的改革与探索,突破了原有本科式《中兽医学》的课程体系和教学模式,重组教学内容,构建适宜于高职高专的理论和实践教学体系。在教学设计上充分考虑高职特点,本着"理论够用"的原则,突出技能培养和强化实践性教学为特色,旨在探索和创新一种全新的高职高专中兽医教学模式。  相似文献   

The need for alternative methods of teaching veterinary medicine and surgery has increased in recent years because of increasing costs and changing public opinion. For these reasons a hemostasis model was developed that mimics the arteries and veins of the peripheral vascular system, and can be used to teach the basic skills involved in blood vessel ligation and division. This study evaluated the effectiveness of the fluid hemostasis model compared with using live animals for teaching these skills. Forty sophomore veterinary students participated in the study. Two groups of 20 students each received identical instruction in the basic techniques required for vessel ligation and division. The students then completed various exercises using inanimate models to objectively evaluate their psychomotor skills. Both groups then practiced the techniques for equal time periods; one group used the hemostasis model and the other performed a splenectomy on live dogs. After the practice session, the students were videotaped (for later evaluation), as they performed vessel ligations and divisions. The students then repeated the exercises using the inanimate models for evaluation of skills improvement. Questionnaire responses before and after the project were obtained to determine the students' views on the need for inanimate models for teaching purposes. Results of this study indicate that the hemostasis model was as effective as live animals for teaching the basic skills involved in blood vessel ligation. The students' opinions regarding the use of properly designed inanimate models for teaching these skills were dramatically changed.  相似文献   

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