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Hyperadrenocorticism in cats: seven cases (1978-1987)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hyperadrenocorticism was diagnosed in 7 cats with concurrent diabetes mellitus. Four cats had pituitary adenoma with bilateral adrenocortical hyperplasia, 1 cat had pituitary carcinoma with bilateral adrenocortical hyperplasia, 1 cat had adrenocortical carcinoma, and 1 cat had adrenocortical adenoma of the left adrenal gland. One year later, adrenocortical adenoma involving the right adrenal gland also was diagnosed in this cat. Clinical signs included polyuria and polydipsia (n = 7), development of pot-bellied appearance (n = 5), dermatologic alterations (n = 5), lethargy (n = 3), weight loss (n = 3), dyspnea/panting (n = 2), and recurrent bacterial infections (n = 2). In 6 cats, the diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism was established before death on the basis of results of the ACTH stimulation test (n = 3) and the dexamethasone screening test (n = 5). Pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism was differentiated from adrenocortical neoplasia on the basis of results of the dexamethasone suppression test (n = 4), endogenous ACTH concentration (n = 3), results of abdominal radiography and ultrasonography (n = 3), and exploratory celiotomy (n = 1). Four cats died or were euthanatized without treatment attempts. Treatment with mitotane followed by 60Co teletherapy was ineffective in one cat with pituitary adenoma. One cat with pituitary carcinoma died one week after bilateral adrenalectomy. Bilateral adrenocortical adenomas were removed surgically in the affected cat.  相似文献   

Hypokalemia in cats: 186 cases (1984-1987)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Retrospective review of serum biochemical data obtained from 501 cats over a 3-year period (1984-1987) indicated that 186 (37%) had hypokalemia (serum potassium concentration less than 4.1 mEq/L). After adjusting for disease diagnosis, cats fed either of 2 commercial diets were 4 times more likely to be hypokalemic than cats fed other diets. Odds ratios (OR; measure of association), adjusted for diet type, were calculated to determine the odds of hypokalemia for a given disease, compared with odds of normokalemia for the same disease. Chronic renal failure (OR = 14.4), hepatic disease (OR = 5.7), systemic infectious diseases (viral or bacterial; OR = 2.7), and neuromuscular or CNS disease (OR = 2.4) were all significantly associated (P less than 0.05) with the occurrence of hypokalemia. Significant differences in age or sex between hypokalemic and normokalemic cats were not found. Within the group of 186 hypokalemic cats, hypercholesterolemia (89 cats; 48%), hyperglycemia (88 cats; 47%), high serum urea nitrogen concentration (86 cats; 46%), hyperchloridemia (80 cats; 43%), and high serum creatinine concentration (73 cats; 39%) were the most common biochemical abnormalities. When disease diagnosis was compared among cats with severe hypokalemia (serum potassium concentration less than 3.0 mEq/L) and those with moderate hypokalemia, cats with severe hypokalemia were 3.5 times more likely to have chronic renal failure than cats with less severe hypokalemia.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Over an 8-year period, 14 horses were admitted to the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine for evaluation of fistulous withers. Of the 14 horses, 11 were treated surgically and 3 were not treated. Surgical techniques involved radical excision of the affected soft tissue and spinous processes of affected vertebrae. Recurrence rate was 30%, and these horses required additional surgery to resolve the problem.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine clinical signs, clinicopathologic abnormalities, radiographic findings, histologic abnormalities, and predisposing factors or diseases in cats with pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE). DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 29 cats in which PTE was confirmed at necropsy. PROCEDURE: Information on signalment, body weight, history, results of physical examination, results of CBC and serum biochemical analyses, whether PTE was suspected prior to death, type of indwelling venous catheter and duration of venous catheterization, results of thoracic radiography, and whether cats had any concurrent diseases was obtained from medical records. RESULTS: PTE was identified in cats of various ages (median, 8.7 years), weights (median, 4.1 kg [9 lb]), and breeds. The most common owner-reported problems included lethargy (17 cats), anorexia (14), weight loss (10), and difficulty breathing (8); physical abnormalities included lethargy (21), tachypnea or dyspnea (16), and dehydration (13). Clinicopathologic abnormalities reflected concurrent or underlying diseases. Common radiographic abnormalities included pulmonary vessel abnormalities (11), pleural effusion (8), and peripheral noncircumscribed consolidations (6). Underlying or predisposing conditions, including cardiac disease (12), neoplasia (10), corticosteroid administration (8), disseminated intravascular coagulation (5), protein-losing nephropathy (4) or enteropathy (4), immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (2), and sepsis (2) were identified in all cats. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that PTE can develop in cats of any age, sex, or breed. Because PTE is a serious, potentially life-threatening disease, it should be suspected in cats with thoracic radiographic changes suggestive of uneven distribution of blood flow between lung lobes, especially in cats that have predisposing factors or diseases.  相似文献   

