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中国西部地区县域城乡统筹发展模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄旭锋 《中国农学通报》2012,28(21):301-305
县域城乡统筹发展是西部地区经济社会发展的必由之路。现阶段,受资源禀赋、人力资源、产业发展、制度环境等要素条件影响,中国东、中、西部县域城乡统筹发展水平有明显差异。自2001年国家实施西部大开发战略以来,特别是“十一五”时期,西部地区县域经济城乡统筹发展已经取得积极成效。西部不少市县在立足当地实际、因地制宜地加快县域城乡统筹发展的过程中,逐步形成各具特色的县域城乡统筹发展模式。对于西部地区县域城乡统筹发展模式的研究,也就在于总结、梳理西部各省县域城乡统筹发展成就、经验和做法,比较不同区域、不同县区县域城乡统筹发展路子或模式,探讨西部地区统筹城乡发展、转变经济发展方式思路和对策。  相似文献   

An attempt is made to review migration trends in the United States over the past 30 years. The emphasis is on changes in migration patterns between metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas. "Annual net migration estimates are examined, considering the changing metropolitan-nonmetropolitan differential, and differences across geographic and functional county types in nonmetropolitan areas. Some differences stand out across the 24-year period, but the most notable finding is the widespread nature of the turnaround, the reversal, and the current recovery. There are differences between the present and the 1970s, but a trend toward greater retention and/or acquisition of people in rural and small town areas is clear."  相似文献   

Major urban areas in the United States have undergone rapid shifts in their ethnic compositions. However, ethnic change is not limited to urban areas; rural areas, likewise, have witnessed substantial changes in recent decades. Scholarship, though, has paid minimal attention to the day–to–day lives of migrants in non–urban, and ethnically–homogenous, locations. And yet the ‘migrant experience’ is fundamentally different. Using Friedman’s concept of a ‘geographics of identity’, this paper provides insight into the day–to–day activities of two Filipinas as they adjust to living in rural northeast Ohio. Findings suggest that difficulties may accrue at a multitude of social scales, including tensions and contestations not only between Filipinas and non–Filipinas, but also among the Filipinas themselves. Moreover, the constant ‘becoming’ of identity is highlighted through their experiences.  相似文献   

农业产业化发展的深层约束与破解路径——以广东为例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
万俊毅    王乐 《中国农学通报》2010,26(24):443-449
广东农村经济发展存在农业产值增速趋缓、农民收入的地区差距与城乡差距拉大、农村富裕的进程相对滞后等问题。为了探究其原因,笔者使用数据挖掘、比较研究和制度经济学的研究方法,发现这在相当程度上可以归因于广东农业产业化发展水平落后。有效制度不足、普遍信任缺乏和进取精神不够等因素,使得广东农业产业化经营组织的结构不尽合理、治理机制尚不完善,制约了广东农业增效、农民增收和农村增富的进程。因此,广东各界必须致力于改善社会的普遍信任氛围、提高龙头组织的胜任能力和培育民众的进取精神,促进农业产业化健康发展。  相似文献   

西部农村人力资源开发刍议   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
刘丹  刘璇 《中国农学通报》2010,26(23):437-440
我国西部农村面临西部大开发的战略机遇,开发农村人力资源刻不容缓。但目前农村人力资源质量不高,流动性差,而中国将面临人口红利的枯竭,这都给我国的城乡统筹及西部开发提出挑战。本文在分析西部人力资源开发必要性的基础上,提出了加大政府支持力度和管理创新,积极推进农村教育培训,建立农村人力资源市场体系等举措,以实现西部农村人力资源的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Rural development that has been raised to an unprecedented strategic position has become an important fulcrum for China to maintain its rapid economic growth in the future when China's economy has entered a period of new normal. As a quintessential example in the state-level new area of western China and mountainous city, rural areas around Chongqing's Liangjiang New Area have typical preferential policies, space structure, and industrial layout. This study is different from the traditional rural research which focuses on the spatial arrangement of settlements and facilities. From the perspective of villagers' participation and field investigation, this study objectively understands the characteristics, advantages and problems of rural development, and explores the development problems in rural areas, so as to provide a reference for rural planning.  相似文献   

