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Tiller pulling was studied in a perennial ryegrass sward that was continuously grazed by cattle. The treatments included severe (sward height after grazing 25 mm), medium (50 mm) or lenient (75 mm) grazing from turn-out in April to 1 June, followed by grazing to 50 mm in the remainder of the season. Tiller pulling was confined to the midsummer-autumn period of the grazing season. The losses were most severe in swards that had been leniently grazed to a mean height of 75 mm during the spring and least severe in swards grazed to a height of 25 mm. The lenient grazing treatment allowed both the true stem development and aerial tillering whereas in the more tightly grazed swards true stem development was significantly less and aerial tillering was virtually absent. The pulled organic matter in the lenient treatment was equivalent to about 5·3% of the total harvested yield. In the severely grazed swards, pulling losses were equivalent to about 1·7% of the total harvested yield. A high rate of turnover of the pulled herbage was found in all the treatments with between 69 and 78% of the freshly pulled herbage disappearing within a week of being pulled. Tiller pulling was found to have no effect on either the subsequent autumn-winter tiller density or yields of cuts taken in the following year.  相似文献   

Two contrasting decision rules for adjusting stock density to control the sward height of continuously grazed grass swards were tested and developed. One rule calculated the adjustment as a percentage of the existing stock density (Percentage Rule); the other related the adjustment to estimates of the bulk density of the grazed horizon and individual animal intake (Absolute Rule). Both decision rules related the adjustments to the change in sward height over the previous week and to the deviation from the target value. The decision rules were tested by continuously grazing lactating ewes and then dry ewes after weaning with a target sward height of 4 cm on 0·33-ha plots with stock density adjusted by varying animal numbers. The Percentage Rule failed to increase the stock density sufficiently rapidly when grass growth was accelerating, leading to increasing deviation in sward height from a 4 cm target value. The Absolute Rule succeeded in controlling sward height once the bulk density term had been correctly adjusted. Pre-emptive adjustment of stock density in anticipation of a change in grass growth rate marginally improved the control that was achieved by the Absolute Rule.  相似文献   

During three consecutive summers, forty spring-calving beef cows and their calves grazed perennial ryegrass-dominant swards receiving 250 kg N ha?1 at one of two annual stocking rates [2.0 (SR 2.0) or 2.5 (SR 2.5) cows ha?1] and one of two sward heights [4–5 (LS) or 7–8 (HS) cm] in a 2 × 2-factorial experiment, replicated twice. Sward heights were maintained from turn-out in spring by weekly adjustment of the area grazed and herbage was cut for silage in June and again in August from the areas not grazed. After the second cut of silage there was no control of sward height. Calves were weaned in early October and cows removed from pasture and housed when sward heights fell to 4 cm in autumn. Cows were fed in groups a variable but measured quantity of silage during winter to achieve a body condition score of 2.0–2.25 at turn-out the following spring. During the period of sward height control the cows on the HS treatment gained more live weight than those on the LS treatment (0.841 vs. 0.496 kg day?1; P<0.01) as did the calves (1.167 vs. 1.105; P<0.05). but the stocking rate treatment had no effect. From the time of second-cut silage to the time of weaning and housing respectively, calves and cows gained more live weight on the SR 2.0 treatment because sward heights were higher. Reproductive performance of cows was not affected by treatment. The quantity of silage produced and consumed per cow was not affected by sward height treatment, but the SR 2.0 treatment produced significantly (P<0.001) more silage (1559 kg dry matter per cow) than the SR 2.5 treatment (833 kg dry matter per cow) and had higher winter silage requirements (1249 vs. 1153 kg dry matter per cow: P<0.05). The overall mean stocking rate at which winter fodder production and requirements would be in balance was calculated as 2.25 cows ha?1 but values were 1.86, 2.60 and 2.28 in each of the three years of the experiment. The results showed that it was possible to control sward height in temperate beef cow systems by adjusting the area available for grazing. Body condition score can be used as a means of determining the feeding levels required to manipulate body condition of cows over winter to achieve prescribed levels of body condition. The experimental approach allows the identification of the stocking rate at which self-sufficiency in winter fodder can be achieved and the year-to-year variation associated with that stocking rate. This approach could be generalized if information on herbage growth rate were available, either from direct measurement or from predictive models.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to compare the effects of two compressed sward height treatments, each at two fertilizer nitrogen (N) treatments (0 and 50 kg ha−1 in spring), on the date of turnout and liveweight gain of steers grazing a perennial ryegrass/white clover ( Lolium perenne/Trifolium repens ) sward sited on clay loam in south-west England. The sward height treatments were 6 cm all season, and 4 cm in the spring rising to 6 cm in June; these were maintained using continuously variable stocking with Hereford × Friesian steers. Cattle were turned out on average 11·5 days earlier on the 4-cm sward height compared with the 6-cm sward height treatment. Liveweight gain early in the season was lower on the 4-cm swards than on the 6-cm swards. Liveweight gain ha−1 over the whole season was similar for the two sward height treatments. Fertilizer N did not affect turnout date or liveweight gain.  相似文献   