Food hypersensitivity was diagnosed in 14 cats. Clinical signs varied; pruritus (100%), alopecia (64%), and papules (21%) were the ones most commonly observed. Pruritus was localized principally to the head or to the neck or ear region in 42% of the cats. Diagnosis was made on the basis of resolution of clinical signs when cats were fed a restricted ("hypoallergenic") diet, and recurrence of signs when cats were fed their original diet or other food. The most common allergens (on the basis of dietary challenge exposure) were fish and dairy products. Age or sex predilection was not observed, and 9 (64%) of the cats were domestic shorthairs. Owners could not relate the onset of clinical signs with a recent change in diet. Three cats had concurrent flea bite, inhalant, or flea collar hypersensitivity.  相似文献   

Small intestinal adenocarcinoma in cats: 32 cases (1978-1985)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The medical records of 32 cats with small intestinal adenocarcinoma were reviewed. Common clinical signs included vomiting, dehydration, weight loss, cachexia, anorexia, and lethargy. In 50% of the cats, an abdominal mass was palpated, and in 38%, a mass was seen on radiographs. Biopsy of the tumor without resection was performed in 9 cats; 8 cats were euthanatized at the time of surgery, 7 because of metastases, and 1 cat died 1 day after surgery. In 23 cats, resection was performed. Eleven of these died within 2 weeks after surgery (mean survival time, 2.6 days); 8 had lymph node metastasis. Twelve cats survived greater than 2 weeks after surgery. The mean survival of 11 of these cats was 15 months. Six cats were euthanatized because of recurrent signs; 5 of the 6 had a recurrent abdominal mass. One cat was alive 2 years after surgery. Results of this study indicated that cats with adenocarcinoma, even those cats with advanced disease, can have long-term survival after surgery.  相似文献   

The records of 25 dogs and 2 cats treated with peritoneal dialysis during an 11-year period were evaluated. The indications for peritoneal dialysis were acute renal failure in 21 animals, chronic renal failure in 5 animals, and azotemia of undetermined cause in 1 animal. Peritoneal dialysis resulted in a significant (P less than 0.05) decrease in serum urea nitrogen concentration in 19 of the dogs and a significant (P less than 0.05) decrease in serum creatinine in 20 dogs. The most common complication of peritoneal dialysis was hypoalbuminemia (11 animals affected). Other common complications were dialysate retention/catheter obstruction (8 animals), peritonitis (6 animals), hypochloremia (6 animals), and subcutaneous leakage of dialysate (6 animals). Twelve dogs and 2 cats died during treatment, 6 dogs were euthanatized, and 1 dog was lost to follow-up evaluation. The remaining 6 dogs survived and were discharged from the hospital after successful peritoneal dialysis. On the basis of the results of this study, the authors concluded that peritoneal dialysis, although associated with a high complication rate, was a successful technique for reducing azotemia in dogs with acute and chronic renal failure. Survival rates were poor because of the severity of the underlying renal diseases.  相似文献   

Histopathologic findings in 158 globes obtained from 139 cats by enucleation or at necropsy, with histopathologic diagnosis of uveitis, were compared, and morphology was correlated with clinical and/or histopathologic diagnosis. The most common morphologic feature was a lymphocytic-plasmacytic anterior uveal infiltrate that was either diffuse or nodular; specific cause could not be associated with this nongranulomatous anterior uveitis. In decreasing order of frequency, other common causes of uveitis in cats included feline infectious peritonitis; FeLV-associated lymphosarcoma; trauma; and lens-induced uveitis.  相似文献   