Information-intensive producer services, which constitute one of the fastest growing components of the U.S. economy, have been identified as a potential contributor to economic development in rural areas. This issue is examined in a case study of a community in rural Washington State. The findings indicate that producer services have not been decentralizing to rural Washington, and that opportunities for producer services development in rural communities are limited because of the inaccessibility of markets, smaller pools of skilled labor, and the lack of agglomeration economies. Opportunities for producer services are greatest in large rural communities with high-quality telecommunications systems. Although the quality of telecommunications systems is important to the economic health of communities, advances in telecommunications can be a two-way street for rural America. While telecommunications improvements increase a rural community's access to information and make it possible for rural businesses to more easily serve non-local markets, they can also make it easier for firms located in urban areas to serve rural markets via branch offices or through the telecommunications system.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper shows that an important requirement of the MIRAB model, economic success in the host country, is a characteristic of Pacific Islander migrants to the USA and their offspring. Pacific Islanders improved their economic lot in the 1980s and again in the 1990s. Part of this improvement was due to increases in their human capital: Pacific Islanders acquired more education, work experience and better English language skills. This upgrading allowed more workers to acquire white‐collar jobs and to increase their earnings.  相似文献   

农业绿色发展关系着整个生态环境资源保护和可持续发展,同时又是美化农村人居环境、推动新农村建设的重要途径。本研究通过调研分析国内外农业绿色发展的建设情况,直面中国农业绿色发展面临的严峻形势,提出推进农业绿色高质量发展的建议,旨在为“十四五”时期农业绿色发展的战略布局提供信息支撑。本研究综合使用文献调研、计量分析、专家咨询等方法,对美国、欧盟、澳大利亚、荷兰、日本等发达国及中国的农业绿色发展的模式和路径进行深入分析。研究结果表明,美国等发达国家通过一系列举措形成了农业绿色发展卓有成效的发展理念和道路,其在分子育种等领域拥有领先的尖端技术。中国的农业绿色发展经过30余年的政策演进和路径实践,也已形成了典型的、可推广、可借鉴的农业绿色发展模式体系,但目前中国农业仍面临着资源约束趋紧、面源污染严重、生态问题突出、绿色农产品区域供给差异明显、保障体系有待健全等严峻形势。结合国际发展经验和中国国情,提出优化农业主体功能、推动资源保护高效利用、净化产地环境、促进生态系统养护修复、驱动绿色供给、健全绿色农产品市场评价标准和补贴制度体系等推进农业绿色高质量发展的建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Many counties in the mountainous areas of the western U.S. are experiencing rapid growth in population and income, even though extractive industries that served historically as their primary economic base are in decline. The purpose of this paper is to establish statistically the spatial determinants of population, employment, and income densities in 86 rural mountain counties and any changes in those determinants between 1985 and 1994. The results of this analysis indicate that densities are oriented to regional metropolitan centers and critical amenities such as ski areas, national parks, and universities or colleges. Negatively sloped density gradients with respect to distance from regional metropolitan centers suggest that the densities of settlement patterns beyond metropolitan boundaries are analogous to those within metropolitan areas relative to urban centers. In short, a tension apparently exists in locational choice; residents of the Mountain West desire to live near the beauties and amenities of the mountain landscape but do not want to entirely sever their urban ties. Because amenities are the primary attraction of mountain counties rather than employment in locationally dependent industries, at least some migrants must have relatively footloose forms of income.  相似文献   

