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The software (Integrated Resources for Evaluating Numerical Estimates) is a data analysis tool designed to provide easy access to statistical techniques for use in model evaluation. Mostly, non-replicated model estimates (Ei) are compared against non-replicated measurements (Mi). The software also allows comparing individual estimates against replicated measurements (or vice versa) and replicated estimates against replicated measurements. The evaluation of model performance is essentially based on the difference EiMi, or on the correlation–regression of Ei vs. Mi (or vice versa). In addition, model evaluation by probability distributions, pattern analysis, or fuzzy-based aggregation statistics is allowed. Graphics are included in most analytical tasks. The results are displayed in separate spreadsheets and can be exported into MS Excel workbooks.  相似文献   

Many studies have been conducted in examining the effects of N fertilizers on cereal yields and nitrogen (N) uptake, the effects of different kind of crop residues and their management practices on cereal yield, nitrogen uptake and simple N balance have not been studied extensively. We studied the effects of antecedent leguminous (white clover and field pea) and non-leguminous (perennial ryegrass and winter wheat) crop residues, each subjected to four different residue management practices (ploughed, rotary hoed, mulched and burned) on grain yield, nitrogen uptake by succeeding winter wheat crops, soil N mineralization and simple N balance. Grain yield and N uptake by the first wheat crop were significantly higher under leguminous than non-leguminous residues, following the order of white clover>pea>ryegrass>wheat. Grain yield under the mulched treatment was significantly lower than those of other management treatments due to lower plant population established. While N uptake was significantly lower under rotary hoed and mulched treatments as compared to other treatments, mulching had a positive residual effect on the grain yield of second wheat crop. Similar to grain yield, total soil N mineralization was greater under leguminous residues during the growing period of first wheat crop and was significantly correlated with C/N ratio of the residues. The calculated simple N balance showed that positive N balances occurred under white clover after one wheat crop when N inputs from only crop residue tops was considered. This also occurred even after two wheat crops when total N inputs from crop residues (tops+roots) were considered. However, with pea, the positive N balance occurred only after the first wheat crop when total N input from crop residues (tops+roots) were considered. These calculations demonstrated the important contribution of root-N to the N economy of the cropping system, which was largely ignored in most studies. The burning of residues showed no significant advantage over other residue management treatments. This was also evident from N balance calculations, which showed, in general, N balance was lower or more negative under residue-burned treatment as compared with other treatments. Overall, present results showed that it is beneficial to retain crop residues in the field, even though non-leguminous residues may cause substantial soil N immobilization initially reducing N availability to the first wheat crop, this N eventually became available to subsequent wheat crops and also increase the fertility of soils in the long-term. Thus, N inputs from crop residues are far more beneficial to the cropping system as compared to the burning of crop residues in the field or their removal from the field.  相似文献   

Location specific adaptation option is required to minimize adverse impact of climate change on rice production. In the present investigation, we calibrated genotype coefficients of four cultivars in the CERES-Rice model for simulation of rice yield under elevated CO2 environment and evaluation of the cultivar adaptation in subtropical India. The four cultivars (IR 36, Swarna, Swarn sub1, and Badshabhog) were grown in open field and in Open Top Chamber (OTC) of ambient CO2 (≈390 ppm) and elevated CO2 environment (25% higher than the ambient) during wet season (June–November) of the years 2011 and 2012 at Kharagpur, India. The genotype coefficients; P1 (basic vegetative phase), P2R (photoperiod sensitivity) and P5 (grain filling phase) were higher, but G1 (potential spikelet number) was lower under the elevated CO2 environment as compared to their open field value in all the four cultivars. Use of the calibrated model of elevated CO2 environment simulated the changes in grain yield of −13%, −17%, −4%, and +7% for the cultivars IR 36, Swarna, Swarna sub1, and Badshabhog, respectively, with increasing CO2 level of 100 ppm and rising temperature of 1 °C as compared to the ambient CO2 level and temperature and they were comparable with observed yield changes from the OTC experiment. Potential impacts of climate change were simulated for climate change scenarios developed from HadCM3 global climate model under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on Emission Scenarios (A2 and B2) for the years 2020, 2050, and 2080. Use of the future climate data simulated a continuous decline in rice grain yield from present years to the years 2020, 2050 and 2080 for the cultivars IR 36 and Swarna in A2 as well as B2 scenario with rising temperature of ≥0.8 °C. Whereas, the cultivar Swarna sub1 was least affected and Badshabhog was favoured under elevated CO2 with rising temperature up to 2 °C in the sub-tropical climate of India.  相似文献   

