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JING Li-ying 《保鲜与加工》2006,(3):156-158
Owning to the ability of accepting insurance enough,it is the foundation for insurance companies to operate in a long-term and steady way,a method to develop sustainably,a reflection of an insurance company's comprehensive competition ability and also a premise for an insurance company to realize developing strategy.Accepting insurance ability is very important in the development and strategic planning for an insurance company.The quantitative analysis is used to analyze the ability of accepting insurance of our country's insurance companies,in another word,the factor(analysis),which belongs to the analysis of diverse statistic,is used.Using the method to give a concrete evidence analysis to the ability of accepting insurance of our country's non-life insurance companies,so that the insurance companies can understand very well to the advantages and disadvantages of the ability of accepting insurance to each other,and as well as supplying a strategic reference for the insurance companies themselves to make decisive planning. 相似文献
中国实施农村信用社发放农户小额信用贷款已经有5年。在实施的过程中,同以往其他贷款一样,出现了呆帐、坏帐、道德风险和产业风险测算不准、信用调查不实和评级不准等问题,不仅造成了信用社的贷款风险过大,而且也使农户贷款愈加困难。及时对农户小额信用贷款中存在的这些问题进行理论和实践上的创新性研究是十分必要的。研究的对象主要是信合保险这种新的金融实体,通过开展信合保险,不仅可以有效降低农村信用社的贷款风险,在一定程度上解决农户贷款难的问题,而且对改善农户生活水平也能起到一定的作用。开展信合保险也能健全农村的信贷保险机制,改善农村金融环境,推动农村经济的进一步发展。 相似文献
农村养老问题是农村社会稳定的重要问题。首先分析苏州农村基本养老保险经历的历史发展过程,在分析了目前面临的形势和存在的问题基础上,提出了改善和加强苏州农村基本养老保险的总体思路和对策建议。 相似文献
分析了个人帐户不同缴费方式和养老金给付方式下的养老金替代率,结果表明,新农保个人帐户采取按收入比例缴费、以变额定期给付方式支付养老金的精算模型较为科学合理。而新农保指导意见规定个人帐户实行定额缴费,由参保人根据国家设定标准自主选择缴费档次,养老金的月计发标准为个人账户全部储存额除以139。因此,应从保持政策的连续性出发,依据农村居民人均纯收入增长等情况适时调整缴费档次,在条件成熟时,实现向按收入比例缴费、以变额定期给付方式过渡。 相似文献
运用数据包络分析(DEA)模型对河南省108 个县域2001—2010 年的农业生产效率进行分析,获得了各县域的纯技术效率、规模效率和综合技术效率,对各县农业生产效率的时空动态进行了分析。结果表明:河南省各县域纯技术效率有效的地区在增加,总体纯技术效率明显增加;大多数县域的农业生产规模效率已达到较优水平,但规模效率有效的地区还很有限,还存在一定的增长空间,总体规模效率有所下降;河南省农业生产综合效率基本保持稳定,但各县域的波动较大。这说明河南省在2001—2010 年间对农业的技术投入有显著增加,正在有效弥补过去技术效率水平较低的“短板”,其综合技术效率仍有较大的提高空间。 相似文献
上海远洋渔业产业规模和经济效益在中国远洋渔业产业中名列前茅,分析和总结上海远洋渔业产业发展动力因素对国内其他区域大力发展远洋渔业、推动渔业相关产业发展具有非常重要的借鉴意义。运用波特钻石理论模型,以上海远洋渔业产业发展历程为主线,从生产要素、市场要素和其他产业等方面总结、提炼了上海远洋渔业产业发展的基础动因,并结合当前新的经济形势,对上海远洋渔业产业优先发展的主导动力因素进行了探讨。研究指出:外部机会、政府行为、竞争压力和消费需求与消费方式的变化是推动产业发展的基础动因,而远洋渔业资源、技术资源、资金、深加工、物流、市场和专业人才的投入是产业发展的主导动力所在。 相似文献
CHEN De qiang 《保鲜与加工》2000,(2):40-43
Financial mechanism should be put in force under certain circumstance. Based on the practice in China, this paper investigates the tendency of development of financial management, that is from normative approach to positive approach, qualitative analysis to quantitative analysis, tangible assets to intangible assets and basic financial instrument to derivative financial instrument. The objective of the research is to develop the financial management theory and make good use of the financial management skills. 相似文献
By the analysis of the traditional decision-making on project investment, its three difficulties have been found and the assumptions on base of the decision-making are presented. Starting from the assumption, the theory of option and the theory of technology innovation were introduced to revise the traditional decision-making and to endow it with new significance. As a result, the accurate and proper information could be offered to the decision-maker in time. 相似文献
棉花对黄萎病的抗性遗传模式及抗(耐)病品种的选育技术 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
本文系统总结了本研究室从1982年起开展棉花黄萎病抗性遗传育种所取得的一些研究结果。 18年4个轮次的研究证明, 棉花黄萎病抗性表现为多个显性单基因的遗传模式, 从而基本 上澄清了国际上长期争论的难题。 通过我国黄萎病病原菌的遗传变异和致病力分化分析, 提出了棉花抗黄萎病育种中鉴别菌株的选择, 抗源的合理利用, 相似文献
对畜牧业科技生产活动的有效性进行评价,可以为畜牧业科技发展战略的调整和优化提供实践性指导;本文运用DEA模型,以畜牧业科技活动的有效性分析为基础,对河北省已实施的畜牧业科技发展战略的成效进行了评价;一方面,通过对河北省2000-2007年畜牧业科技投入产出的DEA分析,得出了河北省的畜牧业科技活动在大多数年份里相对有效,但规模收益不变、甚至递减的结论;另一方面,对河北省“十一五”畜牧业科技攻关重大项目“动物检疫”、“饲料工业”以及“畜禽良繁”有效性进行了分析,揭示出不同项目的DEA特征。最后为河北省畜牧业科技发展战略的调整与优化提出了建议。 相似文献
刘守祥 《农产品加工.学刊》2005,(2):69-70,72
根据花生仁的自然属性,分析了花生仁去衣的特点;并应用动态磨削的观点设计了花生仁去衣机构,且对花生仁在机构中运动的受力和去衣过程进行了分析。 相似文献