Rates of N accumulation were studied on sheep grazed grass swards maintained at a constant height of 5 cm for two growing seasons (1985 and 1986) and receiving no N fertilizer using a tiller tissue turnover technique. Grazing with normal excretal returns resulted in an 85-105% increase in the estimated rates of N accumulation by laminae compared with similarly grazed swards where excretal returns were prevented. Generally, increases in tiller numbers in plots receiving excreta were mainly responsible for the increased rates of N accumulation, rather than increased rates of N accumulation per tiller. Rates of N remobilization from laminae and senescence (flux of N to standing-dead litter pool) per tiller, and rates of leaf extension and leaf appearance/disappearance were unaffected by excretal returns, in urine patches increased tiller numbers and increased rates of accumulation per tiller both resulted in greater estimates of N accumulation compared with tillers not visibly affected by excreta. However, at any one time only about 11% of the plot area was affected by excreta and increases in N accumulation in excreta patches could not account for the overall plot increases in rates of N accumulation.
The increased tillering in plots receiving excreta may have increased exploitation of the soil N. With an average stocking rate of 15 sheep ha−1, soil nitrate-N, but not total N (Kjeldahl) nor bulk density, was increased during the winter of the second year as a result of excretal returns.  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass/white clover pastures grazed by sheep and receiving either no fertilizer N (No) or 120 kg N ha?1 year?1 (N0) were maintained with surface heights of 2·5, 3·5 and 5·0 cm for over four years. The treatments were replicated. The white clover (WC) population was greatest in the N0treatment, and declined during the study. Between-year variation in WC was negatively related to rainfall and positively related to temperature, WC as a proportion of the total plant population decreased during the summer in the Nl treatment. The perennial ryegrass (PRG) population was greater in the Nl treatment, declined during the study and both within and between years was positively related to temperature. The population density of the unsown grasses was highest in the N-fertilized treatment and in the swards maintained at the lowest heights (these treatments also had the highest stocking rate); it increased during the study, within-years being positively related to temperature and between-years being positively related to rainfall. The WC stolon extension rate was largely unaffected by N fertilizer application and was greatest in the taller swards. Leaf appearance rate was unaffected by N fertilizer application and sward height; it was positively related to temperature and negatively related to rainfall. Branching rate was greater in the N0 treatment with significant sward height effects confined to a negative relationship with local sward height within treatment plots on one occasion; it was negatively related to rainfall. The ground level red:far red light ratio was negatively related to local sward height. The total live weight of sheep carried in the No treatments was 0·7 of that in the N1 treatments. Expected photomorphogenic responses by we were confined to stolon extension. It was concluded that on the poorly drained clay-loam soil used in this study the effects of sheep, in interaction with climatic factors, had an overriding effect on clover branching rate and the ultimate species composition.  相似文献   

