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李秀丽  张华 《农业科技管理》2011,30(1):47-50,74
实质性派生品种制度是一项旨在平衡原始品种和派生品种当事人之间的利益、保护和激励原始品种权利人的制度。文章对UPOV公约1991年文本关于实质性派生品种的规定进行了分析,指出了实质性派生品种的认定条件,并探讨了实质性派生品种认定程序中的具体问题,认为我国引进实质性派生品种制度的时机尚未成熟,对于该项制度进行研究的着眼点应当定位于了解和把握世界主要国家植物品种保护制度发展的趋势,有的放矢地开展农产品国际贸易。  相似文献   

实质性派生品种(EDV)保护制度是UPOV1991应对生物育种剽窃的一项有力措施,实现了原始品种权人与EDV权人/基因专利权人在商业利用EDV上的合理利益安排,有助于激励真正的育种创新。但EDV的判定十分复杂,容易引起纠纷,因此备受各国及相关国际组织的关注。UPOV1991公约、欧盟植物品种保护办公室、国际种子联合会、无性繁殖装饰性植物与果树品种育种者国际共同体以及荷兰海牙法院对EDV判定的解释与实践,将会对中国实施EDV保护规则及判定提供借鉴。  相似文献   

为了保护原始品种权人的权利,国际植物新品种保护联盟(International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants,UPOV)1991文本引入了实质性派生品种(Essentially derived varieties,EDV)概念。尽管我国尚未实行EDV保护制度,但EDV的保护是新品种保护发展的必然趋势。EDV实质派生于原始品种但与原始品种有明显区别,然而EDV鉴定十分复杂,系谱分析法、杂交、形态鉴定、分子标记、基因分型等方法都可用于EDV鉴定,但由于不同作物育种强度、遗传基础等不同无法建立统一的鉴定标准。总结不同国家或国际组织对EDV的判定经验,可为中国建立EDV保护制度提供理论支持。  相似文献   

我国建立实质性派生品种制度的必要性讨论   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
近年来,如何保护实质性派生品种已经成为全世界普遍关注的理论问题和各国植物新品种保护实践中面临的重要现实问题。文章分析了实质性派生品种制度缺失是影响我国作物育种科技创新,造成突破性品种匮乏和植物品种权纠纷增多的重要因素,讨论了我国建立实质性派生品种制度的必要性和重要性,从国家知识产权战略角度提出了我国建立实质性派生品种制度的对策。  相似文献   

实施UPOV1991文本对科研育种的挑战与应对措施   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
文章阐述了我国农业科研单位植物新品种保护的现状,就其在我国农业育种领域的地位、品种权申请的状况和与国外的差距进行了论述;分析了实施UPOV不同文本对我国农业科研单位品种创新的影响;提出了完善农业科技育种创新体系,设立新品种保护专项资金等建议,为我国加入UPOV公约1991年文本,实现资源和品种创新及其保护做好充分准备。  相似文献   

为完善中国植物品种保护法律制度,对中国农业植物品种保护状况进行评析,通过文献研究方法对比分析了UPOV两个文本的区别,阐述了中国植物品种保护立法方面不宜过早采用1991文本,并应在品种权的国际保护方面加强与发展中国家合作,争取更大程度地维护本国利益。在品种权保护制度的实施方面,重点分析了目前该项制度还受到中国科研体制的制约,应推广种子公司办科研和种子公司与育种单位协作的科研体制改革模式。在品种侵权案件司法审判实践方面,分析了证据保全、品种权保护范围界定、司法鉴定和责任承担等4个方面的问题,指出其进一步研究的必要性。在具体解决问题方法方面,应更多地由技术专家参与,以司法解释的形式加以规范。文章还重点讨论了植物品种保护与“农民权利”的问题,即如何在维护品种权人和农民利益之间确立平衡。结合相关的国际条约,指出中国的法律制度应在保护农民公平分享植物基因资源的利益等方面进一步加强研究。  相似文献   

国际新品种保护联盟(UPOV)1991年文本将品种权中农民自留种权改为非强制性例外,而中国加入UPOV 1991年文本将是大势所趋。作为一个传统的农业大国,我国必须正确看待农民留种权,探索适合我国国情的农民留种权与品种权的平衡机制。本文阐述了正确看待品种权中的农民自留种权的对策,主要包括基于中国国情分析农民留种权的重要性、积极应对国际挑战、正确规划农民自留种、做好农民留种权立法等方面内容,以供相关人员参考。  相似文献   