《Soil Technology》1994,7(1):19-24
Rapid and accurate determinations of soil water content are important in many agricultural and hydrologic situations. In this article, an improved method is proposed, which allows a quick and acurate determination of soil water content under both laboratory and field conditions without resorting to sophisticated equipment. A 500 cm3 erlenmeyer with an adapted level marker was employed for rapid determination of soil water content. The principle involved is to weigh the flask when filled with moist soil and completed to level with water. An operation, which involves a single calibration of the flask with the same, but dry soil, eliminates the need of particle density determination. For several soils, results obtained with the new methodology deviated less than 1% from results of the traditional oven-drying method.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) surplus can be used as indicators of an agroecosystems’ ability to maintain soil fertility. Maize is the key crop of intensive forage systems in northern Italy, and large amounts of manure are often supplied to this crop. Different maize-based cropping systems and manure managements were compared in this paper. The following were assessed, using the results of an 11-year experiment: crop production and N uptakes; C and N surpluses; soil C and N contents. The treatments were maize for silage (Ms), maize for grain (Mg), double annual crop rotation maize–Italian ryegrass (Mr), and rotation maize–grass ley (Ml). Five fertilization management systems were adopted: 0N control, and bovine slurry and farmyard manure supplied at two levels, ranging from 215 to 385 kg ha−1 of total N.

The dry-matter production of Mr was significantly higher than those of the other systems. The response of maize to fertilization was similar in all the cropping systems, except for Mr, for which the crop showed a high reactivity to N input at both fertilizer levels. Soil reserves were rapidly consumed in the unfertilized treatment of Mr, whereas the high productivity potential of this cropping system was exerted in fertilized plots. The introduction of a ley in rotation with maize reduced the system's DM production, due to the low yield potential of grass compared to that of maize, reduced the system response to fertilization, and diminished the exploitation of organic N at high fertilization rates. Cumulated N surplus caused an enrichment of the soil N pool size: 43% of excess N was retained by the soil. The relationship between the cumulated C surplus and the soil C pool size indicated that 26–27% was retained by the soil. Crop residues of the Mg system were less effective in building up the soil C pool than other C sources. Both slurry and farmyard manure exerted a positive effect on the soil C and N retention. When farmyard manure was used, 18% of C and 45% of surplus N were incorporated into the soil organic matter (SOM). Slurry also built up the SOM content, resulting in 9% of C and 24% of N surplus.  相似文献   

Several international research and development organizations are promoting conservation agriculture in a wide range of contexts. Conservation agriculture is based on a combination of three main principles: (i) minimal or no mechanical soil disturbance; (ii) diversified crop rotations and (iii) permanent soil cover (consisting of a growing crop or a dead mulch of crop residues). However, in the face of the diversity of practices that can be associated with conservation agriculture, of goals assigned to agricultural systems, and pedoclimatic contexts, there is still no empirical evidence about the overall performance of conservation agriculture in France. Global assessments of conservation agriculture, with the full or partial application of its principles and in different contexts, are required to provide a more comprehensive picture of the performance of such systems. We tackled these objectives simultaneously, by evaluating 31 cropping systems with the MASC® model (for Multicriteria Assessment of the Sustainability of Cropping Systems). These systems were selected to represent a wide diversity of practices, from ploughed conventional systems to crop sequences based on the full application of conservation agriculture principles. Positive interactions were observed between the key elements of conservation agriculture, resulting in better sustainability performances (particularly in terms of environmental criteria). Nevertheless, the systems most closely respecting the principles of conservation agriculture displayed several weaknesses, principally of a social or technical nature, in this study. Careful attention should be paid to attenuating these weaknesses. A more detailed analysis of the results also suggested that decreasing soil tillage tends to decrease the overall performance of the system unless associated with a diversification of the crop rotation.  相似文献   

