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Scarcity of simple and reliable methods of estimating soil organic carbon (SOC) turnover and lack of data from long-term experiments make it difficult to estimate attainable soil C sequestration in tropical improved fallows. Testing and validating existing and widely used SOC models would help to determine attainable C storage in fallows. The Rothamsted C (RothC) model, therefore, was tested using empirical data from improved fallows at Msekera in eastern Zambia. This study (i) determined the effects of nitrogen fixing tree (NFT) species on aboveground organic C inputs to the soil and SOC stocks, (ii) estimated annual net organic C inputs to the soil using the RothC, and (iii) tested the performance of RothC model using empirical data from improved fallows. Soil samples (0–20 cm) were collected from coppicing and non-coppicing fallow experiments in October 2002 for determination of SOC by LECO CHN-1000 analyser. Data on surface litter, maize and weed biomasses, and on weather, were supplied by the Zambia/ICRAF Agroforestry Project. Measured SOC stocks to 20 cm depth ranged from 32.2 to 37.8 t ha−1 in coppicing fallows and 29.5 to 30.1 t ha−1 in non-coppicing fallows compared to 22.2–26.2 t ha−1 in maize monoculture systems. Coppicing fallows accumulated more SOC (680–1150 g m−2 year−1) than non-coppicing fallows (410–789 g m−2 year−1). While treatments with NFTs accumulated more SOC than NFT-free systems, SOC stocks increased with increasing tree biomass production and tree rotation. For food security and C sequestration, coppicing fallows are a potentially viable option.  相似文献   

Planted-tree fallows (syn. improved fallows) have demonstrated great biophysical potential for improving soil fertility on smallholders' farms but efforts to scale up their adoption to more farming households are constrained by lack of permanent ownership rights over land, incidence of bush fires and browsing of tree biomass by livestock. To resolve these institutional bottlenecks, some traditional authorities in Zambia enacted bylaws to prohibit these incursions. Using a combination of village workshops, expert opinion surveys and structured questionnaires, this study assessed the effectiveness of the bylaws across the major cultural communities in eastern Zambia, identified factors that influence the effectiveness of the bylaws and the lessons emanating from the bylaws in the scaling up of improved fallows. The results indicate that fire poses greater risks to the scaling up of agroforestry than does grazing in terms of the risk of occurrence and the extent of damage. Respondents identified mice hunters and `jealous' neighbors as main causes of fire outbreaks. The effectiveness of the bylaws is influenced by many factors such as ambiguous interpretation of the bylaws, relying exclusively on moral persuasion to enforce the bylaws and lack of well defined responsibilities for enforcing the bylaws, conflict of economic interests among different stakeholders within the communities. Formal documentation of the bylaws will be helpful, but that would not be an exclusive panacea to solve all the constraints. The pattern of distribution of benefits (or costs) of an agricultural technology among various sectors of a community may be important factors that affect widespread adoption of a technology. Technological characteristics are important but not exclusive condition for sustained widespread adoption of soil fertility management options. Privatizing seasonal commons is an important issue in the development of institutional regulations within communities. Policy dialogue among community members, increased awareness and diversification of options appear to be the way forward to improve the effectiveness of the bylaws. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

对3种典型林型(原始红松林、蒙古栎林、云冷杉林)的林下土壤有机碳含量及相关物理状况进行分析测定,并进行比较的结果表明:蒙古栎林容重最小,孔隙度最高,含水率最高,对土壤物理性质改良效果好;3种林分类型土壤有机碳含量平均值依次为:原始红松林〉云冷杉林〉蒙古栎林,差异极显著(P〈0.01),原始红松林土壤有机碳含量最高,表层(0~10cm)土壤有机碳含量迭(26.73±3.15)g/kg;3种林型样地表层有机碳含量占总有机碳含量的质量分数比重很大,为41.22%~45.01%,而人类各种活动主要作用于土壤表层,可见减少人为对森林生态系统的干扰活动,可提高森林生态系统固碳能力。  相似文献   

