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1995-1996年,我们利用配合饲料在0.73公顷池塘中主养淡水白鲳,经过140天养殖,平均每公顷净产鱼10792.2kg,其中淡水白鲳8287.2kg,平均体重为454.1克/尾;每公顷盈利105520.1元,投入产出比为1:2.05。  相似文献   

在中国江苏省南京市进行的淡水白鲳养殖试验,示范了利用豆粕型全植物蛋白饲料从大规格鱼种养殖淡水白鲳商品鱼的生长性能.试验鱼放养在3口4亩(0.27公顷)的池塘内,放养密度为淡水白鲳800尾/亩,并搭配放养鲢鱼100尾/亩(即淡水白鲳12000尾/公顷和鲢鱼1500尾/公顷).经54天饲养,淡水白鲳从大约149克/尾长至平均628克/尾.平均毛产量为淡水白鲳496千克/亩(7440千克/公顷)和白鲢108千克/亩(1620千克/公顷).平均成活率分别为淡水白鲳98.7%和白鲢100%.养殖所用的大豆最大化饲料,含粗蛋白32%和脂类6%,且用大豆粕作为主要蛋白源,用该饲料养殖淡水白鲳的平均饲料转化率为1.12∶1.不摄食人工饲料的白鲢作为养殖的服务性鱼类,提供了额外的鱼产量,增加了养殖的经济收益.养殖的平均净收入为人民币1809元/亩(3285美元/公顷).平均的投资回报率为59.9%.利用美国大豆协会的大豆最大化饲料和80∶20池塘养殖模式,淡水白鲳在本试验中展示出了优异的生长表现和高效饲料转化效率.生产出的淡水白鲳规格一致、色彩鲜艳且体型匀称.养殖试验示范出的淡水白鲳短的养殖周期表明在中国温带地区的一个生产季节内可以生产两茬淡水白鲳.  相似文献   

池塘放养淡水白鲳夏花鱼种,经过四个多月的饲养,平均规格达到0.47公斤,折合每公顷产量5732.5公斤。  相似文献   

根据淡水白鲳的营养需求,提出维生素预混料配方(维生素添加剂)和微量元素预混料配方(矿物质添加剂),与淡水白鲳基础日料配方,构成一套全价性的淡水白鲳用高效饲料配方,研制的饲料在工厂化封闭式内循环水体中单养条件下养殖淡水白鲳成鱼,经过170天的精心饲养管理,饲料系数平均为 1.89,其中:102#添加剂投喂的饲料系数平均为1.70。淡水白鲳平均规格达到873克,平均净产15.8kg/米^2。  相似文献   

姚明虎 《内陆水产》2000,(10):36-37
淡水白鲳是热带鱼类,肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,越来越受到消费者的青睐。在长江中下游,淡水白鲳的饲养期一般从 5月中旬至 10月中旬,池塘尚有 5~ 6个月的空闲期,可以再轮养青虾。为了保证淡水白鲳能尽早上市,青虾有足够的生长期,可投放大规格的淡水白鲳冬片鱼种,养至 8月底前起捕上市,然后再进行青虾秋季暂养及春季养殖。这样全年可进行三季生产,每 667 m2产淡水白鲳 500 kg,青虾 70~ 100 kg,利润可达 4 000~ 5 000元。比单养淡水白鲳效益提高 30%~ 40%。现将淡水白鲳与青虾轮养技术介绍如下。 1淡水白鲳快速养殖 1.1池塘准备 …  相似文献   

本文主要论述了淡水白鲳与罗非鱼混养技术.通过在面积8亩的池塘混养淡水白鲳、罗非鱼鱼种,搭配鲢鱼、鳙鱼、湘鲫,投喂鲤鱼全价配合颗粒饲料.设置1台3kw增氧机,饲养91天,结果共生产淡水白鲳3420.75kg,罗非鱼1704 kg,湘鲫500 kg,鲢鱼、鳙鱼1725 kg.平均每亩成本4567.5元,利润1882.99元,投入产出比为1:1.412.  相似文献   

