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Late Miocene fossil hominid teeth recovered from Ethiopia's Middle Awash are assigned to Ardipithecus kadabba. Their primitive morphology and wear pattern demonstrate that A. kadabba is distinct from Ardipithecus ramidus. These fossils suggest that the last common ancestor of apes and humans had a functionally honing canine-third premolar complex. Comparison with teeth of Sahelanthropus and Orrorin, the two other named late Miocene hominid genera, implies that these putative taxa are very similar to A. kadabba. It is therefore premature to posit extensive late Miocene hominid diversity on the basis of currently available samples.  相似文献   

Discriminant analysis permits hand bones of living primate genera to be represented as swarms of points in a multidimensional statistical framework within which intergroup relationships, and the affinities of fossil forms, can be examined. The metacarpal of Paranthropus from Swartkrans, South Africa, was so located with respect to groups of monkeys, apes, and modern man. The results suggest that the fossil metacarpal may be functionally similar to that of chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Boaz NT 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1979,206(4418):592-595
Proportional faunal representations in excavated fossil occurrences (Shungura Formation, Omo, Ethiopia) are very similar to modern sub-Saharan mammalian faunal proportions in a variety of environments. Early hominids comprise between 0.6 and 1.6 percent of the excavated assemblage, corrected to reflect numbers of individuals. With allochthonous faunal localities for comparison, direct analogies to modern fauna suggest early hominid population densities of between 0.006 to 1.7 individuals per square kilometer. Calculations based on population densities of modern large mammals indicate that population densities of early hominids were between 0.001 and 2.48 individuals per square kilometer.  相似文献   

产于中国云南的翼核果属一新种--少脉翼核果Ventilago paucinervis C.Y.Wu ex L.L.Deng et G.S.Fan被描述.本新种与矩圆叶翼核果Ventilago oblongifolia Bl.相似,但不同的是本新种叶卵状披针形、椭圆状披针形或长椭圆形,较小,长2.5~5.0cm,宽1.0~1.8cm,叶脉较少,2~3对,上面稍凸起,下面明显凸起,花1~3朵腋生,果不为椭圆形而易于区别.图1参1  相似文献   

[目的]为调查和研究山西吕梁山森林地区大型野生食用菌资源的物种多样性[方法]本研究采用nrDNA-ITS片段结合形态学特征分析方法对在山西省吕梁山北部的管涔山采集到的8份红菇样本进行了鉴定[结果]显示这8份样本属于同一个分类学物种-淡味红菇Russula nauseosa。[结论]淡味红菇为山西省首次记录,夏秋季节在该地区云杉Picea sp.落叶松Larix sp.林内地上极为常见,是该地区真菌群落的优势物种之一,其担子果菌盖颜色为典型的紫红色,但近白色、紫色、浅褐色或蛋壳色等个体也较为常见。  相似文献   

我国首次发现断脉茧蜂属 H eterospilus Haliaday,本文记述了该属的属征、生物学及其分布 ,并报道一新种——网皱断脉茧蜂 H eterospiluscancellatusn.sp..模式标本保存于福建农林大学益虫室  相似文献   

记述了中国唇足纲Chilopoda,尖盲蜈蚣科Scolopocrytopidae,尖盲蜈蚣属Scolopocryptops的3种:黑斑尖盲蜈蚣,新种S.nigrimaculatus.sp.now;刺尾尖盲蜈蚣S.spinicaudus Wood,1862,中国新记录;以及对锈尖盲蜈蚣S.rubiginosus L.Koch,1878的再描述。  相似文献   

Excavations have demonstrated that stone artifacts occur stratified within beds of Lower Pleistocene (or end Pliocene) age. At one site a low-density scatter of worked stone objects occurs together with small but significant quantities of broken-up bones. Potassium-argon dates indicate an age greater than 2 million years; thus, this may be the oldest known hominid occupation site. More than 20 hominid fossils have been recovered from various sedimentary formations in the area.  相似文献   

产于中国云南的翼核果属一新种少脉翼核果Ventilago paucinervis C .Y .Wu ex L . L .Deng et G .S .Fan 被描述。本新种与矩圆叶翼核果Ventilago oblongifolia Bl .相似, 但不同的是本新种叶卵状披针形、椭圆状披针形或长椭圆形, 较小, 长2.5 ~ 5.0 cm , 宽1.0 ~1.8 cm , 叶脉较少, 2 ~ 3 对, 上面稍凸起, 下面明显凸起, 花1 ~ 3 朵腋生, 果不为椭圆形而易于区别。图1 参1  相似文献   

记述我国长翅目6 新种:吉林蝎蛉Panorpa jilinensis sp .nov ., 高山蝎蛉Panorpa alticola sp .nov ., 盈江新蝎蛉Neopanorpa yingjiangensis sp .nov ., 曲瓣新蝎蛉Neopanorpa curva sp .nov ., 狭瓣新蝎蛉Neopanorpa tenuis sp .nov .和钩曲新蝎蛉Neopanorpa uncata sp .nov .。模式标本保存于浙江自然博物馆。图6 参5  相似文献   

记述我国长翅目 6新种 :吉林蝎蛉Panorpajilinensissp .nov .,高山蝎蛉Panorpaalticolasp .nov.,盈江新蝎蛉Neopanorpayingjiangensissp .nov .,曲瓣新蝎蛉Neopanorpacurvasp .nov.,狭瓣新蝎蛉Neopanorpatenuissp .nov.和钩曲新蝎蛉Neopanorpauncatasp .nov .。模式标本保存于浙江自然博物馆。图 6参 5  相似文献   

霞浦新米虾(新种)Neocaridina xiapuensis,sp.nov。与安徽新米虾Neocaridina palmata anhuiensis相似,但前者经三对步足无明显的两性异形现象,且雄性第二腹肢雄附肢的形态结构和较小的卵径与后者均有显著不同。  相似文献   

霞浦新米虾(新种)Neocaridina xiapuensis,sp.nov。与安徽新米虾Neocaridina palmata anhuiensis相似,但前者经三对步足无明显的两性异形现象,且雄性第二腹肢雄附肢的形态结构和较小的卵径与后者均有显著不同。  相似文献   

论述云南省大理市苍山地区的长翅目3新种:三枝蝎蛉Panorpa triclade sp.nov,钩齿新蝎蛉Neopanorpa uncinella sp.nov和垂齿新蝎蛉Neopanorpa pendula sp.nov。模式标本保存于浙江自然博物馆。图3参3  相似文献   

记述中国圆颚蛛科1新记录属——刺蛛属Echinax Deeleman—Reinhold 2001。其中包括2新记录种:拟猫刺蛛Echinax oxyopoides(Deeleman—Reinhold,1995)和羽状刺蛛Echinax panache Deeleman—Reinhold.2001.和1新种:安龙刺蛛,新种Echinax anlongensis sp.nov.。描述标本保存在河北大学博物馆。文中测量单位:mm。目前,刺蛛属全球已知5种,中国已知3种。  相似文献   

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