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Using simple analytical techniques, the amounts of air pollutants accumulated in winter snow were determined and the results correlated with lichen survival on trees. Pollutants measured were particulate matter, sulfate, and chloride. An inverse relationship was found between amounts of each of these pollutants and the abundance of various lichens.  相似文献   

The atmospheric deposition of air pollutants at a forest edge was studied by means of monitoring canopy throughfall at the edge and at five different parallel lines in the forest behind the edge. The investigation was carried out at a pine forest on the Swedish west coast. Throughfall and bulk deposition samples were analyzed for volume, SO 4 2? , NO 3 ? , Cl?, NH 4 + , Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, and for pH. The results show that the throughfall flow at the edge was increased substantially for most ions. The ratios in throughfall flows between the edge and the line 50 m into the forest were for SO 4 2? , 1.5, NO 3 ? 2.9, NH 4 + 2.7, and Na+ 3.1. Since this effect is not only valid for forest edges but also for hillsides, hilltops, and edges between stands of different age, etc., there might be substantial areas which get much larger total deposition than the normally considered closed forest.  相似文献   

The ‘ICP on effects on materials’ was launched in 1985, within the framework of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution with the aim to find an approach for clearing the main gaps in the knowledge about material degradation caused by environmental impacts. The project was organized as a staggered8 year's material exposure programme accompanied by an extensive measuring programme for environmental parameters. During the evaluation of the 4 years data set it took shape that the most efficient parameters for quantifying the material degradation are the mass loss and especially for copper the corrosion volumes. Bronze already reacts extremely sensitive on low SO2 concentrations. The starting corrosion rate for copper is suprisingly high. A strong impact of chloride on the formation of pin holes for sheltered copper could be detected without showing high mass loss. At simultanous presence of ozone the corrosive action is catalysed by it's oxidation power and leads to severe mass loss. Based upon the 4 years data set for most of the materials preliminary dose-response-functions have been prepared. For the first time a synergetic effect of SO2 and ozone has been demonstrated in a field exposure.  相似文献   

In the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), airborne pollutants are leading to an increased rate of acidification of aquatic systems. In particular, the upper reaches of rivers and obligotrophic lakes in low-carbonate areas are affected. These areas are a minority of the total number of waterways, but are of great importance for environmental protection. Water acidification cannot be viewed as an isolated issue. In forested areas, it is associated with damage to the entire ecosystem. In lakes and streams, one of the most significant effects of water acidification is fish mortality; several bodies of water in which fish were once plentiful are now devoid of fish. With increasing acidification of the ground water, drinking-water supply problems may also be expected, All measures which can be taken to prevent the entry of pollutants into aquatic systems are preferred to those which merely treat the symptoms of acidified aquatic systems (e.g. addition of lime). The Federal Environmental Agency therefore considers the reduction of air pollutants to be the most effective solution to the problem of acidified of aquatic systems.  相似文献   

In the course of a 20 mo sampling campaign, 29 ions and elements were determined in rain water which had been collected under trees and in clearings of a spruce forest. Comparing deposition rates between these two locations gives information as to the filtering capacity of tree foliage towards air pollutants. This filtering capacity depends on the gas reactivity and on the particle diameter while pollutant accumulation rates closely depend upon meteorological conditions, mainly rainfall and duration of dry periods. Therefore, pollutant accumulation by trees should be studied on the basis of well-defined meteorological events rather than on the basis of fixed time sampling intervals, which tend to mask the strong effect of precipitation events.  相似文献   

Most estimates of emission are concerned with the nation state level. This paper will discuss methods utilised in the estimates of emissions to the atmosphere of sulphur dioxide, volatile organic compounds and oxides of nitrogen from a densely populated and heavily industrialised region of the United Kingdom. Data on power generation, industrial plant, fuel usage, air, sea and road transportation, and human population statistics have been integrated into a method to provide regional emission estimates. The resulting emission patterns are described in terms of sources and emission density. Spatial and temporal patterns are identified and major sources of emissions discussed in terms of national control programmes. Transportation is the dominant source of oxides of nitrogen emissions whilst power generation is the dominant source of sulphur dioxide. The relative importance of the North West as an emission source within the UK is assessed. The change in the strengths of acidifying emissions between 1987 and 1992 is discussed and the rate of change in emission magnitudes between the North West region and the UK as a whole compared.  相似文献   

Casuarina cunninghamiana and Eucalyptus camadulensis (Egyptian var.) plants were exposed to 0.20 and 0.40 μL L?1 O3, SO2 or NO2 for 6 hr daily for 10 days. Eucalyptus plants were very sensitive to SO2 and NO2 and less sensitive to O3. Casuarina plants were insensitive to the 3 gases. The rate of sorption of the 3 gases was estimated over a 10 day exposure to 0.20 μL L?1 pollutant concentration singly and in a 3-gas mixture. Casuarina plants removed air pollutants more efficiently than Eucalyptus plants. Leaves of both species generally sorbed about the same volume of a given gas from the mixture and from the same single gas. The sorption rate over the 10 day exposure was almost constant after a higher sorption rate during the first day for both species.  相似文献   

