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Due to energy crises and stricter environmental regulations, renewable energy sources like bio‐methane produced by anaerobic digestion (biogas) become increasingly important. However, the application of slurries produced by biogas fermentation to agricultural land and subsequent ammonia emission may also create environmental risks to the atmosphere and to N‐limited ecosystems. Evaluating ammonia loss from agricultural land by model simulation is an important tool of agricultural‐systems analysis. The objective of this study was the systematical comparison of ammonia volatilization after application of two types of biogas slurries containing high amounts of energy crops in comparison with conventional animal slurries and to investigate the relative importance of factors affecting the emission process through an empirical model. A high number of ammonia‐loss field measurements were carried out in the years 2007/08 in biogas cropping systems in N Germany. The study consisted of simultaneous measurement of NH3 losses from animal and biogas slurries in multiple‐plot field experiments with different N‐fertilization levels. The derived empirical model for the calculation of NH3 losses based on explanatory variables gave good predictions of ammonia emission for both biogas and pig slurries. The root mean square error (RMSE) and mean bias error (MBE) of the empirical model for validation data were 2.19 kg N ha–1 (rRMSE 29%) and –1.19 kg N ha–1, respectively. Biogas slurries produced highest NH3 emissions compared to the two animal slurries. In view of the explanatory variables included in the model, total NH$ _4^+ $ application rate, slurry type, temperature, precipitation, crop type, and leaf‐area index were important for ammonia‐volatilization losses.  相似文献   

不同氮肥缓释化处理对夏玉米田间氨挥发和氮素利用的影响   总被引:27,自引:4,他引:23  
【目的】氨挥发是农田氮素损失的重要途径之一,氮肥类型或尿素氮肥缓释处理方式直接或间接影响作物吸收及土壤理化性质,进而影响氨挥发和氮素利用效率。通过不同缓释处理技术减低氨挥发和氮素降解释放速率来提高作物氮素吸收,对于提高作物氮素利用率具有重要意义。【方法】通过两年田间原位监测试验,以不施氮肥为对照(CK),设硝酸钙(CN)、常规尿素(CU)、树脂包膜尿素(CRF)、控失尿素(LCU)、凝胶尿素(CLP)、脲甲醛(UF)7个处理,研究不同氮肥缓释化处理对夏玉米土壤氨挥发损失量、玉米产量和氮素利用的影响。【结果】1)氨挥发主要集中于施肥后一周以内,常规尿素氨挥发累积量占整个生育期氨挥发累计总量平均为81.6%,凝胶尿素、控失尿素、树脂包膜尿素、脲甲醛氨挥发累积量占整个生育期氨挥发累计总量的比例介于62.2%~82.2%之间。2)2014年夏玉米田间氨挥发监测期内,常规尿素的氨挥发累计总量为N 14.9 kg/hm2,凝胶尿素、控失尿素、树脂包膜尿素、脲甲醛处理与常规尿素相比下降幅度介于21.7%~64.6%。2015年,常规尿素的氨挥发累计总量为N 17.3 kg/hm2,凝胶尿素、控失尿素、树脂包膜尿素、脲甲醛处理与常规尿素相比下降幅度介于17.3%~57.2%。3)化肥氮在常规尿素、树脂包膜尿素以及控失尿素处理中的贡献率较高,两年均达60%以上,其中常规尿素中化肥氮的贡献率平均高达76.0%。而化肥氮在脲甲醛中的贡献率较低,平均仅为37.6%。4)与常规尿素相比,脲甲醛、凝胶尿素、控失尿素以及树脂包膜尿素的产量也有显著增加,两年平均产量增幅为6.3%~18.8%。5)不同氮肥的夏玉米氮肥利用率也有显著差异,其中脲甲醛为最高,平均高达57.9%,其次为凝胶尿素、控失尿素、树脂包膜尿素、硝酸钙和常规尿素,分别为42.4%、38.3%、38.3%、23.5%和20.8%。【结论】氮肥中的氨挥发主要集中于施肥后一周以内。与常规尿素相比,脲甲醛、控失尿素、树脂包膜尿素、凝胶尿素均能明显减少氨挥发损失、提高产量和氮肥利用率,以脲甲醛和凝胶尿素效果更显著,是高产、高效、低损失的肥料类型。  相似文献   

