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Scots pine battens were heat-treated at 100–240º C under saturated steam. Cross-sections of heat-treated battens were analysed using ATR and reflection FTIR microscopies. A typical absorption band of fats and waxes at 1740 cm-1 was detected on the sapwood edges in the temperature range of 100–160º C, indicating that fats and waxes moved along the axial parenchyma cells to the surface of the sapwood during the heat treatment. At the elevated temperatures (above 180° C) fats and waxes disappeared from the sapwood surface and were no longer detected with FTIR spectroscopy. Resin acids were detected at temperatures between 100 and 180º C in the middle of the battens. IR spectra of these spots showed a characteristic absorption band of resin acids at 1697 cm-1. At 200º C resin acids were not detected in the middle of the battens; however, resin acids were detected at distances of 500 and 600 mm from the midpoint of the battens and on the edges of battens. At temperatures above 200° C, resin acids had disappeared from the wood.  相似文献   

基于高光谱遥感对板栗品质预测的实际意义及可行性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高光谱遥感技术已经在林业、农业中得到广泛应用,但应用该技术在经济林果品质的监测预测研究在国内外未见报道。该文分析了利用高光谱遥感技术预测板栗品质的必要性和意义,并对其可行性进行了深入探讨,认为其前景十分广阔,为实现“精准农业”提供了现实依据,同时拓宽了遥感应用的思路。  相似文献   

为了正确地核算会计政策、会计估计的变更,最大限度地保证会计信息的可比性,本提出了在变更条件下的会计处理办法,以便使财务报告的使用更好的了解企业的财务状况。  相似文献   

林业苗木质量评定与控制方法探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据国家标准《主要造林树种苗木质量分级》(GB6000-1999)、《育苗技术规程》(GB/T6001-1985)和苗木自身的生物学特性以及外部环境条件对其质量的影响,本文结合林业生产实际,介绍了用苗木在不同时期的主要指标作质量评定,和在生产的各个环节,采取相应措施,进行质量控制的有效方法,以期对林业发展起到积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

Three mechanical tests with different loading modes were conducted to evaluate the effect of element type on the internal bond quality of wood-based panels. In addition to the internal bond test, which is commonly used for mat-formed panels, interlaminar and edgewise shear tests were used to test oriented strandboard (OSB), particleboard, medium-density fiberboard (MDF) of two thicknesses, and plywood. The following results were obtained. Epoxy resin proved to be suitable for determining the interlaminar shear modulus instead of hot-melt glue. There was a linear relation between panel density and interlaminar shear modulus and a linear correlation between the interlaminar shear strength and internal bond (IB) strength for the mat-formed panels tested. OSB had the highest edgewise shear modulus, and MDFs had the highest edgewise shear strength in this study. The modulus/strength ratio also depended on both panel type and loading mode. The relation between the shear moduli determined from the edgewise and interlaminar tests indicated the characteristics of the shear properties of panels made of different elements.Part of this paper was presented at the Fourth International Wood Science Symposium, Serpong, Indonesia, September 2002  相似文献   

lntroductionChinesefir(Cunntwh8mi8IanceoIat8(Lamb.)Hook)isaveryimportantspeciesofwoodresourcesinSouthernChina.TheheredityandameliorationonChinesefirareaIwayspaidgreatattention.However,inthepast,thefocaIpointOftheworkonheredityandamelioF8tionwashowtoCuItivatetheChinesefirwithcharaCtersoff8stgrowth,goodfigure,wideadaPt-abilityandStrongdiseaseresistance.LittleworkwasdoneonameIior8tionofwoodquaIity.AlongwiththecompositionchangeoftheforeStresourcesinChina,Chinesewoodindustryismoredependen…  相似文献   

