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L.-H. Linh    N.-T. Hang    F.-X. Jin    K.-H. Kang    Y.-T. Lee    S.-J. Kwon    S.-N. Ahn 《Plant Breeding》2008,127(3):262-267
A new QTL for spikelets per panicle (SPP) was detected on the long arm of chromosome 7 in an F2 population derived from a cross between the japonica cultivar Hwaseongbyeo and WH29001. WH29001, an advanced backcross line was developed by introgressing chromosomal segments from an accession of O. minuta (2n = 48, BBCC, Acc. no. 101141 ) into the O. sativa subsp. japonica cv. Hwaseongbyeo. The O. minuta allele increased SPP in the Hwaseongbyeo background despite the fact that O. minuta was the small panicle parent. Using F3 and F4 progenies, spp7 was validated and mapped to a 2.3 Mb region in the interval between the SSR markers RM445 and RM21615 based on the japonica genome sequence. A yield trial using F4 lines indicated that the lines carrying an O. minuta chromosome segment across the entire spp7 target region out‐yielded its sister lines containing Hwaseongbyeo chromosome in the target region and Hwaseongbyeo by 14.3% and 15.9%, respectively. Increase in SPP in WH29001 was mainly because of the increase in primary branches per panicle. The locus, spp7 is of particular interest because of its independence from undesirable height and flowering time. SSR markers tightly linked to the spp7 will facilitate cloning of the gene underlying this QTL as well as marker‐assisted selection for variation in SPP in an applied breeding program.  相似文献   

Hybrid rice has contributed substantially to the improvement of grain production worldwide, yet its poor cooking and tasting characteristics have long been recognized. In this study, 132 recombinant inbred lines derived from LYPJ were used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for 12 cooking traits with the high‐density SNP linkage map recently developed by our team. We identified 17 QTLs on chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11, which accounted for 7.50% to 23.50% of the phenotypic variations. A novel major QTL qBGL7 for boiled grain length was further fine‐mapped to an interval of 440 Kb between the two markers RM21906 and gl3 using a BC3F2 population. Two near‐isogenic lines with extreme boiled grain length, GX5‐176 and GX5‐101, could be directly used in improving cooking quality. We also identified a QTL for soaked grain width expansion rate, qSGWE6, in the Wx gene region on chromosome 6. The Wx differential regulation coincided with sequential variation between the two parents. Our work offered a theoretical basis for molecular breeding of high‐quality hybrid rice.  相似文献   

Two‐line hybrid rice as a novel hybrid breeding method has huge potential for yield increasing and utilization of intersubspecific heterosis, and it is of major significance for the food security of rice‐consuming populations. Zhu1S is a thermosensitive genic male‐sterile line of rice with low critical temperature and excellent combining ability, which has been widely exploited as a female parent in Chinese two‐line hybrid rice breeding. Here, genetic mapping in F2 populations was used to show that its male sterility is inherited as a single recessive gene and that responsible gene (termed tms9) lies on the short arm of chromosome 2. A high‐resolution linkage analysis which was based on the Zhu1S/R173 F2 population found that the thermosensitive genic male‐sterile gene tms9 of Zhu1S was fine mapped between insertion–deletion (Indel) markers Indel 37 and Indel 57, and the genetic distance from the tms9 to the two markers was 0.12 and 0.31 cM, respectively. The physical distance between the two markers was about 107.2 kb. Sequence annotation databases showed that the two Indel markers (Indel 37 and Indel 57) were located on two BAC clones (B1307A11 and P0027A02). There are sixteen open reading frames (ORF) present in this region. The results of this study are of great significance for further cloning tms9 and molecular marker–assisted selection.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) deficiency is a major yield‐limiting factor in rice production. The objective of this study was to identify putative QTLs for low‐N stress tolerance of rice, using an advanced backcross population derived from crosses between an indica cultivar ‘93‐11’ and a japonica cultivar ‘Nipponbare’ and genotyped at 250 marker loci. Plant height, maximum root length, root dry weight, shoot dry weight and plant dry weight under two N conditions and their relative traits were used to evaluate low‐N tolerance at the seedling stage. A total of 44 QTLs were identified on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9. Eight intervals on five chromosomes were identified to harbour multiple QTLs, suggesting pleiotropism or multigenic effects according to the contributor of alleles. Some QTL clusters were found in the nearby regions of genes associated with N recycling in rice, indicating that the key N metabolism genes might have effects on the expression of QTLs. Several unique QTLs for relative traits were detected, which suggested the specific genetic basis of relative performance.  相似文献   

Total spikelet number per panicle (TSN) is one of the most important traits associated with rice yield potential. This trait was assessed in a set of 334 chromosomal segment introgression lines (ILs: BC3-derived lines), developed from new plant type (NPT) varieties as donor parents and having the genetic background of an indica-type rice variety IR64. Among the 334 ILs, five lines which had different donor parents and showed significantly higher TSN than IR64 were used for genetic analysis. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis was conducted using F2 populations derived from crosses between IR64 and these ILs. As a result, a QTL for high TSN (one from each NPT donor variety) was detected on common region of the long arm of chromosome 4. The effect of the QTL was confirmed by an increase in TSN of five near-isogenic lines (NILs) developed in the present study. The variation in TSN was found among these NILs, attributing to the panicle architecture in the numbers of primary, secondary and tertiary branches. The NILs for TSN and the SSR markers linked to the TSN QTLs are expected to be useful materials for research and breeding to enhance the yield potential of rice varieties.  相似文献   

