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Background: Serum cobalamin concentrations below reference range are a common consequence of gastrointestinal disease in cats. Serum cobalamin ≤ 100 ng/L is associated with methylmalonic acidemia.
Objectives: To determine the prevalence of cobalamin deficiency, defined by elevated serum methylmalonic acid (MMA), in cats with serum cobalamin ≤ 290 ng/L, and the optimum serum cobalamin concentration to predict cobalamin deficiency in cats.
Sample Set: Residual serum samples (n = 206) from cats with serum cobalamin ≤ 290 ng/L.
Methods: Retrospective, observational study. Serum cobalamin and folate were measured with automated assays. Serum MMA was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Cobalamin deficiency was defined as serum MMA > 867 nmol/L. Sensitivity and specificity of serum cobalamin concentrations ≤290 ng/L for detecting MMA > 867 nmol/L were analyzed using a receiver-operator characteristic curve.
Results: There was a negative correlation between serum cobalamin and MMA concentrations (Spearman's r =−0.74, P < 0.0001). The prevalence of MMA ≥ 867 nmol/L in cats with serum cobalamin ≤ 290 ng/L was 68.4%. Serum cobalamin ≤ 160 ng/L had a 74% sensitivity and 80% specificity for detecting MMA > 867 nmol/L. No significant difference in serum folate concentrations was detected between affected and unaffected cats.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Elevated MMA concentrations, suggesting cobalamin deficiency, are common in cats with serum cobalamin ≤ 290 ng/L. Cobalamin deficiency is clinically significant, and supplementation with parenteral cobalamin is recommended for cats with gastrointestinal disease and low serum cobalamin concentrations.  相似文献   

The sensitivities and specificities of an absorbed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and an agar-gel immuno-diffusion (AGID) test for the detection of Johne’s disease in sheep were estimated using data from six known infected and 12 assumed uninfected sheep flocks. Sensitivities were estimated for all histologically positive sheep, as well as by histological lesion score, lesion type (paucibacillary or multibacillary) and sheep body-condition score, with ELISA sensitivities estimated at 95 and 99% specificity. Logistic-regression analysis was used to test for significant effects of lesion score and condition score, with flock included in the model as a random effect.

Estimated specificities were 95% (95% CI: 93.4, 95.6%) and 99% (98.4, 99.4%) for ELISA cut-point ratios of 2.4 and 3.6, respectively, and 100% (99.7, 100.0%) for the AGID. Estimated sensitivities for all infected sheep were 41.5% (35.0, 48.3%), 21.9% (16.6, 27.9%) and 24.6% (19.1, 30.7%) for ELISA cut-point ratios of 2.4 and 3.6 and for AGID, respectively. Sensitivities of all tests and cut-points varied significantly between flocks and between categories of lesion score and condition score. Sensitivity ranged from 25 to 73, 10 to 47 and 9.2 to 63% between flocks, for the ELISA with cut-points of 2.4 and 3.6, and for the AGID, respectively. Sensitivity was highest in thin sheep and in sheep with multibacillary lesions. The effects of lesion type and condition score on test sensitivity were significant in the logistic regressions for the AGID and ELISA at both cut-points and the flock effect was significant for the AGID but not for the ELISA at either cut-point.  相似文献   

The flock-level sensitivity of pooled faecal culture and serological testing using AGID for the detection of ovine Johne’s disease-infected flocks were estimated using non-gold-standard methods. The two tests were compared in an extensive field trial in 296 flocks in New South Wales during 1998. In each flock, a sample of sheep was selected and tested for ovine Johne’s disease using both the AGID and pooled faecal culture. The flock-specificity of pooled faecal culture also was estimated from results of surveillance and market-assurance testing in New South Wales.

The overall flock-sensitivity of pooled faecal culture was 92% (95% CI: 82.4 and 97.4%) compared to 61% (50.5 and 70.9%) for serology (assuming that both tests were 100% specific). In low-prevalence flocks (estimated prevalence <2%), the flock-sensitivities of pooled faecal culture and serology were 82% (57 and 96%) and 33% (19 and 49%), respectively, compared to 96% (85 and 99.5%) and 85% (72 and 93%), respectively, in higher-prevalence flocks (estimated prevalence ≥2%). A Bayesian approach incorporating prior knowledge on flock-specificity of pooled culture produced similar estimates and probability intervals. These estimates assume conditional independence of the two tests, and therefore might have over-estimated the true flock-sensitivities of the tests if the flock-sensitivities of pooled faecal culture and serology were correlated.