Nonparametric modelling has been popular in recent forestry applications. However, nonparametric modelling methods usually assume independent observations, that is, do not acknowledge the spatial relationships of most forest data sets. For these situations, mixed model and kriging approaches have been used. The aim of this paper was to compare accuracy of spatial parametric and nonparametric approaches, namely mixed models and a combination of k-nn method and mixed models, in prediction of tree height. The spatial approaches were compared to a nonspatial parametric model and k-nn method. Tree height was first modelled using either mixed model or k-nn. The residual error was divided into plot and tree effects. A nonspatial prediction was obtained using the fixed part of the models. The spatial prediction was obtained when this prediction was further adjusted using the estimates of within-plot correlation of errors and best linear predictor. The influence of the quality of modelling data was also considered. The adjustment of nonspatial estimates of both parametric and nonparametric approaches markedly improved the predictions in all study cases. For many applications, the combination of the nonparametric k-nn method for the fixed component of the model, along with random effects for spatial correlations to create a mixed model, could be used. This would allow for spatial prediction, which would likely provide improved predictions, as shown for predicting height in this paper. Also, there is the added benefit that the nonparametric k-nn does not require a particular model form.  相似文献   

泰山板栗优系产量和品质评价方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用直接排序法、相对值排序法、平均隶属度法3种评价方法,对23个泰山板栗优系的单位树冠投影面积产量、单粒重、单粒重标准差、含糖量4个主要性状进行了综合评价。结果表明,3种方法对泰山板栗优系产量和品质的评价结果有一定差异,认为平均隶属度法是较科学、准确的方法。  相似文献   

伐前调查是森林经营单位一项重要的基础性工作,为寻求一种简便、快速、高精度的伐前蓄积量估测方法,以广西斯道拉恩索林业有限公司(SEGX)的一个作业小班为例,把采伐机自动记录的带皮数据作为真值,采用样带实测法、样圆实测法、角规样地和每木检尺4种方法估测小班蓄积量,对比分析各方法的估测精度.结果表明:样带法、样圆法和每木检尺3种方法的估测精度均在90%以上,满足抽样控制的精度要求.每木检尺虽然精度最高,但工作量也最大,对于公司日常的伐前调查,建议使用样带或样圆实测法.角规样地的精度稍低,为87.2%,原因在于仪器自身缺口误差、样点位移、观测误差以及坡度等因素的影响.对于公司许多面积大、地势复杂的作业单元,样地调查不容易开展,仍建议按技术要求采用角规测量,这样会比样地调查效率更高.最后,利用销售数据算出材种出材量为170.3 m3,出材率高达88.3%,这是由于称质量消除了人为测量误差和木材堆放空隙的影响.  相似文献   

青海云杉(PiceacrassifoliaKom )是我国青藏高原东北边缘特有树种。分布于我国青海、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古等省区。树形高大,干形通直,是祁连山区的主要建群树种和优势树种。1 苗圃地概况试验地湾子苗圃是青海云杉针叶树苗圃,海拔2 4 6 0m ,地形平坦,有灌溉条件,土壤为砂壤土,厚  相似文献   

本文针对GB/T176 5 9 1- 1999标准在执行中存在问题 ,提出了如何准确把握标准和正确操作标准的见解。  相似文献   

 The shape of the flexural vibration wave of wooden beams at the first mode was detected using the transfer function. The dynamic modulus of elasticity (MOE) of beam sections of differing quality was estimated from the ratio of the curvature of the wave shape in this section to that of a clear beam. The results were as follows: (1) If a section with a lower dynamic MOE was introduced into a clear wooden beam, the curvature of the wave shape in that section became higher. (2) The ratio of the MOE and the reciprocal of the curvature ratio were highly correlated. (3) The MOE of a defect could be estimated, and the position of the defect could be determined accurately by examining the curvature of the flexural vibration wave shapes. Received: March 22, 2002 / Accepted: May 15, 2002 Part of this report was presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Kyoto, April 2000. This article is translated from the Japanese version, which was published in Mokuzai Gakkaishi 47(5), 2001 Correspondence to:Y. Ishimaru  相似文献   

木材产品质量是影响林业企业经济效益最关键的因素之一。本论文从树木生长特性、采伐技术、集材、造材等六种因子对木材产品质量影响进行了分析,并采取科学的方法加以控制,以减少木材损伤,提高木材产品质量。  相似文献   