缓释复合肥料在不同pH值紫色土中氨挥发特性(简报)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用“通气法”室内培养试验,研究了非包膜缓释复合肥(SRF)施入不同pH值紫色土壤后的氨挥发损失状况和动力学特性。结果表明,土壤pH值对SRF氨挥发有极显著影响,随着土壤pH值升高,氨的挥发损失增加,以石灰性紫色土>中性紫色土>酸性紫色土。与大粒尿素(PUR)相比,SRF的氨挥发速率和损失量显著降低。在石灰性紫色土中SRF氨挥发分别减少14.2%和7.18%,中性紫色土中SRF氨挥发分别减少32.3%和24.1%,酸性紫色土中SRF氨挥发分别减少76.8%和10.7%。3种紫色土中,SRF的氨挥发动力学特性可用一级动力学方程、E1ovich方程和抛物线扩散方程定量描述,根据这些模型可在给定时间内预测SRF的氨挥发量。SRF能大大减少在不同pH值土壤中因施肥造成的氮肥损失,从而减轻对环境的污染。  相似文献   

猪粪沼液施用对土壤氨挥发及玉米产量和品质的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
猪粪沼液含有大量的养分,如氮、磷、钾、氨基酸、腐植酸等,但如果不及时施用,也会带来水体富营养化问题。沼液替代化肥是目前最有效的利用方式。采用田间试验方法,在春、夏两季玉米上,研究了猪粪沼液不同用量与不同运筹对土壤氨挥发损失以及玉米产量、品质等的影响。结果表明,夏玉米基施猪粪沼液氨挥发量大于春玉米,沼液的氨挥发量明显大于化肥,且沼液施用量越大,氨挥发量越大;由氨挥发导致的氮素损失量占施肥量的0.17%~2.16%,平均为0.88%。在春玉米中,单独施用化肥以及化肥与沼液各50%配施处理的产量分别为901.55 kg.667m?2和892.71 kg.667m?2,显著高于其他处理;纯化肥处理可溶性糖为103.69 g.kg?1,显著低于其他处理;纯化肥处理皮渣率为9.87%,显著高于其他处理;其他品质指标各处理间无显著差异。在夏玉米中,总体产量不如春玉米,纯化肥处理产量为523.47 kg,显著高于其他处理,化肥与沼液各50%配施处理的产量仅次于纯化肥处理,为513.41 kg。纯化肥处理的玉米品质总体上高于纯沼液处理,但沼液和化肥各50%处理玉米品质与纯化肥处理无明显差异。可见,对玉米植物而言,以50%沼液替代化学肥料,在技术上可行,可以获得与化肥处理相同的玉米产量与品质。  相似文献   



There is a great need for simple and inexpensive methods to quantify ammonia emissions in multi-plot field trials. However, methods that meet these criteria have to be thoroughly validated. In the calibrated passive sampling approach, acid traps placed in the center of quadratic plots absorb ammonia, enabling relative comparisons between plots. To quantify ammonia emissions, these acid trap samplings are scaled by means of a transfer coefficient (TC) obtained from simultaneous measurements with the dynamic tube method (DTM). However, dynamic tube measurements are also comparatively costly and time-consuming.


Our objective was to assess the best practice for using calibrated passive sampling in multi-plot field trials. One particular challenge in such experiments is to evaluate the influence of ammonia drift between plots.


In a series of eight multi-plot field trials, acid traps and DTM were used simultaneously on all plots to measure ammonia emissions caused by different slurry application techniques. Data obtained by both methods were correlated, and the influence of the ubiquitous ammonia background on both methods was evaluated by comparing net values, including the subtraction of the background with gross values (no background subtraction). Finally, we provide recommendations for calculating a TC for calibrating relative differences between plots, based on simultaneous acid trap and dynamic tube measurements on selected plots.


