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A Rottweiler dog was presented with an 8 week history of hindlimb ataxia. Neurological examination localised the lesion to the cervical spinal cord. Myelography demonstrated dynamic compressive lesions at C5-6 and C6-7 consistent with a diagnosis of caudal cervical spondylomyelopathy. Distraction/stabilisation of both discs was performed using interbody polymethyl methacrylate. Both implants subsequently failed leading to extrusion of the remaining dorsal annulus fibrosus of the C5-6 intervertebral disc and nonambulatory tetraparesis. A ventral slot combined with distraction/stabilisation using screws and polymethyl methacrylate was performed and resulted in nearly full neurological recovery.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Arthropathy of the caudal cervical articular process joints (APJs) in the horse is documented as a cause of ataxia and paresis secondary to spinal cord compression. Enlargement of the caudal APJs is reported to increase with age, but there are no known associations of any other factors. No association of the degree of APJ enlargement with neurological signs seen has been documented. This study investigated the associations of cervical APJ enlargement at the C5‐C6 and C6‐C7 articulations with case subject details (breed, age, sex, usage) and clinical signs. Objectives: To ascertain if there are of any associations between: the subject details and enlargement of the caudal cervical APJs; and the degree of APJ enlargement and the presence and type of clinical signs. Hypotheses: There would be an effect of age, breed and usage on APJ grade, with no effect of sex. Association between grade and clinical signs seen was also investigated. Materials and methods: The radiographs of 122 horses qualified for inclusion. Horses were excluded if they were known to have a neck lesion cranial to C5‐C6, or if the radiographs were rotated or of poor quality. In order to standardise the interpretation of APJ enlargement, a novel grading system was developed and used. Results: An association was found between age and APJ grade at C5‐C6 but not C6‐C7. There was no association between grade, breed, sex and usage, or clinical signs seen. Data also showed a trend for increasing enlargement the more caudal the APJ. Conclusion and potential relevance: The data in this study support that the size of the caudal cervical APJ at the level of C5‐C6, appear to increase with age, but this enlargement may not be significant. Enlargement cannot be associated with breed, sex or discipline of the horse at present, and specific grades and therefore degree of enlargement, cannot necessarily be assumed to be the cause of neurological deficits.  相似文献   

Tracheas from 15 toy breed dogs with normal tracheas and 6 dogs with collapsed tracheas were examined histologically and histochemically. Tracheal cartilage was analyzed for chondroitin sulfate by means of alcian blue (CEC method) and for calcium with alizarin red S. Cartilage arcs from dogs with collapsed tracheas had areas that were apparently hypocellular, and some had other areas that appeared like fibrocartilage or fibrous tissue. Histochemically, collapsed tracheal cartilage had less chondroitin sulfate and calcium than did normal tracheal cartilage. Cartilage arcs from the collapsed tracheas were not uniformly affected to the same degree, and parts of a given tracheal arc appeared normal, whereas other parts had an abnormal histologic appearance.  相似文献   

The vertebral columns of 327 clinically normal, 12 to 18 months old dachshunds, were x-rayed. This sample represented 16.1% of all dachshunds registered with the Norwegian Kennel Club in the period 1986-1988. Calcified intervertebral discs were identified in 79 (24.2%) of the dogs and the number of calcified discs in each individual varied from 1 to 11 with a mean of 2.3. Calcified discs were estimated to occur in 23.5% of Norwegian dachshunds. The occurrence of calcified discs in standard-sized dachshunds was higher in the wirehaired variety (27.1%) than in the smoothcoated (16.4%) or longhaired (9.1%) varieties. However, within the longhaired variety the occurrence was higher in dwarfs and kaninchens (36.0%) than in standard-sized dachshunds (9.1%). Calcification was identified in all cervical, thoracic and lumbar intervertebral discs other than T1-2, and was found to be most frequent in the caudal thoracic vertebral column.  相似文献   