沟域经济是北京提出以山区沟域为单元,在生态保护前提下,通过产业融合促进农村产业结构优化和升级,实现区域经济发展的一种模式。驱动产业融合是沟域经济发展的动态特性。本文运用自组织的竞争和协同理论,阐述了沟域产业融合机制、产业融合模式和演变趋势,在总结实践经验基础上,提出各类产业融合模式和实现路径。研究显示,北京沟域经济已经迈入产业融合发展阶段,主导产业发展、产业间的关联和外部环境变化是产业融合的内在主要动力。因此,实现沟域发展就是要加强三次产业高度关联度和深入挖掘农业多功能性,促使产业结构朝纵深“两维”方向发展,可采取服务型融合和生态型融合两种路径。  相似文献   

Return migration has been considered advantageous to the productivity of labor and the economic development of origin regions and countries. However, how and why return migrants make their investment decisions and how such processes contribute to poverty alleviation remains unclear. This study evaluated how migration experience influences rural families' choices for productive investments and the underlying mechanism of village poverty alleviation. The result indicates that, when all are given the same monetary budgets, return migrants are more inclined to invest in single agricultural-related subjects rather than multiple subjects. A concentrated investment implies the investor's intention of expanding the production scale, which can further lead to a more organized, professional agricultural production that can be considered beneficial for community poverty alleviation. Moreover, different approaches of human capital accumulation led to varied capacity growth, among which migration experience effectively enhances the non-cognitive ability of return migrants. Based on these findings, we suggest that more returnee-preferential policies, supporting production and organization services should be established to promote agricultural entrepreneurship among the returning groups in poor rural areas.  相似文献   

农村土地房屋资产属性研究综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
农村土地房屋是农村经济发展的重要资源,是农民的宝贵财富。本文围绕农村土地房屋的基本属性:主体化、资产化和市场化,综合运用文献检索法和对比分析法,梳理和总结了学术界对我国农村土地房屋资产属性的研究成果。研究结果表明:(1)农村土地房屋资产化、主体化和市场化,受到经济学家高度关注,产生了丰富的研究成果;(2)有关研究成果表明,我国农村土地房屋主体化、资产化和市场化取得新的进展;(3)我国农村土地房屋主体化、资产化和市场化任重道远,必须坚持科学发展观,立足我国的基本国情,推进农村土地房屋资产管理。  相似文献   

The Minimal Living Standard Allowance System (MLSAS), established by the Chinese central government in the late 1990s, was intended to provide basic needs for urban and rural low-income populations. Although the subsidy standards of MLSAS have increased rapidly over the years, its distributions in time and space were found imbalanced. Using the per capita subsidy income (PCSI) data of 338 Chinese cities from 2008 to 2016, this study quantified the spatiotemporal patterns of the urban-rural gap and regional differences of MLSAS throughout China and identified the major influential socioeconomic factors of the observed patterns. The results showed that the PCSI of China's low-income populations increased rapidly but with large variations between urban and rural residents and between geographic regions. The PCSI in rural areas was much lower than that in urban areas, whereas the Gini coefficient of PCSI in urban areas was lower than that in rural areas, indicating the allowance from MLSAS was more unequal among rural residents. Additionally, the higher PCSI was concentrated mainly in three urban agglomerations in eastern China. Most cities in central and western China lagged in terms of PCSI. Correlation analysis between PCSI and socioeconomic factors indicated that the income and GDP per capita were the most important influencing factors. With a better understanding of the overall situation of the urban-rural gap and regional differences in implementing MLSAS, the current study should help improve the subsistence subsidy policies in China.  相似文献   