Treatment mean values obtained by both methods correlated well. For most field trials, R2 values between 0.6 and 0.8 were obtained. Ammonia background concentrations affected both methods. Drift between plots contributed to the background for the acid traps, whereas the contamination of the chamber system might have caused the background for the DTM. Treatments with low emissions were comparatively more affected by that background.


For a robust application of calibrated passive sampling, we recommend calculating the TC based on a treatment with high ammonia emissions, reducing the relative influence of the ubiquitous ammonia background.  相似文献   


Ammonia (NH3) volatilization from fertilizer applications reduces efficiency and poses environmental hazards. This study used semi-open static chambers to measure NH3 volatilization from organic fertilizers (feather meal, blood meal, fish emulsion, cyano-fertilizer) to evaluate the impacts of fertilizer source, application method, and rate on NH3 volatilization. In 2014, two application rates (28 and 56 kg N ha?1) were applied to lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). Solid fertilizers (feather meal, blood meal) were preplant applied in a subsurface band, whereas liquid fertilizers (fish emulsion, cyano-fertilizer) were applied weekly through drip irrigation beginning two weeks after transplanting. In 2015, a single application rate (28 kg N ha?1) was applied to cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Solid fertilizers were applied in either subsurface or surface bands. There was a significant difference in NH3 volatilization among fertilizers, but there was little difference between application rates. Liquid fertilizers had lower NH3 emissions than solid fertilizers due to their timing and placement. In 2014, blood meal at 56 kg N ha?1 and feather meal at both rates had the highest NH3 fluxes. In 2015, surface-banded blood and feather meal had the highest NH3 fluxes. Fertilizer decisions for organic systems should consider NH3 emission losses and practices for their reduction.  相似文献   

不同水氮管理下稻田氨挥发损失特征及模拟   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
为了探讨减少稻田氨挥发的合理水氮管理措施,基于田间试验资料,分析了不同水氮管理稻田氨挥发损失规律及其交互影响,并用DNDC(土壤碳氮循环模型)模型模拟了节水灌溉条件下不同氮肥管理稻田氨挥发损失动态特征。结果表明,控制灌溉和实地氮肥管理的联合应用既大幅降低了稻田氨挥发峰值,又降低了稻田大部分无施肥时段的氨挥发损失,稻田氨挥发损失量为39.63kg/hm2,较常规水肥管理稻田降低44.69%。采用DNDC模型模拟节水灌溉条件下不同氮肥管理稻田氨挥发损失量是可行的,稻季氨挥发总量模拟值与实测值相对误差均在±10%以内。节水灌溉和实地氮肥管理的水氮联合调控显著降低了稻田氨挥发损失量,且实地氮肥管理对氨挥发损失降低的贡献率要大于节水灌溉。该文研究结果可为稻田的水肥科学管理,减少稻田氨挥发损失提供依据。  相似文献   

Field studies on soil ammonia(NH3)volatilization are restricted in many countries owing to the high costs commonly demanded for accurate quantification.We assessed the accuracy of a simple,open chamber design to capture NH3under field conditions,as affected by different chamber placement schemes.Urea-15 N was surface applied to lysimeters installed in the spaces between maize rows.Open chambers made from plastic bottles were installed on each lysimeter with variations in i)N rates(3,8,13,and 18 g m-2),ii)the height of the chamber above the soil surface(0,5,and 10 mm),and iii)chamber relocation(static vs.dynamic).Reference lysimeters without chambers were used to measure NH3losses by15N-balance.Losses of NH3-N accounted for more than 50%of the applied N.Relocation of the chambers had no impact on their NH3-trapping efficiencies,proving to be an unnecessary procedure.Variation in the height of the chambers above the soil surface affected the capture of NH3,but the results still maintained high linearity with the NH3losses quantified by the reference method(R2>0.98).When the same placement scheme used in the introductory study describing the chamber was utilized(static and touching the soil surface),we found a trapping efficiency of 60%,which was very similar to that(57%)obtained in the previous study.Our results show that this simple,open chamber design can be used with satisfactory accuracy under field conditions,provided that simple,standardized procedures are warranted.  相似文献   

