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杂种鹅掌楸扦插苗营养元素含量的分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用不同浓度的外源激素处理杂种鹅掌楸的扦插繁殖幼苗,并通过烘干法、凯氏法、原子吸收等方法,对扦插繁殖幼苗的根、茎、叶3个器官生物量及其营养元素进行测定。结果表明:不同浓度的外源激素(处理1:IBA50gkg-1+NAA300gkg-1;处理2:IBA50gkg-1+NAA300gkg-1)处理插穗后,根、茎、叶的生物量均有一定程度的提高。在所有的扦插苗中,其根、茎、叶内的含C量差异不大,但茎内的N、P、K、Ca含量较根、叶的少。方差分析结果表明:不同浓度外源激素处理的同一器官后,其C/N及P、K、Ca的含量没有明显的差异;而同一浓度外源激素处理不同器官之间的4种营养元素的含量有显著或极显著的差异。并且扦插生根苗体内营养元素含量较低,在大田栽培时,应及时施肥补充营养,以提高幼苗生长适应能力。图1表4参12。  相似文献   

To investigate the linkage types between carbohydrates and lignin, residual lignins were isolated from three different unbleached pulps [kraft, alkaline sulfite anthraquinone methanol (ASAM), and soda with anthraquinone (AQ) and methanol] of spruce and beech wood and then characterized by oxidation with 2,3-Dichloro-5,6-dicyanobenzoquinone and followed by Prehm’s methylation. In residual lignins, sugar moieties were bound to lignins via benzyl ether bonds. In particular, galactose and mannose are predominantly linked to lignin fragments in residual lignins of spruce wood, while xylose and galactose are favored in the formation of LC bonds in the residual lignins of beech wood. In the case of hexoses, primary hydroxyl groups (C6 position) preferentially take part in benzyl ether linkages. Hydroxyl groups in the C2 and C3 positions of xylose participate in LC bonds and a small portion of arabinose was notably connected to lignin via the C5 position. Approximately seven or eight sugars were connected in soda/AQ/methanol residual lignin per 100 C9 lignin units, while the frequencies of LC bonds in kraft and ASAM residual lignins were distinctively less at one to three sugars per 100 C9 lignin units. The publication of this article was made possible by an Emachu Research Fund. The authors are grateful for the fund.  相似文献   

We evaluated the survival and growth of Abies homolepis and Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis seedlings on Mt. Ohdaigahara, where the population of sika deer (Cervus nippon) is high and an experimental fence has been in place for 13 years. No significant differences were detected in the survival of small seedlings between fenced and unfenced plots. The growth of A. homolepis was significantly higher in the fenced plot, but growth of P. jezoensis var. hondoensis did not show significant differences between fenced and unfenced plots. Seedlings of height ≤5 cm in the forest floor vegetation of the unfenced plot were probably too small for deer to find and browse, so they survived.  相似文献   

In the last 10 years, four species of psyllid were detected in Brazil on eucalypts: Ctenarytaina spatulata in 1994, Blastopsylla occidentalis in 1997, Ctenarytaina eucalypti in 1998 and Glycaspis brimblecombei in 2003. The latter two are serious pests in several countries. In Brazil, G. brimblecombei caused significant damage to the eucalypt plantations in the first years of its introduction. Now this pest is under control due to the programmes of integrated pest management, where the parasitoid is the principal control agent. The four eucalypt psyllid species introduced into Brazil are presented with information on distribution, hosts, biology and control.  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜观察了忍冬(Lonicera jàponica Thunb)和华南忍冬(Lonicera confus)叶表皮形态特征,观察指标包括:气孔器、表皮毛、表皮细胞等.结果表明:气孔仅分布在下表皮,气孔器呈无规则型散生;上表皮细胞的垂周壁呈沟槽状下陷;下表皮密被表皮毛(包括腺状毛和非腺毛),同时还分布有瘤状的草酸钙簇晶.为进一步证明这种瘤状结构是否为草酸钙簇晶,作者发现利用Fluo-3/AM(钙离子荧光指示剂)处理的活体叶片在激光共聚焦显微镜下能够发出强烈的荧光.此外,通过电子探针对瘤状物进行分析,发现其元素组成为C、O、Ca.上述叶表皮构造特征,有利于减少植物体水分散失,还有助于植物适应富钙的石灰土,从而适应我国西南岩溶区特殊的干旱、富钙的环境.电镜观察结果表明,在忍冬叶上表皮中脉处有呈线状分布的腺状表皮毛,而华南忍冬叶上表皮则无表皮毛分布,这一微形态特征可以作为二者种间特异性差别,从而为二者的合理区分提供一定的依据.  相似文献   

