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随着现代化进程的发展,湿地资源遭到各种破坏,如何对其进行一套系统的生态保护和修复规划越来越重要,而建设湿地公园就是保护湿地的一种非常有效的方式。在湿地公园中,通过设置宣传牌、科普馆、宣传长廊、丰富的解说系统等多种宣传形式,让游客更好地了解湿地知识,体验畅游湿地的乐趣。通过对沂水国家湿地公园进行实际调查与分析,对该公园的科普宣教系统的构建进行探索,包括基本情况、功能分析、目标意义及设施规划等,给出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

湿地是重要的生态系统之一,在调节径流、改善气候以及保持物种多样性等方面有着重要的作用。为了能够更好地完成对湿地的有效保护,建设湿地公园,不仅具有生态价值,也能够创造一定的经济效益,实现科普教育。简单概述了湿地公园景观规划,分析了湿地公园可持续发展的策略,探索了湿地公园景观规划设计中遵循的基本原则和设计理念,实现了功能的分区以及景观的特色规划以及道路系统的规划等,使湿地公园得到了良好的规划和设计。  相似文献   

张曼 《花卉》2018,(14)
城市湿地公园是城市绿地系统中重要的一部分,对湿地公园的建设作用、规划设计上应遵循的原则进行分析。以大连龙湖公园为例,从公园设计的特色、规划的内容叙述,结合当下湿地建设出现的问题,希望通过科学的规划给予新的建议与展望。  相似文献   

为了更好地解决城市湿地公园园林绿化及生态修复相关问题,本文以查阅相关文献和笔者多年管理经验为基础,对城市湿地公园园林绿化及生态修复改造进行研究,提出了进行土壤改良和地形的打造、加强思想重视和规划管理、做好湿地公园绿化设计等相关解决措施,以期为相关人员提供参考。  相似文献   

文章对滨海湿地的概念及其环境特征进行解读,并以典型滨海湿地——海阳湿地公园景观设计为例,从功能规划、生态保护和修复、市民活动空间设置以及社会效益和经济效益等方面论述滨海湿地公园景观的规划建设。  相似文献   

通过整理研究相关学术资料可知,湿地公园为特定区域内借助人工手段保护或修复现有湿地现场的生态类项目,属于以自然景观为主的生态系统,同时重视展示宣教等湿地生态服务功能,起到科普教育等作用。在国家湿地公园规划和建设过程中,需要借助景观生态学理念进行生态规划并开展景观设计,从而更好地体现湿地公园的功能与价值。所以,主要通过阐述国家湿地公园的研究背景和相关概念,然后提出其生态规划思路和景观设计方法,希望可以给国家湿地公园的生态规划及景观设计提供比较合理的建议,以此指导国家湿地公园类项目的生态规划和景观设计,给人们提供更好的生态环境。  相似文献   

建设城区型国家湿地公园可以有效保护城市湿地资源,提升城市生态文化影响力。城区型国家湿地公园的建设是一个长期的生态工程建设项目,与常规的城市水景公园建设有很大区别。文章以江西赣州章江国家湿地公园为例,通过对该湿地公园湿地资源的科学评价,提出植物景观的营造方法,为我国城区型国家湿地公园的规划和建设提供理论依据。  相似文献   

结合我国湿地公园的保护与修复现状,对湿地公园的修复模式做出了一些阐述,并对其修复模式有几点建议,促进湿地公园的生态系统的良性循环,为推动整个湿地公园的保护及其发展提供了借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

湿地公园可持续发展的核心,是实现生态保护与开发利用的和谐统一,其中,湿地生态资源的保护是湿地公园开发建设的基础。在我国湿地公园快速发展的背景下,针对当前湿地公园存在的生态环境问题,文章以杭州大江东江海湿地规划为例,着重从湿地生态水系的构建与湿地生态系统的修复两方面探讨湿地公园的保护策略,并提出建构新型的圈层保护模式,以更好地保护湿地资源及合理地进行开发建设。  相似文献   

郭旋 《现代园艺》2021,(4):155-156
近年来,湿地公园生态建设受到了人们和政府的高度重视,湿地公园建设是城市建设的一部分。湿地公园在城市公共绿色建设中有重要作用,不仅可改善城市生态环境,还能为人们构建更好的休闲场所。以我国湿地公园具备的作用及类型作为研究对象,在明确城市修复理念基础上,探究了我国当前湿地公园施工技术存在的问题及对策。基于此,简要分析了湿地公园及城市修复理念,从2个方面分析了湿地公园施工技术性问题,从4个方面给出了城市修复理念下的湿地公园施工技术策略,以供相关人士交流参考。  相似文献   

