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S. D. Basha  M. Sujatha 《Euphytica》2009,168(2):197-214
The present study aims at characterization of Jatropha species occurring in India using nuclear and organelle specific primers for supporting interspecific gene transfer. DNA from 34 accessions comprising eight agronomically important species (Jatropha curcas, J. gossypifolia, J. glandulifera, J. integerrima, J. podagrica, J. multifida, J. villosa, J. villosa. var. ramnadensis, J. maheshwarii) and a natural hybrid, J. tanjorensis were subjected to molecular analysis using 200 RAPD, 100 ISSR and 50 organelle specific microsatellite primers from other angiosperms. The nuclear marker systems revealed high interspecific genetic variation (98.5% polymorphism) corroborating with the morphological differentiation of the species used in the study. Ten organelle specific microsatellite primers resulted in single, discrete bands of which three were functional disclosing polymorphism among Jatropha species. The PCR products obtained with organelle specific primers were subjected to sequence analysis. PCR products from two consensus chloroplast microsatellite primer pairs (ccmp6 and 10) revealed variable number of T and A residues in the intergenic regions of ORF 77–ORF 82 and rp12rps19 regions, respectively in Jatropha. Artificial hybrids were produced between J. curcas and all Jatropha species used in the study with the exception of J. podagrica. Characterization of F1 hybrids using polymorphic primers specific to the respective parental species confirmed the hybridity of the interspecific hybrids. Characterization of both natural and artificially produced hybrids using chloroplast specific markers revealed maternal inheritance of the markers. While the RAPD and ISSR markers confirmed J. tanjorensis as a natural hybrid between J. gossypifolia and J. curcas, the ccmp primers (ccmp6 and 10) unequivocally established J. gossypifolia as the maternal parent. Evaluation of backcross interspecific derivatives of cross involving J. curcas and J. integerrima indicate scope for prebreeding and genetic enhancement of Jatropha curcas through interspecific hybridization.  相似文献   

Investigations were carried out to determine the nature and number of genes governing apical lethality (apical death) in a number of intervarietal crosses of wheat. Genetic analysis of data in segregating generations of the cross WR95/HW2041 and its reciprocal cross revealed that WR95 carries a recessive gene that leads to the death of certain individuals when combined with another recessive gene derived from HW2041. The phenomenon, which is denoted here as “apical lethality”, is controlled by two complementary recessive genes coming together from two different parents in certain F2 individuals. The gene symbols apd 1 in WR95 and apd 2 in HW2041 are proposed for these genes of apical lethality, respectively. Uniculms observed in the F2 generation are heterozygous (apd 1 apd 1 Apd 2 apd 2) and, therefore, the uniculmness trait does not breed true. Of the wheat genotypes tested, the gene apd 2 was found to be present in CL983, CL1019, Lok-1, HW2041, HD2329, HW2011, WH147, HW2042, HW2047, WR196, WR544, WR798 and WR936, while the remaining genotypes, including some of the exotics such as Atila, carried both Apd 1 and Apd 2 in the homozygous condition.  相似文献   

Bakari Aliyu 《Euphytica》2007,158(3):295-303
Cowpea, an important subsistence pulse crop in the tropics and subtropics is susceptible to several insect pests that seriously limit its yield potential. Pubescence (hairiness) on the parts of some of its wild relatives has been reported to reduce the damage caused by some of the insect pests. A generation mean analysis was conducted between a cowpea variety IT82D-716 and two accessions of Vigna rhomboidea to investigate the gene effects and heritability for incorporating pubescence into cultivated cowpea from V. rhomboidea. The additive-dominance model that was adopted in the analysis was observed to sufficiently explain the mode of inheritance of leaf and stem pubescence with the additive effect being more important than the dominance effect. A six-parameter model with epistatic gene interactions was adequate for explaining the inheritance of pod pubescence. Heritability estimates, in the narrow sense were high for pubescence density and pubescence length. Inheritance of pubescence in crosses between cowpea and V. rhomboidea was governed by one and two genes. Significant and higher additive gene effects and high-heritability suggest that backcross selection schemes should be responsive in the development of pubescent cowpea lines.  相似文献   