The effects of stocking rate and N fertilizer on a mixed sward of perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne) and white clover ( Trifolium repens ) set-stocked with sheep were examined. Sward production and composition, and sheep production were studied.
Increasing the stocking rate over the range 25–55 yearling sheep ha−1 reduced herbage accumulation by about 40%, whether or not N fertilizer was applied. Increasing the stocking rate increased the density of ryegrass tillers, but reduced the density of clover stolons and the clover content of the swards. Applications of N fertilizer (200 kg N ha−1 a−1) increased herbage accumulation by about 20% but substantially reduced the clover content.
Liveweight gain per animal and per unit area were greater at the lower stocking rates where the clover content and nutritive value of the diet were greatest. Wool growth per unit area was greater at the higher stocking rates. Applications of 1M fertilizer increased liveweight gain at stocking rates above 25 sheep ha−1, but had no effect on wool production at any stocking rate.
The results demonstrate that a stable and productive grass-clover association was maintained under conditions of set-stocking at around 23 yearling sheep ha−1and that at this stocking rate, which appears to be about the biological optimum, there was no advantage in using N fertilizer.  相似文献   

Measurements of sward surface height and of the ratio of light at 660 and 730 nm reflected from a pasture canopy were correlated with measurements of leaf area index (LAI) and herbage mass of two ryegrass dominant swards. Both pastures were continuously stocked by sheep to maintain a range of sward heights from 2 to 6 cm corresponding approximately to LAI 2 to 5.
Sward height appeared to be linearly related to both LAI and herbage mass, whereas 660/730 reflectance displayed a non-linear relationship with both parameters. The accuracy of prediction by the two methods over the range LAI 1 to 3 or herbage mass 700 to 1800 kg DM ha-1 was very similar. However, reflectance measurements could not be used above about LAI 3–4 and to this extent were less useful. Nevertheless, reflectance measurements have a potential advantage in their ability to sample large areas of pasture very quickly.  相似文献   

Seven cultivars of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) (Kent, S184, Huia, Menna, Donna, Alice and Nesta) and a commercial mixture, ‘Ensign’, were strip-seeded into an upland perennial rye-grass (Lolium perenne L.) sward in late June 1986. Swards were first grazed by sheep, either on 5/6 August (early) or on 19/20 August (late) and then every 14–21 days (frequently) or 28–42 days (infrequently) during 1986, followed by a common grazing regime in 1987. During April to mid-June 1988 the swards received either a moderate amount of nitrogen or none and were cut frequently or once only in mid-June. Growth of individual seedlings was assessed before and after grazing during 1986 and stolon accumulation and distribution and sward colonization were assessed during 1987 and 1988. All cultivars emerged rapidly and satisfactorily and there were no consistent significant differences in the overall dry matter accumulation per seedling during establishment. During the first autumn the proportion of the aboveground biomass removed during grazing was smallest in Kent (c. 20%) and largest in Nesta (c. 40%). Kent and S184 produced most leaves and stolons and the greatest length of stolons per seedling and per individual stolon, and Nesta and Alice the fewest leaves and stolons and shortest stolons. Seedlings grazed early had heavier and longer stolons than those grazed late; those grazed frequently had more leaves, stolons and growing points than those grazed infrequently, especially following early grazing. During 1987 Kent and S184 had consistently the largest number of stolon growing points, and weight and length of stolons per unit area; these two cultivars and Nesta also colonized the sward more rapidly than the other cultivars. All cultivars contributed substantially and similarly to herbage production in late September. There were no residual effects of the 1986 treatments after the summer of 1987. During 1988 additions of nitrogen fertilizer at 100 kg N ha-1 or allowing the herbage to remain undefoliated between mid-April and mid-June both independently halved the number of stolon growing points per unit area; together they reduced it by 80%. Nitrogen also, on average, halved stolon weights but less so in Nesta, Alice and Huia and more so in all other cultivars. Infrequent defoliation greatly decreased stolon weights in Kent and S184 but had no significant effects on the other cultivars. Sward colonization was almost complete by June and entirely so by October for all cultivars in all treatments. Implications of the results for the after-management of strip-seeded white clover are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of sward height at the time of slurry application on sward responses to slurry was investigated using perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne )/white clover ( Trifolium repens ) mini-swards under greenhouse conditions. Pig slurry, cattle slurry and a fertilizer control were applied either to: swards cut 1 d before slurry application to heights of 2, 4 or 8 cm (CH2, CH4 or CH8); or to swards cut to 4 cm with regrowth intervals of 1, 4 or 8 d before slurry application (RI1, RI4 and RI8). Scorch, smother and growth of marked clover stolons and grass tillers were monitored after slurry application. Dry-matter yields of both species were recorded over two harvests. Electrolyte leakage from leaves was used to assess leaf damage. Both slurries increased leakage, which was greatest from clover leaves, with biggest increases caused by pig slurry. Yield responses to slurry application varied with plant species and sward height. Reduced grass growth after slurry application to long swards (CH8, RI4, RI8) was probably caused by greater smother. In short swards (CH2), grass leaf growth was not depressed following slurry application but grass yields were reduced. Ammonia volatilization losses may have been greater in both long and short swards, contributing to yield reductions. Yield responses to slurry were greatest in swards cut to 4 cm, 1 d before application.  相似文献   

