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硝酸稀土对兰州百合植株生长和鳞茎产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在陇中半干旱区坡耕地大田栽培条件下,以兰州百合为试验材料,研究了硝酸稀土对兰州百合植株的生长特性及鳞茎产量的影响。结果表明,硝酸稀土具有降低兰州百合植株高度、增大茎秆粗度和单叶面积、提高鳞茎产量的作用,其中以浸种和叶面喷施相结合的处理效果最为明显,田间植株高度较对照降低5.4%,茎秆粗度、平均单叶面积分别较对照提高15.3%和13.8%,鳞茎增产率达7.9%。  相似文献   

为了缩短兰州百合生长周期,提高百合品质,以兰州百合组培小鳞茎为材料,研究了大量元素、NAA、6-BA、培养基状态、蔗糖、2,4-D等单一因素对百合试管鳞茎形成和膨大的影响。结果表明,高浓度的大量元素有利于鳞茎的膨大,而不利于鳞茎的诱导;大量元素浓度为2MS时鳞茎平均直径最大,但新增鳞茎数下降到4.56个;NAA浓度为0.2 mg/L时新增鳞茎数最多且鳞茎平均直径最大;6-BA浓度为0.1 mg/L时最有利于鳞茎的形成和膨大,新增鳞茎数5.25个,鳞茎平均直径10.642 mm;固体培养基对鳞茎的形成效果明显,而半固体更有利于鳞茎的膨大;蔗糖浓度为90 g/L时新增鳞茎数最多,120 g/L时鳞茎平均直径最大;2,4-D浓度0.02 mg/L处理对鳞茎的形成和膨大效果更好。  相似文献   

根据兰州百合适宜生长的环境和原产地、适生地分布,采用实地调查的方式,在兰州市区范围内对兰州百合种植分布及分布区气候、土壤资源状况进行了研究。结果表明,兰州百合在兰州市区范围内主要分布在七里河区的西果园镇、魏岭乡、黄峪镇、阿干镇以及西固区的金沟乡、河口乡。有机质、速效磷、速效钾质量分数处于甘肃省土壤养分分级标准中的四级水平,为较低等级水平,土壤微量元素质量分数为中等水平。  相似文献   

为了探究兰州百合试管鳞茎膨大培养基最佳配方和培养条件,解决试管苗移栽成活率低的问题,以兰州百合鳞片诱导形成的小鳞茎为试验材料,研究光暗不同培养条件下蔗糖和大量元素对兰州百合试管鳞茎生长和膨大的影响。在光照(12 h/d光照)和黑暗(24 h/d黑暗)条件下,设置不同质量浓度蔗糖(90 g/L、120 g/L、150 g/L)和不同浓度的大量元素(MS、2MS、3MS)组合处理,培养60 d后测定其鳞茎直径、鲜重、叶长等相关指标。结果表明,蔗糖和大量元素均对兰州百合试管鳞茎生长和膨大有显著的影响,且两者存在显著的交互作用,光照条件下鳞茎生长指数和鳞茎鲜重百分比均大于黑暗条件。根据生产实际,推荐适合兰州百合鳞茎膨大的组合为2MS+蔗糖120 g/L+NAA 0.2 mg/L,培养条件为1 500~2 000 lx下光照12 h/d。  相似文献   

秋水仙碱诱导兰州百合四倍体   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王丽艳  荆瑞勇 《核农学报》2008,22(5):581-584
用兰州百合鳞片气培诱导小鳞茎,培养不同时间后用不同浓度的秋水仙碱处理带小鳞茎的鳞片,然后转入无菌培养,3个月后对植株进行倍性鉴定。结果表明:气培7d时用0.1%的秋水仙碱溶液浸泡处理40h诱导效果最好。四倍体植株形态特征是叶片表面略显粗糙,有时还略呈扭曲状,植株较二倍体粗壮,根系较二倍体肥大。  相似文献   