It is generally considered that the seismic response of arched corrugated metal roof is not the control factor of structure design because of its light dead weight, but the wind-induced dynamic response on the structure is significant, so more attention must be paid to it. First, the wind simulation of the structure by AR model is carried out. Then, the TRANS method in the ANSYS is used to calculate the dynamic responses in time domain to compare the results with those in frequency domain in order to verify the validity of the two methods. 相似文献
随着世界经济一体化的进程,中国农产品的比较优势将发生重大变化,运用独立随机增量过程——马尔可夫链分析方法,分析中国农产品比较优势的变化规律,为中国农业产业结构的调整提供相关理论依据。 相似文献
优质早籼稻产量性状分析及育种策略探讨 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
对115份优质早籼稻新品系的产量性状与产量的相关分析和通径分析结果表明:各产量性状均与产量呈正相关,除株高外,其余5个性状与产量的相关均达极显著或显著水平,产量性状之间存在着相互制约和相互依赖的关系;每穴穗数对产量的贡献最大(47.84%),其次为每穗总粒数(21.86%),再次为千粒重和结实率(分别为14.47%和9.46%).根据分析结果,笔者认为优质早籼稻高产育种应主攻分蘖和提高分蘖成穗率,同时注意提高每穗粒数和千粒重.优质早籼稻高产(即产量达500~600kg/667m^2)育种的产量性状模式为单株有效穗8~10穗、每穗总粒数125~150粒、结实率80%以上、千粒重24~27g. 相似文献
Through the detail analysis for the development of the housing property right and it's present situation, this paper points out the problems existed in the housing property right which will influence the development of Chinese housing industry. A constructive discussion on resolving these problems was made in this paper. 相似文献
With the development of market economy, customers become a vital factor of the enterprise's attention. Customer relationship management gives a very strong sustain between customer and enterprise. With the value analysis, the authors measure the customer current value, customer potential value, customer long value to let enterprise's decision-making easy. In the implement of CRM, enterprise should attach importance to customer-centered strategy, the key areas of value which customers focus on, the competence of environment and the feedback speed of market. 相似文献
本文从新的角度定义植物性状的概念:即性状的基本特征遗传性、过程性、波动性、学习性和分歧性。由此特征出发,讨论研究性状中可能引进的数学和数理统计概念及方法,如时间序列分析等。通过对常异花受粉作物油菜和自花受粉作物水稻品种和杂交稻的品质产量有关性状的举例研究,说明这种思路和方法的可行性。研究油菜种子物质积累过程表明除油份积累过程以外,其他物质的积累明显由自变量的3次函数决定,是一个非线性的过程。SC, OIL and DW序列的简单指数平滑模型都达到极显著水平,对PRO 和纤维素线性模型都达到了极显著水平。但ATP未达到显著水平,可见ATP作为许多物质代谢的基本能量供应者,参与的过程极为复杂,目前难以找到合适的数量模型。对水稻叶面积生长数据时间序列分析软件进行分析,结果与油菜种子数据具有明显的不同,油菜全是指数平滑和线性趋势模型,而水稻则在15个序列中,只有6个序列表现为指数平滑或线性趋势模型,其他全部为跳减趋势的指数平滑模型。除不育系模型比较特殊外,恢复系、杂种1代、多穗型品种、大穗型品种材料的单叶重都符合跳减趋势指数平滑模型。这个结果表明了水稻单叶重的基本变化规律。而且恢复系与杂交F1的模型在3个性状上都一致,用恢复系和不育系序列对杂交稻的序列进行模拟,都是以相应变量恢复系的作用为主,不育系的作用较小。说明在水稻叶片生长特性上,恢复系对杂交稻发挥决定的作用。 相似文献
Progressive Collapse Analysis (PCA) is the base of quantitative assessment of progressive collapse-resisting capacity and progressive collapse-resisting design. There has been heightened interest among researchers of civil engineering in PCA. PCA of planar RC frame is carried on by vertical nonlinear dynamic analysis based on alternate load path method. According to responses of damage structure, progressive collapse-resisting capacity of remaining structure is evaluated. Two cases of removal of elements are analyzed, removal of columns at different stories on the same axes one by one and removal of all columns on the same axes at the same time. According to analysis of the effect of failure duration on structural progressive collapse, it is showed that the response of remaining structure is highly sensitive to failure duration of elements. The results indicate that vertical nonlinear dynamic analysis is an efficient method of progressive collapse-resisting design and progressive collapse-resisting capacity analysis. 相似文献
Combined with the development flow of real estate project,firstly a flow analysis is put forward for land investment risk identification of real estate projects,then by method of list analysis and method of expectancy computing to determine the risk level and the gain and loss of expectancy of land investment.Based on the relation and flow chart of land investment risk,the risk intensity of land investment is computed,in order to achieve an objective,effective and scientific dynamic management of land investment risk. 相似文献