董杰  邹丹  安明 《北方园艺》2012,(2):104-106
湿地环境是与人们联系最紧密的生态系统之一,对城市湿地景观进行生态设计,加强对湿地环境的保护和建设,意义十分重大。现根据国内外众多已建成湿地公园的成功经验,以广府古城环城湿地公园景观设计为例,探讨城市湿地公园的开发与利用,并提出"保护与传承、修复与再生、置入与创新"的对策和方法。  相似文献   

城市湿地公园在我国的发展还不足10年历史,但发展迅速。城市湿地公园环境的独特性和生物多样性,在功能定位上与传统城市公园的差异,现代城市居民休闲游憩新需求,决定其在旅游功能的休闲游憩产品开发上需进行创新。本文通过在起源、资源环境禀赋、建筑设施、分布位置等方面对城市湿地公园和城市传统公园系统比较的基础上,依据现代休闲旅游理论,分析了城市湿地公园的休闲游憩价值,提出了城市湿地公园休闲游憩产品创新的5项基本原则,构架了游憩产品创新理论框架。以绍兴市镜湖湿地国家城市公园为例提出了休闲游憩产品创新的4种途径。  相似文献   

太湖地区常见湿地植物种类及应用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对太湖周边地区湿生植物的调查,常见的湿生植物种类有70多种,有一定的观赏价值、可以使用的湿地植物有40余种.对部分太湖地区常见的湿生植物观赏特点进行了描述.湿生植物的应用应以乡土湿生植物为主;并对湿地生态系统重建过程中应注意的问题,湿地植物选用原则,重建湿地生态系统后的植物养护等问题提出了看法和建议.  相似文献   

Wetland management in the United States is organized through a permit process that requires a permit be filed with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers prior to wetland alteration. A collection of these permits from 1984 through 1992 was analyzed in conjunction with classified Landsat Thematic Mapper data from 1984 and 1992 in order to quantify changes to wetland habitat in the study area in coastal North Carolina. The wetland management process in the U.S. focuses on a site-by-site review, possibly overlooking important changes to wetlands at the landscape-scale. These the two datasets were used to determine if wetland habitat loss was occurring at permit sites, but also to determine if landscape-scale wetland fragmentation and reorganization were occurring in the area surrounding each permit site under the wetland management process. The use of these two datasets attempted to span two scales: the site-specific scale often used in the management of wetlands, and the landscape-scale where effects of such management are evident. Important conclusions from the research include the following. First, while several sources imply that coastal wetlands are disproportionately protected as a result of the widespread recognition of their habitat value, estuarine wetlands were altered much more frequently in the study area than their inland counterparts. Second, despite federal level efforts that require compensatory mitigation when wetland habitat is lost, such mitigation was required in only three percent of permits, ensuring wetland loss. Third, correlation between estimates of wetland loss from the Permit Record and from the remotely sensed record was minimal, highlighting the problems inherent to wetland delineation and implying alterations to habitat not evidenced in the permit record. Finally, landscape-scale changes of loss, fragmentation and habitat reorganization have occurred in estuarine emergent wetland habitat in areas adjacent to several permit sites, implying unanticipated additional impacts to permitted actions. Wetland loss at the permit site occurred with additional fragmentation in 80 percent of the sites examined. The results highlight the lack of agreement between management and landscape-scale wetland structure, function and change, and imply the importance of examining the spatial context of permit sites in the permit review and evaluation procedure.  相似文献   



Quantifying variability in landscape-scale surface water connectivity can help improve our understanding of the multiple effects of wetlands on downstream waterways.


We examined how wetland merging and the coalescence of wetlands with streams varied both spatially (among ecoregions) and interannually (from drought to deluge) across parts of the Prairie Pothole Region.


Wetland extent was derived over a time series (1990–2011) using Landsat imagery. Changes in landscape-scale connectivity, generated by the physical coalescence of wetlands with other surface water features, were quantified by fusing static wetland and stream datasets with Landsat-derived wetland extent maps, and related to multiple wetness indices. The usage of Landsat allows for decadal-scale analysis, but limits the types of surface water connections that can be detected.


Wetland extent correlated positively with the merging of wetlands and wetlands with streams. Wetness conditions, as defined by drought indices and runoff, were positively correlated with wetland extent, but less consistently correlated with measures of surface water connectivity. The degree of wetland–wetland merging was found to depend less on total wetland area or density, and more on climate conditions, as well as the threshold for how wetland/upland was defined. In contrast, the merging of wetlands with streams was positively correlated with stream density, and inversely related to wetland density.


Characterizing the degree of surface water connectivity within the Prairie Pothole Region in North America requires consideration of (1) climate-driven variation in wetness conditions and (2) within-region variation in wetland and stream spatial arrangements.