肖伟 《中国农学通报》2009,25(1):260-263
在实验中人们常采用改良Hungate技术、斜面法和平板培养瓶法来进行产氢菌的分离与纯化,这样的工作往往是百里挑一较为繁琐的。如果事先对所用的样品(材料)进行一些必要的预处理,达到一定的前期选择性培养的效果,就能减少随后的工作量。本实验利用简单的酸处理与热处理相结合的方法,并结合平面厌氧操作技术与培养瓶厌氧技术,成功的分离得到了一株高温产氢菌。此菌在45℃到50℃范围内具有较强的产氢能力。电镜观察表明:此菌为长杆状,无鞭毛。在对此菌进行热处理时,实验结果显示:85℃下处理10分钟是适宜的。  相似文献   

Increased regulation of chemical fumigants has forced the almond industry to seek alternatives for postharvest control of insect pests in raw almonds. This paper reports developments of non-chemical treatment for postharvest disinfestation of almonds using radio frequency (RF) energy. A pilot-scale 27 MHz RF unit was used to evaluate effects of a RF treatment protocol on quality attributes in treated in-shell and shelled almond samples. The RF treatment protocol used 0.75 kW RF power, a forced hot air at 63 °C, back and forth movements on the conveyor at 0.56 m/min, and single mixing, which all improved the final heating uniformity. RF treatments sharply reduced the heating time from 86 and 137 min for hot air heating to only 6.4 and 8.8 min for the center of 1.5 kg in-shell and 2.4 kg shelled almond samples to reach 63 °C, respectively. Almond quality was not affected by the RF treatments because peroxide values, fatty acid and kernel color of treated almonds were better than or similar to untreated controls after 20 d at 35 °C, simulating 2 years of storage at 4 °C. RF treatments did not significantly affect the kernel moisture content of both types of almonds but reduced the moisture content in the shell. RF treatments may hold great potential to replace chemical fumigation for disinfesting almonds.  相似文献   

周年秸秆还田对农田土壤固碳及冬小麦-夏玉米产量的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为明确不同秸秆还田模式对黄淮海东部小麦-玉米周年产量与农田土壤固碳的影响,研究了双季秸秆不还田(NS),夏玉米季秸秆还田(SS),冬小麦季秸秆还田(WS)和双季秸秆还田(DS)对0~40cm各土层土壤容重(SBD),有机碳含量(SOC)、储量(SCS)和土壤团聚体分布及固碳能力(CPC)的影响。结果表明,秸秆还田尤其是双季秸秆还田模式显著降低土壤容重,促进0~30 cm各土层0.25 mm粒级团聚体向大团聚体团聚,5 mm、5~2 mm和1~0.5 mm粒级团聚体质量比例显著升高,平均增加57.2%、25.0%和13.7%;同时,土壤团聚体的平均重量直径(MWD)提高22.7%;与NS相比,秸秆还田显著提高了土壤有机碳含量,增幅为4.0%~20.7%;有机碳储量增幅为0.2%~14.7%。且双季秸秆还田对0~30 cm各粒级团聚体关联SOC和土壤固碳能力的提升作用最为显著。0~30 cm土层中秸秆还田量与SOC、SOC与MWD均呈显著正相关;而SOC与SBD则呈显著负相关。在30~40 cm土层中,各处理差异不显著。与不还田处理相比,各还田处理均提高小麦-玉米周年产量,其中, DS处理增产幅度最大,两个周年平均增产达14.3%。双季还田模式是当前黄淮海区域土质提升和作物增产的最佳措施;单季秸秆还田能维持较高的土壤生产力,同时提供大量秸秆的饲料化、能源化和原料化多元利用。  相似文献   