2002年在2口面积分别为1000m2、1334m2的池塘中,放养规格2.5~3.0cm的淡水白鲳夏花,同时搭配彭泽鲫夏花和鲢鳙鱼种,当年经5个月养殖,1号池塘每667m2成鱼产量543.2kg(其中白鲳365.7kg)、产值5988元、纯利润2650元;2号池每667m2产量552.3kg(其中白鲳380.9kg)、产值6155元、纯利润2823元,其经济效益是目前常规鱼传统养殖的4倍左右.本人于2002年进行了淡水白鲳夏花当年养成商品的试验研究,现综述如下:  相似文献   

2002年在2口面积分别为1000m^2,1334m^2的池塘中,放养规格2.5-3.0cm的淡水白鲳夏花,同时搭配彭泽鲫夏花和鲢鳙鱼种,当年经5个月养殖,1号池塘每667m^2成鱼产量543.2kg(其中白鲳365.7kg)、产值5988元、纯利润2650元;2号池每667m^2产量552.3kg(其中白鲳380.9kg)、产值6155元、纯利润2823元,其经济效益是目前常规鱼传统养殖的4倍左右。本人于2002年进行了淡水白鲳夏花当年养成商品的试验研究,现综述如下。  相似文献   

淡水白鲳,学名短盖巨脂鲤,是一种优良的热带大型经济鱼类,具有生长快、个体大、食性杂、抗病力强、起捕率高、肉味鲜美、营养丰富等多种养殖优点。近年来,菏泽市水产技术推广站连续4年在东明县三春养殖场成功地进行了淡水白鲳池塘高产养殖示范,平均每667m^2产量达1000kg左右,经济效益可观。现介绍如下。  相似文献   

淡水白鲳属热带鱼类,具有生长快、食性杂、病害少、耐低氧、味鲜美、营养丰富等特点。池塘养殖淡水白鲳对于扩大池塘养殖品种,提高池塘单位产量和效益是一种有效的手段。为探索淡水白鲳在我市夏季高温季节内养殖生长情况, 1999年我们在市水产所开挖的 2 000 m2池塘进行了淡水白鲳的养殖试验,经过 87 d的精心饲养,获得淡水白鲳 1 997 kg,总利润 11 672元,每 667 m2产鱼 659 kg,利润 3 891元。现将工作情况介绍如下。 1池塘条件 试验池为新开挖池,面积 2 000 m2,池深 2 m,池塘为东西向、长方形,水源充足,注排水方便,水质清新。…  相似文献   

王玉玺 《齐鲁渔业》1995,12(1):26-27
在1.8亩池塘中进行早繁淡水鲳当年养成技术试验,在无增氧机条件下,进行淡水鲳和罗非鱼混养。经128天饲养,平均亩净产560.9kg,其中淡水鲳为281.7kg,养在规格达540g/尾,鉴定认为,当年养成这样的规格属省内领先水平。  相似文献   

本文报导0.7厘米罗氏沼虾苗经3~21天的网箱暂养,体长达到1.0~2.5厘米,每公顷池塘放养11.35万尾左右,与鱼混养,经120天的饲养,达到了每公顷产罗氏沼虾1532.3公斤和鲢鱼1152.0公斤,平均每公顷经济效益达43059.0元,投入产出比为1:1.79,罗氏沼虾的饲料系数2.12,平均成活率75.3%,平均规格18.4克。  相似文献   

One hundred and two brackish water shrimp farms in Shyamnagar Upazila of Satkhira District, Bangladesh, were surveyed to study their costs and returns. Key data were collected, using a questionnaire survey from January to August 2002. Profitability of operations was affected by fluctuating yields and prices due to diseases, and generated economic risk. The average total cost of production per hectare was 63,437.57 Bangladeshi taka (tk) (US$1,084.40/ha). The farmers achieved a variable yield of black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon), ranging from 7.48 kg/ha to 455.03 kg/ha, with a mean yield of 146.39 kg/ha, through multi-stock and multi-harvest methods. The gross and net incomes per hectare were tk49,999.87 (US$854.69) and tk40,307.04 (US$689.01), respectively. Of the total biomass, 44% came from P. monodon, while the rest (23% and 33%) came from other shrimp and finfish respectively. The return to total cost of P. monodon was a negative profit (tk0.78).  相似文献   

