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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the gap between consumer perception and scientific evidence related to health benefits and safety risks from fish consumption. DESIGN: Consumer perceptions from a cross-sectional survey in March 2003 in Belgium were compared with scientific evidence based on a literature review. METHOD: A quota sampling procedure was used with age as quota control variable. Subjects completed a self-administered questionnaire including health benefit beliefs from fish, fish content and effect beliefs for nutrients and harmful substances. SUBJECTS: Adults (n=429), who were the main person responsible for food purchasing in the household (284 women; 145 men), aged 18-83 years, from different regional, education, family size and income groups. RESULTS: Fish is predominantly perceived as a healthy food that reduces risk for coronary heart disease, which corroborates scientific evidence. This perception is stronger among women than among men. In contrast with scientific evidence, 46% of the consumers believe that fish contains dietary fibre, whereas less than one-third is aware that fish contains omega-3 fatty acids and that this nutrient has a positive impact on human health. The gap between perception and evidence is larger among consumers with lower education. In general, consumers are better aware of the content and effect of harmful substances than of nutrients in fish. CONCLUSIONS: Despite conclusive evidence about the content and positive effect of omega-3 fatty acids in fish, related consumer awareness and beliefs are poor and often wrong. This study exemplifies the need for nutrition education and more effective communication about the health benefits of fish consumption.  相似文献   

Macroalgae have for centuries been consumed whole among the East Asian populations of China, Korea, and Japan. Due to the environment in which they grow, macroalgae produce unique and interesting biologically active compounds. Protein can account for up to 47% of the dry weight of macroalgae depending on species and time of cultivation and harvest. Peptides derived from marcoalgae are proven to have hypotensive effects in the human circulatory system. Hypertension is one of the major, yet controllable, risk factors in cardiovascular disease (CVD). CVD is the main cause of death in Europe, accounting for over 4.3 million deaths each year. In the United States it affects one in three individuals. Hypotensive peptides derived from marine and other sources have already been incorporated into functional foods such as beverages and soups. The purpose of this review is to highlight the potential of heart health peptides from macroalgae and to discuss the feasibility of expanding the variety of foods these peptides may be used in.  相似文献   

The isoflavone content and profile in processed soy-based products consumed in Brazil were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography and photodiode array detection of the intact isoflavones (naturally occurring aglycons, malonyl, acetyl, and beta-glycosides derivatives). Total isoflavone content varied significantly among products, from 2 to 100 mg/100 g (wet basis, expressed as aglycons), with the lowest content being found for soy-based enteral/oral diets and the highest found for textured soy proteins. For soy beverages isoflavone content varied from 12 to 83 mg/L. Soy sauce, miso, and tofu had isoflavone contents of 5.7 mg/L, 20 mg/100 g, and 7 mg/100 g, respectively. The beta-glycosides were the predominant form of the isoflavones in the products analyzed, except for miso, shoyu, and "Diet Shake" in which the aglycons were present in the highest proportions. On the basis of these data, the daily intake of isoflavone from soy products was estimated: the highest values were found for infants fed soy-based formulas, from 1.6 to 6.6 mg/kg of body weight.  相似文献   