研究了不同氮肥在不同水分管理下的氨挥发损失情况。在冬小麦播种施肥后的一个月时期内,对尿素一次基施、尿素50%基施、缓释肥、有机无机复合肥的氨挥发状况进行研究,实验表明,在较低水平土壤含水量条件下(20%左右),以上各处理的氨挥发分别占总施氮量的0.84%、1.08%、0.44%、1.07%;在较高水平土壤含水量条件下(>25%),以上各处理的氨挥发分别占总施氮量的0.77%、0.73%、0.70%、1.36%。  相似文献   

优化施氮下稻-麦轮作体系氮肥氨挥发损失研究   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:15  
采用密闭室连续通气法研究了优化施氮下湖北稻-麦轮作体系农田氨挥发损失。结果表明,肥料氮素氨挥发损失量随施肥量增加而增加。施肥处理小麦季氨挥发损失量为N 11.37~17.05 kg/hm2,肥料氮氨挥发损失率为4.75%5~.43%,氨挥发峰值大约发生在施肥后的第35~d,肥料氨挥发过程持续71~0 d;水稻季氨挥发损失量为N32.506~2.82 kg/hm2,肥料氮氨挥发损失率为8.24%1~9.38%,氨挥发峰值大约发生在施肥后的第23~d,氨挥发过程持续57~d。水稻季和小麦季氨挥发之间差异显著,整个稻-麦轮作体系氨挥发主要发生在水稻季,约占整个轮作体系的74.08%7~8.65%。同习惯施氮相比,基于作物阶段氮素吸收增加追肥比例和施肥次数的优化施氮能有效减少肥料氮的氨挥发损失。  相似文献   

采用室内扩散模拟试验研究了施用大颗粒尿素(PUR)、辣椒专用复混肥(LCCF)、辣椒专用缓释复混肥(LSRF)土壤的氨挥发特性,并采用土培试验研究了LSRF、LCCF、普通复合肥(OCCF)、市场非包膜缓释复合肥(MSRF)对‘渝椒五号’和‘改良早丰’辣椒产量、氮磷钾养分吸收利用、土壤有机质及酶活性的影响,探讨LSRF的应用效果。结果显示,室内扩散模拟试验中,前28 d氨释放速率总体表现为PURLCCFLSRF不施肥(CK),28 d以后LSRF的氨释放速率略高于PUR和LCCF处理。培养70 d时,PUR、LSRF和LCCF的氨挥发量分别为71.87 mg·kg-1、54.29 mg·kg-1和63.49 mg·kg-1,LSRF比PUR和LCCF分别降低了24.5%和11.7%。土培试验中,LSRF处理显著提高了2个辣椒品种的果实重量,‘渝椒五号’和‘改良早丰’分别较OCCF处理增产64.7%和33.8%。与OCCF处理相比较,LSRF处理增加了土壤有机质含量、土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶和过氧化氢酶活性,提高了辣椒对氮磷钾养分的吸收利用。‘渝椒五号’和‘改良早丰’LSRF处理的氮素表观利用率较OCCF处理分别增加62.5%和123.1%,‘改良早丰’和‘渝椒五号’LSRF处理的磷素表观利用率分别较OCCF处理提高了14.0倍和3.2倍,钾素表观利用率分别较OCCF处理提高了28.7%和120.9%。  相似文献   