新西兰植物新品种保护及其对中国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一.新西兰植物品种保护总体情况 1.新西兰植物品种保护制度的发展 新西兰植物新品种保护制度。即植物品种权制度,来源于植物选择者权利制度。《新西兰植物选择者权利法》于1973年立法,1975年实施。直到1978年修订替代了原始的法律并且做出了一系列的修改,其中一个重要的修改就是将“植物品种权”代替了“植物选择者权利”,从而产生了《新西兰植物品种权法》。1981年新西兰加入国际植物新品种保护联盟(UPOV)。此后又于1990年、  相似文献   

UPOV 1991文本将品种权中农民自留种权改为非强制性例外,而中国加入UPOV1991年文本将是大势所趋,作为一个传统的农业大国,我国必须正确看待农民留种权,探索适合我国国情的农民留种权与品种权的平衡机制。本文主要浅析以下内容:基于中国国情分析农民留种权的重要性;分析印度、美国、欧盟等国家在农民留种权的立法经验,供我国立法借鉴;描述我国品种保护现状和未来趋势,浅析我国针对农民权益立法的必要性,并就如何做好农民留种权立法给出建议。  相似文献   

文章从我国《植物新品种保护条例》修订的意见和建议出发,进一步阐述实质性派生品种制度的建立,对不同植物种类的影响。  相似文献   

China is experiencing rapid urbanization,changes in diets,and modernization of food retailing and production. In this context,food safety can become a greater concern for a variety of reasons. The purpose of this article is to review the international experiences and lessons regarding food safety management,regulation,and consumer behavior,with the goal of identifying how to improve food safety in middle income countries such as China. International experience in addressing food safety provides two general kinds of lessons. First,a middle-income country such as China needs to develop the capacity to carry out risk analysis in order to better focus public resources on the most important risks. Second,it will be important to leverage market incentives so as to make the best use of limited public capacity to enforce standards. International experiences show that food safety management is feasible where market incentives exist,and that public-private partnerships can support the process of improving food safety management. Market incentives require effective consumer or buyer demand,mechanisms to identify and reward quality,and supply chain coordination. Public efforts can be targeted to supporting these market developments for the risks that are the greatest burden to public health.  相似文献   

Ezra AA 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1975,187(4178):707-713
If the federal government is not going to be the major market for the application of federally funded R & D results, then the responsibility for bringing about technology utilization cannot be borne alone by the federal agency funding the R & D. That this problem is now being recognized is shown by the number of bills that were introduced in Congress in 1974, culminating in the Solar Heating and Cooling Act of 1974 (7). An examination of the incentives for technology utilization in the conceptual framework of TDS (as shown in Fig. 4) reveals the following: 1) Incentives must be applied to each component of the TDS. 2) Different components in the TDS require different incentives. 3) Although information exists concerning a wide variety of incentives that are currently being used by various federal agencies to stimulate technology utilization, most of this information is in the form of raw data compiled by the respective agencies and a substantial effort will be required to collect, compile, and evaluate them. 4) All the components of a TDS must be activated if technology utilization is to occur on a self-sustaining basis. This makes experimental verification of a particular incentive on a particular component difficult. 5) A federal agency concerned with technology utilization can and should assume the responsibility for identifying all the components of the required TDS, devising incentives for each component and testing them to ensure their effectiveness. Where a TDS does not exist, the federal agency may have to assume the responsibility of creating one. The scope of this effort in many cases may transcend the present authority of the agency, and congressional action may be required to remedy this shortcoming.  相似文献   

In many developing countries, incentives for pesticide use often conflict with efforts to ensure the rational and safe use of agrochemicals. This paper analyzes agricultural credit requirements that obligate farmers to use large inputs of pesticides. It discusses the rationale and background for these kinds of agrochemical incentives and gives specific examples of quantities of chemicals required from bank guidelines in Central America. It is argued that this policy is inappropriate for the interests of both farmers and the wider public, for several reasons, which are summarized. Policy changes, such as eliminating the requirements for chemicals and establishing incentives for Integrated Pest Management, are suggested in the final part of the article.  相似文献   

近年来海洋经济蓬勃发展,而海洋环境却持续恶化,海洋环境是海洋经济发展的物质载体,其所遭受的污染与破坏必然造成海洋经济发展停滞不前,排污收费制度的有效执行对海洋环境治理效果至关重要,排污收费制度的执行效果受到来自内部与外部两方面的多种影响因素制约,本文基于海洋环境排污收费制度在执行过程中的相关利益主体的研究视角,建立博弈理论模型,通过对不同利益主体之间行为方式的博弈分析,得出排污收费执行效果与经济增长关系复杂,与多方利益相关,提出了改善现行考评机制、从正反两面设计激励机制以及加大稽查力度等对策来促进利益主体利益均衡、优化海洋环境排污收费的执行方式。  相似文献   