This paper presents a synthesis of experiments conducted in a tropical tree plantation established in 2001 and consisting of 22 plots of 45 m × 45 m with either one, three or six native tree species. We examined the changes in carbon (C) pools (trees, herbaceous vegetation, litter, coarse woody debris (CWD), and mineral topsoil at 0-10 cm depth) and fluxes (decomposition of CWD and litter, as well as soil respiration) both through time and among diversity levels. Between 2001 and 2009 the aboveground C pools increased, driven by trees. Across diversity levels, the mean observed aboveground C pool was 7.9 ± 2.5 Mg ha−1 in 2006 and 20.4 ± 7.4 Mg ha−1 in 2009, a 158% increase. There was no significant diversity effect on the observed aboveground C pool, but we found a significant decrease in the topsoil C pool, with a mean value of 34.5 ± 2.4 Mg ha−1 in 2001 and of 25.7 ± 5.7 Mg ha−1 in 2009 (F1,36 = 52.12, p < 0.001). Assuming that the biomass C pool in 2001 was negligible (<1 Mg ha−1), then the plantation gained in C, on average, ∼20 and lost ∼9 Mg ha−1 in biomass and soil respectively, for an overall gain of ∼11 Mg ha−1 over 8 years. Across the entire data set, we uncovered significant effects of diversity on CWD decomposition (diversity: F2,393 = 15.93, p < 0.001) and soil respiration (monocultures vs mixtures: t = 15.35, df = 11, p < 0.05) and a marginally significant time × diversity interaction on the loss of total C from the mineral topsoil pool (see above). Monthly CWD decomposition was significantly faster in monocultures (35.0 ± 24.1%) compared with triplets (31.3 ± 21.0%) and six-species mixtures (31.9 ± 26.8%), while soil respiration was higher in monocultures than in mixtures (t = 15.35, df = 11, p < 0.001). Path analyses showed that, as diversity increases, the links among the C pools and fluxes strengthen significantly. Our results demonstrate that tree diversity influences the processes governing the changes in C pools and fluxes following establishment of a tree plantation on a former pasture. We conclude that the choice of tree mixtures for afforestation in the tropics can have a marked influence on C pools and dynamics.  相似文献   

Managed short-duration fallows may have the potential to replace longer fallows in regions where population density no longer permits slow natural fallow successions. The purpose of fallows is not only to improve subsequent crop performance but also to restore soil fertility and organic matter content for the long term. We therefore evaluated the soil organic matter and nutrient flows and fractions in a short fallow experiment managed in the western Kenya highlands, and also compared the experimental area with a 9–12-yr-oldadjacent natural bush fallow. The factorial agroforestry field experiment with four land-use and two P fertilizer treatments on a Kandiudalfic Eutrudox showed that 31-wk managed fallows with Tithonia diversifolia(Hemsley) A. Gray and Crotalaria grahamiana Wight &Arn. improved soil fertility and organic matter content above those of a natural weed fallow and continuous maize (Zea mays L.). Post-fallow maize yields were also improved, although cumulative three-season increases in yield were small (0–1.2 Mg ha−1) when the yield foregone during the fallow season was accounted for. Improvements in yield and soil quality could be traced to quantity or quality of biomass recycled by the managed fallows. The non-woody recycled biomass produced by the continuous maize, weed fallow, and tithonia treatments was near 2Mg ha−1, whereas crotalaria produced three times more recyclable biomass and associated N and P. Increases in topsoil N due to the fallows may have been attributable in part to deep acquisition and recycling of N by the fallows. Particulate macro-organic matter produced by the fallows contained sufficient N(30–50 kg ha−1) to contribute substantially to maize production. Organic Paccumulation (29 kg ha−1) similarly may play a significant role in crop nutrition upon subsequent mineralization. The effect of the P fertilizer application on soil properties and maize yield was constant for all land-use systems (i.e., no land-use system × P fertilizer interactions occurred). There was an indication that tithonia may have stimulated infestation of Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth., and care must be taken to evaluate the full effects of managed fallows over several seasons. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

土壤碳是陆地碳库的重要成分,森林土壤有机碳储量的变化对全球气候变化产生重要影响。对森林土壤有机碳储量的正确估计是编制2005年IPCC国家温室气体清单的重要任务之一,也是其中的难点。本文简要介绍了森林土壤有机碳储量的各种估算方法并对各自的优缺点做了进一步的分析,指出了不确定性产生的主要原因。在分析了四川森林土壤的基本特征后,从满足编制IPCC温室气体清单高层次的方法上考虑,指出四川森林土壤有机碳储量估算的合理方法是土壤类法和生命带法相结合的办法。  相似文献   