Using data from a survey of directors of not-for-profit industrial development groups in the United States and from a variety of secondary sources, we test the hypothesis that the presence of an active industrial development group was a significant factor in the economic growth of its service area over the 1977-to-1982 period. The data permit us to control for different levels of organizational resources among growth promotion groups as well as other traditional factors of local economic change in a regression analysis. While growth promotion groups are judged to be effective in terms of the number of jobs that are created or preserved relative to their direct expenditures of resources, neither their presence nor the levels of their organizational resources are significantly related to service area net employment change. The efforts of growth promotion groups are simply overwhelmed in importance by factors such as population size, metropolitan accessibility, location in a growth region, and manufacturing wage rates that characterize the respective service areas.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to reflect critically on the role which telephone call centers might play in the economic development of rural places in the ‘information age’, drawing mainly on a case study of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. It argues that although call center employment tends mainly to be urban‐based, the growth of this form of work does present opportunities for some rural areas. The paper considers the locational factors rural areas would have to possess or develop in order to attract such work. It suggests call centers can make a valuable, though limited, contribution towards rural economic development, principally through the creation of additional employment opportunities and the stimulation of new skills and competencies. It also suggests that call centers do not represent a panacea for rural areas and that, indeed, it would be dangerous for rural areas to become over‐reliant on employment in this sector.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The basic premise of this article is that the historic location determinants literature is unduly pessimistic regarding the economic prospects of rural areas. Most historic location research has treated rural areas as homogeneous regions. This study demonstrates that rural counties should be treated as differentiated sets of economic environments rather than as an aggregate. The locational potential of specific industries differs dramatically among differentiated rural regions. When examined in this way, a number of high-growth industries surface as having development potential under specified rural conditions. In addition this work raises serious questions about the adequacy of product life-cycle theory (Erickson 1976) and high-technology filtering-down theory (Glasmeier 1991) in identifying the variables critical to industrial location. This work indicates that neither small size nor remoteness is as limiting as suggested by earlier research.  相似文献   

基层党组织是农村最主要的领导力量,村域经济发展要充分发挥党组织的领导、凝聚和协调作用。针对很多地区产业不断发展而农民依然贫困、集体经济实力依然薄弱、基层党组织引领经济发展能力不够等问题,本文基于我国基层党支部的发展历史,结合各地区党组织的经济发展实践,提出了打造“支部+”平台为核心的利益联结机制设想,并以江苏省句容市唐陵村“支部+”为例进行具体分析。研究发现,唐陵村通过构建“支部+”平台利益联结机制,很好地促进了当地的经济发展,当地村民对党组织和经济发展效果具有很高满意度。以“支部+”平台为核心形成的利益联结机制,为我国村域经济发展提供了新路径。通过“支部+”平台整合各方面资源,激发各经营主体积极参与产业发展,而且通过党组织把握村级产业的性质与发展方向,使经济发展成果惠及广大农民群众,达到乡村振兴的目的。  相似文献   

乡村园林的景观规划设计,为乡村旅游业的发展注入了新的活力,是不可或缺的可持续发展产业中坚力量。设计具有独特人文气息与魅力的生态文化景观是乡村园林景观规划设计急需解决的问题。从景观规划相关理念出发,阐释了乡村园林景观的运行模式和类型,以及景观生态学等原理,提出了设计的原则和方法。以周村生态体验园的景观规划设计为实例,提出了各方详细的设计思路,得出乡村园林景观规划设计策略。乡村园林生态体验园的设计特色,决定了它与周边互相依存的生态关系。在自然环境中渗透景观设计要素,能够很好的传达当地的历史文化传统,塑造乡村旅游特色,为乡村的经济发展提供更加坚强的后盾。研究结果也可为今后乡村园林景观实际项目的可持续发展式规划和设计提供理论基础。  相似文献   

北京沟域经济发展模式的典型调研与思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
沟域经济发展模式对北京山区经济发展和实现城乡统筹发展目标具有重要意义。研究典型沟域经济发展的成功经验、面临问题和有关政策需求等,将为山区经济建设工作提供可借鉴经验和参考。本文采用走访、问卷和座谈等方式,对北京市2011年率先启动的7条重点沟域进行了调研。调研显示,重点沟域经济建设,在选择主导产业、改善生态环境、建设新村民居和促进山区经济建设等方面取得了显著成绩,但在理论探索、模式创新、生态保护、缩小城乡差距等方面仍有不足,需要不断加强理论研究、培育主导产业、促进农业体质增效和完善土地管理政策。  相似文献   

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