This paper examines production costs and returns of sutchi catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) aquaculture under three different farming systems in Bangladesh. Based on the production technology, sutchi catfish farming is classified as extensive, semi‐intensive and intensive. Results showed that sutchi catfish farming is profitable irrespective of the level of intensification and in all three instances the cost of feed dominated the variable costs of production. The average annual production costs were estimated at US$5217 ha?1 in intensive farming, while US$2694 ha?1 in semi‐intensive and US$981 ha?1 in extensive farming. Despite the higher production costs per hectare, the average annual net return was higher in intensive farming (US$3364), compared with semi‐intensive (US$2048) and extensive (US$1099) farming. The average annual production per hectare under intensive farming conditions (13 945 kg) was higher than semi‐intensive (7705 kg) and extensive (3380 kg) farming mainly due to higher levels of inputs, including seed, feed, fertilizer and labour. However, the Cobb–Douglas production function model suggests that inputs are inefficiently used in the intensive farming system. Conversely, there is enough scope to increase the production and income from the semi‐intensive and extensive farming systems by using more inputs.  相似文献   

为探索南美白对虾稳产高效养殖模式,通过对2口面积共计1 hm2的连栋大棚养殖池塘进行改造,在大棚内设置净面积约35 m2的篷布池135口,辅以供水、增氧、排水以及尾水处理等设施,引进SPF一代南美白对虾苗种,采用集中标粗后再分级养成的模式进行试验.2020年放养两茬虾苗,单位面积产量达到13.85 kg/m2,产值59...  相似文献   

Four 0.1 hectare earthen ponds were stocked with 16,500 hybrid striped bass (female Morone saxatilis × male M. chrysops ) per hectare on 22 June 1982. Mean weight at stocking was 5.2 g ± 0.10 SE. Fish were fed to satiation two or three times daily with a dry commercial salmonid diet, and the ponds were aerated mechanically during periods of low dissolved oxygen during warm weather. Survival at harvest on 6 March 1983 averaged 84.7%, and mean weight of the fish was 170.2 g ± 2.66 SE. Average weights of fish from individual ponds ranged from 149.0 to 189.7 g. The ponds were restocked on 1 April 1983 with 10,000 fish per hectare averaging 193.6 g. Ten months later, average survival in 3 ponds was 83.9% (range, 81.3–87.0%) and mean weight was 656.3 g ± 5.51 SE. Average weights of fish from individual ponds ranged from 632.5 to 690.7 g. All fish in one pond died in June as a result of an aerator failure. Standing crop at harvest in the three remaining ponds averaged 5, 504 kg/ha (range, 5,247–5,765 kg/ha). Improvements in culture techniques resulted in approximately a 138% increase in production per hectare over that reported in a prior study. Results demonstrated that hybrid striped bass offer considerable potential for commercial aquaculture in warm temperate latitudes of the United States.  相似文献   

雪野水库网箱养鳜鱼试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1997年7 ̄10月在莱芜市雪野水库设置27只网箱,进行鳜鱼养殖试验。总产鱼12959.3kg,平均尾重1.2kg,商品率86.5%,平均单产19.2kg/m^2,最高单产23kg/m^2,投入产出比为1:2.57。试验认为,饵料鱼规格应控制在鳜鱼体长的40% ̄55%,在网箱中设置隐蔽物,采用饱食投喂法,可以提高成活率,降低饵料系数。  相似文献   

稻田养殖美国青蛙试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在稻田中放养美国青蛙(Rana grglio),利用稻蛙共生的生态学原理,促进了水稻生长,减少了养蛙占地,每公顷产水稻7770kg,商品蛙2731.5kg,生态效益、经济效益明显优于未养蛙稻田。  相似文献   

池塘主养草鱼种高产试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用0.33hm2池塘施行综合养殖技术,强化饲养管理工作。并根据当年草鱼种不同的发育时期,投喂自行研制的不同营养成分和粒度的3种颗粒饲料。经过140d的培育,各种鱼种总产量为6474kg,其中草鱼种产量为4860kg,平均规格100g/尾,吃食鱼饵料系数为1.6。总利润为24510元,利润73530元/hm2。  相似文献   

在3055亩盐碱荒滩池塘中进行了大面积套养梭鱼试验。亩均放养大规格鱼种643尾,其中梭鱼占总放养量的24%。清塘施肥,科学投饵,调节水质,防治鱼病,经8个月的饲养管理,亩均产商品鱼424.2kg,其中梭鱼109.3kg,亩均纯利润1229.1元,投入产出比1:1.5,该成果达到国内先进水平。  相似文献   

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