In a self-fertilised crop like lentil, the identification of transgressive segregants for economically important trait such as seed yield is an important aspect of any practical breeding programme. The prediction of expected transgressive segregants in F1 generation obtained as a ratio of additive genic effect [d] and additive variance (D) i.e. [d]/√D was studied in 28 crosses of lentil generated in a diallel fashion involving four parents each of macrosperma (exotic) and microsperma (Indian) types, respectively, resulting in three hybridization groups. The seed material advanced to F2, F3 and F4 generations through single seed descent method was evaluated to determine the observed transgressive segregants for seed yield/plant. The observed frequency of crosses showing more than 20% transgressive segregants in F2 to F4 generations were exhibited in 9(32%) crosses, of which 7(77%) crosses were of macrosperma × microsperma type. Genotypes Precoz and HPL-5 of the exotic group (macrosperma) produced maximum number of transgressive segregants with the genotypes L-259, L-4145 and PL-406 of the Indian origin (microsperma). Goodness of fit (non-significant χ2 value) in F2 generation was observed for 19(68%) crosses of the total genepool, out of which 9(56%) crosses each in F3 and F4 generation belonged to the macrosperma × microsperma group, depicting it as the gene pool of paramount importance to obtain maximum transgressive segregants, therefore establishing the efficacy of the method used.  相似文献   

The height-reducing gene Rht8 was introduced into Italian wheats by breeder Nazareno Strampelli from the Japanese landrace Akakomugi, and has been widely used in wheats adapted to southern and eastern European conditions. Following identification of a close linkage to Rht8, microsatellite marker Gwm261 has been used extensively to screen large numbers of diverse international germplasm. A 192bp allele at this locus has been taken as “diagnostic” for Rht8 and used to infer the international distribution of Rht8. In this paper, we report several instances of cultivars and mapping populations that vary for the presence of the 192bp allele at the Xgwm261 locus (Xgwm261 192 ), but with no associated reduction in height, suggesting a lack of association with Rht8. For instance, in the population derived from a cross between Sunco (Rht-B1b, Xgwm261 165 ) and Tasman (Rht-D1b, Xgwm261 192 ), there were significant height differences associated with the segregation of Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b, but no height differences between Xgwm261 genotypes. Similar results were obtained in a population derived from the cross between Molineux (Rht-B1b, Xgwm261 192 ) and Trident (Rht-D1b Xgwm261 208 ). In contrast, the cross between Trident and Chuanmai 18 (Xgwm261 192 ) gave significant height effects at both the Rht-D1 and Xgwm261 loci, with no epistatic interaction between loci. Chuanmai 18 is closely related to the Strampelli wheat Mara (ancestrally derived from Akakomugi) and is therefore likely to carry Rht8. The old Japanese cultivar Norin 10, used by Norman Borlaug to introduce Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b into Mexican wheats, also has a 192bp allele at the Xgwm261 locus, and the sequence of the amplified product is identical to that of Akakomugi. We suggest that the widespread use of Norin 10-derived germplasm during and after the Green Revolution introduced a second haplotype into international germplasm, in which Xgwm261 192 has no association with Rht8. Therefore, the presence of Xgwm261 192 is only indicative of Rht8 in wheat cultivars that have inherited this allele from Akakomugi or a Strampelli wheat ancestor.  相似文献   

