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Studies were undertaken to determine the effect of repeated pure infestations with Boophilus microplus on susceptibility to subsequent pure infestations with Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum, and the effects of pure infestations with both species of tick on susceptibility to a series of mixed infestations. Crossbred (Bos indicus X Bos taurus) calves were infested with Boophilus microplus (17 times), H. a. anatolicum (four times), followed by five mixed infestations of B. microplus and H. a. anatolicum. The decline in B. microplus engorgement from a mean yield of 274.4 +/- 60.3 ticks per host after the first exposure, to a mean yield of 9 +/- 4.6 per animal after the seventeenth exposure, was observed in animals exposed to only B. microplus. This might be due to acquired resistance. However, these animals were found to be as susceptible to H. a. anatolicum as animals which had never been exposed to ticks of either species. A decline in the yield of H. a. anatolicum from a mean yield of 92.1 +/- 10.7 after the first exposure to 54.7 +/- 11.3 after the fourth exposure, indicated that the cattle could also acquire resistance to repeated pure infestations with this species. After repeated pure infestations with both tick species, cattle reacted to five mixed infestations showing a high degree of resistance to B. microplus and low resistance to H. a. anatolicum (mean yield for B. microplus was only 10 +/- 8.1 ticks per host after the first mixed exposure and declined to 1.3 +/- 1.7 after the fifth, whereas the mean yield for H. a. anatolicum was 71.4 +/- 11.3 ticks per host following the first exposure and declined to 37.3 +/- 7.8 after the fifth). Host responses elicited to one species do not provide cross-resistance to the second species used in this study.  相似文献   

Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum engorged nymphs and flat adults were collected from two areas in northern Sudan. Various developing stages of Trypanosoma theileri-like flagellates were observed in the engorged nymphs, freshly moulted adults and mature adults partially engorged on rabbits. When these ticks were applied to two calves, one calf became infected with the trypanosome. The parasites were observed for one day in the enlarged lymph node nearest to the tick-feeding site 5 days after the tick application. Subsequently the trypanosomes were re-isolated in vitro from the infected calf. Inoculation of a ground-up tick supernatant suspension from the infected batch of ticks containing 10(4) trypanosomes into a calf did not produce a patent infection.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the biology of the tick Hyalomma anatolicum fed on rabbits, sheep and goats were studied. The non-feeding stages were maintained under laboratory conditions at 20-36°C and 75% relative humidity. The longest feeding periods of larvae and nymphs of H. anatolicum were observed when fed on rabbits (mean 4.58 ± 0.51 and 7 ± 1.15 days, respectively) while the longest feeding periods of females were observed on goats (9.61 ± 1.21). The pre-oviposition period (4.8 ± 0.42 days) and pre-eclosion periods (mean 21.3 ± 1.16 days) were shortest for females fed on rabbits. Engorged females reached heavier engorgement weights (482.92 ± 88.08 mg), and produced more eggs (4881.8 ± 842.71) when fed on rabbits. However, no significant differences were observed between the percentages hatchability of eggs laid by ticks fed on the three hosts studied. Most (94.31%) of the larvae fed on rabbits underwent a 2-host life cycle, while few (5.69%) of them behaved as a 3-host ticks. Few larvae were able to complete feeding as 3-host pattern on both sheep and goats, while the majority of the larvae failed to complete feeding or died on their way to molt on both sheep and goats.  相似文献   

An unidentified Babesia sp. which causes a mild disease in cattle was isolated in a splenectomized ox that received pooled blood from field cattle. That this organism is pleomorphic and resembles Babesia occultans makes it difficult to differentiate between these organisms microscopically. Initially, it was suspected that this Babesia could be B. occultans. Several attempts to transmit this parasite transovarially with Hyalomma marginatum rufipes, the vector of B. occultans, failed. Continued efforts to identify possible vectors, using Boophilus microplus, Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi and Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, all failed. The only tick thus far identified that could have transmitted the infection transovarially in the adult stage was the two-host tick Hyalomma truncatum.  相似文献   

Summary Crossbred calves (Bos taurus × Bos indicus) were repeatedly infested with the ixodid tick,Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum. The parameters of engorgement, pre-oviposition period, oviposition period, engorged weight, egg batch weight, and per cent hatch of eggs all showed statistically significant differences between first to tenth infestation. Only the time to engorgement did not change. It is concluded that repeated infestations of this tick stimulate acquired resistance.
Resumen Terrneros cruzadosBos taurus × Bos indicus se infestaron de manera natural. Con la grrapata ixodes,Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum. Los parámetros medidos de ingurgitación, período de pre-oviposición, período de oviposición, peso de ingurgitación, peso del bache de huevos puestos y el porcentaje de eclosión de los mismos, presentaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la primera y décima infestación. Lo único que no cambió fue el tiempo de ingurgitación. Se sugiere que la infestación repetida de esta garrapata, estimula la resistencia adquirida.

