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My address today is not attuned to any particular theme so goes untitled, but I hope not un-noted for I wish to touch upon some areas of concern to the veterinary profession and some areas where the veterinary profession should be concerned.  相似文献   

关于皮埃蒙特肉牛引进及中国肉牛育种的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于历史上以役用为主并缺乏系统的肉用性能选育,致使中国黄牛产肉性能较低,至今中国还没有一个专门化肉牛品种。因为优越的产肉性能和与中国黄牛互补的体型,意大利皮埃蒙特肉牛被引进中国,对中国黄牛有了很大程度的遗传改进。然而要想增加中国肉牛业的国际竞争能力,必须培育自己的专门化肉牛品种。意大利皮埃蒙特肉牛的培育历史,为我们提供了宝贵的经验和深刻的教训。我们应立足于本国现有的遗传资源,借鉴这些宝贵的经验教训和先进的育种技术,建立专门的育种组织,健全品种登记制度,系统地培育中国专门化肉牛品种,促进中国养牛业的发展,为中国乃至全世界人们提供优质健康的牛肉。  相似文献   

为了确实掌握张掖市百万头肉牛基地肉牛传染病和寄生虫病感染情况,建立健全百万头肉牛基地的动物卫生防疫体系,有效防治疫病的发生流行,确保百万头肉牛基地健康发展,对全市肉牛传染病和寄生虫病的流行情况进行了摸底调查和实验室检测。通过详细普查,掌握了全市肉牛传染病和寄生虫病发病情况,为有效防控肉牛疫病提供了重要理论依据。  相似文献   

为研究与推广生物安全集成技术在规模化肉牛场的设计与建造.综合运用动物疫病防控技术、兽医卫生学、肉牛饲养学和建筑设计学等理论,从肉牛的生产环境、牛舍的设计建造、卫生消毒、鼠虫害防治等关键环节进行了研究.结果:设计了肉牛生产环境的技术参数,制定了关键生产环节肉牛疾病环境控制措施.说明综合应用生物安全集成技术设计建造肉牛场,为肉牛饲养取得显著的经济、社会和生态效益奠定了良好的环境基础.  相似文献   

真胃作为反刍动物重要的消化器官,在营养物质吸收、生产性能发挥上发挥着重要的作用,是构成牛体良好健康状况的重要评价指标之一.但是在兽医临床实践中,发生真胃变位的现象时有发生,在造成鉴别处置不当的情况下,极易造成误诊误治,影响着肉牛养殖效益的有效发挥.为提高规模养殖条件下育肥牛前胃系统疾病的科学处置,防止诊治盲区,本文就一...  相似文献   

为了确定在优质牛肉生产中所需解决的宰前关键问题,本文在相同饲养条件下品种、年龄及体重等因素对牛产肉性能的影响做了研究。结果表明,品种对牛肉的品质和产量都有显著或较显著的影响,其中晋南牛牛肉品质最佳;活重对牛肉产量有较大影响;年龄主要对肉质影响显著,其中年龄在2-2.5岁间的牛肉嫩度最好,因此,要提高牛肉的生产水平应以产肉性能优良的品种作牛源,同时选择年龄小、体重大的个体。  相似文献   

Bovine abortions due to Neospora caninum infection have been reported worldwide and its economic impact on the beef industry has been acknowledged as a problem. Uruguay has the largest export value of beef per acre in South America. However, no data on the prevalence of N. caninum infection have been available in this country. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence and distribution of N. caninum infection in beef cattle in Uruguay through a nationwide survey. A two stage sampling design was used with farms being selected in stage one and animals being selected in stage two. A brief questionnaire was administered on each farm. Seroprevalence of N. caninum in 4444 beef cattle from 229 farms in all the counties, except Montevideo, of Uruguay was determined by an ELISA. The data were then analyzed to identify associations between infection and variables such as type of animal (cow or heifer), herd size, use of veterinary advice, productivity of the soil in relation to the national average, use of improved grass, use of mineral salts, use of supplemental feed, and presence of a dog(s) on the farm. The estimated proportion of positive farms for all the beef cattle operations was 69.2% (95% confidence interval [CI], 53.7-84.7). The overall cattle seroprevalence was estimated as 13.9% (95% CI, 11.6-16.3). The prevalence estimation by animal category was 14.3% (95% CI, 11.4-17.2) for beef cows and 12.9% (95% CI, 10.0-15.8) for beef heifers. There was no significant difference in the estimated prevalence between the two animal types. There was no significant difference in the animal level prevalence of N. caninum infection among different herd sizes. None of the herd demographic or management variables was significantly associated with the seropositivity to N. caninum infection. In conclusion, these results show that N. caninum infection is common among beef herds across Uruguay. Since the beef industry is one of the key industries in Uruguay, the economic effect and risk factors of N. caninum infection among beef cattle in this country should be further evaluated in the near future.  相似文献   

