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Maize types and varieties cultivated in southeastern Europe may be traced to a number of introductions of widely-differing New World maize races. Subsequent hybridization, introgression, and selection have resulted in the evolution of many unique ecotypes.This paper describes the apparent history and current distribution of the major maize races and race groups of southeastern Europe. The classification is preliminary in nature, since not all material present in the area has been adequately collected or examined. The known and potential special breeding value of the major maize races domestic to the area are discussed, and emphasis is placed on the importance of quick action in the collection and preservation of this valuable and irreplaceable germplasm source.Brief mention is also made of planned international cooperation in the further collection and conservation of southeastern European maize germ plasm.A joint contribution from the Food and Agriculture Division, USOM, Belgrade, the Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb University, and the Maize Research Institute, Beograd-Zemun Polje. Yugoslavia. Prepared while the senior author was serving as maize technical consultant to USOM and the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, 1960–1961. Eari. R. Leng, Professor of Plant Breeding and Genetics, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. U.S.A.:A. Tavar, Chief Professor of Genetics, Zagreb University. Yugoslavia: V. Trifunovi. Head. Breeding Department. Maize Research Institute. Beograd-Zemun Polje, Yugoslavia.  相似文献   

Rapeseed yields in Argentina are low (averaging 1400 kg/ha nationwide) with a high inter-annual variability. One of the limiting factors for improving yields is the lack of information on the adaptability of the cultivars, especially in the main rapeseed-producing area, the southeastern Pampas. The objectives of this study were to (i) quantify and analyze the yield variability of winter and spring rapeseed hybrids introduced in Argentina, (ii) identify the main environmental factors that affect the yields of the spring and winter genotypes in the southeastern Pampas, and (iii) model and validate rapeseed yields from environmental variables in the pre- and post-flowering periods. Principal component analysis (PCA) and linear regression methods were used to analyze 129 data points from 16 comparative yield trials in eight sites of southeastern Pampas. The rainfed crops were sown between April and July and from 2007 to 2009. Pre- and post-flowering phases were recorded in each experiment; temperature, frost occurrences, rainfall and radiation were measured during each phase. Yield variability (600–3700 kg ha−1) was slightly lower in spring than in winter genotypes (CV 0.25 versus 0.38). Sixty percent of the winter genotype variability was explained by the first axis which was associated to the pre- and post-flowering durations, while 25% of the variability was explained by the second axis associated to yield. Almost 50% of the spring genotype variability was explained by the first axis associated to pre-flowering and total durations, while 27% of the variability was explained by the second axis in which post-flowering duration was associated to yield. Winter genotypes evidenced vernalization requirements that were either partially or not fulfilled, so, the longer the photoperiod, the longer the pre-flowering phase duration. In the critical period of 30 d post-flowering, yield was not associated to the photothermal quotient. In winter genotypes, yield was associated to a linear model which included rainfall during the crop cycle, radiation and pre-flowering temperatures (R2 = 0.50). The model was adequately validated with independent data (n = 116) from official trials. For spring genotypes, only the frost occurrences during the critical period were relevant (R2 = 0.26) and placing the flowering time after October decreased the risk of late frost damage. Water use efficiency (WUE) values ranged from 1.6 to 6.7 kg ha−1 per mm of rain without a clear trend between spring and winter genotypes for this trait. In conclusion, winter genotypes did not necessarily yield more than the spring materials. In addition, rainfall during the crop cycle and frost occurrences during flowering were the main limiting factors of the winter and spring genotype yields, respectively, in the southeastern Pampas.  相似文献   

Summary A monogenic dominant male sterility is used for hybrid production in autumn and winter cauliflower. The ratio of male sterile plants in the backcross progenies of autumn cauliflower was 1:1 over five years (1987–1991). However, a significant deficit of male sterile plants was observed in the winter type over the same period.The influence of the temperature on the male sterile phenotype was studied within backcross progenies planted inside polythene tunnels. Six classes of phenotype were defined during the flowering period (from May to November). At low temperature, some male sterile plants developed partial to complete male fertility, whereas at high temperature, male fertile plants became male sterile.Segregation among the progenies of self-pollinated unstable male sterile plants did not deviate from the expected 3:1 ratio. Plants homozygous for the male sterility allele have been revealed by test crosses with a male fertile plant.For use in seed production, stable male sterile plants are vegetatively maintained; however, crossing lines isogenic except at the MS locus would allow male sterile plants to be raised from seed.  相似文献   