Yield is a complex trait. To improve it, the accumulation of the favourable alleles of valuable genes is required for each yield‐related trait. In this study, we used two high‐yielding rice cultivars developed in Japan, indica‐type ‘Takanari’ and japonica‐type ‘Momiroman’, for a genetic analysis of the sink capacity‐related traits. An F2 population showed transgressive segregation for the number of spikelets per panicle. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis detected four QTLs for the trait. Two of the QTLs were most likely identical to previously cloned GN1a and APO1, and their Takanari alleles had positive effects. The Momiroman alleles of the other two QTLs had positive effects, and one of these QTLs was most likely identical to SPIKE/GPS. The QTL on the long arm of chromosome 3 appeared to be novel; it clustered with QTLs for grain length and days‐to‐heading. Substitution mapping revealed that the close linkage of QTLs caused the clustering. These results suggest that the combination of the favourable alleles of detected QTLs could lead to greater sink capacity than that of the parental cultivars.  相似文献   

Dwarf mutants are valuable and crucial resources for genetic research and crop breeding programme in rice. In this study, we identified a dwarf mutant derive from tissue culture, which exhibited a delayed heading date and dwarfism under long‐day growth conditions, suggesting the heading date of dwarf mutant was sensitive to day length. Based on 2000 F2 mutant‐like individuals from the cross of the mutant and a Japonica var. ‘IRAT129’, the dwarf gene was finally narrowed into a 512‐kb region near the centromere on chromosome 9. According to the sequence analysis of a delimited region, 21 genes had base alternations either in promoters (15 SNPs) or in coding regions (6 InDels) among 73 annotated genes, and five genes were confirmed sequence alternations resulting from their expression mainly in the vegetative organs. Given to the RNAi plants of the five genes incapable to mimic dwarf and late heading date phenotype, the candidate gene remains to be identified by other genetic or molecular methods. Therefore, all these results give us informative foundation for the day‐length‐sensitive dwarf gene isolation.  相似文献   

Vitamin E (VE) is an important nutritional trait in rice grains. In order to dissect the genetic basis underlying VE content, a recombinant inbred lines population derived from 'Zhenshan 97B' and 'Nanyangzhan' was used for quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis. Totally, 29 QTLs for six VE traits were identified in 2 consecutive years. Among those, five QTLs repeatedly detected in two years formed a cluster on chromosome 2, which was responsible for all five VE isomers. OsγTMT, the gene encoding γ‐tocopherol methyltransferase in rice, was located to the same region and treated as the candidate gene. Sequence analysis of alleles from two parents revealed many polymorphisms, including 19 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and two insert/deletions (Indels) in the promoter region, two nonsynonymous SNPs in exons, and 25 SNPs and an Indel in introns. Besides, a QTL for δ‐tocotrienol and two QTLs for α‐tocopherol were repeatedly detected on chromosome 5 and 8, respectively, all three regions carrying no homologous genes involved in VE biosynthesis. These results could be useful in development of rice lines displaying desirable VE content.  相似文献   

Seed storability in rice (Oryza sativa L.) is an important agronomic trait. We previously showed a quantitative trait locus of seed storability, qSS‐9, on chromosome 9 in a backcross population of ‘Koshihikari’ (japonica) / ‘Kasalath’ (indica) // ‘Koshihikari’. In this study, fine mapping of the chromosomal location of qSS‐9 was performed. Effect of ‘Kasalath’ allele of qSS‐9 was validated using a chromosome segment substitution line, SL36, which harboured the target quantitative trait loci (QTL) from ‘Kasalath’ in the genetic background of ‘Nipponbare’ under different ageing treatments in different environments. Subsequently, an F2 population from a cross between ‘Nipponbare’ and SL36 was used for fine mapping of qSS‐9. Simultaneously, four subnear isogenic lines (sub‐NILs) that represented different recombination breakpoints across the qSS‐9 region were developed from F3 progeny. Finally, the qSS‐9 locus was located between the Indel markers Y10 and Y13, which delimit a region of 147 kb in the ‘Nipponbare’ genome. These results provide a springboard for map‐based cloning of qSS‐9 and possibilities for breeding rice varieties with strong seed storability.  相似文献   