All who work in veterinary education must recognize the breadth of their responsibilities. We are at a time in veterinary history where the profession must look how to meet a global standard for veterinary education and the global recognition of our basic qualification. There is a societal expectation that a professional approach is being taken to managing food security and food safety, as well as the environment and biodiversity. Within our profession, we need to recognize our obligation to fulfill this role. Society and regulators will seek those who have the capacity to provide for society's needs. It is no longer a case of relying on the reputation of our profession alone. There is a significant disparity in universal recognition of the veterinary qualification between the major blocs of the developed world and the developing world. Graduates from developing countries are not widely recognized, and they and their countries may therefore be at a significant disadvantage. There will be significant costs involved in raising the standards of veterinary education. A lead must be taken by a global body such as the World Veterinary Association to develop a long-term strategy toward global recognition of the veterinary qualification.  相似文献   

2021年—2022年云南省寻甸县肉牛科技特派团成员对寻甸县肉牛主要疫病进行系统调查及疫病防治研究,2年来共完成了16个乡(镇)175个肉牛养殖场(户)的现场调查,并随机在全县16个乡镇71个肉牛养殖场(户)、1个屠宰场和1个大牲畜交易市场采集样品3267份,进行了口蹄疫、牛结节性皮肤病、牛蓝舌病、巴氏杆菌病、牛支原体、牛结核分枝杆菌、牛病毒性腹泻、牛传染性鼻气管炎、牛布鲁氏菌病、巴贝斯虫10个病的病原学检测,结果显示:牛结节性皮肤病、蓝舌病病毒、牛巴氏杆菌病、牛支原体、牛结核病、巴贝斯虫病6个病种的病原监测均为阴性;在73个养殖场(户)1394份棉拭子中检出牛病毒性腹泻阳性3份、牛传染性鼻气管炎阳性2份;在29个养殖场(户)899份全血样品中检出牛巴贝斯虫病12份,样品阳性率分别为0.22%,0.14%,1.33%;场阳性率分别为1.37%、1.37%,24.13%。通过2年持续地边监测边排查隐患,精准指导养牛户科学防控疫病、规范使用兽药、强化生物安全等措施,使养殖户掌握了科学养牛和科学防病技术,切实提高肉牛疫病防控和养殖水平,提高肉牛养殖效率和肉牛产品品质。  相似文献   

Between January 2000 and October 2003, a print media data bank on published contributions was screened for the German key words "Tierarzt/Tier?rztin" and "Veterin?r/Veterin?rin" (veterinary surgeon) and related items. 267 articles have been found. Regarding the contents, the articles were characterised according to the content (VPH, surgeons, other), and the cause of the article. Regarding the surgeon part, mostly companion animals are dealt with. If it comes to VPH, primarily so called scandals such as misuse of therapeuticals or epidemics (BSE, FMD) have been reported. In the first instance these articles reflect only a temporary interest, and they do not give real insight into the daily work of the profession. As a consequence, public intelligence on veterinary medicine may be misled by such press articles, possibly generating wrong expectations in young people who might start with veterinary medicine. Institutional bodies should provide information, which covers the subject in a more realistic way in order to prevent a wrong understanding of the profession and to offer the whole scope of the public functions of veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