覆盖等高垄作对兰州百合产量及土壤温湿度的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄鹏 《水土保持学报》2006,20(6):183-186
在山坡地条件下,对兰州百合进行了等高垄作及渗水地膜覆盖栽培技术试验。结果表明,与传统平作技术比较,垄作渗水地膜覆盖使百合商品鳞茎产量增加了21.2%;垄作渗水地膜覆盖时,百合植株的田间高度、茎粗和总叶面积分别增加20.87%,10.99%和25.51%,0~30cm根系鲜重增加了45.12%,百合出苗期至显蕾期地温提高了0.9~2.1℃,耕层土壤含水量增加了1.54~2.94个百分点,地表土壤含水量波动明显弱化。  相似文献   

采用田间试验方法,在坡耕地条件下研究了叶面喷施Zn、B、Mn3种微量元素肥对兰州百合干物质积累与分配及鳞茎产量的影响。结果表明,适宜浓度的Zn、B、Mn肥均能提高百合植株干物质的积累及分配效率,增加鳞茎产量;200mg·L-1的Zn、B、Mn肥处理对干物质积累的影响最为显著,分别较对照提高26.5%、31.8%和23.6%;Zn、B肥有利于光合物质向鳞茎转移分配,200mg·L-1的Zn、B肥处理收获期鳞茎所占干物质比率较对照分别提高4.16和2.44个百分点;喷施Mn肥处理鳞茎所占干物质比率较对照有所降低,降幅与喷施浓度呈正相关。200mg·L-1Zn、B肥和100mg·L-1Mn肥处理对百合鳞茎的增产作用显著。  相似文献   

叶面喷施Zn、B、Mn肥对兰州百合叶片抗旱生理指标的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在陇中半干旱区坡耕地大田栽培条件下,以兰州百合为试验材料,研究了叶面喷施不同浓度Zn、B、Mn肥对其叶片抗旱生理指标的影响.试验结果表明,在兰州百合的营养生长期,叶面喷施100~300 mg/L浓度的Zn、B、Mn肥,对兰州百合叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量的降低,脯氨酸(Pro)、可溶性糖含量的积累和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性的提高都有比较显著的效果.喷施浓度为300 mg/L的Zn肥处理时MDA含量出现最小值,较对照降低了10.24%;可溶性糖含量呈现最大值,较对照增加了7.37%.喷施浓度为300 ms/L的B肥处理时CAT活性较对照增加了2.78%.喷施浓度为300 mg/L的Mn肥处理时Pro含量较对照增加了23.61%.  相似文献   

分析了兰州百合的产业发展现状和存在的主要问题,提出了加强百合种质资源保护利用及新品种选育;建立优质种球、种苗繁育与标准化生产基地;加大资金投入,提升百合深加工技术水平;健全市场信息和销售网络,实行产业化集团联合经营;对内加大监管,对外加强宣传的优化升级对策。  相似文献   

硼素对马铃薯淀粉合成和积累的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以克新13号马铃薯品种为试验材料,采用不同浓度的硼砂溶液叶面喷施,通过测定块茎中淀粉、蔗糖和还原糖含量以及相关酶活性,研究喷施硼砂溶液对马铃薯淀粉合成和积累的作用.结果表明:适量硼砂(4~6 g·L-1)叶面喷施处理后,提高了马铃薯块茎蔗糖转化酶和蔗糖合成酶活性,促进马铃薯块茎中的蔗糖、还原糖的合成,块茎中淀粉合成和积累量增高,改善了块茎相关品质.  相似文献   

百合田间种植易受杂草危害,为寻求高效低毒、适用于百合生产的新型除草剂及其使用技术,本试验研究了我国创制的新型高效除草剂丙酯草醚对百合田间杂草的控制情况和对其生长的影响规律,同时利用高效液相色谱法检测了其在百合鳞茎中的残留。结果表明,丙酯草醚作为土壤处理剂,于杂草芽前处理,在60 g ai·hm~(-2)用药剂量下能有效防除百合田间禾本科和部分阔叶杂草,杂草鲜重总防效为87.2%;百合田早期喷施丙酯草醚,不仅对百合整个生育期的植株无药害,而且处理组百合在现蕾期、始花期和盛花期的株高、地上部鲜重、花蕾数、花苞数和花朵数均极显著大于对照组,丙酯草醚处理显著促进了百合的生理和生殖生长。高效液相色谱分析结果表明,百合田早期喷施丙酯草醚,在处理组百合鳞茎中未检出丙酯草醚残留(检测限0.001 mg·kg~(-1)FW)。由此可见,丙酯草醚能用于百合田间杂草防除,对百合生长及其食用是安全的。本研究结果为百合田间杂草防除提供了科学依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