A perennial ryegrass sward was managed by continuous stocking with sheep (April–September) for 4 successive years after sowing. The sward was grazed to maintain a leaf (lamina) area index (LAI) close to 1.0. Areas of the sward were released from grazing on three occasions: once during summer in the third year after sowing, and twice during spring and summer in the fourth year after sowing. There were marked changes in the structure and physiology of the continuously stocked sward following release from grazing. After several successive years of continuous stocking, the sward comprised a large population of small tillers and the small LAI resulted in consistently low rates of photosynthesis. Following release from grazing, photosynthesis increased markedly as the LAI increased but this change was associated with the loss of a large proportion of the population of tillers. There were seasonal differences in the pattern of changes in photosynthesis and tiller numbers following release from grazing which were not apparent under continuous stocking. The changes in the structure and physiology of the sward following release from grazing suggest that the net accumulation of herbage in areas of sward from which the animals are excluded, for instance using cages, may be an unreliable estimate of production under continuous stocking.  相似文献   

The consequences of controlling sward height at two levels, around 5 cm (HS) and around 3·5 cm (LS), during spring and summer by adjusting weekly the proportion of the areas grazed in response to changes in rate of herbage production and utilizing the surplus pasture areas to conserve winter fodder were studied over three complete years for Greyface ewes with their lambs at 15ha−1 (SR15) and 10ha−1 (SR10). The rules used to control grazed sward height resulted in acceptable sward height control in three of four treatments and, by providing supplementary feed when sward height was below target, gave rise to similar levels of individual animal performance. Total output of lamb weaned was greater for the SR15 than for the SR10 flocks (607 vs 477 kg live weight ha−1; P <0·001). Amounts of winter fodder produced were less for the SR15 than for the SR10 flocks [39 vs 213kg dry matter (DM) per ewe; P < 0·001]. Significantly more supplementary feed (10·0 vs 4·4kg DM per ewe; P < 0·01) and hay (13·7 vs 4·0kg DM per ewe; P7lt;0·05) were offered around mating to SR15 flocks than to SR10 flocks. It is concluded that, provided that sward height can be controlled between 3·5 and 5·0cm during the spring and summer and that supplementation is offered when the grazed sward is below 3·5 cm, flock performance will fall within acceptable and predictable limits.  相似文献   

The implications for UK upland sheep systems of reducing nitrogen fertilizer application to perennial ryegrass/white clover swards were studied over 3 years. Sward height (3·5–5·5 cm) was controlled for ewes with lambs until weaning using surplus pasture areas for silage; thereafter, ewes and weaned lambs were grazed on separate areas, and sward height was controlled by adjusting the size of the areas grazed and using surplus pasture areas for silage if necessary. Combinations from three stocking rates [10, 6 and 4 ewes ha−1 on the total area (grazed and ensiled)] and four nitrogen fertilizer levels (150, 100, 50 and 0 kg ha−1) provided six treatments that were replicated three times. Average white clover content was negatively correlated with level of nitrogen fertilizer. The proportion of white clover in the swards increased over the duration of the experiment. Control of sward height and the contribution from white clover resulted in similar levels of lamb liveweight gain on all treatments. All treatments provided adequate winter fodder as silage. It is concluded that the application of nitrogen fertilizer can be reduced or removed from upland sheep pastures without compromising individual animal performance provided that white clover content and sward height are maintained. Resting pastures from grazing by changing ensiled and grazed areas from year to year sustained white clover content over a 3-year period.  相似文献   