The vernal phytoplankton bloom was observed during cruises to the southeastern part of the North Sea (east of 6°20' E, south of 56°50'N) in 1985 and 1986. Maximum phytoplankton biomass expressed as phytoplankton carbon was similar in both years (14.5 and 17 g PPCm−2 respectively). In 1985 the bloom was located in the less saline coastal water close to the North Frisian coast. Phytoplankton was dominated by Coscinodiscus concinnus and Thalassiosira nordenskiöldii. In 1986, highest phytoplankton biomass was observed northwest of the island of Sylt, where Thalassiosira nordenskiöldii was the dominant phytoplankton species. Within the areas of high phytoplankton standing stock, concentrations of the inorganic dissolved nutrients phosphate and silicate had dropped to nearly undetectable concentrations, whereas both in 1985 and 1986 the water was still rich (10 – 20 μM.dm−3) in inorganic nitrogen (DIN). This, as well as the high ratios of DIN:PO4 and DIN:Si(OH)4 (> 50) point to phosphate and silicate as potential limiting nutrients during the spring phytoplankton bloom. The ratios of total nitrogen (TN) to total phosphorous (TP) (> 30) indicate also that phosphorous might then be in short supply. Phosphate and silicate have to be considered as potentially limiting nutrients during the vernal plankton bloom in the coastal waters of the southeastern North Sea, with nitrogen being present in surplus at that time of the year. However, in the more offshore areas nitrogen may be considered the potentially limiting element at the same time.  相似文献   

B. T. Campbell    P. J. Bauer 《Plant Breeding》2007,126(6):622-627
Reliable agronomic and fibre quality data generated in Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivar performance trials are highly valuable. The most common strategy used to generate reliable performance trial data uses experimental design to minimize experimental error resulting from spatial variability. However, an alternative strategy uses a posteriori statistical procedures to account for spatial variability. In this study, the efficiency of the randomized complete block (RCB) design and nearest neighbour adjustment (NNA) were compared in a series of cotton performance trials conducted in the southeastern USA to identify the efficiency of each in minimizing experimental error for yield, yield components and fibre quality. In comparison to the RCB, relative efficiency of the NNA procedure varied amongst traits and trials. Results show that experimental analyses, depending on the trait and selection intensity employed, can affect cultivar or experimental line selections. Based on this study, we recommend researchers conducting cotton performance trials on variable soils consider using NNA or other spatial methods to improve trial precision.  相似文献   

本文在广泛调查的基础上,经过汇总、筛选、归类及模型分析,将贵州当前主栽超高产杂交水稻品种分为穗数型、兼用型和大穗型3种类型,并建立了不同类型产量因素及互作项的回归模型,模型相关系数高,理论值与观测值之间的拟合误差小。围绕来自实践所建立的数学模型和所提出的关键性技术措施,对于挖掘贵州水稻超高产潜力,在理论和实践上均有重要意义。  相似文献   

Summary The everbearing progeny from crosses between three short-day and four everbearing genotypes were assessed for early fruit yield and stolon production. General combining ability (GCA) was found to be important for fruit yield but specific combining ability (SCA) was more important for stolon production. The results suggested that it should be possible to combine early fruiting and adequate stolon production in an everbearing genotype. The breeding strategy necessary to achieve this aim is discussed.  相似文献   

湿养条件下红萍产量与能耗的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【研究目的】通过不同人工光源能耗下湿养红萍的产量试验,明确红萍湿养产量与人工光源能耗之间的关系。【方法】在自行研制的红萍湿养栽培装置上,利用T4荧光灯设置3个不同的光强范围,并在相同湿养空间下设计5个不同的光源配置方案进行红萍湿养的产量比较试验。【结果】单位湿养面积下,红萍表面光照强度在6000-7000Lux时产量最高,单位能耗日产鲜萍量也最高,过低(3000-4000Lux)和过高的光强(9000-10000Lux)都会影响红萍产量和单位能耗日产鲜萍量的提高;红萍湿养的产量与扎入湿养介质根的数量和长度呈显著正相关;同一湿养空间下,降低层间距,减少荧光灯使用数量,可以提高能耗转化产量的效率。【结论】相同湿养空间下,保持红萍表面光照强度在6000-7000Lux,通过适当增加层数或者降低层间距来调整人工光源配置以达到降低能耗的目的,可以实现以较低能耗获得较高产量的效果。  相似文献   