Eighty-two cases of feline pleural effusion were identified and reviewed to assess the type of fluid, underlying disease process, predisposing conditions, historical and physical examination findings, laboratory and cytology data, response to treatment and outcome. Pertinent findings included a high occurrence of pleural effusion with mediastinal lymphoma (and other types of intrathoracic neoplasia), pyothorax, cardiomyopathy and feline infectious peritonitis virus infection. Sixteen cases, eight with chylous effusion, had no underlying disease identified. Cats with pyothorax and effusion secondary to trauma had the best prognosis for complete recovery. Otherwise, the outcome was variable and the prognosis was guarded to poor.  相似文献   

Idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease was the diagnosis for 58 dogs and 26 cats, with signs of persistent gastroenteritis, failed responses to dietary trials, and histologic evidence of cellular infiltrates unrelated to other causes of gastrointestinal tract inflammation. Clinical signs of large intestinal dysfunction, watery diarrhea, vomiting, and anorexia with weight loss were common. Nonspecific hematologic, biochemical, and radiographic abnormalities frequently were observed. Mucosal biopsy specimens, obtained endoscopically, were histologically evaluated for severity of mucosal epithelial damage. Mucosal erythema, friability, enhanced granularity, and ulceration or erosion were the predominant endoscopic lesions. Inflammatory bowel disease lesions of moderate severity predominated in the stomach, duodenum, and colon. Lymphocytic/plasmacytic infiltrates were limited to the lamina propria in biopsy specimens from all regions of the gastrointestinal tract. Inflammatory bowel disease commonly is associated with chronic gastroenteritis in dogs and cats.  相似文献   

Idiopathic hepatic lipidosis was diagnosed in 11 cats. Cats were treated by delivery of balanced nutrients supplemented with L-carnitine via a surgically placed gastrostomy tube. Feeding through the gastrostomy tube was initiated in the hospital and was continued at home in all cats. The mean duration of gastrostomy tube feeding was 48 days (range, 22 to 98 days). Vomiting associated with feeding (3 cats) and localized cellulitis at the gastrostomy site (2 cats) were the most frequent complications. Vomiting was controlled by reducing the volume of food administered at each feeding or by administration of metoclopramide. Cellulitis was treated successfully by parenteral administration of antibiotics and local wound cleansing. Seven of 11 cats (65%) survived and have remained clinically healthy for 15 to 29 months (mean, 20 months) since diagnosis. The other 4 cats died of peritonitis (n = 1), pneumonia (n = 1), hepatic encephalopathy (n = 1), or cardiopulmonary arrest (n = 1) between 0 and 10 days after surgery.  相似文献   

Mesenteric torsion was diagnosed in 21 of 199 German Shepherd Dogs suffering from exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Eight dogs were euthanatized at the request of the owners; 4 dogs died at home before any treatment for mesenteric torsion was initiated. Surgery was performed on 9 dogs, all of which died during recovery from anesthesia.  相似文献   

Propylene glycol (PG) is a common preservative and source of synthetic carbohydrates in soft-moist pet foods. Propylene glycol was fed to cats for 5 weeks at concentrations found in commercial diets (1.6 g/kg of body weight; 12% of diet on a dry-weight basis) and for 3 weeks at concentrations exceeding usual intake (8 g/kg; 41% of diet). There was a dose-dependent increase in Heinz body percentage to 28% in cats fed the low dose of PG and to 92% in cats fed the high dose. Erythrocyte half-life, measured using [14C]-cyanate hemoglobin (Hb), decreased significantly (P less than 0.05) by 18.8% and 60% in cats fed the low and high PG doses, respectively. The PCV in cats fed the low dose was unaffected, whereas cats fed the high dose had a mean (+/- SEM) decrease in PCV from 33.5 +/- 1.05% to 26.3 +/- 1.45%, accompanied by punctate reticulocytosis and bone marrow erythroid hyperplasia. A dose-dependent increase in iron pigment was found in the liver and spleen of all cats. In cats fed the low dose of PG, erythrocyte reduced glutathione concentration actually increased from 7.02 +/- 0.56 to 9.74 +/- 0.69 mumol/g of Hb, but decreased to 2.96 +/- 0.27 mumol/g of Hb in cats fed the high dose. There was no significant increase in methemoglobin concentration. These results indicated that PG cannot be considered innocuous even at concentrations consumed by cats eating commercial diets. Heinz body-induced acceleration of RBC destruction develops in a dose-dependent manner, so that cats with greater food intake, ie, lactating queens and nursing kittens, are at greater risk for development of PG-induced Heinz body hemolytic anemia.  相似文献   