The cotton whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) (Hom., Aleyrodidae) is increasingly a very important pest on many vegetables, field crops and ornamental plants. Therefore, controlling of this pest is still needed especially under glasshouse conditions. The specialist whiteflies’ predator, Serangium parcesetosum Sicard (Col., Coccinellidae) appears to have a great potential for the cotton whitefly control. In this study, the dynamic changes in B. tabaci populations in glasshouse cabins in response to S. parcesetosum were monitored. B. tabaci were introduced to cotton plants in three cabins in average of 50 adults per plant. One and two weeks later, adult females and males of S. parcesetosum were introduced at a rate of one female and one male per plant in the first and second cabins, respectively. The third cabin was considered as a control. The results showed that the mean number of whiteflies in the control cabin was found significantly higher than that of either when S. parcesetosum was introduced 1 or 2 weeks after the infestation with the whitefly. Also, the mean number of B. tabaci was significantly higher when the predator was introduced 2 weeks rather than 1 week after B. tabaci infestation. The maximum mean weekly number of whiteflies/plant was 192.3 in the second week, whereas it was 294.6 in the third week and 1136.4 in the fifth week, in first, second and control cabins, respectively. In the last experimental week, the mean weekly numbers were 74.7, 122.9 and 684.7 whiteflies/plant in the three cabins, respectively. S. parcesetosum has been successfully fed, reproduced and established its population on B. tabaci on cotton plants. The mean weekly number of the predatory individuals increased gradually with the progress of the experimental time. The results demonstrated that the maximum reduction percentage in B. tabaci population was 90.7 and 86.5% in the fifth week after B. tabaci infestation, when the predator was introduced 1 and 2 weeks after the infestation with the whiteflies, respectively. Nevertheless, it is speculated that an earlier release of S. parcesetosum would be more effective in the biological control of B. tabaci.  相似文献   

The development of Diglyphus isaea (Walker), a parasitoid of leafminers, was studied under laboratory conditions at seven constant temperatures (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40°C) on Liriomyza sativae Blanchard reared on cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). The total development period (oviposition to adult emergence) decreased with increasing temperature between 15 and 35°C. In 10 and 40°C no development rate was found in D. isaea, so that it may be claimed that these temperatures fall outside the temperature range for development. Linear regression was used to describe the relationship between development rate and temperature. For egg to adult development, males of D. isaea required 153.8 degree-days (DD) above the theoretical threshold of 9.2°C and females required 161.3 DD above 9.4°C. Data were fitted to four nonlinear temperature-dependent models. Evaluation of the models took place based on the following criteria: fit to data, number and biological value of the fitted coefficient, and accuracy on the estimation of the thresholds. It could be concluded that the Briere-1 and Briere-2 models are suitable for estimating the minimum, maximum and optimal temperature thresholds of D. isaea. Thermal requirements and temperature thresholds can be used to predict the occurrence, number of generations and population dynamics of D. isaea.  相似文献   