The high level of meat and saturated fat consumption in the USA and other high-income countries exceeds nutritional needs and contributes to high rates of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus and some cancers. Affluent citizens in middle- and low-income countries are adopting similar high-meat diets and experiencing increased rates of these same chronic diseases. The industrial agricultural system, now the predominant form of agriculture in the USA and increasingly world-wide, has consequences for public health owing to its extensive use of fertilisers and pesticides, unsustainable use of resources and environmental pollution. In industrial animal production there are public health concerns surrounding feed formulations that include animal tissues, arsenic and antibiotics as well as occupational health risks and risks for nearby communities. It is of paramount importance for public health professionals to become aware of and involved in how our food is produced.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The introduction of voluntary fortification of some foods with folic acid in Australia has been implemented since evidence of the prevention of neural tube defects with periconceptional folic acid was published. Our objectives were to determine how many women were aware of folate and when they became aware, what was the awareness of labels on foods that mentioned folate, and how much folate-fortified food women ate. METHODS: To address these objectives we collected data by self-administered questionnaire from a random sample of 578 recently pregnant women in Western Australia between September 1997 and March 2000. RESULTS: Overall, 89% of women had heard, seen or read anything about the link between folate and birth defects such as spina bifida, 62% first became aware of the folate message before their recent pregnancy and 42% of women noticed any labels on foods that mention folate before or during their recent pregnancy. Overall, 53% of women were aware of foods that have folate added to them and 33% usually or always read the labels on food packaging. The folate-fortified foods most often consumed by women were cereals (69%), breads (34%) and milk (15%). Of the women who consumed folate-fortified foods (78%), the earlier they became aware of the folate message and noticed labels on food, the more fortified foods they consumed. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that staple foods fortified with folate are consumed by almost 80% of women in the population. Therefore, mandatory fortification of staple foods may reach most women, providing improved opportunity for the prevention of neural tube defects in Australia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The Western Australian Health Department's Go for 2&5 campaign aimed to increase adults' awareness of the need to eat more fruit and vegetables and encourage increased consumption of one serving over five years. DESIGN: The multi-strategy fruit and vegetable social marketing campaign, conducted from 2002 to 2005, included mass media advertising (television, radio, press and point-of-sale), public relations events, publications, a website (www.gofor2and5.com), and school and community activities. Campaign development and the evaluation framework were designed using health promotion theory, and assessed values, beliefs, knowledge and behaviour. Two independent telephone surveys evaluated the campaign: the Campaign Tracking Survey interviewed 5032 adults monitoring fruit and vegetable attitudes, beliefs and consumption prior to, during and 12 months after the campaign; and the Health & Wellbeing Surveillance System surveyed 17,993 adults between 2001 and 2006, continuously monitoring consumption. SETTING: Population public health intervention-social marketing campaign in Western Australia, population of 2,010,113 in 2005. SUBJECTS: Adults in the Perth metropolitan area. RESULTS: The campaign reached the target audience, increasing awareness of the recommended servings of fruit and vegetables. There was a population net increase of 0.8 in the mean number of servings of fruit and vegetables per day over three years (0.2 for fruit (1.6 in 2002 to 1.8 in 2005) and 0.6 for vegetables (2.6 in 2002 to 3.2 in 2005), significant at P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Sustained, well-executed social marketing is effective in improving nutrition knowledge, attitudes and consumption behaviour. The Go for 2&5 campaign provides guidance to future nutrition promotion through social marketing.  相似文献   

An overwhelming body of research has now firmly established that the dietary intake of berry fruits has a positive and profound impact on human health, performance, and disease. Berry fruits, which are commercially cultivated and commonly consumed in fresh and processed forms in North America, include blackberry ( Rubus spp.), black raspberry ( Rubus occidentalis), blueberry ( Vaccinium corymbosum), cranberry (i.e., the American cranberry, Vaccinium macrocarpon, distinct from the European cranberry, V. oxycoccus), red raspberry ( Rubus idaeus) and strawberry ( Fragaria x ananassa). Other berry fruits, which are lesser known but consumed in the traditional diets of North American tribal communities, include chokecherry ( Prunus virginiana), highbush cranberry ( Viburnum trilobum), serviceberry ( Amelanchier alnifolia), and silver buffaloberry ( Shepherdia argentea). In addition, berry fruits such as arctic bramble ( Rubus articus), bilberries ( Vaccinuim myrtillus; also known as bog whortleberries), black currant ( Ribes nigrum), boysenberries ( Rubus spp.), cloudberries ( Rubus chamaemorus), crowberries ( Empetrum nigrum, E. hermaphroditum), elderberries ( Sambucus spp.), gooseberry ( Ribes uva-crispa), lingonberries ( Vaccinium vitis-idaea), loganberry ( Rubus loganobaccus), marionberries ( Rubus spp.), Rowan berries ( Sorbus spp.), and sea buckthorn ( Hippophae rhamnoides), are also popularly consumed in other parts of the world. Recently, there has also been a surge in the consumption of exotic "berry-type" fruits such as the pomegranate ( Punica granatum), goji berries ( Lycium barbarum; also known as wolfberry), mangosteen ( Garcinia mangostana), the Brazilian a?aí berry ( Euterpe oleraceae), and the Chilean maqui berry ( Aristotelia chilensis). Given the wide consumption of berry fruits and their potential impact on human health and disease, conferences and symposia that target the latest scientific research (and, of equal importance, the dissemination of this information to the general public), on the chemistry and biological and physiological functions of these "superfoods" are necessary.  相似文献   