Previous studies from regions that produce high proportions of global winter wheat have highlighted that difference in sink size influences the majority of variations in winter wheat yield. However, the potential for source limitation due to environmental differences in regions that consistently produce a large sink capacity (i.e. >20,000 grains/m2), such as Ireland, have not been widely studied. The aim of this study was to characterise the variation in growth pattern and yield components that contribute to variations in grain yield in regions of high yield potential, and to identify the periods of development that are most likely to influence yield in these regions. Monitor crops of winter wheat were grown at three sites with contrasting latitudes on the island of Ireland, during three growing seasons (2013–2015). Crops were assessed regularly for measurements of crop growth and development, including biomass accumulation, canopy development and light interception. Grain yield ranged between 10.7–15.8 t/ha at 15% moisture content, with a grand mean of 12.7 t/ha. Results indicated that variations in grains/m2 had a larger effect on winter wheat yield than variations in individual grain weight. Variability in grains/m2 was influenced by changes in spikes/m2 more than the number of grains/spike. While spikes/m2 at harvest was significantly related to the number of shoots/m2 at GS59, no significant relationship was observed between the shoots/m2 at the time of maximum tillers/plant and spikes/m2 at harvest. Furthermore, a significantly negative linear relationship was observed between shoots/m2 at the time of maximum tillers/plant and grains/spike. Therefore, high rates of tillering were not beneficial to yield formation in the majority of crops monitored. A strong effect of individual grain weight was observed at one site of the nine evaluated in the study, indicating that a partial source limitation of yield is possible in certain Irish environmental conditions. However, variations in grain yield of crops of winter wheat grown at different locations in Ireland in different seasons were primarily driven by variations in grain number, and therefore were generally sink-limited.  相似文献   

南阳市当前夏玉米单位面积产量处于超低产水平,虽然与新中国成立初期纵向相比有了较大的提高,但与国内外先进水平横向相比差距十分明显,在气候、品种、密度、肥料、晚收等方面存在着巨大的增产潜力。南阳市夏玉米平均单位面积产量应该达到600kg/667m~2以上的中产水平阶段,可以通过精耕细作培肥地力、选用良种、合理施肥、科学播种、水分运筹、病虫草害综合防治、化学调控、倒伏防控、适时收获等措施充分挖掘南阳市夏玉米的生产潜力。  相似文献   

中国中低产田时空分布特征及增产潜力分析   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
改造中低产田,挖掘现有耕地的生产潜力是实现耕地总量动态平衡,提高我国粮食综合生产能力,保障未来我国粮食安全的主要途径之一。本文利用全国农业分县数据及全国第二次土壤普查数据,对我国中低产类型、时空分布特点以及增产潜力进行了研究。结果表明:1985-2008年,我国耕地质量逐步提高,低产田比例由50.01%下降到28.61%,中产田的比例由24.86%提高到37.91%、高产田的比例由25.13%增加到33.48%,中低产田主要分布在东北区、华北区、以及长江中下游区;中低产田的主要类型为瘠薄型、干旱缺水型、坡耕地型、渍涝水田型、渍涝旱地型、盐碱型、风沙型等。分析了我国中低产田改造的增产潜力,在此基础上提出了中低产田改造的技术对策、发展方向和政策建议。  相似文献   

Summary Improvement of durum wheat at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) was achieved by exploiting the variability of the tetraploid species in large numbers of combinations, and multi-location testing of germplasm on a world wide base. High yielding, widely adapted durums with short straw, good fertility, and adequate earliness were selected for distribution to major durum growing countries. Present attempts to improve durum wheat are directed at adjusting agronomic traits such as leaf angle and straw strength, and increasing spike fertility and spike size, thereby reaching higher grain numbers per unit area and higher yield potential. Diversification of the developmental pattern and incorporation of drought tolerance aim at further widening adaptation.  相似文献   

《Agricultural Wastes》1981,3(1):75-79
The net gas production of an anaerobic digester system, in which digester heating is derived from combustion of biogas in a boiler, is analysed. It is shown that there is a critical feed-solids content below which it is optimal to operate at 25–30°C and above which it is optimal to operate at 40–44°C. For pig slurry this critical feed-solids content is about 3·5% in a system with no feed/effluent heat exchange. In principle, there is a second, higher, critical feed-solids content, above which it is optimal to operate in the thermophilic region. For cattle slurry, this may be in the region of 7·5% solids.  相似文献   

