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A 14-month-old entire male Old English sheepdog was presented with a slowly enlarging subcutaneous soft tissue swelling caudal to the last rib. Radiographic and ultrasonographic Investigations demonstrated a soft tissue mass closely adherent to the body wall, with a coarse hypoechoic pattern. Surgical exploration revealed a mass with the gross appearance of splenic tissue. The mass was adhered to a healed paracostal abdominal tear. Histological examination confirmed the resected tissue to be normal spleen.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old, male Old English sheepdog was admitted for weight loss and intermittent vomiting of 1 month's duration. A cranioventral abdominal mass, anemia, hypoproteinemia, and hypoalbuminemia were the prominent abnormal findings. Imaging studies identified a remarkably thickened gastric wall with multilobulated folds protruding into the gastric lumen. Gastrotomy revealed the presence of giant cerebriform rugal folds arising from the fundus and body of the stomach. Pronounced gastric glandular hyperplasia and lack of evidence of cellular atypia were suggestive of giant hypertrophic gastritis. The dog was treated with prednisolone, cimetidine, and hyoscine butylbromide, only to experience a short-term remission.  相似文献   

Two Old English Sheepdog littermates were evaluated for weakness that developed during periods of minimally intense exercise. Lactic acidosis accompanied by increased muscle enzyme activity, an increased lactate/pyruvate ratio, and increased venous PO2 supported the possibility of defective mitochondrial oxygen use. Electromyographic abnormalities included increased insertional activity and complex repetitive discharges. Muscle alterations included scattered myofiber necrosis, abundant endomysial connective tissue, excessive glycogen accumulation, and greater than normal numbers and vacuolation of mitochondria. A distinctive pattern of subsarcolemmal mitochondrial aggregates, referred to as "ragged red fibers" in human mitochondrial myopathies, was observed in muscle biopsy samples from 1 dog. Several features of the disease in these dogs, including onset of weakness during early life, simultaneous disease in littermates, subtle nonprogressive weakness of at least 3 years' duration, and partial reversibility of lactic acidosis following rest were suggestive of an inborn error of metabolism, consistent with mitochondrial myopathy.  相似文献   

Immunological data are reported from 19 cases of immune-mediated disease recorded in the old English sheepdog breed in Western Australia between 1978 and 1989. The conditions included autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (seven), idiopathic thrombocytopenia (one), Evans' syndrome (five), multiple myeloma (two), systemic lupus erythematosus (one), discoid lupus erythematosus (one) and hypothyroidism (two). The most consistent serological findings were raised serum IgG (60 per cent), depressed serum IgM (60 per cent) and the presence of multiple autoantibodies (anti-red blood cell 78 per cent, antinuclear antibody 44 per cent, rheumatoid factor 19 per cent). An underlying, breed-related disorder of immune regulation may account for these observations.  相似文献   

A tumor of hair follicle origin with histological features characteristic of a benign pilomatrixoma was removed surgically from the tail of a five year old male Old English Sheepdog. The tumor recurred locally two months after surgery, and 14 months later metastatic involvement of the lungs became clinically evident. This aggressive local growth and metastasis indicate that canine pilomatrixoma, although normally considered benign, may have malignant potential which is difficult to predict histologically.  相似文献   

Résumé— Les kystes sudoripares multicentriques sont des affections rares chez le chien caractérisées par une hyperplasie multifocale kystique des glandes apocrines au niveau du cou et de la tête. Dans ce cas, nous décrivons un cas sévére de kystes sudoripares multicentriques généralisés chez un Bobtail. Bien que cette affection soit considérée comme un processus non-néoplasique, le comportement et l'histologie des lésions sont compatibles avec révolution d'une tumeur bénigne. En outre nous avons mis en évidence l'expression de récepteurs pour un facteur de croissance épidermique, puissant mitogéne de l'épithélium glandulaire. [Generalized apocrine cystamatosis in an Old English Sheepdog. (Kystes sudoripares généralisés chez un Bobtail.) Zusammenfassung— Apokrine Zystomatose ist eine seltene Erkrankung beim Hund, die durch eine multifokale zystische Hyperplasie der apokrinen Drüsen über Kopf und Hals gekennzeichnet. In diesem Bericht wird der Fall einer schweren generalisierten apokrinen Zystomatose bei einem Bobtail beschrieben. Obwohl dieser Zustand gewöhnlich als nicht-neoplastisches Geschehen eigenstuft wird, war das Verhalten und die Histologie der Veränderungen in diesem Fall mit einem gutartigen Tumor vergleichbar. Weiterhin wurde die Expression eines Rezeptors für den epidermalen Wachstumsfaktor entdeckt, der ein potentes Mitogen für die Drüsenepithelien darstellt und in sekretorischen Zellen apokrine Zysten umgibt. [Generalized aprocrine cystomatosis in an Old English Sheepdog (Generlisierte apokrine Zystomatose bei einem Bobtail). Abstract— Apocrine cystomatosis is an uncommon disorder in the dog characterized by multifocal cystic hyperplasia of apocrine glands over the head and neck. In this report, we describe a case of severe generalized apocrine cystomatosis in an Old English Sheepdog. Although the condition is usually regarded as a non-neoplastic process, the behaviour and histology of the lesions in our case are compatible with a benign tumor. Furthermore, we detected the expression of the receptor for epidermal growth factor, a potent mitogen for glandular epithelia, in secretory cells lining apocrine cysts.  相似文献   