[目的] 为了调查宁夏固原市肉牛口蹄疫和布鲁氏菌病的流行情况,[方法]通过采集74份不同月龄肉牛血清样本,采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)对2种疫病抗体进行检测和分析。[结果],抗体阳性率由高到低分别为A型口蹄疫(48.65%)、O型口蹄疫(43.24%)、布鲁氏菌病(12.16%)。混合抗体阳性率中主要以O型和A型口蹄疫混合抗体阳性率最高(58.54%)。O型口蹄疫在西吉县的阳性检出率最高(88.24%),彭阳县最低(6.67%);A型口蹄疫在西吉县阳性检出率最高(82.35%),彭阳县最低(26.67%);布鲁氏菌病在原州区阳性检出率最高(15.00%),泾源县和彭阳县未检出。从不同年龄来看,3种疫病均在>12月龄的肉牛中阳性率最高,分别为O型口蹄疫69.23%、A型口蹄疫76.92%、布鲁氏菌病15.38%。[结论] 固原市各个县区肉牛养殖地区均出现2种病原感染的情况,以O型和A型口蹄疫混合感染为主。在肉母牛养殖过程中,应加强对以上病原的检疫并采取相应的防控措施。  相似文献   

Little is known regarding the keeping of animals in the Moretele 1 area of North-West Province, South Africa. Therefore, the status and dynamics of animal husbandry, as well as a general assessment of the needs of animal owners in this area were researched. Results of the investigation will be used to make recommendations for improved veterinary extension servicing in the area. Semi-structured interviews, based on discussions with relevant stakeholders in the community and a resultant problem conceptualisation, were undertaken at 266 randomly selected households in 51 villages and centres in the area, after which the data was checked and verified before being captured and analysed. The findings reveal that within the field of veterinary extension delivery: 1) there is a demand for visual and written extension material, 2) the extension services must function where clients reside, 3) limitations in terms of infrastructure are present and should be addressed through partnerships and coordination amongst all the role-players in the Moretele 1 area, and 4) cattle and poultry are the most important of the animal species and should be the focus points of extension, but the need to curb zoonotic disease should not be disregarded. In this regard veterinary clinics, private veterinarians and other role-players should be used in partnership with extension workers. Lastly, the veterinary clinic is regarded as helpful in many respects by the community consulted and the service should be upgraded and made available to a wider client base, especially where private and state veterinarians are unavailable or too expensive in such resource-limited communities.  相似文献   

本文对泾川县三元杂交肉牛的营养状况进行调查。发现日粮营水平不能满足肉牛生长发育的需要。建议提高肉牛日粮营养水平,并加强饲养管理,促进泾川县肉牛业的快速发展。  相似文献   

SUMMARY A national mail survey of 4880 beef and dairy producers was undertaken to record details of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis. One thousand four hundred and fifty eight (29.8%) questionnaires were returned. The survey confirmed the widespread nature of the disease with higher prevalence in the summer months, in calves and dairy cattle, and in Bos taurus breeds. The constant prevalence contrasts with the disease in New Zealand where it is increasing.  相似文献   

Bovine trichomonosis (BT) and bovine genital campylobacteriosis (BGC) are sexually transmitted diseases that can be important infectious causes of reproductive failure in extensively managed beef cattle where natural mating is a common practice. However, their prevalence in Europe was thought to be insignificant or very low. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence and risk factors associated with BT and BCG in a representative beef cattle breed, Asturiana de la Monta?a (AM), which is usually managed extensively in the mountain areas of Northern Spain and putative risk factors associated with the two diseases are present on most farms holding AM cattle. Preputial smegma samples were collected from 103 bulls belonging to 65 herds. Pathogen detection was undertaken using culture and PCR. Two scraping methods for sample collection (AI pipette and plastic scraper), as well as different culture media and DNA extraction methods were evaluated on field samples. Campylobacter fetus veneralis infection was not detected in any animal in any herd. However, Tritrichomonas foetus infection was demonstrated in 32% (33/103) and 41.5% (27/65) of bulls and herds tested, respectively. AM bulls older than 3 years (39.7%) were more likely to be infected than young bulls (16%) (OR=3.45, CI=1.07-11.19). An increase in repeat breeder cows was reported in herds from which T. foetus was detected (OR=5.2, CI=1.5-17.18). These findings highlight the re-emergence of this disease in extensively managed beef cattle in Spain. For routine diagnosis, the use of a culture technique and PCR in combination is advisable for testing smegma samples under field conditions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the specificity of an absorbed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit for Johne's disease (JD) when used in mature cattle populations resident in northern Australia. DESIGN: Blood samples were collected from beef cattle in northern Queensland, the Northern Territory and northern Western Australia, and from dairy cattle in northern Queensland. The specificity of a serological test for JD was estimated by testing the blood samples with an absorbed ELISA kit. Further samples were collected from cattle with positive ELISA results to determine the presence or absence of infection with Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis. PROCEDURE: During 1995 and 1996, blood, tissue and gut contents were collected from beef cattle at abattoirs in Queensland and the Northern Territory; and blood and faecal samples were collected from dairy cattle in herds assessed to be most at risk for JD in northern Queensland. The blood samples were tested using an absorbed ELISA kit. Tissues and gut contents from beef cattle that had positive ELISA results were cultured for M. avium subsp paratuberculosis, and tissues were examined histologically. Faecal samples from dairy cattle with positive ELISA results were cultured for M. avium subsp paratuberculosis. RESULTS: Estimates of specificity for this absorbed ELISA in mature northern Australian cattle were 98.0% (97.0 to 98.8%, 95% CI) in beef cattle, and 98.3% (96.7 to 99.3%, 95% CI) in dairy cattle. CONCLUSION: Estimates of specificity in this study were lower for beef cattle from the Northern Territory and northern Western Australia and for dairy cattle from northern Queensland than those quoted from studies on cattle in southern Western Australia. This should be considered when serological testing using the JD ELISA is carried out on northern Australian cattle.  相似文献   