Forty-one cases of infiltrative urethral disease in female dogs were reviewed. The cause was epithelial neoplasia in 29 dogs, granulomatous (chronic active) urethritis in 10 dogs, and leiomyoma in 2 dogs. Clinical signs of disease were similar in dogs with neoplastic and inflammatory disease and included strangury (36/41), hematuria (30/41), pollakiuria (20/41), vaginal discharge (16/41), and complete urinary obstruction (7/41). Results of aspiration biopsy of the urethra correlated with those of surgical biopsy in 11 of 15 dogs. In 4 of 15 dogs, results of cytologic and histologic examinations differed. Granulomatous (chronic active) urethritis is an infiltrative urethral disease in female dogs. Clinical findings are similar, but the prognosis is more favorable than that in dogs with urethral epithelial neoplasia.  相似文献   

Pulmonary thromboembolism was confirmed at necropsy in 10 (32.2%) of 31 dogs treated for immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. Radiographic findings associated with thromboembolism included pronounced interstitial lung pattern and small amounts of pleural effusion. Variables associated with significantly higher incidence of pulmonary thromboembolism included hyperbilirubinemia (P = 0.023), negative Coombs test result (P = 0.032), and presence of an indwelling catheter (P = 0.04). There was a tendency (P = 0.06) for association of higher number of whole blood transfusions with pulmonary thromboembolism.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine clinical, radiographic, and pathologic features of bronchiectasis in cats. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 12 cats with histologic evidence of bronchiectasis. PROCEDURE: Information on signalment, body weight, clinical signs of respiratory disease, concurrent diseases, method by which lung tissue specimens were obtained (surgical biopsy or necropsy), and histopathologic findings was obtained by reviewing medical records from January 1987 to June 1999 for cats with confirmation of bronchiectasis by histologic examination. Available thoracic radiographs were reviewed by a board-certified radiologist. RESULTS: Bronchiectasis was most commonly identified in older male cats. Clinical signs referable to the lower portion of the respiratory tract were detected in only 5 cats but, when evident, were usually chronic (duration > 1 year). Radiographic pattern of bronchiectasis was cylindrical in 4 cats, and in 1 of these cats, a saccular pattern was also identified. For most cats, bronchiectasis was detected in a single lung lobe. Radiographic evidence of bronchiectasis was not detected in 2 cats. Concurrent respiratory diseases included chronic bronchitis and bronchiolitis, neoplasia, bronchopneumonia, endogenous lipid pneumonia, and emphysema. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Bronchiectasis appears to be an uncommon respiratory tract disorder that predominantly affects older male cats. Thoracic radiography may not be sensitive for the diagnosis of bronchiectasis in cats. Bronchiectasis in cats appears to be a sequela of chronic inflammatory bronchopulmonary diseases, especially chronic bronchitis, neoplasia, and bronchopneumonia.  相似文献   

