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冷冻处理对日本柳杉边材炭化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将冷冻处理前后的日本柳杉边材在 4 0 0℃下进行炭化 ,得到了木醋液、木焦油和木炭。与没有处理相比 ,虽然处理过边材的木焦油的收率几乎不变 ,木醋液的收率显示增加倾向 ,但是木炭的收率有减少迹象。用毛细管气相色谱法对得到的木醋液中的 11种成分进行了定量分析。与无处理相比较后 ,发现处理过边材木醋液中的甲醇、脂肪酸及糠醛 (呋喃甲醛 )的收量有了变化 ,但是 5 -羟甲基糠醛、麦芽酚、苯酚、邻苯二酚及愈创苯酚的收量几乎没有变化。  相似文献   

Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) lumber is known to have a large variability in final moisture content (MCf) and is difficult to dry. This study investigated the variability in MCf of sugi in relation to wood properties. The wood property variables included initial moisture content (MCi), basic density (BD), annual ring orientation (ARO), annual ring width (ARW), heartwood ratio (HR) and CIE L * color (L *). Sugi samples were cut from flat-sawn lumbers and air-dried; a principal component regression (PCR) model for predicting MCf was developed with the wood property variables. The wood properties that contributed to the prediction of MCf were evaluated by PCR analysis. Significant positive regression coefficients of the PCR model were observed in the MCi, BD, ARO and HR, whereas negative ones in the L *. There were no significant regression coefficients in the ARW. These results suggest that the MCi, BD, ARO and HR had a positive influence, the L * had a negative influence, and the ARW had little influence on the MCf of air-dried sugi wood. This finding is in line with the general view on the drying characteristics in relation to these wood properties.  相似文献   

We propose a non-destructive method to predict the oven-dry density of Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) using near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy so as to calibrate a commercial moisture meter. A prediction model for oven-dry density was developed using NIR spectra obtained from Sugi samples with a known density. The density of air-dried Sugi boards was predicted with the developed model. Then, the moisture content (MC) of the boards was measured by a hand-held capacitance-type and an in-line microwave moisture meters. For each board, the moisture meters were calibrated by the predicted density. The predicted density was correlated with the measured one with an R 2 of 0.81 and a standard error of prediction (SEP) of 15.3 kg/m3 within the measured density of 279.2–436.4 kg/m3, indicating that the developed model was applicable for predicting oven-dry density of Sugi. The MC readings of both moisture meters showed a good correlation with the oven-dry MC that ranged from 12.1 to 28.9 %. For both moisture meters, the density calibration with the NIR-predicted density gave a higher R 2 and a lower SEP than with the conventional calibration with the mean density. These results demonstrate that the present density calibration using NIR spectroscopy could improve the performance of the moisture meters for the air-dried Sugi boards with varying densities.  相似文献   

Blackening in heartwood was investigated in relation to the metal contents and the moisture content in xylem of about 50-year-old seedling sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) planted in a steeply sloped stand in Okutama district (Itsukaichi Tokyo), where blackened heartwood is frequently found. The potassium, calcium, iron, and manganese contents were examined in the variously blackened heartwood and normal heartwood by an atomic absorption method. It was recognized that potassium increased relative to the degree of the blackening of heartwood, resulting in a significant correlation between them. This finding implies that an increase in potassium has an important role in the blackening of heartwood. Moisture content has a tendency to increase in the blackened heartwood, so it seems that the large accumulation of potassium is associated with the high moisture content in heartwood.This work was presented at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society at Morioka, August 1993  相似文献   

A use of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy for rapidly predicting the longitudinal growth strain (LGS), as a detector of growth stress, was described. NIR spectra and LGS were measured from peripheral locations of three Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) green logs. Partial least squares regression model for predicting LGS was developed using the spectral range spanning 770–1200?nm. The predicted LGS was correlated with that measured by the strain gauge method. The coefficient of determination and the root mean square error of prediction were 0.61 and 0.013%, respectively. The predicted peripheral LGS distribution moderately fitted with the measured one. Our results indicate that NIR spectroscopy has a potential to evaluate the magnitude of longitudinal growth stresses on green logs.  相似文献   

柳杉木材边材木醋液中的成分研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用毛细管气相色谱法对日本柳杉木材边材炭化得到的木醋液中的37种成分进行定性和定量分析.结果表明,醇类、酮类、羧酸类、呋喃类、苯酚类及愈创苯酚类是其主要成分.用溶剂萃取-硅胶柱层析法进一步分离处理木醋液,纯化出炭化过程中产生的手性脱水内醚糖-左旋葡聚糖(LGA,1,6-脱水-β-D-葡萄糖),但其不能被毛细管气相色谱法检...  相似文献   