农业科技的自主创新是发展现代农业,建设社会主义新农村的关键环节与核心支撑。在推动农业科技创新和发展现代农业过程中,农业科技型企业具有其他各类创新机构无法替代的地位和作用,因为自主创新是农业科技型企业的天然属性,同时也是其参与竞争的核心优势。农业科技型企业自主创新优势发挥的诱因可以划分为内部诱因和外部诱因两大类。为了充分发挥农业科技型企业在推动农业科技创新和发展现代农业过程中的巨大作用,农业科技型企业的主导者即企业家必须有意识地为组织成员的自主创新营造环境、提供条件,有效地组织系统内部的自主创新活动。  相似文献   

浅论学术期刊人力资源激励机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
学术期刊的学术质量主要由作者、审稿专家和编辑人员共同决定,建立学术期刊的激励机制是提高学术期刊质量的有效方法之一。在激励过程中应根据作者、审稿专家和编辑人员的不同需要采取不同的激励方法,注意激励的持久性和连续性,各种激励方法并用,实行互动激励,在激励的同时重视学术违规行为的惩治。  相似文献   

股东由于所有权性质不同而有不同持股目的,进而通过股东大会对上市公司提供具有自身特点的激励,激励拥有经营权的高管层,使之价值取向与己趋于一致。不同股权结构给上市公司高管层提供了不同侧重的激励组合,通过高管层的经营决策,影响上市公司绩效。运用典型相关分析研究了股权结构与公司绩效的关系。研究表明:法人股、流通股比国有股主体更关心上市公司的市场价值和经营收益,并有利于提高上市公司绩效,而国有股、法人股股东更关心上市公司社会贡献;流通股股东更关心上市公司市场表现和经营状况;适度股权集中度有利于提高上市公司经营业绩和  相似文献   

Bowles S 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2008,320(5883):1605-1609
High-performance organizations and economies work on the basis not only of material interests but also of Adam Smith's "moral sentiments." Well-designed laws and public policies can harness self-interest for the common good. However, incentives that appeal to self-interest may fail when they undermine the moral values that lead people to act altruistically or in other public-spirited ways. Behavioral experiments reviewed here suggest that economic incentives may be counterproductive when they signal that selfishness is an appropriate response; constitute a learning environment through which over time people come to adopt more self-interested motivations; compromise the individual's sense of self-determination and thereby degrade intrinsic motivations; or convey a message of distrust, disrespect, and unfair intent. Many of these unintended effects of incentives occur because people act not only to acquire economic goods and services but also to constitute themselves as dignified, autonomous, and moral individuals. Good organizational and institutional design can channel the material interests for the achievement of social goals while also enhancing the contribution of the moral sentiments to the same ends.  相似文献   

实施植物新品种保护战略 发展创新型农业   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
宋敏  刘丽军 《农业科技管理》2009,28(3):37-40,43
随着农业国际化发展,植物品种权逐渐成为争占国际农产品市场,圈占世界植物遗传资源的重要工具。我国实施植物新品种保护制度以来,品种权在激励育种创新、提升种业和农业核心竞争力、促进现代农业发展等方面的功效日益凸显。但是与美、日等发达国家相比,我国在品种权创造、运用、保护和管理等环节仍然差距较大。文章在分析我国植物新品种现状与问题的基础上,主要从育种研发的创新体系、激励机制、技术保障、权利转化运用、惠益分享等方面提出了我国实施植物新品种保护战略,发展创新型农业的战略措施与政策建议。  相似文献   

On the basis of current U.S. oil imports, room now exists for a U.S. coal liquids industry. Unfortunately, technology is not available which can produce coal liquids at a price competitive with imported oil. Direct liquefaction technology is under development, but the prospects are that the technology will not be economic at the time the pioneer commercial plant should be constructed to provide the foundation for a possible coal liquids industry in the 1990's. Government support of coal liquefaction R & D has created the conditions that make possible the development of the technology, and probably government incentives for pioneer plants will be needed. With the proper incentives pioneer plants will lead to lower costs, and this, plus rising prices, will create the conditions necessary to develop a multiplant industry.  相似文献   

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