In Sweden, 90% of ammonia (NH3) emissions to the atmosphere originate from agriculture, predominantly from animal manure handling. It is well known that incorporation of manure into soil can reduce NH3 emissions after spreading. However, there is a risk of increased nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) emissions caused by bacterial activity and limited oxygen availability under these conditions. A full‐scale injector was developed and evaluated in a field experiment on grassland. Cattle slurry was either injected in closed slots 5 cm below ground or band spread on the soil surface above the crop canopy at a rate of 25 t ha?1. In a control treatment, no slurry was applied. During a 5‐day period after application, NH3 emissions were measured using an equilibrium concentration method. Gas samples for estimating CH4 and N2O emissions were also collected during 7 weeks following slurry application. Injection in closed slots resulted in no detectable NH3 emissions. After band spreading, however, NH3 emissions corresponded to nearly 40% of the total ammoniacal nitrogen in the applied slurry. The injection of slurry gave rise to a broad peak of N2O emissions during the first 3 weeks after application. In total, for the measuring period, N2O emissions corresponded to 0.75 kg N ha?1. Band spreading resulted in only a very small N2O release of about 0.2 kg N ha?1 during the same period. Except for the first sampling occasion, the soil was predominantly a sink for CH4 in all the treatments. The use of the injector without slurry application reduced grass yield during unfavourable growing conditions. In conclusion, shallow injection in closed slots seems to be a promising technique to reduce negative environmental impacts from NH3 emissions with a limited release of N2O and CH4.  相似文献   

周丛生物对稻田氨挥发的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要:[目的] 周丛生物是一种普遍生长在稻田水-土界面中的微生物聚集体,在调节稻田氮循环中起重要作用。本研究旨在通过研究周丛生物对氨挥发的影响,分析田间氨挥发通量与周丛生物微生物群落结构、田面水理化性质之间的关系,为控制稻田氨排放提供理论指导和技术支持。[方法] 通过野外田间微区试验研究稻田周丛生物对氨挥发的影响,分别设置了周丛生物正常生长以及添加特丁净(C10H19N5S)调控周丛生物生长2个处理,每个处理3个重复,分别于基肥(BF)、分蘖肥(SF1)、穗肥(SF2)施加后测定周丛生物影响下的氨挥发速率,计算整个水稻生长期内的氨挥发通量,分析不同稻田周丛生物的微生物群落结构、田间理化性质与土壤氨挥发的关系,构建基于周丛生物的稻田氨挥发预测模型。[结果] 结果表明:周丛生物正常生长状态下基肥和分蘖肥时期氨挥发累计损失量分别达到24.8±1.1 kg?hm-2,10.9±0.1 kg?hm-2,添加了C10H19N5S后氨挥发累积量分别降低了71.3%,39.3%,穗肥期氨挥发差异不显著。淡色藻门Ochrophyta(8.1%~~67.6%)、隐真菌门Cryptomycota(3.9%~~54.8%)、线虫动物门Nematoda(0.6%~42.6%)为周丛生物中真核微生物优势门,变形菌门Proteobacteria(52.1%~23.7%)、拟杆菌门Bacteroidetes(58.1%~16.8%)、绿湾菌门Chloroflexi(14.6%~0.8%)、酸杆菌门Acidobacteria(11.0%~3.3%)为原核微生物优势门。相关性分析表明,周丛生物生物量,田面水氮素含量,风速是影响日氨挥发通量的关键因素。综上所述,使用C10H19N5S调控周丛生物生长能够有效的降低基肥以及分蘖肥期间稻田土壤氨挥发,减缓因氨挥发造成的氮肥损失问题。  相似文献   

【目的】通过研究尿素、氯化铵以及二者混合高塔造粒而成的含氯脲铵氮肥对太湖地区稻麦轮作体系作物产量、氮肥利用率、氨挥发损失、土壤氯残留和耕层土壤 pH 的影响,为新型含氯氮肥的推广,降低环境风险提供理论依据。【方法】通过两年稻麦轮作季的田间小区试验,在当地适宜施氮量条件下,以 CK (不施氮) 和施用普通尿素为对照,研究了两种含氯氮肥的施用对稻麦轮作体系作物产量和氮肥利用率的影响。采集作物收获后 0—20 cm、20—40 cm 土壤样品,采用硫氰酸汞比色法测定土壤氯残留;施肥后采用密闭室间歇通气-稀硫酸吸收法测定氨挥发通量。【结果】尿素、氯化铵和含氯脲铵处理对稻麦产量无显著影响,但与尿素相比含氯脲铵对稻麦有增产的趋势,而氯化铵对小麦有减产趋势。与尿素相比施用含氯脲铵显著提高氮肥利用率 7.0% (P < 0.05)。氨挥发主要发生在稻季,与施用尿素相比单施氯化铵使麦季氨挥发降低 26.3% (1.39 kg/hm2),而使稻季氨挥发增加 10.4% (2.67 kg/hm2);含氯脲铵使麦季和稻季的氨挥发分别降低 5.2% (0.55 kg/hm2) 和 12.9% (6.16 kg/hm2)。施用含氯氮肥土壤氯残留表现为稻季显著增加,而麦季则显著降低的趋势,收获期耕层土壤 (0—20 cm) 氯离子含量最高不超过 160 mg/kg,低于水稻和小麦的耐氯临界值。经过两个稻麦轮作循环后,施用氯化铵土壤 pH 比尿素下降 0.88 个单位,而施含氯脲铵土壤 pH 与尿素没有显著差异。【结论】在太湖地区稻麦轮作体系中,综合考虑产量和环境效益,含氯脲铵氮肥与两种单质肥料相比有一定优势,为氨挥发减排和氯化铵施用难题的解决提供了依据。  相似文献   