The effect of storage temperatures (‐10, +1, and +10°C) on the structural organization of mung bean starch gels and noodles was studied by acid hydrolysis, X‐ray diffractometry, and gel‐permeation chromatography. The gels showed higher susceptibility to acid compared with the noodles as shown by the rate constants of the first stage of hydrolysis (k = 5.37–12.17 × 10‐2/day and k = 4.19–4.61 × 10‐2/day for gels and noodles, respectively). Acid hydrolysis showed no difference in the amount of resistant residues of both gels (42–46%) and noodles (44–45%), except for gels (38%) stored at ‐10°C. The acid‐resistant residues of both the gels and noodles had a B‐type X‐ray diffraction pattern (major reflections at 2θ = 19, 24, and 25°). The acid‐resistant residues of the unstored sample and those stored at ‐10°C for both gels and noodles contained chains with DP 46–54 and after debranching yielded two peaks with DP 29–39 and DP 15–19. The acid‐resistant residues of gels and noodles stored at +1 and +10°C contained chains with DP 35–37 and after debranching showed two chain populations with DP 31–33 and DP 14–19. These results indicate the greater participation of amylopectin in the retrogradation process occurring during storage at +1 and +10°C.  相似文献   

Semolina from four durum wheat genotypes (cvs. Ben, Munich, Rugby, and Vic) were processed into spaghetti that was dried by low (LT), high (HT), and ultrahigh (UHT) temperature drying cycles. Starch was isolated from dried pasta and unprocessed wheat and semolina references. Pasta-drying cycles had no significant effect on the amylose content of starches. Significant increases in enzyme-resistant starch were observed in HT- and UHT-dried pasta (2.27 and 2.51%, respectively) compared with LT-dried pasta (1.68%). Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) gelatinization characteristics of pasta starches showed a significantly narrow range (Tr), but no changes in onset and peak temperatures (To and Tp, respectively) and gelatinization enthalpy (ΔH1) were observed. When compared with unprocessed reference samples (wheat and semolina), all pasta starches shifted to higher gelatinization To and Tp, with narrow Tr and no changes in δH1. The second endothermic DSC peak indicated no increase in amylose-lipid complexation (δH2) due to drying cycle. Starches isolated from LT and HT pasta exhibited lower peak viscosities than those from UHT-dried pasta. Genotypes Ben and Rugby demonstrated higher pasting temperature and lower peak and breakdown viscosities than Vic and Munich.  相似文献   

Zhang  Lei  Chen  Changhe  Murlis  John 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2001,127(1-4):351-372
Air pollution control is one of the most important issues in thecities of the developing countries. Based on an analysis of the local economic and technological development the paper puts forward 9 air pollution control schemes. They are 4 briquette schemes, 2 coal gas schemes, 1 centralized heating system and 2 comprehensive schemes. A comprehensive diffusion model combined with a 3-D advection-diffusion equation and the Gaussian puffmodel is developed and verified. According to the calculation ofpotential reduction of pollutant discharge and the correspondingair quality improvement made by each air pollution controlscheme, the paper then works out a feasible and comprehensiveair pollution control scheme, which is characterized by lowinvestment and better environmental benefits. When the scheme isefficiently carried out, 19.3% SO2 and 24.4% sootdischarge is to be reduced annually in the city. There is aclear descent of air pollution concentration. The daily mean concentration of SO2 and TSP declines 24.6–75.4%and 10.4–45.4%, respectively. SO2 concentation of the whole city does not exceed the second grade of the Ambient Air Quality Standard of China except at a few grid points.  相似文献   