The estimated minimum flock-specificity of pooled culture when used for surveillance and assurance testing was 99.1% (96.9 and 99.9%). Surveillance and assurance programs in Australia are designed to provide a flock-sensitivity of 95% for an assumed prevalence of 2%. Pooled faecal culture is performing at close to this level—whereas the flock-sensitivity of serology appears to be lower than expected, particularly in lower prevalence flocks.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究理想氨基酸模式下,不同饲粮氨基酸水平对生长期后备母猪生长性能、血清生化指标和氨基酸浓度的影响。选用120头体况相似、平均体重为(19.00±1.50)kg的长大二元母猪,随机分成4个组,每个组3个重复,每个重复10头猪,分别饲喂4种不同可消化赖氨酸(DLys)水平的玉米-豆粕型饲粮。20~40 kg阶段,饲粮DLys水平为0.78%(1组)、0.83%(2组)、0.88%(3组)、0.93%(4组);40~70 kg阶段,饲粮DLys水平为0.68%(1组)、0.73%(2组)、0.78%(3组)、0.83%(4组),并通过添加4种合成氨基酸保证4组饲粮中DLys、可消化含硫氨基酸、可消化苏氨酸、可消化色氨酸的比值(100∶60∶65∶18)一致。结果表明,20~40 kg阶段,试验2组平均日增重(569.69 g)达到最大,料重比(2.24)最低;试验2组血清尿素氮浓度显著低于试验3和4组(P0.05),与试验1组差异不显著(P0.05);试验2组血清类胰岛素生长因子Ⅰ浓度显著高于试验3和4组(P0.05),与试验1组差异不显著(P0.05);血清游离赖氨酸、苏氨酸浓度2组显著低于试验3和4组(P0.05),血清游离亮氨酸、异亮氨酸、苯丙氨酸和缬氨酸浓度2组显著低于试验3和4组(P0.05)。40~70 kg阶段,试验3组平均日增重(787.43 g)达到最大,料重比(2.55)最低;试验3组血清尿素氮浓度显著低于其他试验组(P0.05),血清类胰岛素生长因子-Ⅰ浓度各组间差异不显著(P0.05);血清游离赖氨酸、苏氨酸浓度试验3组显著低于试验1、2组(P0.05)。由此可见,在本试验条件下,长大后备母猪20~40 kg阶段适宜饲粮DLys水平为0.83%,以消化能浓度表示为0.61 g/MJ,40~70 kg阶段适宜饲粮DLys水平为0.78%、以消化能浓度表示为0.57 g/MJ。  相似文献   

Domestic cats with small intestinal disease may develop cobalamin deficiency because of reduced small intestinal uptake of this vitamin. This study assessed the impact of cobalamin deficiency on biochemical and clinical findings in cats with intestinal disease. Nineteen pet cats, all with severe hypocobalaminemia (< or =100 ng/L) and histories of gastrointestinal signs, were studied. Cats received cobalamin, 250 microg SC once weekly, for 4 weeks. Biochemical indices of cobalamin availability (e.g., serum methylmalonic acid, homocysteine, and cysteine concentrations), serum feline trypsinlike immunoreactivity (fTLI) and serum folate concentrations, and clinical findings were recorded at the start of the study and after 4 weeks of cobalamin therapy. Serum methylmalonic acid (MMA) concentrations (median; range) decreased after cobalamin supplementation (5373.0; 708.5-29,329.0 versus 423.5; 214.0-7219.0 nmol/L, P < .0001). Serum homocysteine concentrations were not significantly altered (mean +/- SD 8.2 +/- 2.9 versus 10.3 +/- 4.5 micromol/L, P = .1198), whereas cysteine concentrations increased significantly (122.3 +/- 38.8 versus 191.5 +/- 29.4 micromol/L, P < .0001). Mean body weight increased significantly after cobalamin therapy (3.8 +/- 1.1 versus 4.1 +/- 1 kg, P < .01), and the average body weight gain was 8.2%. Significant linear relationships were observed between alterations in serum MMA and fTLI concentrations and the percentage body weight change (P < .05 for both, Pearson r2 = 0.26 and 0.245, respectively). Mean serum folate concentration decreased significantly (mean +/- SD 19 +/- 5 microg/L versus 15.4 +/- 6.2 microg/L, P < .001). Reduced vomiting and diarrhea were observed in 7 of 9 and 5 of 13 cats, respectively. These results suggest that cobalamin supplementation in cats with small intestinal disease and severe hypocobalaminemia is associated with normalization of biochemical test results and improvements in clinical findings in most affected cats.  相似文献   