Résumé Des veaux issue de croisementsBos taurus × Bos indicus ont été soumis à une infestation répétée parHyalomma anatolicum anatolicum. Les paramètres suivants: gorgement, périodes de préet d'oviposition, poids en fin de gorgement, poids du lot de ponte et pourcentage d'oeufs éclos, ont tous montré des différences significatives entre la première et la dixième infestation; seule la durée de gorgement n'a pas varié. Les auteurs concluement que les infestations répétées par cette tique stimulent la résistance acquise des veaux.

The incidence of infection in adult dairy cattle in New York State with Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) theileri (Laveran 1902) was determined by culturing buffy coats of peripheral blood samples in tissue culture growth media. Three sample groups of cattle were studied and revealed an overall rate of trypanosome infection of 44.4% (67 of 151) as determined by a single culture. Fifty-seven cows, representing four herds from three different geographic locations in the Southern-tier region of the state, comprised the first group. The infection rates of these herds ranged from 56.5 to 100%. The second group consisted of 81 cows randomly selected from animals admitted to the Large Animal Clinic of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine. Trypanosoma theileri was cultured from 25.9% (21 of 81) of these animals. Repeated blood cultures from a third group of thirteen yearling heifers during the spring and summer revealed an increase in the infection rate from 0% in May, to 66.7% (8 of 12) in September, with 76.9% (10 of 13) positive at least once during this period. These findings are compared with the reported incidence of bovine T. theileri infections in other areas of the United States and in other countries.  相似文献   

For nearly 50 years the ixodid tick Hyalomma marginatum turanicum, reputedly introduced into South Africa on imported Persian sheep, has been considered identical to the Asian Hyalomma (Euhyalomma) marginatum turanicum Pomerantzev, 1946. Comparisons of this tick with the Asian H. (E.) m. turanicum and other subspecies of Hyalomma (Euhyalomma) marginatum, however, reveal that it is an old taxon, namely Hyalomma rufipes glabrum Delpy, 1949. It is hereby reinstated as Hyalomma (Euhyalomma) glabrum, and its adults are redescribed and its immature stages described for the first time. The preferred hosts of its adults are large herbivores such as zebras, gemsbok and eland, on which it occurs during summer. The preferred hosts of its immature stages are scrub hares and ground-frequenting birds, on which it is present during autumn and winter. Data on its distribution and possible disease relationships are also provided.  相似文献   

Studies on the duration of the oviposition and incubation periods of Boophilus decoloratus (Koch, 1844) revealed that these non-parasitic periods are temperature dependent, increase in temperature causing shortening of the periods. Humidity had no effect on duration of either the oviposition or the incubation periods. The relation between the mass of engorged female ticks and that of the eggs they produced was found to be linear. The viability of eggs produced during the first 13 days of oviposition (at 26 degrees C) was greater than that of eggs laid subsequently. The critical temperature for B. decoloratus eggs was found to be 42 degrees C and they were shown to be unable to take up water vapour from damp atmospheres. Both temperature and humidity affected the hatch of eggs. A simple model of the relations between the physical factors of the environment and the various biological phenomena studied has been given.  相似文献   

Sun M  Ren Q  Guan G  Liu Z  Ma M  Gou H  Chen Z  Li Y  Liu A  Niu Q  Yang J  Yin H  Luo J 《Veterinary parasitology》2011,180(3-4):389-393
The tick is a common ectoparasite of livestock and humans, and is responsible for the transmission of pathogens among hosts. Direct and indirect impacts of ticks include limiting the sustainable development of the animal husbandry industry and detrimental effects on human health. Despite these negative effects, the main method of controlling ticks remains the application of chemical acaricides, which can lead to ambient pollution and the development of tick resistance to them. The biocontrol of ticks is one of the alternative control methods that has received recent research attention. The present study used Tenebrio moliter bait methods to collect 13 species of entomopathogenic fungi from different areas in China that were then tested to observe their effects on engorged female Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum ticks. The results showed that more than half of the isolates had some pathogenic effects on the ticks; in particular, two Beauveria bassiana strains (B.bAT01, B.bAT17) and one Metarhizium anisopliae strain (M.aAT26) were highly virulent, causing up to 90% mortality. In addition, H. anatolicum anatolicum females were treated with B. bassiana B.bAT17 using different concentrations of the fungus. Results revealed that B. bassiana B.bAT17 is highly pathogenic against engorged H. anatolicum anatolicum females. This is the first report of the pathogenic effect of entomopathogenic fungi on engorged H. anatolicum anatolicum females. However, studies of the efficiency of this fungus against ticks in the field are required before it can be used for tick management in practice.  相似文献   

