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Reptiles are growing in popularity as pets.The colonization of reptiles and amphibians by parasites and the resulting disease conditions are the most common problems seen in captive animals.This review focuses on pentastomiasis and sparganosis, important parasitic zoonoses of reptiles and amphibians, respectively, and free living-amoebae. Humans are suitable accidental hosts for some pentastomid species (particularly Armillifer and Porocephalus). In geographical areas with special ethnics, such as in West and Central Africa, and East Asia, 8-45% of the human population can be affected. Usually the larvae are coincidentally found during abdominal surgeries. However, fatalities have been described. Extreme caution is necessary when handling infected reptiles. Ocular or cerebral sparganosis is not uncommonly found in humans in East Asia. This disease is caused by spargana, tapeworm larvae (plerocercoids) of Spirometra sp. The infection occurs when uncooked meat from reptiles or amphibians is applied to wounds or eyes and the parasites migrate directly to human tissue, or by consumption of contaminated food or water. As a consequence of the reptile's predatory behaviour, the full spectrum of endo- and ectoparasites from potential prey animals can be found as transiting parasites in the intestinal tract, e. g. Hymenolepis nana, Cryptosporidium (C.) muris, C parvum or Capillaria hepatica. Occasionally, free-living amoebae are also found in reptile faeces (Acanthamoeba, Naegleria, Hartmanella, Vahlkampfia or Echinamoeba sp.).  相似文献   

张恩权 《野生动物》2006,27(6):41-43,34
中国是世界上动植物种类最丰富的国家之一,但国内对野生两栖爬行动物的掠夺性利用还在发展;国内野生两栖爬行动物资源在这种疯狂的掠夺下已经接近枯竭,多数物种处于濒危状态。动物园作为野生动物异地保护的重要场所,饲养繁殖野生动物的最终目的是实现濒危物种的再引入,恢复野外种群数量.出于以上目的,动物园中两栖爬行动物的饲养管理方式有别于爬虫爱好者单纯的满足对宠物的要求和增殖牟利追求。这种区别不仅表现在选择动物种类方面,更多的体现在丰容概念的引入及工作方法的应用:营造合理的饲养环境、饲养环境小气候的周期性变化、设施的丰容、群体的调整、食物及供给方式的变化、对繁殖行为的鼓励等。这些丰容手段对保持两栖爬行动物的自然行为,从而保证动物的野外生存能力具有重要作用.  相似文献   

杭州市野生动物救护中心于2010~2012年救护野生动物98种491只,其中杭州市有分布的动物种类占84.7%,在救护动物种类和数量上鸟类最多,其次为爬行类、哺乳类,最少为两栖类。救护动物的成活率两栖类(93.8%)和爬行类(92%)均比较高,而兽类(54.5%)最低。3a期间救护动物月分布频次亦为鸟类最高,依次为爬行类、兽类、两栖类:救护动物高峰为4~6月、8月、10—11月。本文通过对这些救护动物的种类分布、数量、保护级别、成活率、救护病因、救护主体和救护频次等进行分析,讨论出了今后救护野生动物更有效的方法,旨在促进杭州市野生动物救护工作。  相似文献   

济宁市野生动物救护中心在2017—2019年日常救护的86只野生动物,分属16目26科40种,本地动物种类占92.5%。在野生动物救护种类和数量上以鸟类最多(79.1%),其次为兽类、两栖类、爬行类;救助成活率爬行类(100%)和鸟类成(86.7%)较高,两栖类(75%)及兽类成活率(76%)较低。本文对野生动物救护的种类、数量、伤病原因、级别进行了分析,讨论了鸟类救护方法,提出了野生动物救护合理化建议,对野生动物救护和生物多样性保护意义重大。  相似文献   

为掌握江西宁都凌云山省级自然保护区野生动物资源现状,促进自然保护区的有效管理和建设,作者于2012年至2013年多次对该保护区两栖爬行动物资源进行了实地考察。调查结果显示,凌云山保护区现已记录两栖爬行动物52种,隶属于2目13科37属。其中,两栖动物19种,隶属于1目6科14属,占江西省39种两栖动物的48. 7%;爬行动物33种,隶属于1目7科23属,占江西省80种的41. 3%。凌云山位于动物地理分布区中的东洋区系区的偏北位置,向古北区靠近,古北区的种类也会扩散到这一地区,成为东洋区、古北区的共有种。因此在两栖爬行种类组成上以东洋区的种类为主,具有多样性较为丰富的特点。最后对凌云山保护区的保护与管理工作提出了加大对当地群众的宣传和教育工作等建议。  相似文献   