Of 100 critically ill dogs and cats, 49 (39 dogs, 10 cats) had bacteremia. Gram-negative bacilli were the most common isolates from the bloodstream of dogs with bacteremia (46%), and gram-positive cocci and anaerobic bacteria were isolated from 36% and 31% of positive cultures, respectively; 15% of positive cultures were polymicrobial. In cats, gram-negative bacilli (especially Salmonella enteritidis) and anaerobic bacteria were the most common isolates, and 30% of positive cultures were polymicrobial. Gram-positive cocci were not isolated from the blood-stream of cats. Odds ratios, adjusted for the combined effects of disease status (severe vs nonsevere), results of bacterial culture of blood result (positive vs negative), and species (dog vs cat) were calculated for mortality in animals in the study. In animals with bacteremia, severe disease increased the risk of death 11.6-fold, compared with the risk in animals with nonsevere disease. Bacteremia increased mortality 10-fold in animals with severe disease, compared with mortality in animals with severe disease without bacteremia. Animals with severe disease and bacteremia were 15.6 times more likely to die than were those with nonsevere disease and negative culture results. In animals with nonsevere disease, culture results (positive vs negative) were not related significantly to mortality. Disease status (severe vs nonsevere) in animals without bacteremia also was not significantly related to mortality. There was no significant difference in overall mortality in dogs, compared with that in cats.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Diagnostic pathology records spanning 41 months (July 1985 through November 1988) were searched for diagnoses of salivary gland disease in dogs and cats. Review of 87,392 records from that period revealed 245 cases (0.3%) in which salivary gland tissue had been evaluated. During that period, salivary gland tissue was submitted to the laboratory almost twice as often from dogs (160 cases) as from cats (85 cases). On the basis of histologic examination, 89% of salivary gland submissions from small animal practices were allotted to 1 of 5 major categories: malignant neoplasms (30%; 74/245), sialadenitis (26%; 64/245), normal salivary gland (16%; 40/245), sialocele (9%; 21/245), and salivary gland infarction (8%; 20/245). The remaining 11% of submissions included various degenerative or fibrotic lesions, ductal ectasia, sialolithiasis, edema, benign neoplasia, and secondary salivary involvement with systemic or cervical lymphosarcoma or with fibrosarcoma in the head and neck.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of infections developing postoperatively, document the contribution of infection to increased risk of death, and identify risk factors associated with the development of infectious complications in cats after renal transplantation. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 169 cats that received renal allograft transplants. PROCEDURES: Medical records of cats receiving renal transplants at the University of California from January 1987 through December 2003 were reviewed. RESULTS: 47 infections developed in 43 of 169 cats. Bacterial infections were most common (25/47 cats), followed by viral (13/47), fungal (6/47), and protozoal (3/47) infections. The median duration from transplant surgery to development of infection was 2.5 months. Infection was the second most common cause of death after acute rejection of the transplant, accounting for 14% of deaths overall. Cats with concurrent diabetes mellitus had a significantly increased risk of developing an infection after renal transplantation. Sex, increasing age, concurrent neoplasia, and previous treatment for transplant rejection were not associated with development of infection. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Infection was a common complication and an important cause of death or euthanasia in cats after renal transplantation. Development of diabetes mellitus after transplantation significantly increased the risk of infection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the clinical and clinicopathologic findings in and prognosis for cats with lymphocytic portal hepatitis (LPH) versus cats with acute or chronic cholangiohepatitis (CH). DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 25 cats with LPH; 16 cats with CH (7 acute, 9 chronic). PROCEDURE: Cats with LPH and CH were selected by evaluating records from liver biopsy specimens submitted to the University of Minnesota Veterinary Teaching Hospital during a 10-year period. Clinical and clinicopathologic data were retrieved. RESULTS: Cats with CH had higher segmented and band neutrophil counts, alanine aminotransferase activities, and total bilirubin concentrations than did cats with LPH. Cats with acute CH had higher segmented and band neutrophil counts and lower serum alkaline phosphatase activities and total bilirubin concentrations than did cats with chronic CH. Twelve of 14 cats with LPH or CH had coarse or nodular texture to the liver on ultrasonography, with loss of portal vein wall clarity noticed in 4 of 8 cats with LPH. Sixteen of 23 cats with LPH and 8 of 15 cats with CH survived > 1 year. Of those cats living < 1 year, all cats with LPH and 5 of 7 cats with CH had a serious concurrent illness that may have been responsible for their deaths. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: LPH and CH can be detected and tentatively differentiated through evaluation of clinical laboratory test results, but histologic evaluation of liver specimens is necessary for definitive differentiation. Survival time was good regardless of the type of inflammatory liver disease.  相似文献   

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