Pools of macro-nutrients in soil and vegetation were studied in an old fertilization experiment with a large previous input of N. Different doses of N, in the form of urea, had been added four times during a 20-year period. In total, between 480 and 2400 kg N ha−1 had been given. The experiment was established in a relatively productive Norway spruce stand and the expectation was that the large N input would cause an accelerated leaching of N, especially nitrate, accompanied by soil acidification and losses of several nutrients. The aim was to test for possible residual effects. Thirteen years after the last N addition, samples from the aboveground part of trees, field layer, S-layer, humus layer and mineral soil (0–10 cm) were analyzed for concentrations of most major nutrients. Nutrient pools were calculated. In the humus layer, the concentration of N increased and the C/N-ratio decreased with increasing N dose. The calculated recovery of added N in soil including ground vegetation was complete for the lowest N dose, while it was 25–50% for higher doses. The amount of N retained was unaffected by the N dose. The amount of extractable P in the upper part of the mineral soil was negatively correlated with N dose, as was also the concentration of total P in the S-layer. Neither soil pH, nor concentrations or amounts of Ca, Mg and K were affected by the previous fertilization. The calculated total soil-plant pool was only influenced by N dose in the case of P, which was 20% lower at the highest N dose compared with unfertilized conditions. Despite the large extra N input, the nutritional changes in plants and soil of the actual study site seemed surprisingly small.  相似文献   

The poplar based agroforestry system improves aggregation of soil through huge amounts of organic matter in the form of leaf biomass. The extent of improvement may be affected by the age of the poplar trees and the soil type. The surface and subsurface soil samples from agroforestry and adjoining non-agroforestry sites with different years of poplar plantation (1, 3 and 6 years) and varying soil textures (loamy sand and sandy clay) were analyzed for soil organic carbon, its sequestration and aggregate size distribution. The average soil organic carbon increased from 0.36 in sole crop to 0.66% in agroforestry soils. The increase was higher in loamy sand than sandy clay. The soil organic carbon increased with increase in tree age. The soils under agroforestry had 2.9–4.8 Mg ha−1 higher soil organic carbon than in sole crop. The poplar trees could sequester higher soil organic carbon in 0–30 cm profile during the first year of their plantation (6.07 Mg ha−1 year−1) than the subsequent years (1.95–2.63 Mg ha−1 year−1). The sandy clay could sequester higher carbon (2.85 Mg ha−1 year−1) than in loamy sand (2.32 Mg ha−1 year−1). The mean weight diameter (MWD) of soil aggregates increased by 3.2, 7.3 and 13.3 times in soils with 1, 3 and 6 years plantation, respectively from that in sole crop. The increase in MWD with agroforestry was higher in loamy sand than sandy clay soil. The water stable aggregates (WSA >0.25 mm) increased by 14.4, 32.6 and 56.9 times in soils with 1, 3 and 6 years plantation, respectively, from that in sole crop. The WSA >0.25 mm were 6.02 times higher in loamy sand and 2.2 times in sandy clay than in sole crop soils.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon(SOC)mineralization is closely related to carbon source or sink of terrestrial ecosystem.Natural stands of Larix olgensis on the Jincang forest farm,Jilin Province were selected to investigate the dynamics of SOC mineralization and its correlations with other soil properties in a young forest and mid-aged forest at soil depths of 0–10,>10–20,>20–40 and>40–60 cm.The results showed that compared with a mid-aged forest,the SOC stock in the young forest was 32%higher.Potentially mineralizable soil carbon(C0)in the young forest was 1.1–2.5 g kg^-1,accounting for 5.5–8.1%of total SOC during the 105 days incubation period and 0.3–1.5 g kg^-1 in the mid-aged forest at different soil depths,occupying 2.8–3.4%of total SOC.There was a significant difference in C0 among the soil depths.The dynamics of the SOC mineralization was a good fit to a three-pool(labile,intermediate and stable)carbon decomposition kinetic model.The SOC decomposition rate for different stand ages and different soil depths reached high levels for the first 15 days.Correlation analysis revealed that the C0 was significantly positively related with SOC content,soil total N(TN)and readily available K(AK)concentration.The labile soil carbon pool was significantly related to SOC and TN concentration,and significantly negatively correlated with soil bulk density.The intermediate carbon pool was positively associated with TN and AK.The stable carbon pool had negative correlations with SOC,TN and AK.  相似文献   