水氮用量对设施栽培蔬菜地土壤氨挥发损失的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
【目的】针对我国设施蔬菜生产中存在的水肥过量施用问题,研究不同水氮条件下黄瓜-番茄种植体系内的土壤氨挥发特征,探讨影响设施菜地土壤氨挥发的重要因子,为降低氮肥的氨挥发损失、 建立合理的灌溉和施肥制度提供参考。【方法】以华北平原设施黄瓜-番茄轮作菜地为研究对象,设常规灌溉(W1)和减量灌溉(W2)2个灌溉水平,每种灌溉水平下设不施氮(N0)、 减量施氮(N1)和常规施氮(N2)3个氮水平,共6个处理组合(W1N0、 W1N1、 W1N2、 W2N0、 W2N1、 W2N2)。采用通气法监测不同水氮条件下黄瓜-番茄轮作体系内的土壤氨挥发动态,分析与土壤氨挥发相关的主要影响因子。【结果】设施黄瓜-番茄种植体系内表层(0—10 cm)土壤铵态氮受施肥的影响波动较大,与常规施氮(N2)相比,相同灌水条件下减量施氮(N1)处理的0—10 cm土层铵态氮浓度最高值降低了25.1%~30.3%(P 0.05)。减量施氮可显著降低土壤氨挥发速率。与常规施氮(N2)相比,减量施氮处理(N1)在黄瓜季和番茄季内的氨挥发速率均值分别降低了21.1%~22.8%(P0.05)和16.5%~17.9%(P0.05)。整个黄瓜-番茄轮作周期内,土壤氨挥发损失量和氮肥的氨挥发损失率分别为17.8~48.1 kg/hm2和1.23%~1.44%。与常规施氮(N2)相比,减量施氮处理(N1)的土壤氨挥发损失量及氮肥的氨挥发损失率分别降低了19.3%~20.0%(P0.05)和0.85~0.92个百分点。各处理土壤氨挥发速率与0—10 cm土壤铵态氮浓度呈显著或极显著正相关,说明0—10 cm土壤铵态氮浓度是土壤氨挥发的重要驱动因子。与常规灌溉(W1)相比,减量灌溉(W2)条件下设施菜地土壤氨挥发速率及氨挥发损失量略有增加(P0.05)。适宜减少氮肥及灌溉量不仅能够维持较高的蔬菜产量,而且显著提高了灌溉水和氮肥的利用效率。其中减量施氮处理(N1)的氮肥农学效率比常规施氮(N2)提高了95.4%~146.4%; 减量灌溉(W2)的灌溉水农学效率比常规灌溉(W1)提高了27.7%~54.0%。【结论】通过合理的节水减氮措施可达到抑制氮肥氨挥发损失、 增加产量以及提高水氮利用效率的目的。在供试条件下,节水30%左右、 减施氮量25%的水氮组合(W2N1)具有较佳的经济效益与环境效应。  相似文献   