依据临夏州的自然气候特点,通过对近些年临夏州主栽玉米品种在不同区域的种植施肥方法,以及不同玉米覆膜栽培方式下的产量比较,并对当前临夏州玉米生产中存在的问题加以分析,总结出临夏州旱作玉米获得高产稳产的原因在于良种与良法相配套、推广旱作农业新技术以及平衡施肥技术,为临夏州玉米高产稳产提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The latex from Hevea brasiliensis is expelled from specialized cells upon bark tapping. The latex yield is mainly limited by the duration of the latex flow, which is controlled by coagulation processes. Bark treatment with ethylene is known to delay coagulation and increase latex yield. The molecular basis of latex coagulation has been characterized: (1) Hevein, a lectin-like protein, induces latex coagulation by bringing together the rubber particles (RPs). The hevein-RPs bridging is mediated by N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine, and involves a 22 kDa receptor glycoprotein localized on the RPs surface. This process is inhibited by the removal of the sugar moiety from the receptor, through the action of N-acetyl-glucosaminidase and chitinases. (2) Ethylene induces, in the latex cells, an over-expression of the 3 genes coding for hevein and its receptor, and a chitinase. The higher over-expression of one chitinase can explain the partial deglycosylation of the hevein receptor and the resulting delay in coagulation. (3) The level of hevein and chitinase expression in the latex is a clonal characteristic, linked to the characteristics of the latex flow. Expression of these genes might be used as molecular markers for high yield potential. Based on these findings, it would be interesting to improve the rubber tree through the genetic engineering technics, to get new high yielding cultivars with prolonged latex flow. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Common bean populations from crosses between lines of different races are thought to be more promising for selection of high yield potential than those from intra-racial crosses. Three distinct diallel crosses were made to test this hypothesis and to determine the possibility of substituting diallel crosses for multivariate techniques that estimate genetic divergence. The crosses were between races Mesoamerica × Mesoamerica, Mesoamerica × Durango and Jalisco, and Mesoamerica × Nueva Granada. The parents and the resulting F4 populations were evaluated at Lavras-MG, Lambari-MG and Patos de Minas-MG, Brazil. The diallel analysis of seed yield was done and the genetic divergence estimated by Mahalanobis distance. Estimates of general and specific combining ability indicated that some inter-racial populations were more promising for selection to increase seed yield than intra-racial populations. However, due to their undesirable seed color and size, and growth habit, especially in a short term breeding program, the chances of obtaining high yielding lines with an acceptable bean is reduced. Genetic divergence was not a good measure to choose the parents because usually, the most divergent groups included were not adapted lines. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Estimates of phenotypic and genotypic variances and covariances for a number of quantitative characters in arabica coffee, obtained from a variety trial in Kenya, were used to construct selection indices. The results indicated that the expected genetic advance in yield based on a selection index, containing the first two years yield and measurements of girth at base of stem and percentage bearing primaries, will be almost as large (relative efficiency 97%) as that obtained by straight selection based on 10-years yield totals. This would imply that a breeding cycle of 5 years will be sufficient for efficient selection for higher productivity in arabica coffee.  相似文献   

The effect of major dwarfing genes on yield potential in spring wheats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary A composite convergent cross of 16 spring wheat parents produced a set of unselected progeny lines among which the major dwarfing genes, Rht1, Rht2 and Rht3, were distributed against a common random genetic background. Random subsets of these lines were grown under irrigation and optimal conditions in 4 experiments with replicated bordered plots in southern New South Wales in order to measure the dwarfing gene effect on yield potential. The dwarfing gene composition of each line was determined by test crossing and seedling responsiveness to gibberellic acid.Lodging was negligible in the two experiments in 1982. While present in the two in 1983, it was not strongly associated with yield. Grain yield levels were appropriately high (mean 5.9 t/ha). In all but 1 experiment the Rht1+Rht2 dwarf genotypes gave highest yields while the Rht3 group yielded on average 3% lower, Rht2 9% lower, Rht1 11% lower, and the non-dwarf or tall group yielded 24% lower. These yield differences were positively associated with harvest index, kernels per m2 and kernels per spike, but negatively associated with mature plant height. Even within major dwarfing gene classes, grain yield was significantly and negatively associated with height.  相似文献   

M. O. Akoroda 《Euphytica》1990,49(1):25-32
Summary Studies during 1980–1987 relating to seed production of the fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis Hook. f.) are summarized. Essentially, the dioecious nature of the crop makes sex-ratios of plants affect the number of fruit-bearing females. Overall, about 50% of plants are female, of which some 15% are fruitless. Each fruit-bearing female has 1.5 fruits that contain 60 seeds. The mean weight of seeds is 15 g, and 74% of this total seed weight comprise the seed kernel which contains about 40% oil. Thus, a yield estimate of seed kernels reaches 1.9 t/ha; an output that is superior to that of most other oil seeds now being exploited for seed oil and cake in Nigeria. Measures to raise seed yields and the possibility of breeding work are discussed.  相似文献   

甘蓝又名包菜、卷心菜、莲花白等,是十字花科芸薹属作物。原产欧洲地中海沿岸,适于阴凉湿润的环境,具有适应性广、耐寒和耐热性较强、病害少、产量高、营养丰富、耐贮藏的特点。因此,在我国大范围种植,是城乡人民主要的食用蔬菜品种之一。随着甘蓝自交不亲合系的选育成功和优质  相似文献   

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