Based on combined information available from air quality monitoring data and long-range transport models, European population exposure to SO2, NO2 and O3 has been estimated. This information has been combined with the results of epidemiological studies assessing strength of association between the exposure and health effects to estimate an impact of the pollution on health in Europe. The analysis indicates that a considerable number of health problems, ranging from mild irritation of the respiratory system to increased mortality, can be attributed to short-term peaks of pollution observed in Europe. Chronic impacts of prolonged elevated SO2 levels on lung function are estimated to occur in close to10 million people in Europe.  相似文献   

Observations show that pollutants from large emission sources may cause significant air concentrations 500 to 1000 mi away. Very acid precipitation occurs in such periods. The scavenging is often intensified by the topography. Case studies will be presented with special emphasis on acid precipitation in Scandinavia. Large scale dispersion models have been developed recently in order to estimate the long range transport of air pollutants. The models take into account chemical transformations as well as deposition of pollutants. The calculations will be compared with observations from airplanes and surface stations. A simple model has been integrated over a long period of time in order to derive the best value for the decay rate of SO2. This best value is based on a day-by-day comparison with surface observations.  相似文献   

Man-made emissions of sulphur and nitrogen in Europe is acidifying the precipitation in Norway. Extensive research activities in the seventies (the SNSF-project) clearly showed that acidification has a strong impact on the environment in Southern Norway. In order to further evaluate the cause-effect relationships and changes over time, a monitoring programme covering deposition, surface- and groundwater, soil, fish populations and invertebrates was initiated by the Norwegian Ministry of Environment. Intensive studies are performed in all regions of Norway by the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), the Norwegian Forest Research Institute (NISK), Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) and the University of Bergen (UiB). The Norwegian Pollution Control Authority (SFT) is responsible for the overall co-ordination of the programme and the funding of air and water monitoring, while the Directorate for Nature Management (DN) is funding the monitoring of fish and invertebrates.  相似文献   

Plant secondary compounds have an important role in defense responses against herbivores and pathogens. This study summarises published and some unpublished data from a series of fumigation experiments where Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings were exposed to different concentrations of gaseous air pollutants, ozone (O3), sulphur dioxide (SO2) or nitrogen dioxide (NO2), in growth chambers. Concentrations of monoterpenes, resin acids and total phenolics were studied. Overall, needle monoterpenes were not affected by pollutants. Only very high level of O3 (600 ppb) decreased concentration of some individual monoterpenes in pine needles. O3 did not have effect on concentrations of resin acids in pine needles. In contrast, the concentration of some individual resin acids increased in O3-exposed pine shoots and in O3-exposed needles of one spruce clone. The highest dose of SO2 decreased concentrations of resin acids in pine needles, but low exposure levels did not have effects. However, SO2 had no effects on the resin acids concentrations of spruce needles, except some minor individual compounds were affected in clonal spruces. Increased concentrations of resin acids was found in pine shoots exposed to NO2. Total phenolics of needles were not affected by pollutants. These observations suggest that among secondary compounds there is variation in sensitivity to air pollutants and genetically different trees have different responses to air pollutants.  相似文献   

One-year-old loblolly pine seedlings were exposed to 03(≤0.025 or 0.10 μ L L?1, 4 hr d?1, 3 d wk?1) in combination with simulated rain (pH 5.6 or 3.0, 1 hr d?1, 2 d wk?1, 0.75 cm hr?1) for 10 wk. After the 10-wk treatment, the seedlings were submitted to two drought cycles, and water potential, net photosynthesis (Pn), and transpiration (Tr) were measured. Whole-plant fresh weight increment and relative growth rate were significantly increased in seedlings exposed to simulated rain at pH 3.0 compared to pH 5.6. An interaction between 03 and simulated rain occurred in height growth. Shoot height elongation was significantly less in seedlings exposed to 0.10 μL L?1 03 + pH 5.6 than in any other pollutant combination after the 10-wk treatment period. There were no significant effects of 03 on Pn and Tr prior to the drought cycles; however, after the first drought cycle, Pn was significantly higher in seedlings pre-exposed to 0.10 μL L?1 03 compared to the low 03 concentration. The 10-wk treatment with simulated rain at pH 3.0 significantly increased Pn and Tr. The relationship between gas exchange rates and needle water potential during the moisture stress period was affected by preexposure to pollutants. In general, Pn and Tr were more sensitive to decreasing needle water potential in seedlings exposed to pH 3.0 during the first drought cycle and to 0.10 μL L?1 03 during second drought cycle.  相似文献   

The results of several separately performed field studies on air quality in south-western Poland (Black Triangle) are presented In the period 1988–1993 atmospheric aerosol measurement and precipitation/deposition samples were collected at three locations of mountain region (810–1490 m asl). Precipitation was monitored in forest ecosystem using a 24-gauge network was carried out during June–October 1992 and 1993. The occurence of cloud at ground level over hills is difficult to categorize and quantify in mountain terrain and has constituted a basic part of our studies. Precipitation/deposition samples (seven rain and three cloud collectors) in the Karkonosze Mountains were collected over the period 1994–1995 (four field campaigns were conducted) to examine aqueous chemical interactions between constituents in samples. Meteorological data measured at the site included temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction and the amount of precipitation.  相似文献   