控释复合肥对冷季型草坪氨挥发和硝态氮淋洗的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过田间试验,研究了控释复合肥、常规施肥、市售草坪专用肥对冷季型草坪氨挥发和硝态氮淋洗的影响。氨挥发采用通气密闭法收集测定,硝态氮利用土壤溶液提取器收集淋洗液然后进行测定。结果表明,常规施肥处理的氨挥发量为47.7 kg/hm2(占年施氮量的18.3%),显著高于控释复合肥处理(氨挥发损失为2.9 kg/hm2,占年施氮量的1.1%)和市售草坪专用肥处理(氨挥发损失为4.1 kg/hm2,占年施氮量的1.6%)。施氮不同程度增加了淋洗液中硝态氮的浓度,3种氮肥的硝态氮淋洗程度不同。0—50 cm土层,淋洗液的硝态氮浓度范围分别是:控释复合肥处理1.16~.7 mg/L,常规施肥处理1.21~0.1 mg/L,市售草坪专用肥处理1.51~6.7 mg/L;0—100 cm土层,淋洗液的硝态氮浓度范围分别是:控释复合肥处理1.15~.7 mg/L,常规施肥处理1.11~2.5 mg/L,市售草坪专用肥处理1.16~.2 mg/L。综上所述,控释复合肥降低了冷季型草坪氨挥发损失和硝态氮的淋洗,表现出明显的环境效益,是一种有应用前景的新型肥料。  相似文献   

为研究稻田消解沼液对水稻安全生产、土壤肥力及质量的影响,评价沼液施用后对水体及大气环境污染的风险,提出稻田沼液消解安全容量,在浙江省嘉兴市青紫泥田(属脱潜潴育型水稻土)上,进行3a定位田间小区试验,考察了不同沼液用量下水稻产量、稻谷及土壤中有害重金属含量差异,测定了稻田氨挥发通量及田面水、下渗水氮含量,并确定了稻田沼液消解容量。结果表明,连续3a、每年水稻生长季施灌沼液135~540kgN·hm-2的范围内,水稻产量与全化肥区持平或略有增产,施灌沼液处理的稻谷中有害重金属镉、铅、汞、砷含量没有明显增加;除高沼液用量处理土壤速效钾、缓效钾含量明显增加外,其他土壤肥力指标没有明显增加,土壤中重金属含量也没有明显积累;施用沼液处理田面水中铵态氮含量明显高于全化肥处理,但对土壤下渗水氮含量影响较小;2倍氮沼液用量下,水田消解中氨挥发量占总氮投入量的13%,高于全化肥处理10倍以上。在水稻生产安全、农产品安全、土壤质量可持续、农田水环境友好的前提下,水稻生长季沼液稻田消解的安全容量为540kgN·hm^-2·a^-1;氨挥发是目前沼液稻田消解中主要的环境风险。  相似文献   

Dynamics of nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) were investigated in a loamy soil amended or injected with pig slurry. Treatments were with or without acetylene C2H2 (which is assumed to inhibit reduction of nitrous oxide (N2O) to dinitrogen (N2), and soil cores were conditioned for 15 days at 25°C while pH, production of CO2 and N2O, ammonia (NH3) emission and (nitrate) (NO3 ) and (ammonium) (NH4 +) concentrations were monitored. There was no significant difference in CO2 production between the injected and surface applied pig slurry treatments, and within 15 days ca. 5% of the C applied had been mineralized, if no priming effect was assumed. Neither the production of N2O nor the total gaseous production of the denitrification process (N2O plus N2) were affected by the way the pig slurry was added to the soil. NH3 volatilization, however, decreased by 90% when pig slurry was injected. The addition of C2H2 significantly increased the CO2 production and the concentration of NH4 +, but significantly decreased the concentration of NO3 . It was concluded that the injection of pig slurry to a dry soil was an acceptable alternative to its application to the soil surface, as not only was NH3 volatilization reduced, but the production of N2O and N2 through denitrification was not stimulated. It is also suggested that the composition of the organic C fraction in the pig slurry, most likely the concentration of fatty acids, had an important effect on the dynamics of N and C in the soil. Received: 12 May 1997  相似文献   

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