The pol cytoplasmic male-sterility system has been widely used as a component for utilization of heterosis in Brassica napus and offers an attractive system for study on nuclear–mitochondrial interactions in plants. Genetic analyses have indicated that one dominant gene, Rfp, was required to achieve complete fertility restoration. As a first step toward cloning of this restorer gene, we attempted molecular mapping of the Rfp locus using the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique combined with bulked segregant analysis (BSA) method. A BC1 population segregating for Rfp gene was used for tagging. From the survey of 1,024 AFLP primer combinations, 13 linked AFLP markers were obtained and five of them were successfully converted into sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers. A population of 193 plants was screened using these markers and the closest AFLP markers flanking Rfp were at the distances of 2.0 and 5.3 cM away, respectively. Further the AFLP or SCAR markers linked to the Rfp gene were integrated to one doubled-haploid (DH) population derived from the cross Quantum × No.2127-17 available in our laboratory, and Rfp gene was mapped on N18, which was the same as the previous report. These molecular markers will facilitate the marker-assisted selection (MAS) of pol CMS restorer lines.  相似文献   

Approximately 7,000 accessions of Korean soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) landraces, largely composed of three collections, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute’s soybean (KAS), the Korean Crop Experiment Station’s soybean (KLS) and the Korean Agricultural Development and Technology Center’s soybean (KADTC) collections, have been conserved at the Rural Development Administration (RDA) genebank in Korea. The accessions within collections were classified based on their traditional uses such as sauce soybean (SA), sprouted soybean (SP), soybean for cooking with rice (SCR), and OTHERS. A total of 2,758 accessions of Korean soybean landraces were used to profile and to evaluate genetic structure using six SSR loci. A total of 110 alleles were revealed by at the six SSR loci. The number of alleles per SSR locus ranged from 9 to 39 in Satt187 and Satt_074, respectively. The number of alleles ranged from 87 in the KADTC collection to 96 in the KLS collection, and from 63 in the SCR group to 95 in the SP group. Nei’s average genetic diversity ranged from 0.68 to 0.70 across three collections, and 0.64 to 0.69 across the usage groups. The average between-group differentiation (G st) was 0.9 among collections, and 4.1 among the usage groups. The similar average diversity among three collections implies that the genetic background of the three collections was quite similar or that there were a large number of duplicate accessions in three collections. The selection from the four groups classified based upon usage may be a useful way to select accessions for developing a Korean soybean landrace core collection at the RDA genebank. DNA profile information of accessions will provide indications of redundancies or omissions and aid in managing the soybean collection held at the RDA genebank. The information on diversity analysis could help to enlarge the genetic diversity of materials in breeding programs and could be used to develop a core collection.  相似文献   

Neotyphodium endophytes profoundly affect the biology of their host grasses, including the important forage species perennial ryegrass, tall fescue and meadow fescue. The endophytic association is finely balanced, involving adaptation in each associate. The evidence for co-adaptation is discussed. The presence of endophyte, and the difference between endophyte strains, can affect some plant properties more than genetic variation intrinsic to the host. Conversely, host genotype exerts significant influence on the activity of the endophyte. Control of endophyte status is essential in any grass breeding programme, and developing knowledge of endophyte and its role in a herbage association offers new opportunities to grass breeders.  相似文献   

This paper describes the relative efficiency of three marker systems, RAPD, ISSR, and AFLP, in terms of fingerprinting 14 rice genotypes consisting of seven temperatejaponica rice cultivars, three indica near-isogenic lines, three indica introgression lines, and one breeding line of japonica type adapted to high-altitude areas of the tropics with cold tolerance genes. Fourteen RAPD, 21 ISSR, and 8 AFLP primers could produce 970 loci, with the highest average number of loci (92.5) generated by AFLP. Although polymorphic bands in the genotypes were detected by all marker assays, the AFLP assay discriminated the genotypes effectively with a robust discriminating power (0.99), followed by ISSR (0.76) and RAPD (0.61). While significant polymorphism was detected among the genotypes of japonica and indica through analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), relatively low polymorphism was detected within the genotypes of japonica rice cultivars. The correlation coefficients of similarity were significant for the three marker systems used, but only the AFLP assay effectively differentiated all tested rice lines. Fingerprinting of backcross-derived resistant progenies using ISSR and AFLP markers easily detected progenies having a maximum rate of recovery for the recurrent parent genome and suggested that our fingerprinting approach adopting the ‘undefined-element-amplifying’ DNA marker system is suitable for incorporating useful alleles from the indica donor genome into the genome of temperate japonica rice cultivars with the least impact of deleterious linkage drag.  相似文献   