Objective To estimate the specificity of an absorbed enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay kitd for Johne's disease (JD) when used in mature cattle populations resident in northern Australia.
Design Blood samples were collected from beef cattle in northern Queensland, the Northern Territory and northern Western Australia, and from dairy cattle in northern Queensland. The specificity of a serological test for JD was estimated by testing the blood samples with an absorbed ELISA kit. Further samples were collected from cattle with positive ELISA results to determine the presence or absence of infection with Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis .
Procedure During 1995 and 1996, blood, tissue and gut contents were collected from beef cattle at abattoirs in Queensland and the Northern Territory; and blood and faecal samples were collected from dairy cattle in herds assessed to be most at risk for JD in northern Queensland. The blood samples were tested using an absorbed ELISA kit. Tissues and gut contents from beef cattle that had positive ELISA results were cultured for M avium subsp paratuberculosis , and tissues were examined histo-logically. Faecal samples from dairy cattle with positive ELISA results were cultured for M avium subsp paratuberculosis .
Results Estimates of specificity for this absorbed ELISA in mature northern Australian cattle were 98.0% (97.0 to 98.8%, 95% CI) in beef cattle, and 98.3% (96.7 to 99.3%, 95% CI) in dairy cattle.
Conclusion Estimates of specificity in this study were lower for beef cattle from the Northern Territory and northern Western Australia and for dairy cattle from northern Queensland than those quoted from studies on cattle in southern Western Australia. This should be considered when serological testing using the JD ELISA is carried out on northern Australian cattle.  相似文献   

在相同环境条件下,试验在三种苜蓿草块添加量下对不同品种肉用牛进行五期的育肥效果研究.通过测定不同品种的体重、日增重及粗饲料采食量,来比较不同品种肉牛增重效果试验结果表明:在精粗比下降的情况下,添加苜蓿草块能起到提高日增重的效应与不添加相比,荷斯坦牛组表现差异极显著(P<0.01),新褐杂牛组前后差异显著(PO.05).苜蓿草块的添加在本试验营养水平与体重下,新褐杂组、荷斯坦组、安杂组各组适宜的添加量分别为1.2kg、1.2kg、O.5kg.结合农区养牛的现状及生产力水平在低精粗比的情况下,肉牛应该首先考虑使用本地优良品种.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma bovis is a pathogen causing respiratory disease, otitis media, arthritis, mastitis, and a variety of other diseases in cattle worldwide. It is increasingly recognized by the veterinary and livestock communities as having an important impact on the health, welfare, and productivity of dairy and beef cattle. M. bovis diseases can be difficult to diagnose and control because of inconsistent disease expression and response to treatments and vaccines, and large gaps in our understanding of the epidemiology and pathophysiology of these diseases. There are limited data on which to base evidence-based decisions for treatment and control, and the literature contains differing clinical biases and opinions. This document is intended for veterinarians dealing with cattle and is focused on the cattle production systems of North America. The goal of the consensus statement panel was to encourage an evidence-based approach to M. bovis problems. The scientific literature was critically reviewed, including peer-reviewed journal articles and reviews obtained by database searches using the terms "Mycoplasma bovis" or "mycoplasma + cattle." Where other data were lacking, conference proceedings were reviewed as a source of expert opinion.  相似文献   

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