Interspecific protoplast fusion between two monokaryotic strains (a methionine auxotrophic and chloramphenicol-resistant Pleurotus ostreatus strain and a wild-type strain of Pleurotus pulmonarius) was carried out to introduce mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from P. ostreatus into P. pulmonarius. Because mycelial colonies regenerated on minimum medium containing chloramphenicol only after the treatment of protoplast electrofusion, the regenerants were regarded as protoplast fusants. The fusants isolated from regenerated colonies were uninucleate, and their resistance of chloramphenicol seemed to be a stable trait. The fusants mated with P. pulmonarius but not with P. ostreatus, and showed almost identical random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) patterns to that of the parental P. pulmonarius monokaryon. The sizes of mitochondrial genomes were estimated to be 81.5 kb for P. ostreatus monokaryon, 54.9 kb for P. pulmonarius monokaryon, and 84.5 or 86.0 kb for the fusants. BamHI and EcoRI digest patterns of the fusant mtDNAs were almost the same as the parental P. ostreatus monokaryon. From the above results, the fusants seemed to carry nuclei derived from the monokaryon of P. pulmonarius and mtDNA including the chloramphenicol-resistance gene from the P. ostreatus monokaryon, suggesting that the P. ostreatus mtDNA had been introduced into P. pulmonarius cells by interspecific protoplast fusion. Contribution No. 383 of the Tottori Mycological Institute  相似文献   

The development, longevity, fecundity and life-table parameters of the endoparasitoid Anagyrus pseudococci (Girault) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), 15 d.o. (3rd-instar nymphs) and 21 d.o. (young adult females) of the vine mealybug, Planococcus ficus (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) at 28 ± 1°C, 65 ± 10%RH and 16:8h L:D under laboratory conditions. The developmental time of female parasitoids within the host was 17.7 ± 0.39 days in 15 d.o. and 16.65 ± 0.25 days in 21 d.o. hosts; for males, development time was 16.85 ± 0.29 and 15.25 ± 0.09 days, respectively. The average number of offspring per female was 22.35 ± 1.68 in 15 d.o. and 34.8 ± 2.56 in 21 d.o. vine mealybugs. The longevity of female parasitoids was 14.8 ± 0.98 days in 15 d.o. and 15.65 ± 0.92 days in 21 d.o. mealybugs, respectively; for males, longevity was determined as 7.3 ± 0.43 and 6.7 ± 0.54 days, respectively. The mean time of pupation was 7.85 ± 0.003 days in 15 d.o. mealybugs and 8.65 ± 0.003 days in 21 d.o. mealybugs. The aggregate encapsulation rate in the parasitized 15 d.o. mealybugs was 49.73 and 60.36% in 21 d.o. mealybugs. Furthermore, effective encapsulation was 24.82% in 15 d.o. mealybugs and 37.50% in 21 d.o. mealybugs. Population growth rate (r m) for A. pseudococci was 0.0999 female/female/days in 15 d.o. mealybugs and 0.1269 female/female/days in 21 d.o. mealybugs. The mean population generation time was 23.49 days for parasitoids reared in 15-days-old and 22.39 days when reared in 21 d.o. mealybugs.  相似文献   

Efficient use of parasitoids in pest control depend on the knowledge of the biological relationships between host and parasitoid. Eretmocerus mundus Mercet (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) is one the most important natural enemies of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) that is found in fields and greenhouses in Adana, Turkey. Although more studies have been done to determine the relationships between E. mundus and B. tabaci, the differences among strains of E. mundus could have important biological concequences. In this study, biological characteristics of native population of E. mundus parasitization of B. tabaci (Q biotype) were determined using bean plants Phaseolus vulgaris (L.) at a constant temperature of 25 ± 1°C, relative humidity 70 ± 10% and 16:8 (L:D) photoperiod regimen. All B. tabaci nymphal instars were parasitized by E. mundus, but the mean number of daily-parasitized nymphs was highest in the second instars (15.3). In addition, second instar females had the shortest mean development time (15.2 days). Mean development times of parasitoids obtained from first, second, third and fourth B. tabaci instars varied from 15.2 to 16.2 days and 15.2 to 15.9 days for female and male, respectively. Proportion of female (♀/♂+♀) varied from first (0.53) to second (0.34) host instars. Impact of results on potential biological control of B. tabaci was discussed through conservation native natural enemies.  相似文献   

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