Efforts are needed in order to increase confidence for carbon accounts in the land use sector, especially in tropical forest ecosystems that often need to turn to default values given the lack of precise and reliable site specific data to quantify their carbon sequestration and storage capacity. The aim of this study was then to estimate biomass and carbon accumulation in young secondary forests, from 4 and up to 20 years of age, as well as its distribution among the different pools (tree including roots, herbaceous understory, dead wood, litter and soil), in humid tropical forests of Costa Rica. Carbon fraction for the different pools and tree components (stem, branches, leaves and roots) was estimated and varies between 37.3% (±3.3) and 50.3% (±2.9). Average carbon content in the soil was 4.1% (±2.1). Average forest plant biomass was 82.2 (±47.9) Mg ha−1 and the mean annual increment for carbon in the biomass was 4.2 Mg ha−1 yr−1. Approximately 65.2% of total biomass was found in the aboveground tree components, while 14.2% was found in structural roots and the rest in the herbaceous vegetation and necromass. Carbon in the soil increased by 1.1 Mg ha−1 yr−1. Total stored carbon in the forest was 180.4 Mg ha−1 at the age of 20 years. In these forests, most of the carbon (51-83%) was stored in the soil. Models selected to estimate biomass and carbon in trees as predicted by basal area had R2 adjustments above 95%. Results from this study were then compared with those obtained for a variety of secondary and primary forests in different Latin-American tropical ecosystems and in tree plantations in the same study area.  相似文献   

蕉岭长潭省级自然保护区表土有机碳研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
基于UTM公里网格方法划分的66个网格的土壤剖面数据,分析了蕉岭长潭自然保护区5种典型植被类型(马尾松林、杉木林、针阔混交林、阔叶混交林和竹林)的表层土壤(0~20 cm)有机碳含量、密度、储量的分布特征与影响因子。结果表明:(1)表土有机碳含量SOC分布在12.61~66.19 g.kg-1之间,平均值为30.87±1.30 g.kg-1,大小顺序为竹林>阔叶混交林>针阔混交林>杉木林>马尾松林,多重比较显示竹林(37.63 g.kg-1)显著高于马尾松林(18.52 g.kg-1),马尾松林仅为竹林的49.21%。(2)表土有机碳密度SOCD在3.27~15.69 kg.m-2间,平均值为8.22±0.39 kg.m-2,大小排序为阔叶混交林>竹林>针阔混交林>杉木林>马尾松林,阔叶混交林(10.15 kg.m-2)和竹林(9.96 kg.m-2)的SOCD值显著高于马尾松林(4.82 kg.m-2)(p=0.005,p=0.036),马尾松林仅是阔叶混交林的47.49%。(3)蕉岭长潭保护区表土层有机碳储量为402 100 t,占总面积54.54%的针阔混交林贡献最大,其次为阔叶混交林、杉木林、竹林和马...  相似文献   

本文利用土壤培养实验和双指数模型(把土壤有机碳划分为活性碳和缓效性碳库)的方法,来分析确定长白山和祁连山的土壤有机碳的动态变化。分析和拟合土壤有机碳矿化释放的CO2的速率。结果表明:活性碳库占总有机碳的1.0%–8.5%,平均驻留时间的平均值为24天;缓效性碳库占总有机碳的91%–99%,平均驻留时间的平均值为179年。根据缓效性碳的大小和平均驻留时间可以得知,祁连山森林土壤的有机碳较长白山的难分解。通过分析影响森林土壤有机碳矿化的因素––土壤粘粒含量、海拔和温度,结果显示两种森林土壤有机碳的分解快慢与其温度正相关,并且长白山和祁连山的累积的土壤有机碳和缓效性碳的含量随土壤粘粒含量的增加而呈线性增加,其相关系数分别为0.7033和0.6575,充分表明温度和土壤粘粒含量对土壤有机碳的矿化有较大的影响。  相似文献   

利用野外调查的方法,研究了北亚热带地区土地利用变化对土壤有机碳的垂直分布特征及储量的影响.研究结果表明:(1)除茶园土壤外,不同林分土壤有机碳含量均以0~10cm土层最大,随着土层深度的增加,含量总体表现为下降的趋势;茶园土壤有机碳含量在0~30cm土层范围内增加,30cm以后表现下降的趋势;(2)次生林转变成农耕地以后土壤有机碳含量平均下降21.1%,而转变成集约经营早竹林后,土壤有机碳含量平均下降近48.5%;1m深度以内,土壤有机碳平均含量由高到低的顺序为:茶园、灌木林、次生林、粗放经营毛竹林、集约经营毛竹林、马尾松林、农耕地、杉木林和早竹林;(3)土壤有机碳储量随土层深度变化的趋势和土壤有机碳含量变化趋势基本一致;次生林转变成长期经营的农耕地后,土壤有机碳储量下降22.5%,而转变成长期集约经营早竹林后土壤有机碳储量则下降51.4%9种土地利用类型中,土壤有机碳储量由高到低的顺序为:茶园、灌木林、次生林、粗放经营毛竹林、马尾松林、农耕地、集约经营毛竹林、杉木林和早竹林.  相似文献   

