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The effect of ploidy on the mortality of Crassostrea gigas spat caused by the ostreid herpesvirus (OsHV‐1) genotype μVar was investigated at five sites along the Atlantic coast in France in 2011. Sibling diploids and triploids were produced using either unselected or selected OsHV‐1‐resistant oysters. No significant interactions were found between the factors of environment, genotype and ploidy at the endpoint dates. The mean mortality rates at the sites were 62% and 59% for diploids and triploids, respectively, and the two rates were not significantly different. The mean mortality rates were 33% and 32% for sibling diploids and triploids, respectively, when OsHV‐1‐resistant parents were used and 91% and 85%, respectively, when unselected parents were used. The results were confirmed through other broodstocks tested in 2013. Our study is the first to clearly show that mortality related to OsHV‐1 is similar between diploids and triploids in C. gigas when the same germplasm is used for both ploidy. Furthermore, OsHV‐1 resistance was not substantially altered by triploidization, indicating that the achieved selective breeding of diploid oysters for OsHV‐1 resistance can be translated into improved survival in triploids.  相似文献   

The Wadden Sea is an extensive wetland area, recognized as UNESCO world heritage site of international importance. Since the mid‐1990s, the invasive Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg 1793) population in the area has grown exponentially, having a distinct impact on the ecosystem. The recent spread of the emerging oyster pathogen Ostreid herpesvirus OsHV‐1 μVar worldwide and specifically in the oyster culture areas in the south of the Netherlands raised the question whether the virus may also be present in the Wadden Sea. In the summer of 2012 juvenile Pacific oysters were collected from five locations in the Dutch Wadden Sea. The virus was shown to be present in three of the five locations by real‐time PCR and sequencing. It was concluded that OsHV‐1 μVar has settled itself in Pacific oyster reefs in the Wadden Sea. These results and the recent discoveries of OsHV‐1 microvariants in Australia and Korea indicate that OsHV‐1 μVar and related variants might be more widespread than can be deduced from current literature. In particular in regions with no commercial oyster culture, similar to the Wadden Sea, the virus may go undetected as wild beds with mixed age classes hamper the detection of mortality among juvenile oysters.  相似文献   

The Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas is a representative bivalve mollusc that is widely cultured in the world and is the largest molluscan group cultured in China. In order to assess the feasibility of improving survival of C. gigas through genetic selection, the heritability and genetic correlations for growth and survival traits between different life stages were examined. Genetic parameters were estimated based on intraclass correlations of 49 full‐sib families (29 half‐sib families) in larvae (4 and 20 days after fertilization) and spat (140 days after fertilization) stages. The heritability for growth traits in larvae and spat was 0.30–0.86 and 0.53–0.59, respectively, and varied with ages. The heritability of survival was low in larvae (0.13 ± 0.05 and 0.17 ± 0.04, respectively for 4 and 20 days after fertilization) but medium (0.39 ± 0.07) in spat, suggesting that selection for increasing spat survival was feasible. The genetic correlation between growth traits within age was medium to high and positive (ranging from 0.47 to 0.96, respectively, between shell length (SL) and shell height (SH) at 20 days and between SL and SH at 140 days after fertilization), suggesting that selection to improve single growth trait will cause positive response in another growth traits in C. gigas. The genetic correlations between survival and growth traits at 140 days were low but positive (ranging from 0.23 to 0.27, respectively, between survival and SH and between survival and SL at 140 days after fertilization), suggesting that selection for survival may not have a negative response in growth. Overall, this study suggests that survival traits should be taken as improving target of next selection breeding programme in C. gigas.  相似文献   

Triploid production in aquaculture is increasing because of their more profitable growth and reproduction traits. Triploids are mostly produced through mass spawning techniques, meaning that exact pedigree is unknown. The ability to trace the pedigree of high performing triploids would allow selection of broodstock to perpetuate triploids of greater economic value. This study aimed to develop a method of determining parental assignment in triploids and test its accuracy on triploid oysters. Using a likelihood approach and accounting for null allele frequencies, a method was developed which proved to be efficient at determining the pedigree of triploid oysters. This method was able to provide accurate pedigree on simulated data and two commercial cohorts of triploid oysters. The analysis of the triploid cohorts showed that mass spawning to produce triploid oysters, like that for diploid and tetraploids, results in a strong bias in parental contributions, with the effective population size being 34‐49% lower than the census population. This highlights the need for pedigree control in breeding programs and indicates that the ability to determine parentage of triploids will be a valuable tool for breeding programs.  相似文献   

Shell characteristics and consequent marketability of the oyster Crassostrea gigas are influenced by several factors, and most important of which are the rearing methods and gears. In this study, we investigated the effects of two different gears on the quality aspect (shell shape, weight meat percentage, backward shell shape, epibionts and blisters) and growth rate (weight and length) of C. gigas by adopting the innovative Ortac Oyster Farming System, during the field grow‐out phase of production. Aspect and growth of oysters farmed in Ortac and floating bags were compared. After 14 weeks, the aspect of the animals was influenced by the gear, resulting in a lower quality in the Ortac (i.e. worse shell shape, lower weight meat percentage, higher percentage of backwards and blisters) than in the floating bag, while the incidence of epibionts was less in the Ortac. Regarding the growth performance, total wet weight gained in the Ortac was lower (~28.3 g) than in the floating bag (~32.4 g; p < .05). These results highlight the efficiency of the floating bag as oyster rearing system in the Mediterranean basin and suggest the need to alter the Ortac gear to these environmental conditions.  相似文献   