The selection by sheep (six Coopworth ewe hoggets, 44·3 ± 4·6 kg live weight) and goats (six Saanen/Anglo‐Nubian yearling males, 38·1 ± 3·8 kg live weight) for perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and white clover (Trifolium repens) and for sward height was measured in two experiments involving paired turves. Pairs of turves with herbage of differing height and of either the same or different plant species were offered. One sward (fixed height species, FHS) was always offered at 130 mm and the other (variable height species, VHS) at 130, 90 or 50 mm. Turves (450 mm × 220 mm) were cut to a soil depth of 100–150 mm from areas of perennial ryegrass and white clover regrown to the desired height after previously being cut to 30 mm. Each turf in a pair was weighed (±1 g) before and after grazing by penned animals maintained on a barley‐based pelleted diet. The number of prehending bites taken from each turf was recorded over a grazing period (128 ± 12 s). Bite mass, bite rate and intake rate were calculated. As the sward height of the VHS turf declined, an increasing proportion of the diet was selected from the 130 mm turf. When averaged over all height contrasts, both animal species selected a higher proportion (0·776 ± 0·026) of their diet from 130‐mm white clover than from 130‐mm perennial ryegrass (0·591 ± 0·018) turves. On average, goats selected a higher proportion (0·721 ± 0·022) of their dry‐matter (DM) intake from the 130‐mm turf than sheep (0·646 ± 0·019), but the effect was not consistent. In contrasts with perennial ryegrass as the VHS (and both perennial ryegrass and white clover as FHS), the proportion of the diet selected from the 130‐mm turf was very similar for both animal species. However, with white clover as the VHS (and both perennial ryegrass and white clover as FHS), goats selected a higher proportion of their intake from the 130‐mm turf to the extent that in the 130‐mm perennial ryegrass/50‐mm white clover contrast sheep showed as strong selection for 50‐mm white clover as goats did for 130‐mm perennial ryegrass. This lesser selection of goats for white clover as its height in a sward declines is likely to contribute to the higher white clover content observed in swards grazed by goats. Bite mass was greater on white clover (246 ± 5 mg DM bite–1) than on perennial ryegrass (173 ± 5 mg DM bite–1) and was greater for goats (255 ± 6 mg DM bite–1) than for sheep (195 ± 5 mg DM bite–1). Bite rate was greater on perennial ryegrass (45·9 ± 1·0 bites min–1) than on white clover (39·9 ± 1·0 bites min–1) and was greater for sheep (45·5 ± 1·1 bites min–1) than for goats (42·5 ± 1·1 bites min–1). Apparent intake rate by both sheep and goats was lower (mean, 5·0 ± 0·29 g DM min–1) on 130 mm perennial ryegrass/white clover than on 130 mm perennial ryegrass/perennial ryegrass (7·0 ± 0·27 g DM min–1), but was higher (9·62 ± 0·29 g DM min–1) on 130‐mm white clover/perennial ryegrass than on 130‐mm white clover/white clover (8·2 ± 0·29 g DM min–1) combinations.  相似文献   