陈传胜  尹育知  吴琼 《北方园艺》2011,(18):118-121
湿地生态工程是生态文明城市建设不可缺少的内容之一,对推进我国生态文明城市建设和发展具有重要的现实意义.以长株潭“两型”社会建设的样板区长沙市为例,对湿地生态工程在生态文明城市建设中面临的主要问题进行分析基础上,提出了湿地生态工程的基本思路、原则,并构建了湿地生态工程基本模式,旨在为我国生态文明城市建设规划的编制提供科学依据和决策参考.  相似文献   

中国湿地博物馆是以展示湿地景观及文化为主题,集收藏、研究、展示、教育、宣传、娱乐于一体的大众化国家级专业博物馆。其湿地景观的塑造和表达特色明显,在总体设计、道路布局、空间疏理等方面都具有独到之处,且将各种类型的湿地景观化、情景化,在追求精密风格的同时,还夹杂着东方园林中的空间渗透与穿插的浪漫情结。现就中国湿地博物馆景观空间结构及形态设计进行分析,归纳出还原自然,虚实相交、柳暗花明,动态布局,步移景异等湿地景观展示特色。  相似文献   

In Central Europe vast wetland areas have been converted into agricultural land over the past few centuries. Long-term spatially explicit reconstructions of wetland cover changes at regional scale are rare but such information is vital for setting appropriate wetland conservation and restoration goals. In this study wetland cover change over the past 150 years was analyzed for the Canton Zurich (Switzerland) using information from historical and current topographical maps. Mapping instructions changed significantly over time, i.e., wetlands were mapped more conservatively on older maps. Therefore a technique was developed to account for changes in mapping instructions and to reconstruct a series of comparable maps spanning 1850–2000. Wetland cover dramatically decreased from 13,759 ha in 1850 (more than 8% of the total study area) to 1,233 ha in 2000 (less than 1%). Largest loss is observed for the first half of the twentieth century when more than 50% of the total wetland loss occurred. In 1850, almost all wetland patches were connected in two large networks defined by a 500 m buffer around all wetland patches to account for typical dispersal distances of wetland animals. Despite extensive wetland loss, this networks remained largely intact until 1950, but then collapsed into many medium and small networks consisting of only few wetland patches. In addition to the direct loss of wetland habitats increased habitat fragmentation is limiting metapopulation dynamics and hindering genetic exchange between populations. Amphibians and other wetland animals are particularly prone to habitat fragmentation because of their limited migration abilities. This may lead to time-delayed extinction in the future because current species occurrence might rather reflect historical than current wetland cover and habitat configuration. Future restoration efforts should focus on reestablishing connectivity between remaining smaller wetland networks.  相似文献   

Wetland ecosystems are of primary concern for nature conservation and restoration. Adequate conservation and restoration strategies emerge from a scientific comprehension of wetland properties and processes. Hereby, the understanding of plant species and vegetation patterns in relation to environmental gradients is an important issue. The modelling approaches in this study statistically relate vegetation patterns to measured environmental gradients in a lowland wetland ecosystem. Measured environmental gradients included groundwater quantity and quality aspects, soil properties and vegetation management. Among this variety, the objective was to identify the key environmental gradients constraining the vegetation, using recently developed methodologies within the modelling approaches. Comparison of results indicated that different environmental gradients were considered to be important by different methodologies.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of species are shaped by local and landscape processes, but the dominant processes may differ with scale and increasing human disturbance. We investigated population responses of two pool-breeding amphibian species to differences in local and landscape characteristics in suburbanizing, southeastern New Hampshire, USA. In 2003 and 2004, we sampled 49 vernal pools for spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) and wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) egg masses. Using egg masses as a proxy for breeding-female population size, we examined the relative influence of five land-use and three isolation variables at two scales (300 and 1000 m) and five wetland variables on egg-mass abundance. For both species, road density at the landscape scale (1000 m) and hydroperiod most strongly predicted egg-mass abundance, with abundance decreasing as roads became denser and hydroperiods shortened. Wetland isolation was also an important predictor, with abundance greatest at more isolated pools, suggesting that both species concentrate at isolated pools when alternative breeding sites are scarce. Surprisingly, no 300-m parameters were strongly associated with salamander egg-mass abundance, whereas several landscape parameters were. In suburbanizing areas, it is at least as important to consider landscape-scale road density as to consider hydroperiod when designing conservation plans for these species. Furthermore, both isolated and clustered pools provide these species important habitat and may require protection. Finally, the conceptual framework for spotted-salamander management must be expanded so that spatial configuration at the landscape scale becomes a regular, integrated component of conservation planning for this species.  相似文献   

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