黄勤  陈曦 《福建水产》2011,33(1):1-8
本文采用Ucdcg153、157、202微卫星分子标记对福建漳浦从广东饶平引人的太平洋牡蛎育苗亲贝进行等位基因比较.两组样品(Cg♀和cg♂)携带的等位基因在微卫星重复区间及其附近存在高度相似的变异特征.这些特征区间分别是:Ucdcg153 23~40位碱基区间,Ucdcg157 73~100位碱基区间,Ucd-cg2...  相似文献   

Although breeding of rare shell colour variants has drawn widespread attention from shellfish breeders, the potential disadvantages of their adaptive capacity have been ignored in practice. To explore the difference in adaptive capacity between orange shell variant (OSO) and commercially cultured population (CPO) of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas at early life stage, the development to D‐larvae and larval survival and growth (just 23 and 30°C for larval experiment) of them were compared under different temperature (16, 23 and 30°C) and salinity (17, 25 and 33 psu) combinations. In this study, at 23°C and 25 psu, for both OSO and CPO there was no difference in fertilization rates and survival (> .05) (mean percentages of D‐larvae after fertilized 40 hr ≥ 95.00%; mean larval survival rates on day 10 > 80.00%). However, the percentage of D‐larvae of CPO at 40 hr was significantly (< .05) higher than OSO at temperatures of 16 and 30°C and 25–33 psu and 17 psu at 23°C. Similarly, CPO has a better larval survival on day 10 and growth than OSO at salinities of 17 and 33 psu at 23°C. Overall, our results indicate that OSO can have an equally good performance like CPO at early life stage under optimal condition (23°C; 25 psu), but the potential disadvantages in adaptive capacity will be shown at suboptimal conditions. These findings can guide future hatchery breeding of OSO, and suggest the potential disadvantages in adaptive capacity in rare colour variants need more attention in further breeding.  相似文献   

The robustness of Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg), sperm cryopreservation in the context of selective breeding based on family lines was investigated. Irrespective of egg density, high fertilization success was achieved with cryopreserved sperm when sperm:egg ratios of 1000:1 to 10 000:1 were used. Variation among replicate runs on the same oyster batches was minimal, indicating that cryopreservation and larval rearing procedures were repeatable. Twenty independent single male–female crosses were made to assess the utility of cryopreserved sperm in selective breeding. The fertility of unfrozen sperm was generally a poor predictor of cryopreserved sperm fertility. Based on D‐larval yields, 17 of the 20 crosses were likely to yield adequate spat for selective breeding (>105 D‐larvae from 1 million eggs), two were marginal (5 × 104 D‐larvae) and one was inadequate (4 × 103 D‐larvae). An alternative fertilization strategy to improve D‐yield from a given number of sperm was then tested. Fertilizing 10 million eggs at a sperm:egg ratio of 200:1 increased the total D‐yield when compared with fertilizing 1 million eggs at a sperm:egg ratio of 2000:1 for the same male–female pair. We conclude that, despite wide variation in fertility, cryopreserved sperm is useful for family production.  相似文献   

Pacific oyster is one of the leading species in world aquaculture, but heritability estimation applying mixed‐family approach has not been actively pursued. In this study, heritability for growth‐related traits in the Pacific oyster was first estimated by creating a single cohort of 45 families in a full‐factorial mating design consisting of nine sires and five dams. A total of 270 offspring were analysed and parentage assignment inferred by six microsatellite markers achieved 100% success. All parents contributed to the spawn and a total of 42 full‐sib families were represented. Using an animal model, heritability estimates at 12 months of age were 0.49 ± 0.25 for shell height, 0.36 ± 0.19 for shell length, 0.45 ± 0.23 for shell width and 0.35 ± 0.17 for wet weight. Genetic correlation between shell height and wet weight was quite high (0.79 ± 0.25), suggesting that direct selection of shell height, which is an easily measurable trait, also improves wet weight. The results obtained in this study indicate that growth‐related traits could be improved by exploiting additive genetic effects through selective breeding.  相似文献   

Starting in 1997, mortality outbreaks in cultured oysters Crassostrea gigas have been reported in northwestern México. Previous studies have shown that massive die‐offs result from multi‐factor processes related to reproduction of the species. We studied the reproductive cycle and the condition index of cultured oysters in the coastal lagoon of El Soldado, Sonora, as well as the relationship of the life cycle with environmental parameters. We used oocyte diameter to determine reproductive stages and the condition index to describe the physiological state of oysters. Additionally, the temperature, salinity, seston and chlorophyll a were recorded at the study site. The results showed that C. gigas began accelerated reproductive activity in March under the influence of high temperature and increased concentrations of food. No spawning events were recorded and gametes were reabsorbed within the gonad in September and October. The results showed a period of nutrient storage during autumn–winter and another period of gamete production in spring–summer. A mortality event occurred at the end of winter, tied to significant increases in temperature and availability of food and in accelerated reproductive activity and high condition index. These conditions were very similar to those reported in other countries during summer die‐offs of C. gigas.  相似文献   