Two wide hybrids, Diplotaxis erucoides (2n = 14) × Brassica rapa (2n = 20) and B. maurorum (2n = 20) × B. rapa, were developed using the sequential ovary–ovule culture. Reciprocal crosses failed, possibly as a consequence of strong unilateral incompatibility. The F 1 hybrids in each combination were completely male sterile and morphologically intermediate to the respective parents. DNA marker polymorphism and chromosome counts confirmed their hybrid nature. High frequency of bivalents in the F 1 and the presence of trivalents/quadrivalents in the derived amphiploids suggested genomic duplications and homoeology of the parental genomes. Up to three homoeologous pairs between the D. erucoides (DeDe) and B. rapa (AA) genomes, and one between B. maurorum (BmBm) and B. rapa genomes were observed. Successful synthesis of the F 1 hybrids and amphiploids of B. rapa with D. erucoides and B. maurorum, and allosyndetic chromosome pairing are expected to permit introgressions of desirable loci into the cultivated Brassica germplasm, especially for resistance to Alternaria brassicae and Albugo candida.  相似文献   

Late maturity α-amylase (LMA) is a genetic defect that is fairly widely spread in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) germplasm, and recently detected in durum cultivars, which can result in unacceptably high α-amylase activity (low falling number) in ripe grain. LMA has also been observed at unexpectedly high frequency and severity in synthetic hexaploid wheats derived from the interspecific hybridisation of Triticum durum (AABB) and Aegilops tauschii (DD). Since synthetic hexaploids represent an important new source of resistances/tolerances to a range of biotic and abiotic stresses for wheat breeders, there is a pressing need to understand the mechanisms involved in LMA in synthetics and develop strategies for avoiding its adverse effects on grain quality. The objectives of this study were to firstly, compare the LMA phenotype of synthetics that varied for plant height, secondly, to characterise the LMA phenotype in groups of synthetics derived from the same durum parents and finally to determine whether LMA in primary synthetics is associated with the QTL previously reported in conventional bread wheat. More than 250 synthetic hexaploids, a range of durum cultivars and a doubled haploid population derived from Worrakatta (non-LMA) × AUS29663 (high LMA synthetic) were phenotyped and genotyped with markers reported to be linked to LMA in conventional bread wheat and markers diagnostic for the semi-dwarfing gene, Rht1. More than 85% of synthetics were prone to LMA, approximately 60% ranked as very high. Genetic control of LMA in synthetic hexaploids appeared to involve QTL located on 7B, and to a lesser extent 3B, similar to bread wheats. However, the LMA phenotype of many synthetic hexaploids appeared to be more extreme than could be explained by comparisons with bread wheat even taking into account the apparent absence of Rht1 in most genotypes. Other mechanisms, possibly triggered by the interaction between the AABB and DD genomes cannot be excluded. The presence of wild type rht1 in most synthetic hexaploids and their extreme height is difficult to reconcile with the semi-dwarf, Rht1, stature of many of the durums used in the interspecific hybridisation process. Mechanisms that could explain this observation remain unclear.  相似文献   