Two sets of aboveground biomass equations were fitted for stem only and stem plus crown predictive variables in Eucalyptus nitens plantations in Northern Spain. A sample of 40 trees was chosen after a complete study of variation in tree height and diameter in the region. The trees were felled and the biomass was divided into the following components: wood, bark, thick branches, thin branches, twigs, leaves and dead branches along the stem. Bole biomass was estimated by systematic subsampling of one 5 cm-thick disk every 0.5 m. Such intensive subsampling enabled determination of the effect of subsampling intensity on accuracy and bias of wood estimation, considering two ratio-type estimators: stem weight to dry matter, determined by the complete weighing (CW) method (i.e. of the fresh weight of the entire stem) and volume to dry matter, determined by the partial weighing (PW) method. The changes in moisture content and basic density along the stem explained the serious risk of dry mass or weight overestimation when a systematic subsample is considered. The average basic density was usually found at a relative height of 30-35% along the stem. The default choice of the bottom disk or log as the first section resulted in overestimations for the CW method and underestimations for the PW one. The biomass equations were fitted by seemingly unrelated regression, with corrections for heteroscedasticity carried out by weighted fitting. Diameter at breast height was the best explanatory variable, and the inclusion of height did not improve the accuracy, except for wood. The inclusion of crown variables improved the predictive ability for crown fractions, increasing the accuracy for estimating thick branches (by 10.8%), twigs (by 19.1%) and leaves (by 17.3%). The biomass of each fraction decreased in the following order: wood > bark > thick branches > dead branches along the stem > leaves > thin branches > twigs. The changes in these percentages with diameter class and the predictive ability of the fitted equations were also studied.  相似文献   

The relationship between the stand parameters (top layer height (H1) and volume/ha (Vha)) and digital number (DN) were evaluated for evergreen conifer stands using three airborne images with 4-m spatial resolution, which were taken in June 1995, September 1993, and October 1994 using the Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI). Estimation accuracy of the stand parameters, their seasonal changes, and suitable wavelength were analyzed using correlation coefficients and a regression analysis. The minimum DN of stands, which showed the darkness of a canopy shadow, had a higher correlation with H1 than the average and maximum DN while the average DN had a higher correlation with Vha. The green channels gave the highest correlation coefficients with H1 and Vha, which exceeded — 0.9 for the September and October images. However, the red channels had a consistently high correlation with the stand parameters for the three images. The near infrared channels gave poor correlations with H1 and Vha for the June image. Spectral variations among trees may affect the relationship between DN and the stand parameters in the leaf maturation period in June. Consequently, the late growing season was better at giving consistent results for the stand parameter studies. There was a linear relationship between the measured and the estimated stand parameters for the validation plots especially for the H1 case of September with sufficient accuracy. Nadir viewing images, which had high spatial resolution and a wide dynamic range such as the CASI images, were necessary to estimate the stand parameters accurately. This study was also partly supported by the research project, ‘A Study of Accurate Biomass Estimation using Airborne Imagery,’ of the Science and Technology Agency of Japan. Comments from the editors helped improve the contents of the paper.  相似文献   



The commercial feasibility of sawmilling depends on the expected volume and value of sawn planks. Models that predict the volume of sawn timber of a particular quality and produced from logs of known characteristics are therefore very useful.


The objectives were to study variation in sawing yield and to obtain models that predict lumber volume and grade recovery on the basis of easy-to-measure predictor variables of saw logs.


Forty-six oak trees growing in Galicia (NW Spain) were felled and cut into logs. The logs were visually graded and sawn mainly into quartersawn planks, which were dried, planed and visually graded for structural purposes.