Static bending tests and compressive test parallel to the grain of sugi (Japanese cedar, Cryptomeria japonica) green round timber were conducted to confirm whether its strength would satisfy the referenced strength determined by the Construction Ministry. The strength of green round timber and air-dried round timber were compared for bending and compression parallel to the grain. The strength change ratio in response to a 1 % change in the moisture content of round timber was compared with that of small clear specimens and timber. The results revealed that a 5 % parametric tolerance limit of bending and compressive strength parallel to the grain satisfied the referenced strength, even when using green round timber. The average strength of air-dried round timber was higher than that of green round timber, in both bending and compression parallel to the grain, with significant differences indicated at a 5 % significance level. The relation between the cross-section area that includes round timber, timber and the small clear specimens, and the strength change ratio in response to a 1 % change in moisture content change was fitted to a logarithm curve. Thus, the size of the specimen was considered to affect the strength change ratio.  相似文献   

Recently, it was shown that individual tree heights could be accurately estimated using small-footprint airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) remote sensing. Because most of the areas studied previously were limited to flat terrain, we investigated the accuracy of LiDAR-derived individual tree height estimates for different types of topographical features in mountainous forests with a steeper and more complex topography. Several middle-aged (40–50 years old) sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantations are found in the mountainous regions in Japan; hence, we chose 48-year-old sugi plantations to investigate the accuracy of these estimates. The surveyed area was divided into three types of topographical features; steep slope (mean slope ± SD; 37.6° ± 5.8°), gentle slope (15.6° ± 3.7°), and gentle yet rough terrain (16.8° ± 7.8°). Before estimating tree heights, the number of detected trees within each topographical feature was researched. In each of these terrains, the percentage of trees detected correctly was 74%, 86%, and 92%; the average error between LiDAR-derived and field-measured tree heights was 0.227m, –0.473m, and –0.183m; and the accuracy of the LiDAR-derived tree height estimates, given as root mean square error (RMSE), was 0.901m, 0.846m, and 0.576m, respectively. Consequently, the procedure presented in this study could detect most canopy trees and estimate individual tree heights with an accuracy better than 1m, even in a forest with a mean slope angle of approximately 38°; thus, indicating that small-footprint airborne LiDAR will be a useful tool for accurately estimating the heights of individual canopy trees in sugi plantations in mountainous areas.  相似文献   

The absolute configuration of bisabolanoids isolated from Yaku-sugi wood were compared with those of dihydrocarvone and dihydrocarveol isomers based on their13C nuclear magnetic resonance data and optical rotations.  相似文献   

This study investigated which predictor variables with respect to crown properties, derived from small-footprint airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data, together with LiDAR-derived tree height, could be useful in regression models to predict individual stem volumes. Comparisons were also made of the sum of predicted stem volumes for LiDAR-detected trees using the best regression model with field-measured total stem volumes for all trees within stands. The study area was a 48-year-old sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantation in mountainous forest. The topographies of the three stands with different stand characteristics analyzed in this study were steep slope (mean slope ± SD; 37.6° ± 5.8°), gentle slope (15.6° ± 3.7°), and gentle yet rough terrain (16.8° ± 7.8°). In the regression analysis, field-measured stem volumes were regressed against each of the six LiDAR-derived predictor variables with respect to crown properties, such as crown area, volume, and form, together with LiDAR-derived tree height. The model with sunny crown mantle volume (SCV) had the smallest standard error of the estimate obtained from the regression model in each stand. The standard errors (m3) were 0.144, 0.171, and 0.181, corresponding to 23.9%, 21.0%, and 20.6% of the average field-measured stem volume for detected trees in each of these stands, respectively. Furthermore, the sum of the individual stem volumes, predicted by regression models with SCV for the detected trees, occupied 83%–91% of field-measured total stem volumes within each stand, although 69%–86% of the total number of trees were correctly detected by a segmentation procedure using LiDAR data.  相似文献   