Abstract The implications for the agricultural productivity of the UK upland sheep systems of reducing nitrogen fertilizer application and lowering stocking rates on perennial ryegrass/white clover swards were studied over 4 years at a site in Wales. The system involved grazing ewes and lambs from birth to weaning on swards maintained at a constant height with surplus herbage made into silage, thereafter ewes and weaned lambs grazed on separate areas until the onset of winter with adjustments to the size of the areas grazed and utilizing surplus pasture areas for silage. Four stocking rates [SR 18, 15, 12 and 9 ewes ha?1 on the total area (grazed and ensiled)] and two levels of annual nitrogen fertilizer application (N 200 and 50 kg ha?1) were studied in five treatments (N200/SR18, N200/SR15, N50/SR15, N50/SR12 and N50/SR9). Average white clover content was negatively correlated with the level of annual nitrogen fertilizer application. White clover content of the swards was maintained over the duration of the experiment with an increasing proportion of clover in the swards receiving 50 kg N ha?1. Control of sward height and the contribution from white clover resulted in similar levels of lamb liveweight gain from birth to weaning in all treatments but fewer lambs reached the slaughter live weight by September at the higher stocking rates and with the lower level of fertilizer application. Three of the five treatments provided adequate winter fodder as silage (N200/SR15, N50/SR12 and N50/SR9). Because of the failure to make adequate winter fodder and the failure of white clover to fully compensate for reduction in nitrogen fertilizer application, it is concluded that nitrogen fertilizer can only be reduced on upland sheep pastures if accompanied by reduced stocking rates.  相似文献   

In three successive years, sward height was maintained at 3, 5, 7 or 9 cm on grass swards receiving a total of 300 kg N ha?1 in six equal monthly dressings from April, and on grass/clover swards receiving 50 kg N ha?1 as a single dressing in early spring. From turnout in April until weaning in July, 64 ewes and their lambs (mean litter size 1·5) were continuously grazed at the four sward surface heights on the two sward types. White clover content of grass/clover swards remained low throughout the experiment ranging from 0·2 to 7·4% of the herbage mass. During the first two years, lamb gains averaged over sward types were 204, 260, 285 and 308 g d?1 up to weaning, while in the third year gains were 238, 296, 296 and 260 g d?1 on 3, 5, 7 and 9 cm swards respectively. Ewes lost live weight on 3 cm swards but apart from this sward height had little effect on performance. During the autumn, weaned lambs gained — 27, 87, 147 and 167 g d?1 on 3, 5, 7 and 9 cm swards respectively. Sward type had only a small effect on the performance of lambs up to weaning but in the autumn, mean gains of weaned lambs were lower on grass/N swards (73 g d?1) than on grass/clover swards (115 g d?1). Relative to 3 cm swards, carrying capacities of 5, 7 and 9 cm swards were 0·76, 0·57 and 0·52 respectively from turnout to weaning and 0·66, 0·52 and 0·44 respectively during autumn. Grass/clover swards carried 0·67 of the ewes carried by grass/N swards from turnout to weaning and 0·51 of the live weight carried by grass/N swards during autumn. The reaction of the two sward types to sward height did not appear to differ but in the third year there was evidence of a reduction in white clover content when swards were grazed at 9 cm. The data suggest that lamb growth rates will increase as sward height increases up to 9 cm and the evidence for this was stronger with weaned lambs in autumn than with suckling lambs in spring.  相似文献   

Greyface (Border Leicester × Scottish Blackface) ewes, mated in October, were housed in winter and turned out after lambing in late March to one of four treatments replicated three times on perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)-dominated pastures. On three of the treatments the stocking rate was 12·5 ewes plus lambs ha?1 annum?1 (SR12·5), whereas on the fourth it was 15·0 ewes plus lambs ha?1 annum?1 (SR15·0). There were two levels of applied fertilizer nitrogen (N), 152 kg N ha?1 annum?1 (N152) and 205 kg N ha?1 annum?1 (N205). Three patterns of nitrogen application were used: predominantly in spring (E), predominantly in autumn (L), and mainly in spring and autumn (E + L). Grazed sward surface height was controlled within the range 3·5–5·5 cm during spring and summer, and supplementary feed was offered when sward height was below 3·5 cm. The effects on animal performance, yield of silage and requirement for supplementary feed were measured over 3 years (1986–88). Management of the sward height within the specified limits resulted in similar levels of individual animal performance for all treatments, but treatment SR15·0N205E + L produced a significantly (P < 0·05) greater output of lamb per hectare. There was no evidence to suggest that, by increasing the amount of N fertilizer applied in the autumn, ewe reproductive performance was increased. Neither the treatment with the lower level of N applied in the spring (SR12·5N152L) nor the high stocking rate treatment (SR15·0N205E + L) was self-sufficient in winter feed (silage) production. SR15·0N205E + L also required more supplementary feed in both the lactation (38·1 kg ewe?1) and the mating (9·1 kg ewe?1) periods. SR12·5N152L required the second greatest amount of supplementary feed during lactation (36·1 kg ewe?1), whereas SR12·5N205E + L required the least supplementary feed over both periods (27·8 kg and 4·8 kg ewe?1). Taking all treatments together, there were significant (P < 0·05) differences between years in lamb weaning weight (kg), lamb output (kg ha?1), yield of silage (kg ewe?1) and supplementary feed required (kg ewe?1), arising mainly from a lower level of herbage production in one year. Treatment SR12·5N152E generated the highest gross margin per hectare.  相似文献   