Pain perception and appropriate behavioral responses are important for survival. The conservation of the opioid ligand and receptor suggests evolution of opioid receptors mediating antinociception throughout vertebrate phylogeny. Fish, amphibians, and reptiles have appropriate neurologic components, display the appropriate behavior in response to a painful stimulus, and possess antinociceptive mechanisms to modulate pain. Because pain perception in these species is therefore likely to be analogous to that of mammals, invasive and painful procedures should always be accompanied by appropriate analgesia and anesthesia. Although specific doses have not been established in clinical trials, clinicians should attempt to provide lower vertebrates with appropriate analgesia during painful procedures. Further experimental and clinical investigations are necessary to expand the current veterinary literature in the area of pain and analgesia in lower vertebrates such as fish, amphibians, and reptiles.  相似文献   

This study investigates the situation regarding housing of small animals in Swiss pet shops. Data of 92 pet shops were collected with a questionnaire. On average 813 fish, 52.5 invertebrates, 32.2 small mammals, 26.9 birds, 8.9 reptiles and 2.7 amphibians were offered for sale per pet shop. Small mammals, birds and reptiles were mainly obtained from Swiss breeders, while fish and amphibians were almost exclusively purchased from foreign providers. The housing systems which were sold differed from those in which the animals were kept in the shop. This may be misleading to the future pet owners and may lead to faulty husbandry. Animals on reserve were often kept in different housing systems than those in the pet shop. Sick animals were usually treated or killed by the pet shop owners. The killing methods varied between the various species.  相似文献   

广西独特的地理位置使得广西成为全国野生动物贸易的集散地之一。为了解广西野生动物的走私种类及其季节性变化,作者统计了广西2007~2008年已破获的非法利用和走私野生动物案件涉及的种类及其季节性变化。结果表明2007和2008年分别查获案件54起和61起。野生动物走私和非法案件中涉及种类共有71种,隶属15目33科,其中两栖类2种,占所有种数的2.8%;爬行类27种(蜥蜴类8种、龟鳖类5种、鳄类1种、蛇类13种),占38.0%;鸟类25种,占35.2%;哺乳类17种,占23.9%。2007和2008年查获的非法利用和走私野生动物分别是56种和32种,非法利用或走私的种类主要是珍稀濒危的种类,数量大,种类多。广西的野生动物走私和非法利用需要引起关注。  相似文献   

Toxic exotics.     
The purpose of this article is to familiarize the reader with the basic venom components, the pathophysiologic responses of envenomated dogs and cats, and some brief treatment guidelines for envenomations by various exotic "pets." Representative toxic species of reptiles, amphibians, and arthropods are included. The growing trend toward the collection of exotic animals by private owners increases the likelihood that veterinarians will face the challenge of treating an exotic envenomation.  相似文献   

李三奕 《野生动物》2010,31(4):221-224
1998、1999年福建省安溪县林业局开展了鸟类、兽类、两栖爬行类资源调查,基本摸清了安溪县范围内陆生野生动物资源状况。通过区系研究,表明安溪县的鸟类、兽类、两栖爬行动物在动物地理分布上的特征以东洋界的组成成分为主,在动物的二级区系组成上鸟兽类以华南区成分为主,两栖爬行类以华中、华南区成分为主。动物区系中华中、华南区成分的混杂现象也较明显,表现出在动物地理分布上的过渡性、渗透性。  相似文献   

郭建荣 《野生动物》2007,28(5):47-49,55
山西芦芽山国家级自然保护区地处山西省吕梁山脉北端,目前已查明保护区内有高等植物4门102科954种;脊椎动物26目68科300种;其中鸟类有17目47科248种,兽类有6目15科41种,两栖爬行类有3目6科11种,真菌种类有9目26科75种;是华北地区有重要科学研究价值和保护价值的生物物种基因库。  相似文献   

Live food items are often fed to exotic pet species whether they are birds, amphibians, reptiles, or mammals. This raises issues of welfare, both of the animals fed live prey items and the prey itself. Concerns over live food welfare are particularly marked in the feeding of vertebrate prey items and evidence presented here shows the prolonged time taken for rodents to die. However, the welfare of all exotic pets relies both on providing optimal nutrition to the predator and ensuring, as much as possible, that their natural behaviours can be expressed. Does that mean that predatory species must be fed live prey? This article discusses this problem and seeks potential solutions.  相似文献   

The role of amphibians as Salmonella reservoirs has not been as well studied as in reptiles, where the literature is abundant. Recent outbreaks of salmonellosis associated with exotic pet frogs have occurred in United States. Frog farming and wild frog harvesting have increased the international trade in these species. This necessitates a better understanding of the risk of salmonellosis transmission from amphibians to humans. We explored the presence of Salmonella in amphibians (frogs and toads) in Thailand, where farmed and wild frogs as well as toads are present. These live animals are easily found in the local markets and are used as food. Exportation of frog meat from Thailand is common. During March–June 2014, ninety‐seven frogs were collected from several habitats, including frog farms, urban areas and protected natural areas. The collected amphibians were tested for the presence of Salmonella. The overall prevalence of Salmonella was 69.07% (90.00% in farm animals, 0% in urban area animals and 44.83% in protected area animals). Eight serovars of Salmonella were isolated: subsp. diarizonae ser. 50:k:z, Hvittingfoss, Muenchen, Newport, Stanley, Thompson, Panama and Wandsworth. Six of the identified serovars, Hvittingfoss, Newport, Panama, Stanley, Thompson and Wandsworth, have been detected in humans in Thailand. According to our results, amphibians are reservoirs of Salmonella and can be a public health concern when used as a source of protein for humans.  相似文献   