Aphids are frequently found on conifers, but mass outbreaks are seldom reported. On trees stressed by air pollutants the natural resistance can be broken and insect attack combined with pollution stress may promote plant damages. To evaluate effects of air pollution on conifer aphids Scots pine and Norway spruce seedlings have been exposed to gaseous pollutants (O3, SO2 and NO2) in growth chambers. The studied aphid species were Cinara pilicornis Hartig on Norway spruce, C. pinea (Mordv.) and Schizolachnus pineti Fabr. on Scots pine in SO2 fumigations and S. pineti in O3 and NO2 fumigations. C. pilicornis nymphs had peaked dose response to SO2 concentration. Both the first and third instar larvae of C. pilicornis showed highest mean relative growth rate (MRGR) at 100 ppb SO2 concentration. MRGR of C. pinea peaked at 50 and 150 ppb SO2 The response of S. pineti was more inconsistent During fumigation the peak MRGR of S. pineti was at 100 ppb and after exposure at 50 ppb SO2. MRGR of S. pineti nymphs was not significantly affected during fumigation or after the end of fumigation experiment by 100 ppb O3 or 100 ppb NO2 or the mixtures. The results suggest that SO2 affects more distinctively on aphid performance on conifers than O3 or NO2. Especially stem-feeding aphids on spruce can exploit physiological disturbance of host plant under pollution stress.  相似文献   

The effect of sublethal concentrations of aldrin and Swascofix CD-38 was studied on certain haematological parameters of C. batrachus after 10, 20, and 30 days exposures. The parameters studied were CT, PT, Hb, RBC, WBC, PCV, MCH, MCHC, MCV, specific gravity and pH. CT, MCH, and MCV were found to be decreasing with the increase of pollutant concentrations and time of exposure, while all other parameters showed an increase. However, pH and specific gravity remained generally uneffected.  相似文献   

江苏省大气资源价值损失核算研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在大气资源实物核算基础上进行了大气资源的价值损失核算,即对大气污染的损失用货币加以量化。结果表明,20世纪90年代江苏省大气资源污染损失每年高达100亿元,扣除大气资源价值损失,江苏省国民生产总值下降2%-3%,表明江苏省经济增长是以牺牲一定的资源环境为代价的。  相似文献   

规模化畜禽养殖污染气体现场检测方法与仪器研究进展   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
随着中国畜禽生产的规模化和集约化,畜禽舍内饲养密度增大,产生了许多污染气体。这些污染气体含有大量的氨、硫化物和挥发性有机物等有毒有害成分,不仅影响畜禽的正常生长,而且当这些污染气体扩散到大气中,会对大气环境造成环境污染,严重影响城乡的空气质量,使人类生存环境不断恶化,危害饲养人员及周围居民的身体健康。本文阐述了几种典型污染气体特征,综述了国内外规模化畜禽养殖主要污染气体现场检测方法和分析仪器研究现状,为实现对污染气体进行快速、准确检测,并判定其成分与浓度提供十分必要的依据,也为中国畜禽养殖污染气体检测技术的发展提供一定参考。  相似文献   

The vigor of Norway spruce stands in the Bohemian Forest of Austria was correlated with site factors, informations on historic land use, and chemical properties of the soils and spruce needles. The study confirmed that trees on west exposed slopes and plateaus in higher elevation have lower crown densities. The soils in the area are generally low in base saturation. Historical land use, such as litter raking, grazing and burning of biomass for potash led to nutrient depletion. Increasing deposition of atmospheric N during the last decades alleviated N stress, but increased Ca and Mg stress. N∶Mg ratios in needles of declining stands are wide, indicating N induced nutritional imbalances. PH values in the mineral topsoil are very low on W-slopes and plateaus. Measurements of pollutant deposition at three different sites indicate a strong influence of aspect and elevation on input rates. In a southwest exposed stand and a stand on a hilltop, facing the prevailing winds, substantially more S and N was recovered in the throughfall than in northeast exposed stand. Deposition rates in the open did not differ significantly. High NO3 ? concentrations in the soil solution of the southwest exposed site indicate N saturation of the system. In order to test the hypothesis that mineral deficiency and nutritional disorders contribute to the poor vigor of these stands, fertilizer experiments were established. Fertilization with a combination of an organic fertilizer (BACTOSOL**)) and a magnesite fertilizer (BIOMAG*)) significantly improved crown density, growth, seed viability, and mineral nutrition as inferred from foliar analysis. NO3 ? leaching in the combined BACTOSOL+BIOMAG treatment increased during the first and second growing season after fertilization but leveled off to values typical for the control plots after three years. Mg content of the soil solution increased both in the BIOMAG and the combined BACTOSOL+BIOMAG treatment. These experiments show that the nutritional status and the resilience of declining forests in the Bohemian Forests of Austria can be easily improved by proper fertilizer treatment.  相似文献   

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