40多年前,与犬椎间盘相关的疾病仅占临床病例的0%~1%.到1970年之后,该比例有了明显升高,达到2.3%,并且在以后的10年间每年都在攀升.文献[1]报道,国外以腊肠犬的发病率最高,而我国临床上则以北京犬的发病率最高.从犬椎间盘疾病的研究历史可以看到,兽医也是很早就对犬椎间盘的相关内容进行了研究.但是与人类医学相比,兽医方面还是相差甚远.针对于我国目前以北京犬椎间盘疾病的发病率较高,并且发病部位主要集中在胸腰接合区的特点,本研究采用组织学方法对不同年龄北京犬椎间盘髓核的变化进行了系统的观察.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo develop an ultrasound-guided cervical perineural injection technique for horses and to evaluate and compare the distribution of contrast agent among perineural, intra-articular and periarticular injections.Study designProspective, experimental cadaveric study.AnimalsA total of 14 equine cadaveric necks.MethodsBilateral ultrasound-guided perineural injection technique for the caudal cervical spinal nerve roots (CSNRs 5–7) was developed. Paramagnetic or iodinated contrast was injected and the distribution of contrast was evaluated using magnetic resonance (MR) or computed tomography (CT) imaging, respectively. The presence of contrast in the CSNR region was determined by an observer unaware of the technique used for each injection performed. The ability of the perineural injection technique to distribute contrast agent to the CSNR region was compared with intra-articular and periarticular injection techniques.ResultsPerineural injection delivered contrast agent to the CSNR region 100% of the time and was significantly different when compared with intra-articular injection (p = 0.008). There was no difference in ability to deliver contrast agent to the CSNR region between the perineural and periarticular injection techniques or between the intra-articular and periarticular injection techniques.Conclusion and clinical relevanceThe ultrasound-guided perineural injection technique developed in this study accurately delivered contrast agent to the CSNR region in equine cadavers. This technique could potentially be used for the diagnosis and treatment of cervical pain in horses, particularly in cases where intra-articular cervical articular process joint injections have not been beneficial. Further studies are necessary to assess the effectiveness of the ultrasound-guided perineural injection technique in live horses.  相似文献   

The composition and structure of the intervertebral discs have been studied in a group of six four-month-old beagles which were full or half-siblings. The animals were raised in identical environment and were comparable weight and size at sacrifice. Collagen, hexosamine, uronic acid, sialic acid and non-collagenous protein analysis (via indirect method) were performed on the nucleus pulposus (NP), transitional zone (TZ) and a annulus fibrosus (AF) of the discs for the lumbo-sacral, lumbar and thoracic spinal levels. Parallel histochemical and morphological examinations of the discs were also performed. The knee joint meniscus, and articular cartilage was also examined for the components described. The results of the analysis for the discs revealed that within this single age group there co-exist two statistically different compositional states. These differences reside largely in the NP and TZ regions and from the analytical values are interpreted as indicating the chondroid and non-chondroid conditions. No such compositional variation was observed for articular cartilage and fibrocartilage (knee joint menisci).  相似文献   

Three different histochemical methods for copper detection were compared. Atomic absorption analysis was used to substantiate the tissue stains. There was good correlation between rhodanine staining and rubeanic acid-stained tissue sections. The orcein reaction for copper-associated protein did not consistently correlate with the methods demonstrating copper. Prolonged staining (72 hours) with rubeanic acid more consistently and clearly detected increased copper in canine livers than did staining with rhodanine. Seventy-two hour staining with rubeanic acid is the method of choice for histochemical detection of copper in canine liver.  相似文献   