隐孢子虫病(Cryptosporidiosis)是一种全球性的人兽共患原虫病,具有广泛的宿主范围,可以感染鸟类、哺乳类、鱼类、爬行类、两栖类以及人在内的240多种动物。野生动物隐孢子虫做为人隐孢子虫病感染的重要传播来源,对其进行生物学研究具有重要的公共卫生意义。本文分别叙述了野生动物隐孢子虫的种类及基因型,为进一步研究野生动物的隐孢子虫病提供了有效的参考。  相似文献   

Numerous nematode cysts were observed throughout the mesentery and on the surface of gastrointestinal organs in a whooping crane (Grus americana) that was found dead in a central Florida marsh. Morphology of the excysted nematodes most closely resembled third-stage larvae in the order Spirurida but were not similar to any species previously reported in whooping cranes. Evidence presented suggests that the larvae may be Physocephalus sexalatus, a swine spirurid in the subfamily Ascaropsinae that is commonly found encapsulated in birds, amphibians, and reptiles. We suspect that the whooping crane may potentially serve as a transport host for this parasite.  相似文献   

王改芳  赵燕 《经济动物学报》2011,(3):134-137,140
2010午4月~2011年5月,通过访问调查、实地调查、查阅有关文献等方法对庞泉沟国家自然保护区野生动物进行调查。结果表明:该保护区有鸟类38科189种,兽类15科32种,两栖爬行类8科17种。属于国家一级保护野生动物的有褐马鸡、金雕、黑鹳、金钱豹4种,国家二级保护野生动物有苍鹰、大鸢、原麝、草原雕、雀鹰、白尾鹞、獐等...  相似文献   

Much of our knowledge regarding vertebrate blood and blood cells is based on mammalian references. The critical study of nonmammalian vertebrate blood is relatively new, and comparatively few investigations have been published that focus on these animals' ontogeny and structure-function relationships of blood cells. Nonmammalian vertebrates comprise birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes, all of which have a wide range of forms and adaptations. For the clinician, a lack of basic knowledge with these species makes the evaluation of a hemogram more challenging than in mammals. This is a concise review of our current knowledge of comparative morphology that describes routine staining procedures and the development and function of blood cells in nonmammalian vertebrates.  相似文献   

This report describes the gross, histologic, and immunohistochemical features of ovarian dysgerminomas in two adult female mountain chicken frogs (Leptodactylusfallax) from the same zoological institution. One frog was found dead, and the other frog had been ill for several days with a bloated abdomen and lethargy. On necropsy, large, pale multilobulated masses replaced the left ovary in both frogs, and one frog also had numerous smaller nodules scattered throughout the coelomic viscera. Histologically, these masses were composed of sheets and cords of polyhedral discrete germ cells consistent with the diagnosis of dysgerminoma. Neoplastic cells stained positive with immunohistochemistry for Oct4, which has been reported to detect stem cells including germ cells in a variety of species, including humans. Ovarian tumors are uncommonly encountered in both reptiles and amphibians, and this report is the first report of dysgerminoma in any amphibian species.  相似文献   

免疫球蛋白分子是由2条相同的重链和2条相同的轻链所构成的多肽链结构,其中重链有5种,与之相应的免疫球蛋白分子为5类,整个免疫球蛋白分子可分为恒定区和可变区2部分。由于免疫球蛋白重链恒定区在免疫过程中起多种效应作用,目前已对多种动物的免疫球蛋白重链恒区基因进行了研究,如哺乳动物、鱼类、两栖类、爬行类、鸟类等。了解哺乳动物免疫球蛋白的结构、功能起到了重要的作用,也对了解免疫系统的起源和进化提供依据。  相似文献   

国内巨蜥的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于人类的乱捕滥猎和巨蜥栖息地的改变,造成巨蜥数量急剧减少。一般认为国内存在2种巨蜥,即Varanus salvator和Varanus bengalensis bengalensis,主要分布于云南、广西、海南和广东四省。巨蜥的生境多位于热带或亚热带的河流附近或沿海河口一带。穴居,且具有爬树和游泳能力。其食物十分广泛,包括小型哺乳类(如啮齿类)、鸟类、两栖爬行类(蛇、蜥蜴、小龟、蛙)、鱼和一些无脊椎动物(蟹、虾、昆虫)。其捕食方式为公开追击方式(open-pursuit)。春季和夏季是巨蜥发情交配和产卵的季节。人工条件下,巨蜥卵的孵化时间约为7个月左右。当前巨蜥保护工作的首要任务,是迅速查明国内巨蜥的种类、分布、野外种群数量及其致危因子等信息,这将是制定有效的巨蜥保护策略的基础。  相似文献   

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