A focal cutaneous lesion developed at the site of previous rabies vaccine administration in 13 dogs. Ten of the affected dogs were Poodles. The interval between vaccination and first observation of the lesion varied from 3 to 6 months. Skin lesions were hyperpigmented, alopecic macules, 2 to 5 cm in diameter. The consistent histologic lesion was vasculitis affecting arterioles of the deep dermis and subcutis. Other histologic lesions included epidermal, follicular, and adnexal atrophy, hyperpigmentation, chronic septal panniculitis, fat necrosis, and focal lymphocytic nodules in the deep dermis and subcutis. Rabies-specific fluorescence was seen in the walls of dermal blood vessels and in the epithelium of hair follicles in each of 3 dogs tested. Immunoglobulin G was detected in similar locations in one of 3 dogs tested. No difference in serum neutralizing anti-rabies antibody titers were detected between 5 affected dogs tested and 4 clinically normal dogs.  相似文献   

Renal dysplasia was diagnosed in a five-month-old female Brie sheepdog. Clinical signs included vomiting, diarrhoea, coughing, polyuria/ polydipsia, bone pain, carpal and tarsal deviation and small, irregular kidneys. Non-regenerative anaemia, azotaemia, isosthenuric urine and hyperphosphataemia were the most prominent laboratory abnormalities. Juvenile renal disease was diagnosed. Histopathological evaluation of the kidneys showed lesions of renal dysplasia.  相似文献   

Suspected thrombasthenia in a shetland sheepdog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Two female Shetland Sheepdog littermates simultaneously developed pemphigus foliaceus at 6 months of age. Three other littermates were not affected. One bitch (tricolored) was not treated, and the disease has remained active for 2 years. The other bitch (blue merle) has been successfully managed with glucocorticoids and gold salts.  相似文献   

Gastric pleomorphic leiomyosarcoma in a Shetland sheepdog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A solitary mass of 6 x 6 x 5 cm was found in the smooth muscle layer of the pyloric part in the stomach of a Shetland sheepdog. The excised mass was solid, gray-white in color, and had central necrosis with hemorrhages. Microscopically, the neoplasm was composed of irregular bundles of spindle-shaped tumor cells and round tumor cells. A few multinucleated cells and gangliocyte-like cells were observed. The nuclei exhibited a high degree of atypia and many cells contained mitotic figures. Immunohistochemically, tumor cells were positive for vimentin and desmin, but negative for c-kit antibody. Ultrastructurally, tumor cells contained cytoplasmic myofilaments and pinocytotic vesicles. Based on these pathological findings, the tumor was diagnosed as gastric pleomorphic leiomyosarcoma.  相似文献   

A Shetland sheepdog with epilepsy refractory to antiepileptic drugs was brought to the division of Veterinary Radiology at Nippon Veterinary and Animal Science University. Scalp electroencephalography and computed tomography was performed, but no abnormality was detected in either examination. To obtain detailed information, electrodes were implanted on the dura mater, and the electrocorticogram (ECoG) was recorded. In the ECoG, sporadic spikes were detected in the left parietal region, suggesting the presence of the epileptic focus in this region. After the dog's death, abnormalities of gyri were found in the region where spikes were detected in the ECoG. On histopathological examination, laminar malacia of the cingulate gyrus was observed. Furthermore, in the hippocampus, neuronal loss of pyramidal cells was observed.  相似文献   

A commercially available, renal failure diet was used to manage suspected renal failure in a 10-week-old Shetland sheepdog puppy. Rickets subsequently developed, possibly from low phosphorous intake and an increased calcium to phosphorus ratio. Decreased dietary calcium in addition to decreased phosphorus may have played a role in decreasing bone mineral density. Lethargy, decreased long bone growth, angular limb deformity, and osteopenia occurred, but these signs resolved within 3 months with nutritional management.  相似文献   

A 3.75-year-old, spayed female, Shetland sheepdog was presented with excessive bleeding from a gingival surface. The dog's condition deteriorated over 24 h and whole fresh blood was transfused. Type 3 von Willebrand's disease was diagnosed. Coagulation was achieved and the dog was released with recommendations for a sedentary lifestyle and careful monitoring.  相似文献   

At 6 months of age, an Old English Sheepdog with swollen and painful distal radial/ulnar metaphyses was found to have multiple cystic lesions in left and right radius and ulna. Cystic bone lesions were also detected radio-graphically in two clinically normal littermates and in the sire and dam of the litter. Radiographic changes of nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism were found in the three affected pups and in two other individuals from the litter of eight.
The cystic lesions in one pup were drained surgically and the cyst wall curetted, while the other two pups were not treated. The lesions in all three pups gradually resolved and had almost completely disappeared by 10 months of age.  相似文献   

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