Client-owned, clinically normal Doberman Pinschers (n=20), English Foxhounds (n=17), and Doberman Pinschers with clinical signs of disk-associated cervical spondylomyelopathy (DA-CSM) (n=17) were prospectively studied. All dogs underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the cervical vertebral column. To evaluate vertebral canal stenosis, the canal occupying ratios of the spinal cord and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-column were calculated from C5 to C7. To evaluate the degree of spinal cord compression and the amount of canal compromise, the compression ratio, remaining spinal cord and CSF-column area, and vertebral canal and dorsoventral vertebral canal compromise ratios were calculated at the site of most severe compression. For each canal occupying ratio, there was a significant higher value (implicating less space available for the spinal cord in the vertebral canal) at the level of C7 for clinically affected Doberman Pinschers compared with clinically normal English Foxhounds. The remaining spinal cord area was significantly smaller in dogs with clinically relevant spinal cord compression compared to dogs with clinically irrelevant spinal cord compression. Relative stenosis of the caudal cervical vertebral canal occurred more often in Doberman Pinschers with DA-CSM compared to English Foxhounds and a critical degree of spinal cord compression should be reached to result in clinical signs.  相似文献   

Using an autogenous bone graft (obtained from the iliac crest), 4-mm cancellous bone screws, and polymethylmethacrylate, a distracted cervical spinal fusion technique was performed on 10 dogs with myelographic evidence of caudal cervical spondylomyelopathy. All dogs had evidence of dynamic soft tissue spinal cord compression, as indicated by flexion, extension, and traction myelographic views. Of the 10 dogs, 4 previously had undergone surgery by use of ventral slot or cervical disk fenestration techniques, and their neurologic status had deteriorated after the original surgery. Preoperative neurologic status of the 10 dogs included nonambulatory tetraparesis (n = 5), severe ataxia with conscious proprioceptive deficits (n = 2), and mild ambulatory ataxia with conscious proprioceptive deficits (n = 3). Five dogs had signs of various degrees of cervical pain. Clinical improvement was observed in 8 of 10 dogs--either improved neurologic status or elimination of cervical pain. Implant loosening developed in 3 dogs; 2 of them were euthanatized because of lack of neurologic improvement. Radiographic evidence of bony cervical fusion was observed during a 9- to 24-week period in 6 of the 8 surviving dogs. The distracted cervical fusion technique appears to be a valid surgical procedure to manage cervical spondylomyelopathy in those dogs in which the lesions are limited to one cervical intervertebral disk space.  相似文献   

Differentiation of fiber types in developing canine skeletal muscle was studied, using morphologic, morphometric, and histochemical techniques. Sample collections were made from 6 muscles from the pectoral and pelvic limbs of 16 healthy pups between 1 day and 12 weeks of age. In newborn pups, 90% to 95% of the fibers in the 6 muscles were classified as undifferentiated or type IIC; the remaining fibers were classified either normal or large-size type I. Large-size type I fibers usually accounted for 2% to 4% of the total population and were considered analogous with the B fiber of Wohlfart. These fibers were larger than all other fiber types and disappeared after pups reached 4 to 5 weeks of age. After 2 to 4 weeks, the number of undifferentiated fibers decreased with the appearance of, and the concomitant numerical increases of, normal size type I and type IIA fibers. The percentages of type I and IIA fibers approached proportions of the adult dog by 12 weeks, at which time a type IIA fiber predominance was present in biceps femoris, lateral head of the gastrocnemius, cranial tibial, and long head of the triceps. Type I fibers predominated in medial head of the triceps and superficial digital flexor after 4 to 5 weeks. The mean fiber diameters of type I and IIA fibers were similar to any given muscle throughout the postnatal development. All fiber types stained uniformly with the oxidative stain nicotinamide adeninedinucleotide-tetrazolium reductase during the first 12 weeks of life, whereas a distinction between type I and II fibers was evident after 3 to 4 weeks with the periodic acid-Schiff stain reaction.  相似文献   

Proximal and distal skeletal muscles from pectoral and pelvic limbs were histochemically examined in 18 neuromuscular disease-free dogs. On the basis of the human system of classification and nomenclature and results of standard adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) and glycine-formaldehyde preincubation procedures, the fiber types identified in immature and mature canine skeletal muscles were I, IIA, and IIC.  相似文献   

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