The effect of six plantation species in comparison to natural forest (NF) on soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) stocks, depth-wise distribution, biomass carbon (C), and N was investigated on plantations and cultivated lands on an Andic paleudalf soil in Southern Ethiopia. The SOC, N, and bulk density were determined from samples taken in 4 replicates from 10-, 20-, 40-, 60-, and 100-cm depth under each site. Similarly, the biomass C and N of the plantation species and understory vegetation were also determined. The SOC and N were concentrated in the 0- to 10-cm depth and decreased progressively to the 1-m depth. Next to the NF, Juniperous procera accrued higher SOC and N in all depths than the corresponding plantations. No evidence of significant difference on SOC and N distribution among plantations was observed below the 10-cm depth with minor exceptions. The plantations accrue from 133.62 to 213.73 Mg ha–1 or 59.1 to 94.5% SOC, 230.4 to 497.3 Mg ha–1 or 6.9 to 14.9% TBC and 420.37 to 672.80 Mg ha–1 or 12.5 to 20% total C-pool of that under the NF. The N stock under Juniperous procera was the highest, while the lowest was under Eucalyptus globulus and Cupressus lusitanica. We suggest that SOC and N sequestration can be enhanced through mixed cropping and because the performance of the native species Juniperous procera is encouraging, it should be planted to restock its habitat.  相似文献   

Many environmental benefits have been attributed to agroforestry systems in various ecosystems around the world. However, there is a limited amount of information to evaluate this agricultural system in the semi-arid region, specifically in the region of Ceará, Brazil. The objective of this work was to evaluate five agricultural (four agroforestry and one conventional) systems in order to test the hypothesis that the agroforestry systems promote an increase in the soil organic carbon stocks and organic carbon pools, thus improving soil quality. The following treatments were tested: agrosilvopasture (AGP), silvopasture (SILV), traditional agroforestry (TRAG), intensive cropping (IC), and native forest (NF). The soil samples were collected at four depths: 0–6, 6–12, 12–20 and 20–40 cm. Total soil organic carbon stocks and the organic carbon pools (microbial biomass-C, mineralizable-C, oxidizable-C, free, occluded light fraction organic matter, and C in the humic substances) were analyzed. After 5 years of experimental cultivation, the soil under the SILV system presented the best results for the attributes studied, preserving, and in some cases, improving these attributes, when compared to the other conditions. The traditional agroforestry system (TRAG) reduced total organic carbon stocks and, consequently, C in some organic matter compartments, indicating that the fallow period was not sufficient to maintain soil quality. The AGP and IC systems presented significant losses in some of the soil organic matter (SOM) pools, suggesting that the soil environment had been degraded. The most labile SOM components were considered sensitive indicators of change in the soil quality. The silvopasture system can, therefore, be recommended as an alternative soil management strategy for food production and for the maintenance of soil quality and agricultural sustainability in the semiarid region of Ceará state.  相似文献   

Changes in biomass and soil carbon with nitrogen fertilization were simulated for a 25-year loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantation and for three consecutive 7-year short-rotation cottonwood (Populus deltoides) stands. Simulations were conducted for 17 locations in the southeastern United States with mean annual temperatures ranging from 13.1 to 19.4 °C. The LINKAGES stand growth model, modified to include the “RothC” soil C and soil N model, simulated tree growth and soil C status. Nitrogen fertilization significantly increased cumulative cottonwood aboveground biomass in the three rotations from a site average of 106 to 272 Mg/ha in 21 years. The equivalent site averages for loblolly pine showed a significant increase from 176 and 184 Mg/ha in 25 years with fertilization. Location results, compared on the annual sum of daily mean air temperatures above 5.5 °C (growing-degree-days), showed contrasts. Loblolly pine biomass increased whereas cottonwood decreased with increasing growing-degree-days, particularly in cottonwood stands receiving N fertilization. The increment of biomass due to N addition per unit of control biomass (relative response) declined in both plantations with increase in growing-degree-days. Average soil C in loblolly pine stands increased from 24.3 to 40.4 Mg/ha in 25 years and in cottonwood soil C decreased from 14.7 to 13.7 Mg/ha after three 7-year rotations. Soil C did not decrease with increasing growing-degree-days in either plantation type suggesting that global warming may not initially affect soil C. Nitrogen fertilizer increased soil C slightly in cottonwood plantations and had no significant effect on the soil C of loblolly stands.  相似文献   