When grazed sward surface height was controlled within the range 3·75-5·25 cm during spring and summer, the effects of two annual stocking rates of twenty (SR20) and twelve (SR12) Cheviot ewes per hectare with their lambs and two rates of nitrogen fertilizer, 100(N100) and 200(N200)kg Nha−1 per year on animal performance and yield of silage from areas of pasture surplus to grazing requirements were measured. Decision rules for management of sward height resulted in good control of swards and consistent and satisfactory individual animal performance across treatments. Total output of lamb was greater for SR20 than for SR12 (699 vs 424kg live weight ha−1; P < 0·001). Yield of silage was less for SR20 than for SR12 [27 vs 184 kg dry matter (DM) per ewe; P < 0·001] and less for N100 than for N200 (65 VS 146 kg DM per ewe; P < 0·01). Around the mating period, when sward height fell below 3·5cm, supplementary feed was offered. More concentrates were offered to the SR20 than to the SR12 ewes (12·3 vs 1·2kg DM per ewe; P < 0·001) and to the N100 than to the N200 ewes (8·3 vs 5·2kg DM per ewe; P < 0·01); trends in the amounts of hay offered during that period were similar.  相似文献   

The productivity of a mixed sward comprising perennial ryegrass cv. Fantoom and white clover cv. Aran was measured under eight defoliation management systems and two fertilizer N rates (0 and 75 kg ha-1) applied in spring. The defoliations involved a basic six-harvest simulated grazing system together with the interposition of silage cuts once or twice at varying times during the growing season; evaluation was made over three harvest years, 1983-85. Mean annual production of total herbage DM over the three years was 8.351 tha-1 without N and 9.49 tha-1 with 75 kg N ha-1, a mean response of 15.2 kg DM per kg applied N. The responses for individual treatments occurred mainly at the first cuts, whether for simulated grazing (a mean of 12 9 kg DM) or for silage (a mean of 259 kg DM); however, this influence of spring N was not sustained at other cuts over the season. Mean annual white clover DM production was 4.19 t ha-1 with no N and 3.32 t ha-1 with 75 kg ha-1 N, but the reduction due to N was not significant in any year. The mean amount of clover stolon DM present post harvest over all management systems was 1.33 t ha-1 with no N and 1.03 t ha-1 with 75 kg ha-1 N. Mean annual DM production of total herbage from the six-harvest system was 8.11 t ha-1 Compared with 8 88 t ha-1 (a 9% increase) from the systems with one silage cut and 9.241 ha-1 (a 14% increase) from the systems with two silage cuts. Corresponding white clover DM production was 4.02, 3 87 and 3 53 t ha-1, respectively, and mean stolon DM amounts post harvest, 1 12,1.15 and 1-23 t ha-1, respectively. It is concluded that grass/white clover swards are suitable for management systems which involve cutting for conservation. Spring N application did not greatly reduce white clover production in this experiment where white clover was at higher levels than are likely in farming practice and the swards were not grazed. More knowledge of spring N rates, and indeed of N application rates generally, would be advantageous in future assessment of silage cutting systems.  相似文献   

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