Summary Seventeen unreplicated field trials over nine sites and four years were used to classifyPisum germplasm (P. sativum L. &P. fulvum Sibth. & Sm) as potential sources of resistance to the pea weevil,Bruchus pisorum (L.). The emergence of adult weevils from <10% of harvested seed was used as the selection criterion to indicate possible resistance. A total of 1900Pisum accessions were assessed using the field trials and 1754 of theP. sativum accessions were eliminated. However in the 18P. fulvum accessions screened, the level of infestation by pea weevil was always below the arbitrary resistance threshold selected. This suggests thatP. fulvum accessions could be a valuable source of resistance to the pea weevil.  相似文献   

A dynamic soil–crop model was developed to predict the date on which N deficiency occurs for winter wheat crops in the temperate climate of Northwest Europe. It is based on the daily simulation of soil N supply and crop N requirement for the period during which N-fertilizer is usually applied to wheat crops, the end of winter until flowering. The soil sub-model was derived from the `balance-sheet method' used in France for nitrogen fertilization recommendations. It describes the net mineralization of various sources of organic matter (soil humus, crop residues, organic products). The crop sub-model simulates crop biomass production and its nitrogen content using a radiation use efficiency model and a critical dilution curve for nitrogen content. Both soil and crop sub-models require few parameters and inputs, most of which are readily available on commercial farms, together with daily climatic data. The model tested with various rates and timings of N application in three experiments accurately simulated the date on which nitrogen deficiency began in wheat crops. The interest in using the model for tactical and strategic approaches is discussed.  相似文献   

《Soil Technology》1988,1(3):283-288
The scope of pedotechnique, a new interdisciplinary branch of soil science, is described. Based on knowledge of soil mechanical characteristics, pedotechnique aims at predicting the course, effects and costs of soil processes, as they occur in soil handling and field traffic. A short introduction to existing empirical and composite predictive methods as used in pedotechnique is presented. Data on soil mechanical characteristics is obtained through pedotechnical interpretation of soil maps, complemented with relevant field and laboratory determinations. The unlocking of relevant input data for predictive models is still difficult. Probably, modification of existing soil classification systems or even entirely new classification systems will be required.Pedotechnique is organized in the Working Group PT (Pedotechnique) of the International Society of Soil Science (ISSS), which cooperates with specialist groups within the International Soil Tillage Research Organization (ISTRO) and similar organizations which cover part of the broad field of work of ISSS Working Group PT.  相似文献   

T. Komori  N. Nitta 《Plant Breeding》2004,123(6):549-553
Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) by the cms‐bo cytoplasm and its restoration by the nuclear restorer gene, Rf‐1, are used for seed production of japonica hybrid rice varieties. To produce pure hybrid seeds, a prerequisite is to properly manage the seed purity of parental lines, especially CMS lines. In this study, three dominant polymerase chain reaction (PCR)‐based markers (M1, M2 and M3) were developed to detect mutual contamination in seed batches of CMS lines, maintainer lines, restorer lines and hybrids. M1 detected the mitochondrial sequence that was present in the cytoplasm of common japonica varieties and absent in the cms‐bo cytoplasm. M2 and M3 detected the chromosomal sequence related to the Rf‐1 allele in restorer lines and the rf‐1 allele in common japonica varieties, respectively. By the strategic use of these markers, japonica hybrids and their parental lines could be efficiently distinguished from each other. Furthermore, sensitivity tests for the three markers with a series of crude DNA samples prepared from polished grains demonstrated that these markers could detect one contaminating grain among 500 or 1000 grains. Therefore, the bulk PCR analyses with the markers developed here probably make it possible to control the seed purity of japonica hybrids properly by selecting appropriate seed batches of their parental lines quickly and efficiently.  相似文献   