The total volumetric sawing yield was 47.6 %. The sawing yield for planks of structural dimensions (cross-section, 70?×?120 or 70?×?170 mm) was 43.4 %, but decreased to 8.4 % for structural sized and quality grade beams because of wane and biotic damage in many pieces. Log grade did not significantly affect sawing yield in the sample analysed, despite the wide range of diameter over bark at the smallest end in the sampled logs (22–77 cm). The sawing pattern affected total sawing yield (F?=?4.913; p value?=?0.001) and the sawing yield for structural planks (F?=?6.142; p value?=?0.0002); radial sawing with one cut and live sawing of half logs provided the highest yields. Three models were proposed for estimating sawn volume in timber products, with the small-end log diameter over bark as the predictor variable and R adj 2 between 0.31 and 0.78 (p value?<?0.01).


For the purpose of producing oak timber destined for structural use, the presence of bark and sapwood in planks must be reduced in the sawing process; this would decrease the total lumber recovery but increase the timber value yield. Air drying must be accelerated to reduce biotic damage in sawn planks. Geometric mean diameter over bark at the smallest end (d) outperforms other measures as a predictor variable for total or structural sawn timber volume.  相似文献   

使用GM(1,1)模型与趋势面分析法,利用中心测报点监测点数据,通过计算机技术实现对松毛虫发生情况的中长期预测,收到了很好的效果。  相似文献   

文章就如何加强苗圃地病虫害防治工作,为林业生产培育优质苗木提出建议.  相似文献   

Plantations of tropical species are becoming an increasingly important source of wood.However, it is important that research trials focus not only on tree growth performance, but also on wood quality.The aims of this study were to assess the growth performance of six commercially and ecologically important tree species from separate plantation trials in Indonesia and to determine the relationships between tree growth and wood quality in terms of the dynamic modulus of elasticity(MOE) and wood density.Forty-eight 7-year Maesopsis eminii Engl.and thirty-five 9-year specimens(7 each of 5 Shorea spp.)were selected from two trials.The MOE, based on acoustic velocity, was indirectly measured to evaluate wood stiffness.Tree-growth performance was evaluated, and correlations between growth traits and acoustic velocity as well as density and wood stiffness properties were estimated.The growth performance of M.eminii in terms of tree volume was significantly different in three different categories of growth(i.e.fast, medium, slow).Of the five Shorea spp.studied, Shorea leprosula Miq.had the highest growth rate, as expected since it is known to be a fastgrowing Shorea species.Indirect measurement of wood quality by means of non-destructive ultrasonic methods showed a weak negative correlation between tree volume and acoustic velocity and dynamic MOE.Although each fast-growing tree could reach a merchantable size faster than other varieties or species, wood traits of various species tested were not significantly different based on tree growth rate performance.The findings from this study could be used to improve selection criteria in future breeding trials; indirect measurements of the dynamic modulus of elasticity can be used in mass pre-selection of genetic materials, to choose the most-promising material for in-depth evaluation.  相似文献   

This article compares three methods for forest resource estimation based on remote sensing features extracted from Airborne laser scanning and CIR orthophotos. The estimation was made exemplarily for the total stem volume of trees for a given area, measured in cubic metres per hectare [m3 ha−1] (as one of the most important quantitative parameters to characterise a forest stand). The following methods were compared: Regression Analysis (RA), k-NN (nearest neighbour) method and a method that utilises regional yield tables, referred to as the yield table method (YT-method). The estimation of stem volume was examined in a mixed forest in Southern Germany using 300 circular inventory plots, each with a size of 452 m2. Remote sensing features relating to vegetation height and structures were extracted and used as input variables in the different approaches. The accuracy of the estimation was analysed using scatter plots and quantified using absolute and relative root mean square errors (RMSE). The comparison was made for all plots, as well as for averaged plot values located within forest stands that have the same age class. On “plot level” the RMSE yielded 79.79 m3 ha−1 (RA), 81.93 m3 ha−1 (k-NN) and 81.78 m3 ha−1 (YT-method) and for the averaged values 35.75 m3 ha−1 (RA), 35.06 m3 ha−1 (k-NN) and 42.98 m3 ha−1 (YT-method). Advantages and disadvantages, as well as requirements, of the methods are discussed.  相似文献   

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