A system for the production of transgenic faba bean by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was developed. This system is based upon direct shoot organogenesis after transformation of meristematic cells derived from embryo axes. Explants were co-cultivated with A. tumefaciens strain EHA105/pGlsfa, which harbored a binary vector containing a gene encoding a sulphur rich sunflower albumin (SFA8) linked to the bar gene. Strain EHA 101/pAN109 carrying the binary plasmid containing the coding sequence of a mutant aspartate kinase gene (lysC) from E. coli in combination with neomycinphosphotransferase II gene (nptII) was used as well. The coding sequences of SFA8 and LysC genes were fused to seed specific promoters, either Vicia faba legumin B4 promoter (LeB4) or phaseolin promoter, respectively. Seven phosphinothricin (PPT) resistant clones from Mythos and Albatross cultivars were recovered. Integration, inheritance and expression of the transgenes were confirmed by Southern blot, PCR, enzyme activity assay and Western blot.  相似文献   

Plants of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) cultivar Crau, a self-fertile Crau genotype, and nine generations of inbred progeny were raised in sand culture in a glasshouse experiment. Digital images of the root systems were made and root morphological characteristics were determined on all the plants. Root architectural parameters were measured on the Crau parent and the S1, S4, S6, and S9 inbred lines. The clover roots became shorter and thicker with inbreeding but the number of root tips per plant was unchanged. Root architecture (branching pattern) was largely unaffected by inbreeding. It is concluded that inbreeding white clover will lead to shorter, thicker roots, and reduced nutrient uptake efficiency compared with the parent clover. The degree to which these deleterious traits are overcome during the development of F1 hybrids needs to be determined.  相似文献   

Submergence is a major stress causing yield losses particularly in the direct-seeded rice cultivation system and necessitates the development of a simple, rapid and reliable bioassay for a large scale screening of rice germplasms with tolerance against submergence stress. We developed two new bioassay methods that were based primarily on the seedling vigor evaluated by the ability of fast shoot elongation under submerged conditions, and compared their effectiveness with two other available methods. All four bioassay methods using cultivars of 7 indica and 6 japonica types revealed significant and consistent cultivar differences in seedling vigor under submergence and/or submergence tolerance. Japonica cultivars were more vigorous than indica cultivars, with Nipponbare being the most vigorous. The simplest test tube method showed the highest correlations to all other methods. Our results suggest that seedling vigor serves as a submergence avoidance mechanism and confers tolerance on rice seedlings to flooding during early crop establishment. A possible relationship is discussed between seedling vigor based on fast shoot elongation and submergence tolerance defined by recovery from submergence stress.  相似文献   

The or mutation in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis) is a recessive, single-locus mutation that causes the head leaves of the plant to accumulate carotenoids and turn orange. In China, considerable attention has been focused in recent years on breeding the variety with orange head leaves. In this study, sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers linked to the or gene were identified based on random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) by performing a bulked segregant analysis (BSA) using a doubled haploid (DH) population derived from the F1 cross between 91-112 (white head leaves) and T12-19 (orange head leaves) via microspore culture. Two RAPD markers—OPB01-845 and OPAX18-656—and 1 AFLP marker, namely, P67M54-172, were identified to be linked to the or gene, and they were successfully converted into the SCAR markers SCR-845, SCOR204, and SCOR127, respectively. In a linkage analysis, these 3 SCAR markers and 2 previously published simple sequence repeat markers, namely, BRMS-51 and Ni4D09 (located on R9 linkage group), were mapped to the same linkage group with the or gene at a LOD score of 6.0, indicating that the or gene should be located on the linkage group R9 of the A genome. In addition, accuracies of 92%, 90%, and 89.1% were obtained when 110 different inbred breeding lines of Chinese cabbage were used for investigation with these 3 SCAR markers, indicating that these makers could be used in marker-assisted selection in orange head leaf breeding programs for Chinese cabbage.  相似文献   

The Guinea yams, Dioscorea cayenensis Lam. and D. rotundata Poir. (D. cayenensisD. rotundata complex), represent a highly important crop, widely distributed in the humid and semi-humid tropics. The ploidy levels of 170 accessions of the core set of Guinea yams from West African countries was determined using flow cytometry with propidium iodide staining. One hundred and eight of the genotypes were found to be tetraploid, 47 were hexaploid and five were octoploid. One mixoploid individual containing tetraploid and hexaploid nuclei was also detected. A deeper analysis considering each separate taxon revealed that while for D. rotundata the majority of individuals were tetraploid, for D. cayenensis this ploidy level was not detected in any of the accessions. Also, no association between ploidy level and place of cultivation was found for the evaluated germplasm. The obtained data is highly valuable for breeding programs of Guinea yam, especially for the optimization of future hybridization experiments directed to the genetic improvement of this economically important crop.  相似文献   