以兰州百合鳞片和叶片为试材,采用改良CTAB法获得了高质量的基因组DNA。为优化兰州百合RAPD-PCR反应体系,利用正交试验设计,对兰州百合RAPD-PCR反应体系中的5种主要因素进行4水平共计16个组合设计,并选用3种反应程序,通过琼脂糖凝胶电泳结果分析,最终获得最佳反应体系为:20 uL反应体系中含30 ng模板DNA、0.5 μmol/L随机引物、0.2 mmol/L dNTPs、2.25 mmol/L MgCl2, 及1.5U Taq DNA聚合酶。最佳反应程序:94 ℃预变性4 min;94 ℃变性1 min,36 ℃退火1.5 min;72 ℃延伸2 min;35个循环;最后72 ℃延伸7 min。  相似文献   


Changes in root temperature caused by the application of plastic covers were studied in relation to the uptake and content of molybdenum (Mo) in the different organs of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. var. Spunta) plants (roots, tubers, stems, and leaves) and in relation to nitrogen (N) metabolism. For the semi‐forcing technique of mulching, four different covers were used: T 1 (transparent polyethylene), T 2 (white polyethylene), T 3 (coextruded black and white polyethylene), and T 4 (black polythylene). The control treatment had no mulch. The results revealed a positive and significant effect of plastic covers on root temperatures: T 0 = 16°C, T 1 = 20°C, T 2 = 24°C, T 3 = 27°C, T 4 = 30°C. These thermal differences significantly influenced the Mo concentration, particularly in the T 2 and T 3 treatments in the leaves, roots, and tubers. The same temperatures significantly altered N metabolism in both the aerial and underground parts of the plants, and a strong interrelationship was found between Mo and nitrate reductase (NR) activity. The mulching of this crop proved to be a promising technique in phytoremediation.  相似文献   

花期低温对晚稻干物质积累及分配的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以“广两优香66”为试材, 于2014年8-10月在南京信息工程大学农业气象站进行人工控制实验, 研究花期低温对晚稻光合作用和后期灌浆过程的影响, 并分析低温胁迫下晚稻后期干物质积累和分配的变化。低温胁迫温度设定为22℃/17℃(昼/夜), 处理时间分别为2、4、6和8d, 分别依次记为T2d、T4d、T6d和T8d, 以外界环境条件32℃/25℃(昼/夜)为对照(CK)。结果表明:(1)低温处理后, T2d处理最大光合速率(Pmax)变化较小, T4d和T6d分别比CK下降11.66%和21.47%, T8d的Pmax仅为17.25μmol·m-2·s-1, 比CK减少28.54%。低温处理后叶片光饱和点(LSP)降低, 而光补偿点(LCP)明显升高, 与CK相比, T2d、T4d、T6d、T8d的LSP分别降低6.68%、8.08%、8.63%、10.87%, LCP升高2、3、4、6倍。说明低温处理降低晚稻叶片的光合能力;(2)对不同处理的灌浆过程的拟合表明, 低温处理时间越长, 达到最大灌浆速率所需时间(T-GRmax)越长, 晚稻最大千粒重(A)越小, 灌浆活跃期的时间(T90)也越短, 导致整体平均灌浆速率(GR)呈不同程度下降, 说明低温会减缓晚稻的灌浆过程;(3)低温处理时间越长, 晚稻结实率越低, 不超过2d低温对结实率无显著影响, 但4d及以上低温处理能显著降低晚稻结实率, T8d处理的结实率比CK降低34.39%;(4)晚稻总干物质与花期低温处理时间呈负相关, 且低温处理6d后总干物质显著减少, T8d处理总干物质比CK减少28.05%, 其中叶片和穗部减少较明显, 低温处理4d后两者干物质均明显下降, 处理8d后比CK分别减少42.57%和38.70%。研究表明花期低温处理抑制晚稻光合作用, 4d及以上低温处理显著降低结实率, 减缓籽粒灌浆过程, 对产量形成不利。  相似文献   

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