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are natural phenomena with different effects on the aquatic environment that affect both human economy and health. Several genomic studies have been done to characterize the effects of contaminants on Crassostrea gigas. However, oysters’ molecular response to HABs exposure needs to be studied more. In this study, we challenged C. gigas with Prorocentrum lima, a diarrhoetic toxin producer, under controlled experimental conditions considering dinoflagellate density and exposure time (acute and sub‐chronic) as variables. The expression profile of six stress response genes was analysed by semiquantitative RT‐PCR: Glutamine synthetase (GS), Glutathione S‐transferase (GST), heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), and heat shock protein 90 (HSP90), CuZn superoxide dismutase (SOD) and melanogenic peroxidase (POX). The results revealed that these gene expressions depend on exposure time and cell concentration. In general, an increased expression was observed in all tested cell densities as immediate response to exposure (0–3 h); whereas lower expression levels than control were observed after 6 h. Treatment with 3,000 cells mL‐1 promoted higher expression than control on most genes after 336 h of exposure. This is the first report providing information at molecular level on C. gigas response to dinoflagellate blooms.  相似文献   

This study examined the seasonal variation in the condition index (CI) of Crassostrea gigas postlarvae (<5 mm) that were cultivated at a commercial hatchery. Oysters were sampled weekly at the nursery using seawater from a lagoon for the grow‐out that precedes commercialization. Temperature, salinity, seston, chlorophyll a, oxygen and pH were recorded at each sampling and water samples were taken to identify phytoplankton groups and their abundance. High levels of primary productivity, chlorophyll a and seston were detected during summer, but the highest CI occurred in winter. During winter, elevated phytoplankton biomass was composed by diatoms and phytoflagellates, which served as the main food source and promoted weight gain in this season. Variations in salinity, oxygen and pH were not related to differences in the CI. However, it appears that the wide temperature variation affected functions, such as feeding activity, apparently enhancing ingestion during winter (mean 16.5±1.4 °C) and reducing ingestion during summer (mean 31±1.5 °C). Winter production resulted in postlarvae with a homogeneous size range and a high CI, indicating that winter is more favourable to start cultivation. The CI represents a practical means to determine the physiological state of postlarvae before transfer to cultivation sites.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic abnormalities associated with viral infections, including from viruses of the Herpesvirales order, have been reported in vertebrate species. Ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV‐1) has been detected worldwide during mortality outbreaks of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. On the other hand, a high proportion of aneuploid cells in somatic tissues have been observed in C. gigas. In this study, we analysed the putative association between aneuploidy levels and the detection of OsHV‐1 in gills of C. gigas, the Portuguese oyster C. angulata and their F1 hybrids cultured in Ria Formosa (Portugal). OsHV‐1 was detected by PCR in 5.4% of the total of oysters analysed (n = 111) namely in 11.1%, 8.0% and 1.7% of C. gigas, C. angulata and F1 hybrid respectively. Sequencing analysis of a viral fragment amplified with the C2/C6 primer pair revealed a high similarity with the OsHV‐1 reference type. Moreover, in situ hybridization confirmed the presence of OsHV‐1 in gill tissue. Oysters where OsHV‐1 was detected had a significantly higher mean percentage of aneuploid cells (25%) than the ones where the virus was not detected (18%). However, the overall low percentage of positive samples contrasted with the high mean percentage of aneuploidy observed, with 50% of the oysters analysed showing a percentage of aneuploid cells between 20% and 30%. We hypothesize that somatic aneuploidy may adversely affect oysters making them more prone to OsHV‐1 infection, but the virus is unlikely to be the cause of somatic aneuploidy.  相似文献   

In 2005, Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas , were collected from May to September along the East Frisian coast and processed for histology. Because of mass mortalities in September, additional samples of moribund oysters and apparently healthy blue mussels, Mytilus edulis , were subjected to virological and ultrastructural investigation. The oysters displayed a variety of pathological conditions including viral gametocytic hypertrophy which is reported here for the first time from the German coast. Haemocyte aggregations in the digestive tract, in the intestinal mucosa and submucosa, in the mid-gut gland and in the ventricle of the heart were commonly observed at some stations. In association with mass mortalities, severe gill necrosis occurred which may have contributed to the high mortality rates. Total mortality rates of up to approximately 60% were seen. All size classes and thus age classes of oysters were affected, with highest mortality rates within the youngest age classes which had just reached sexual maturity (shell lengths <40 mm). The smallest dead oysters had shell lengths of 10 mm. The phenomenon was mainly restricted to C. gigas stocks in harbours, probably because of favourable conditions for infection, i.e. limited water exchange, less food availability, reduced oxygen content and higher pollution levels.  相似文献   

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