Ten microsatellite markers were used to investigate genetic diversity and genetic structure among 32 accessions of Jatropha curcas. Low levels of average genetic diversity were observed (H E = 0.160). A dendrogram produced by the Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) based on Nei’s genetic distances revealed 3 groups among 32 accessions. The genetic differentiation (F ST ) among two groups was significant (P < 0.01). The model-based Bayesian clustering method indicated that a population structure (ΔK) was separated into two groups. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed higher variability (63.753%) among groups than within groups (36.247%). These findings could assist in defining the best method of genetic conservation and studies in breeding programs for genetic improvement of J. curcas.  相似文献   

7–7365AB is a recessive genic male sterile (RGMS) two-type line, which can be applied in a three-line system with the interim-maintainer, 7–7365C. Fertility of this system is controlled by two duplicate dominant epistatic genes (Bn;Ms3 and Bn;Ms4) and one recessive epistatic inhibitor gene (Bn;rf). Therefore an individual with the genotype of Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4Rf_ exhibits male sterility, whereas, plant with Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4rfrf shows fertility because homozygosity at the Bn;rf locus (Bn;rfrf) can inhibit the expression of two recessive male sterile genes in homozygous Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4 plant. A cross of 7–7365A (Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4RfRf) and 7–7365C (Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4rfrf) can generate a complete male sterile population served as a mother line with restorer in alternative strips for the multiplication of hybrid seeds. In the present study, molecular mapping of the Bn;Rf gene was performed in a BC1 population from the cross between 7–7365A and 7–7365C. Bulked segregant analysis (BSA) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique was used to identify molecular markers linked to the gene of interest. From a survey of 768 primer combinations, seven AFLP markers were identified. The closest marker, XM5, was co-segregated with the Bn;Rf locus and successfully converted into a sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker, designated as XSC5. Two flanking markers, XM3 and XM2, were 0.6 cM and 2.6 cM away from the target gene, respectively. XM1 was subsequently mapped on linkage group N7 using a doubled-haploid (DH) mapping population derived from the cross Tapidor × Ningyou7, available at IMSORB, UK. To further confirm the location of the Bn;Rf gene, additional simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers in linkage group N7 from the reference maps were screened in the BC1 population. Two SSR markers, CB10594 and BRMS018, showed polymorphisms in our mapping population. The molecular markers found in the present study will facilitate the selection of interim-maintainer.  相似文献   

The genus Kalanchoe is currently divided into section Kalanchoe and section Bryophyllum, and there has been no successful report on the production of inter-sectional hybrids. Therefore, reciprocal crosses were made between Kalanchoe spathulata (sect. Kalanchoe) and K. laxiflora (sect. Bryophyllum) in order to obtain basic information on the reproductive barriers between these two sections. The seeds were aseptically germinated in vitro and the plants were grown in greenhouse till flowering. When K. spathulata was used as a maternal donor, 39 out of 80 plants showed intermediate characteristics between K. spathulata and K. laxiflora. In contrast, no plants were obtained in the reverse crosses. Hybridity of these plants was confirmed by flow cytometric analysis, chromosome numbers and RAPD analysis. Bulbil formation on the leaf margin as one of the conspicuous characteristics of K. laxiflora was not observed in the hybrids. Some of the hybrid lines showed some pollen fertility, but failed to yield viable seeds by self-pollination or backcross-pollination. Successful production of the inter-sectional hybrid between the two species suggests that they are not so distantly related as considered previously.  相似文献   

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