研究不同降水年型施氮量对旱地冬小麦产量、氮素利用及土壤氮素表观平衡的影响,探讨渭北旱塬旱作麦田稳产增效的最佳氮素投入量,为高效施氮提供理论依据。田间定位施氮试验于2017—2020年连续3年在陕西合阳县开展,以长6359为试验材料,设置5个施氮量处理包括0、60、120、180和240 kg hm-2 (分别以N0、N60、N120、N180和N240表示),研究旱地冬小麦产量、氮肥利用率及土壤氮素平衡对降水年型与施氮量的响应。连续3年定位试验表明:(1)降水年型对冬小麦产量和经济收益影响显著,丰水年较平水年和欠水年分别增产33.6%和113.3%,经济收益提高2~3倍以上。冬小麦氮肥回收利用率和农学效率与产量有相似的变化规律,丰水年氮肥回收利用率和农学效率较平水年和欠水年分别提高4.7个百分点、0.6 kg kg–1 (平水年)和11.9个百分点、2.5 kg kg–1 (欠水年)。(2)无论何种降水年型,冬小麦产量、氮肥回收利用率和农学效率均随施氮量增加呈现先增加后下降的趋势。在丰水年和平水年,均以N180处理下最高,收获期0~100 cm土层土壤硝态氮积累分...  相似文献   

The MecaNiCAL model of carbon and nitrogen partitioning over a period of regrowth for a mean grass plant as described in Part 1 was fitted and evaluated against data from an experiment under controlled conditions with contrasting light and nitrogen nutrition. In the first investigation, the rate of nitrogen uptake was imposed to limit the compensation of errors between process. The root:shoot ratio was simulated well, with a good estimation of the nitrogen allocation to shoots. Some underestimation of the root weight after the cut and the final shoot weight under the low nitrogen treatment were consequences of both the lack of remobilisation and the high priority given to shoots. The good agreement obtained with the expected trend in simulations conducted with the simple nitrogen aborption submodel in extended conditions (contrasting initial content of nitrogen substrate and temperature change in regrowth) ensures the general consistency of the model in the limit of its area of validity. Partitioning to shoots and forage production seem to be sensitive mainly to the size of the carbohydrate substrate pool and its availibility, particularly under conditions of low light. Estimating the initial carbohydrate substrate pool by biochemical analysis may improve the accuracy of the model. Compared with more simple assumptions of partitioning, MecaNiCAL shows a higher level of agreement with the partitioning response to a wide range of environmental conditions. A simple assumption relating partitioning to plant nitrogen content does not seem to be sufficient to simulate the decrease in the root:shoot ratio observed under conditions of low light. Nevertheless, more data from experiments conducted under a wider range of contrasting conditions are required to estimate the validity of MecaNiCAL attached to the nitrogen absorption submodel and the advantage of its more complex assumptions with even greater accuracy.  相似文献   

不同林地土壤有机碳储量及垂直分布特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
本文研究了黄土高原子午岭林区天然柴松林、辽东栎林及人工油松林3种林地土壤有机碳储量及其垂直分布特征。结果表明:1) 3种林地土壤有机碳含量分别为13.67g/kg、13.95g/kg、11.43g/kg,并随着土壤深度的增加呈现递减的趋势,不同林分变化幅度差异不同,且各土层间达到显著性水平;2) 3种林地土壤有机碳密度差异显著,土层间变化范围为0.53~3.53 kg/m2,并随土壤深度增加而减少。整个土壤垂直剖面,碳密度在9.38~11.43 kg/m2 之间,其中0-50cm深度碳密度的贡献率达80%以上;3) 3种林地土壤碳储量偏低,平均为105.2t/hm2;林分间差异较大。  相似文献   