选用 1日龄艾维茵肉仔鸡 50 4只 ,随机分为 9组 ,每组 4个重复 ,每重复 1 4只鸡 ,公母比为 1∶1 ,采用 3× 3(Fe×VA)完全随机试验设计 ,研究了日粮添加不同水平的Fe(0 ,30 ,60mg/kg)和VA(750 ,1 50 0 ,2 70 0IU/kg)对肉仔鸡不同生长阶段 (0 4周龄和 5 7周龄 )的生产性能、免疫功能、血清过氧化氢酶活性及胰岛素浓度的影响。结果表明 :(1 )常规日粮中铁含量丰富 ,不添加铁时肉仔鸡的生产性能、免疫功能较佳 ;(2 )VA添加量对生产性能影响不显著 (P >0 0 5) ,对血清抗体效价的影响也不显著 (P >0 0 5) ,但对淋巴细胞ANAE+ %影响极显著 (P <0 0 0 0 1 ) ,且ANAE+ %随着VA添加量的增加而增加 ;(3)VA对血清CAT活性影响显著 (P <0 0 1 ) ,且VA(2 70 0IU/kg)组CAT活性最高 ;(4)Fe对血清胰岛素浓度影响显著 (P <0 0 5) ,且Fe(60mg/kg)组胰岛素浓度最高。 (5)Fe和VA交互作用对体增重影响显著 (P <0 0 5) ,对免疫功能影响显著 (P <0 0 1 ) ,对血清CAT活性影响显著 (P <0 0 1 ) ,且二者间存在互补作用。  相似文献   

The concentrations of copper, zinc and molybdenum were measured in liver samples from 21 normal slaughter pigs (average age about 6 months) and in 36 sows (average age about 2 years). The following mean values were found: Slaughter pigs: 15 ± 8 µg Cu/g, 45 ± 7 μg Zm/g and 1.0 ± 0.2 μg Mo/g wet weight; sows: 46 ± 70 μg Cu/g, 70 ± 26 μg Zn/g and 1.3 ± 0.3 μg Mo/g wet weight. The concentrations of all 3 elements were significantly higher in the sows than in the young pigs. There was no correlation between the concentrations of copper, zinc or molybdenum. The recorded copper levels in the slaughter pigs were in accordance with the levels of non-supplemented pigs given in the literature. The soluble hepatic copper- and zinc-binding proteins were separated into 3 different fractions by gel filtration. With increasing copper and zinc levels in the liver, a higher relative amount of these elements were found in the low molecular weight fraction.  相似文献   



Cardiac biomarkers provide objective data that augments clinical assessment of heart disease (HD).


Determine the utility of plasma N‐terminal pro‐brain natriuretic peptide concentration [NT‐proBNP] measured by a 2nd generation canine ELISA assay to discriminate cardiac from noncardiac respiratory distress and evaluate HD severity.


Client‐owned dogs (n = 291).


Multicenter, cross‐sectional, prospective investigation. Medical history, physical examination, echocardiography, and thoracic radiography classified 113 asymptomatic dogs (group 1, n = 39 without HD; group 2, n = 74 with HD), and 178 with respiratory distress (group 3, n = 104 respiratory disease, either with or without concurrent HD; group 4, n = 74 with congestive heart failure [CHF]). HD severity was graded using International Small Animal Cardiac Health Council (ISACHC) and ACVIM Consensus (ACVIMHD) schemes without knowledge of [NT‐proBNP] results. Receiver‐operating characteristic curve analysis assessed the capacity of [NT‐proBNP] to discriminate between dogs with cardiac and noncardiac respiratory distress. Multivariate general linear models containing key clinical variables tested associations between [NT‐proBNP] and HD severity.


Plasma [NT‐proBNP] (median; IQR) was higher in CHF dogs (5,110; 2,769–8,466 pmol/L) compared to those with noncardiac respiratory distress (1,287; 672–2,704 pmol/L; < .0001). A cut‐off >2,447 pmol/L discriminated CHF from noncardiac respiratory distress (81.1% sensitivity; 73.1% specificity; area under curve, 0.84). A multivariate model comprising left atrial to aortic ratio, heart rate, left ventricular diameter, end‐systole, and ACVIMHD scheme most accurately associated average plasma [NT‐proBNP] with HD severity.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Plasma [NT‐proBNP] was useful for discriminating CHF from noncardiac respiratory distress. Average plasma [NT‐BNP] increased significantly as a function of HD severity using the ACVIMHD classification scheme.  相似文献   

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