The kinetics of color changes in keyaki (Zelkova serrata Makino) and sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) wood during heat treatment were examined. The color of wood specimens treated at 90, 120, 150, and 180 °C was measured by an imaging spectrophotometer and expressed using CIELAB color parameters. At any treatment temperature, values for L* and $ \Updelta E_{ab}^{*} $ decreased and increased in both wood species, respectively, with increased treatment time. Changes in a* and b* varied depending on wood species and treatment temperature. The color changes were successfully analyzed using the kinetic approach applying time–temperature superposition method. This approach elucidated and accurately predicted color changes during heat treatment.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of soil water content on growth and transpiration of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) and Hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa (Siebold et Zucc.) Endl.), potted seedlings were grown in well-watered soil (wet treatment) or in drying soil (dry treatment) for 12 weeks. Seedlings in the wet treatment were watered once every 2 or 3 days, whereas seedlings in the dry treatment were watered when soil water content (Theta; m3 m(-3)) reached 0.30, equivalent to a soil matric potential of -0.06 MPa. From Weeks 7 to 12 after the onset of the treatments, seedling transpiration was measured by weighing the potted seedlings. After the last watering, changes in transpiration rate during soil drying were monitored intensely. The dry treatment restricted aboveground growth but increased biomass allocation to the roots in both species, resulting in no significant treatment difference in whole-plant biomass production. The species showed similar responses in relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR) and shoot mass ratio (SMR) to the dry treatment. Although NAR did not change significantly in either C. japonica or C. obtusa as the soil dried, the two species responded differently to the dry treatment in terms of mean transpiration rate (E) and water-use efficiency (WUE), which are parameters that relate to NAR. In the dry treatment, both E and WUE of C. japonica were stable, whereas in C. obtusa, E decreased and WUE increased (E and WUE counterbalanced to maintain a constant NAR). Transpiration rates were lower in C. obtusa seedlings than in C. japonica seedlings, even in well-watered conditions. During soil drying, the transpiration rate decreased after Theta reached about 0.38 (-0.003 MPa) in C. obtusa and 0.32 (-0.028 MPa) in C. japonica. We conclude that C. obtusa has more water-saving characteristics than C. japonica, particularly when water supply is limited.  相似文献   

Screening and isolation of angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors from Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) based on the in vitro ACE inhibitory assay were attempted. The ethanol extract from outer bark showed the highest inhibitory activity (IC50 is 16g/ml) among 24 extracts prepared from roots, leaves, heartwood, sapwood, inner bark, and outer bark by successive extraction with four solvents. The fractionation of the outer bark ethanol extract followed by the bioassay resulted in the isolation of two strong ACE inhibitors, catechin and dimeric procyanidin B3. The bioassay of three flavan-3-ols including (+)-catechin and six flavones revealed that most of these compounds have high ACE inhibitory activity. The results suggest that the phenolic hydroxyl group at the C7 position and heterocyclic oxygen atom of these compounds are important for expressing the inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) is one of the most important planted trees in Taiwan. The normal heartwood of sugi has a red to pinkish rose color. Unfortunately, this pleasant appearance is susceptible to discoloration after environmental exposures. This discoloration is a serious defect that decreases the value of sugi products. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of environmental factors such as moisture, oxygen, and lights of different wavelengths on the discoloration of sugi. The results show that under the combined effects of light and oxygen the color of heartwood changes from red (or rosepink) to bluish green. The color further darkens and eventually turns to black with the presence of moisture. As for the effect of light wavelengths on the discoloration of sugi heartwood, it was found that the red color was enhanced after being irradiated with light of wavelengths above 600 nm. Botha * andb * values increased significantly as a result of such exposure.  相似文献   

We investigated the short-term and long-term mitigation of Al toxicity by Ca and Mg in pot trials of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don). We found that in the initial stages of treatment, Al toxicity at high Al concentration (5mM) was mitigated by Ca and Mg through the stimulation of antioxidant enzyme activities in needles. However, growth reduction occurred after 11 months exposure to Al despite the coexistence of Ca and Mg. Growth reduction was related to Al3+ activity in solution rather than the concentration of Ca and Mg. Therefore, when considering the influence of soil acidification on Al toxicity in forest ecosystems, it is important to consider not only the potential for mitigation of Al toxicity by base cations, but also the potential for factors in the soil solution to change the chemical form of Al.  相似文献   

Methanol extract of sawdust of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) heartwood was fractionated with toluene and n-hexane to give solvent-soluble and solvent-insoluble fractions. The n-hexane-soluble fraction showed the most inhibition activity among the fractions against phytopathogenic microorganisms, namely Fusarium oxysporum, Phytophthora capsici, Pythium splendens, and Ralstonia solanacearum. Sandaracopimarinol and ferruginol, isolated from the n-hexane-soluble fraction, showed moderate antifungal activity against the three fungi and strong antibacterial activity against R. solanacearum. The content of sandaracopimarinol (7.07 g/kg based on the dried sawdust) in the heartwood was about twice that of ferruginol. Sandaracopimarinol and ferruginol strongly inhibited the growth of Gram-positive bacteria but did not show inhibitory action against Gram-negative bacteria except for R. solanacearum. The antibacterial effect of sandaracopimarinol was first found in the present study and was stronger than that of ferruginol.  相似文献   

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