A new hybrid respirometer is used to measure the oxygen uptake rate (OUR) of COD aerobic biodegradation process. Parameter identification and estimation of carbon oxidation process of an Activated Sludge Model are studied by combining the OUR data and mathematical fitting of curves. Coefficients of variation (CVs) for the three combined parameters estimated are below 13% for activated sludge from a laboratory and below 8% for activated sludge from a wastewater treatment plant. For single parameter estimation, the CVs are below 25% and below 10%, respectively. High measurement frequency and precision of the hybrid respirometer can improve the precision of parameter estimation. Initial concentrations of the substrate and the activated sludge of the respirometric experiment are key conditions that must be optimized to obtain high precision parameter estimation due to their effect on OUR curve characteristics.  相似文献   

活性有机质有关指标及其与土壤养分关系研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前活性有机质缺乏统一的定义,研究角度和方法也有所不同,产生了许多的称谓。如易氧化有机质(LOM);生物量有机质(MBOM);轻组有机质(LFOM);溶解有机质(DOM);颗粒有机质(POM)等,使研究者产生了理解上的困难。本文从这些称谓的来源、定义及其与土壤养分的关系上进行系统的阐述,为澄清有关概念,揭示有关指标间的相互关系,更好的理解活性有机质相关知识有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

Twenty halotolerant free-living, nitrogen-fixing bacterial strains were isolated from the Lonar Soda Lake and screened for growth at different NaCl concentrations. Out of 20, only Four isolates DL2, DL3, and DL6 showed optimum growth at 4% NaCl, and DL11 showed optimum growth at 6% NaCl concentration and tolerated 10% NaCl concentration. Biochemical and 16S rRNA sequencing identified DL2 as P. mendocina, DL3 as A. beijerinckii, DL6 as P. stutzeri, and DL11 as B. subtilis. Further, these four isolates were characterized for plant growth-promoting traits and all are indole acetic acid and ammonia producers and they also solubilize the phosphate under 4% NaCl concentration. The salt tolerance of these isolates was also increased from 10 to 14% by using a physical mutagen like UV and mutant strains were also screened for PGP traits. To determine the efficacy of these isolates as plant growth-promoting bacteria, Bioinoculum I (mixed culture of wild strains) and Bioinoculum II (mixed culture of mutant strains) were prepared and tested on Catharanthus roseus at 4% NaCl concentration. Plants treated with Bioinoculum II showed 12.61 and 82.35% increase in shoot and root length, respectively, and 71.42% increase in number of flowers as compared to control plants under saline conditions. These results indicate that halotolerant bacteria isolated from saline environments have the potential to enhance plant growth under saline stress through direct or indirect mechanisms and would be most appropriate as bioinoculants under such conditions.  相似文献   

PI模型在东北松嫩黑土区土壤生产力评价中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
摘 要:【研究目的】综述土壤生产力指数模型(Soil Productivity Index,简称PI)的原理、方法以及在国外的运用,探讨其在松嫩黑土区的适宜性以及改进的可能。【方法】在系统介绍PI模型的基础上,以东北松嫩黑土区为研究区,利用研究区17个土壤剖面理化性质数据和作物产量调查数据,比较分析了表土评价法(CI),原PI模型以及根据研究区土壤特性订正过的PI模型(BPI)对土壤生产力的评价效果。【结果】结果表明:(1)CI法生产力指数差异小,不易将土壤生产力水平进行分异;PI和BPI模型生产力指数差异大,容易将土壤生产力水平进行分异;(2)三种模型生产力指数与正常年景玉米产量的线性回归结果,BPI模型最好(R2=0.6774, P<0.01),其次是PI模型(R2=0.3285, P<0.05),CI模型较差(R2=0.0865),未通过显著性检验(P>0.05);(3)PI模型对于土壤有机质含量较低的土壤生产力水平出现高估,BPI由于引入有机质含量指标,评估效果明显改善。【结论】总体而言,PI模型将一定厚度的土体作为对象综合评价土壤生产力,效果明显优于表土评价法,但在具体地区应用时,应根据当地土壤生产力影响因子的重要性,选择适当指标进行修订。东北地区有机质对作物生长十分重要,引入该指标后明显改善了PI模型对土壤生产力的评价效果。是否需要引进其它指标,并建立评价模型是需要进一步研究的内容。  相似文献   

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