Amblyomma triste Koch, 1844, the tick species most frequently involved in human bites in Uruguay, has been implicated as a vector of human rickettsiosis. Seasonal abundance of adult A. triste was examined by standard flagging at three sites where human tick bites and cases of the disease have been reported. Adult tick activity occurred from August to February (end of winter to mid summer in the southern hemisphere) with a peak in spring. Activity declined in step with decreasing temperatures and photoperiod during winter. This period of activity coincides with seasonal outbreaks of human rickettsiosis in the region. In a small mammal survey, the Sigmodontinae rodents Scapteromys tumidus (Waterhouse, 1837) and Oxymycterus nasutus (Waterhouse, 1837) and the small marsupial Monodelphis dimidiata (Wagner, 1847) were the main hosts for immature A. triste. Immature ticks were observed on hosts in November, well within the period of peak adult abundance. In stored collections, immature ticks were most often collected from January to March. These data suggest that one generation might be completed in 1 year. The main animal host for adult A. triste at our study sites was the domestic dog. Humans were afflicted by the tick in rural and suburban settlements where other host animals are scarce or extinct and where dogs are common.  相似文献   

Goat fleas of the order Siphonaptera were collected from the body surfaces of naturally infected polyarthritic goat kids with septicaemia. These fleas and the infected kids were positive for Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides (large colony type) identified by cultural, morphological, biochemical and growth inhibition tests. Blood from the infected fleas contained 1 × 102−1 × 105 viable subsp. mycoides ml−1. Experimental transmission of the disease to other kids was established by placing 120 infected fleas on each kid's body surfaces. All experimentally infected kids developed characteristic clinical signs and showed leucopenia with neutropenia, an increased amount of fibrinogen and mortality with lesions of suppurative polyarthritis associated with septicaemia. The organisms were also recovered in high numbers from heart blood, body fluids, and infected organs and joints. The results suggested that fleas of the order Siphonaptera acted as vectors for the transmission of the spontaneous disease in kids.  相似文献   

This study presents new information on the vitellogenesis of the tick Amblyomma triste. In this species, the ovary consists of a layer of epithelial cells, which form the ovarian wall, oogonia and developing oocytes; and the pedicel, a cellular structure that synthesizes and provides yolk precursors for developing oocytes. The pedicel also attaches oocytes to the external surface of the epithelial wall. In this study, evidence is provided in support of pedicel cells in providing compounds for oocytes during vitellogenesis.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma (subgenus Megatrypanum) theileri was first identified over one hundred years ago, and is a widespread parasite in cattle. Its life cycle within the mammalian host has rarely been reported. Whether there is an intracellular stage in tissues is unknown and such a stage has not been demonstrated experimentally. Intriguingly, using Giemsa staining with light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy examination, we found that the parasite was able not only to attach to cells but also to invade several phagocytic and non-phagocytic mammalian cells. Based on these findings, we conducted further investigations using a special antibody in immunofluorescence confocal images. Moreover, we examined a series of possible events of cell invasion in T. theileri. The results revealed that GM1, a marker of membrane rafts, was implicated in the mechanism of entry by this parasite. After incubation with tissue culture trypomastigotes, the gelatinolytic activity was significantly increased and accumulated at the attachment sites. Using ultrastructural localization detection by CytoTracker live imaging and confocal immunofluorescence microscopy, we found that lysosome fusion and the autophagy pathway were engaged in invaginating processes. T. theileri amastigotes also invaded cells and were enclosed by the lysosomes. Furthermore, tissue-cultured trypomastigotes were found to be capable of triggering intracellular free Ca2+ transients and TGF-β-signaling. Our findings that intracellular amastigote stages exist in mammalian cells infected with T. theileri and that the invasion processes involved various host cell components and cell signalings were extremely surprising and warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

Little is known about tick-borne diseases in Saudi Arabia, particularly regarding the prevalence of theileriosis in small ruminants. This survey studied the potential vectors of malignant theileriosis in Saudi Arabian sheep. Blood, lymph node and tick samples were collected from animals being treated or necropsied at the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory in Jeddah, Makkah (western region), and Bureida, Al-Qasim (central region). Blood and lymph node smears were prepared and examined for Theileria species. Theileria hirci (=T. lestoquardi) was found in lymph node smears of one out of 36 sheep (2.8%) in Jeddah and six of 25 sheep (24%) in Bureida. The erythrocytic forms were detected in 5-8% of RBCs. Ticks were found in relatively less number of sheep in Bureida and Jeddah, 17/180 and 26/125, respectively. All Theileria-infected sheep were infested with Hyalomma impeltatum except the one that carried Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum. This suggests that H. impeltatum is a potential vector of malignant theileriosis in Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

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