Glomalin-related soil protein(GRSP)sequesters large amounts of carbon and plays important roles in maintaining terrestrial soil ecosystem functions and ecological restoration;however,little is known about GRSP variation in 1-m soil profiles and its association with stand characteristics,soil properties,and climatic conditions,hindering GRSP-related degraded soil improvement and GRSP evaluation.In this study,we sampled soils from 1-m profiles from poplar(Populus spp.)shelterbelts in Northeast China.GRSP contents were 1.8–2.0 times higher in the upper 40 cm soil layers than at 40–100 cm.GRSP-related soil organic carbon(SOC)sequestration in deeper soil layers was*1.2 times higher than in surface layers.The amounts of GRSP-related nutrients were similar throughout the soil profile.A redundancy analysis showed that in both surface and deeper layers,soil properties(pH,electrical conductivity,water,SOC,and soil nutrients)explained the majority of the GRSP variation(59.5–84.2%);the second-most-important factor in GRSP regulation was climatic conditions(temperature,precipitation,and altitude),while specific shelterbelt characteristics had negligible effects(<5%).Soil depth and climate indirectly affected GRSP features via soil properties,as manifested by structural equation model analysis.Our findings demonstrate that GRSP is important for carbon storage in deep soils,regardless of shelterbelt characteristics.Future glomalin assessments should consider these vertical patterns and possible regulating mechanisms that are related to soil properties and climatic changes.  相似文献   

岷江上游不同森林类型土壤有机碳含量及密度特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了岷江上游云杉人工林、紫果冷杉人工林、岷江冷杉人工幼龄林、高山栎天然次生林4种森林类型土壤有机碳含量及密度。结果表明:4种森林类型不同土层有机碳含量和有机碳密度均差异显著,都随土层深度增加而逐渐减小,且土壤有机碳集中分布在表层土(0~20 cm)中;4种森林类型土壤有机碳含量从高到低排序为:云杉人工林(5.896 g.kg-1)紫果冷杉人工林(5.479 g.kg-1)高山栎天然次生林(5.019 g.kg-1)岷江冷杉人工幼龄林(2.245 g.kg-1);土壤有机碳密度从高到低为:云杉人工林(0.03541 kg.m-2)高山栎天然次生林(0.03134 kg.m-2)紫果冷杉人工林(0.02474 kg.m-2)岷江冷杉人工幼龄林(0.01573 kg.m-2)。说明林分起源、树种组成、植物根系、地表枯落物和人类活动等因素影响着土壤有机碳含量及碳密度。  相似文献   

The estimation of the soil organic carbon content (SOC) is one of the important issues in the research of the global carbon cycle. However, there are great differences among different scientists regarding the estimated magnitude of SOC. There are two commonly used methods for the estimation of SOC, with each method having both advantages and disadvantages. One method is the so called direct method, which is based on the samples of measured SOC and maps of soil or vegetation types. The other method is the so called indirect method, which is based on the ecosystem process model of the carbon cycle. The disadvantage of the direct method is that it mainly discloses the difference of the SOC among different soil or vegetation types. It can hardly distinguish the difference of the SOC in the same type of soil or vegetation. The indirect method, a process-based method, is based on the mechanics of carbon transfer in the ecosystem and can potentially improve the spatial resolution of the SOC estimation if the input variables have a high spatial resolution. However, due to the complexity of the process-based model, the model usually simplifies some key model parameters that have spatial heterogeneity with constants. This simplification will produce a great deal of uncertainties in the estimation of the SOC, especially on the spatial precision. In this paper, we combined the process-based model (CASA model) with the measured SOC, in which the remote sensing data (AVHRR NDIV) was incorporated into the model to enhance the spatial resolution. To model the soil base respiration, the Van’t Hoff model was used to combine with the CASA model. The results show that this method could significantly improve the spatial precision (8 km spatial resolution). The results also show that there is a relationship between soil base respiration and the SOC as the influence of environmental factors, i.e., temperature and moisture, had been removed from soil respiration which makes the SOC the most important factor of soil base respiration. The statistical model of soil base respiration and the SOC shows that the determinant coefficient (R 2) is 0.78. As the method in this paper contains advantages from both direct and indirect methods, it could significantly improve the spatial resolution and, at the same time, keep the estimation of SOC well matched with the measured SOC. __________ Translated from Journal of Remote Sensing, 2007, 11(1): 127–136 [译自: 遥感学报]  相似文献   

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