To further understand the nature of hybrid sterility between Oryza sativa and Oryza glaberrima, quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling hybrid sterility between the two cultivated rice species were detected in BC1F1 and advanced backcross populations. A genetic map was constructed using the BC1F1 population derived from a cross between WAB450-16, an O. sativa cultivar, and CG14, an O. glaberrima cultivar. Seven main-effect QTLs for pollen and spikelet sterility were detected in the BC1F1. Forty-four sterility NILs (BC6F1) were developed via successive backcrosses using pollen sterility plants as female and WAB450-16 as the recurrent parent. Seven NILs, in which the target QTL regions were heterozygous while the other QTL regions as well as most of the reminder of the genome were homozygous for the WAB450-16 allele, were selected as the QTL identification materials. BC7F1 for the seven NILs showed a continuous variation in pollen and spikelet fertility. The four identified pollen sterility QTLs were located one each on chromosomes 1, 3, 7 and 7. Pollen sterility loci qSS-3 and qSS-7a were on chromosomes 3 and 7, respectively, which coincides with the previously identified S19, and S20, while loci qSS-1 and qSS-7b on chromosomes 1 and 7L appear distinct from all previously reported loci. An epistatic interaction controlling the hybrid sterility was detected between qSS-1 and qSS-7a.  相似文献   

Heterosis, or hybrid vigour, has been used to improve seed yield in several important crops for decades and it has potential applications in soybean. The discovery of over‐dominant quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying yield‐related traits, such as seed weight, will facilitate hybrid soybean breeding via marker‐assisted selection. In this study, F2 and F2 : 3 populations derived from the crosses of ‘Jidou 12’ (Glycine max) × ‘ZYD2738’ (Glycine soja) and ‘Jidou 9’ (G. max) × ‘ZYD2738’ were used to identify over‐dominant QTL associated with seed weight. A total of seven QTL were identified. Among them, qSWT_13_1, mapped on chromosome 13 and linked with Satt114, showed an over‐dominant effect in two populations for two successive generations. This over‐dominant effect was further examined by six subpopulations derived from ‘Jidou12’ × ‘ZYD2738’. The seed weight for heterozygous individuals was 1.1‐ to 1.6‐fold higher than that of homozygous individuals among the six validation populations examined in different locations and years. Therefore, qSWT_13_1 may be a useful locus to improve the yield of hybrid soybean and to understand the molecular mechanism of heterosis in soybean.  相似文献   

Cold tolerance is a complex trait, and QTL pyramiding is required for rice breeding. In this study, a total of seven QTLs for cold tolerance in the Japonica rice variety ‘Nipponbare’ were identified in an F2:3 population. A stably inherited major QTL, called qCTS11, was detected in the region adjacent to the centromere of chromosome 11. In a near‐isogenic line population, the QTL was further dissected into two linked loci, qCTS11.1 and qCTS11.2. Both of the homozygous alleles of qCTS11.1 and qCTS11.2 from ‘Nipponbare’ showed major positive effects on cold tolerance. Through pyramiding the linked QTLs in the cold‐sensitive Indica rice cultivar ‘93‐11’, we have developed a new elite, high‐yielding Indica variety with cold tolerance.  相似文献   

Soft rice with low amylose content (AC) ranging by 5–15% is a unique type with special eating and appearance quality and has become popular in the rice market. We resequenced the Wx‐mp, a key allele from Milky Princess, a Japanese low AC variety, and found that the +473 mutation in exon 4 is the key mutation in both Wx‐mp and its ancestor allele, Wx‐mq from Milky Queen. Based on this functional mutation, an allele‐specific PCR (AS‐PCR) marker was developed and proven in a breeding population derived from a cross between a Chinese late variety Nan Keng 46 (Wx‐mp/Wx‐mp) and an early line Ning 63121(Wx‐b/Wx‐b). Based on the marker‐aided selection by our newly developed AS‐PCR marker for Wx‐mp and the known ST10 marker for Stvb‐i, a total of 12 Wx‐mp homozygotes were selected from 198 F2 progenies, and four of them were immune to rice stripe virus (RSV) with averagely 11.3 days earlier heading than Nan Keng 46 without significant change in grain yield.  相似文献   

Cultivated lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) is susceptible to aphanomyces root rot (ARR), whereas partial resistance is present in wild lentil including Lens ervoides (Brign.) Grande. Approximately six generations of selfing are required to fix a desired trait in a population, which usually requires 2 years in a breeding programme, so the primary objective was to develop a rapid generation cycling (RGC) technique that achieves this goal in 1 year. Rapid generation cycling was then tested on an F2 population (LR‐59) derived from a L. culinaris × L. ervoides cross in combination with a reliable ARR screening technique, which generates a wide range of disease severities conducive to selection. Phenotyping of an F2 population of more than 1,200 plants resulted in scores ranging from 2.4 to 4.0 on a scale from zero to five. Plants with scores lower than 4.0 were selected for advancement for five generations using a modified single‐seed descent method, optimum growing conditions, 20‐hr photoperiod and harvest of immature seeds. Seeds were germinated in a 100 μM gibberellin solution. Average generation length after phenotyping was 56 days resulting in five generations within approximately 300 days. Using a modified inoculation protocol, ARR phenotyping of the F7 population resulted in scores ranging from 1.4 to 4.0. This inexpensive, nonsterile speed breeding protocol saves 1 year in the development of lentil varieties with improved ARR resistance.  相似文献   

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