Anthocyanins (ACNs) are water-soluble plant pigments that have important functions in plant physiology as well as possible health effects. Over 100 common foods were screened for ACNs, and 24 of them were found to contain ACNs. Concentrations of total ACNs varied considerably from 0.7 to 1480 mg/100 g of fresh weight in gooseberry ('Careless' variety) and chokeberry, respectively. Not only does the concentration vary, but the specific anthocyanins present in foods are also quite different. Only six common aglycones, delphinidin, cyanidin, petunidin, pelargonidin, peonidin, and malvidin, were found in all of these foods. However, their sugar moieties and acylation patterns varied from food to food. Results from this study will add to the available data for the USDA Nutrient Database of flavonoids. On the basis of the concentration data and updated food intake data from NHANES 2001-2002, the daily intake of ACNs is estimated to be 12.5 mg/day/person in the United States. Of the different aglycones, cyanidin, delphinidin, and malvidin were estimated to contribute 45, 21, and 15%, respectively, of the total ACN intake. Nonacylated contributed 77% compared to 23% from acylated ACNs.  相似文献   

Biotechnology applications such as the use and production of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have been widely promoted, adopted, and employed by agricultural producers throughout the world. Yet, little research exists that examines the implications of agricultural biotechnology on the health and safety of workers involved in agricultural production and processing. Regulatory frameworks do exist to examine key issues related to food safety and environmental protection in GMO applications. However, based on the lack of research and regulatory oversight, it would appear that the potential impact on the safety and health of workers is of limited interest. This article examines some of the known worker health and safety implications related to the use and production of GMOs using the host, agent, and environment framework. The characteristics of employers, workers, inputs, production practices, and socio-economic environments in which future agricultural workers perform various tasks is likely to change based on the research summarized here.  相似文献   

Soil and human health: a review   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Soil can affect human health in several ways leading either to specific diseases or to more general ill health. Some illnesses are caused by people's eating soil (geophagia), or by their inhaling it which can lead to malignancy if the soil contains asbestiform minerals; pathogens in the soil can lead to tetanus and infestations of hookworm, and particles may enter the body through abrasions and cause a form of elephantiasis. Radon from the soil is implicated in some cancers, and poorly drained soil has been linked recently with infant mortality. Most examples of ill health associated with the soil are caused by concentrations of elements in food or water that are either deficient or toxic. These elements include aluminium, arsenic, cadmium, copper, fluorine, iodine, lead, selenium, thallium and zinc. Their concentrations might reflect the natural condition of the soil, or the effects of people's actions, such as pollution. In isolated subsistence communities that grow their own food, distinct relations between elements and the aetiology of diseases can be identified. Examples include Keshan disease caused by selenium deficiency, and itai-itai disease caused by excess cadmium. Some of the relations between soil and health are uncertain and the causes putative, and they require further research to validate them. They include the association of heart disease with poor acid soil, as in the glaciated regions of northern Europe and the coastal plain of the eastern United States of America. Even for well-defined relations it is evident that many are more complex than was originally thought, however, and greater understanding will require multidisciplinary investigation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine educational differences among people who consume foods containing fat in Finland and the Baltic countries. DESIGN: Data were collected from cross-sectional postal Finbalt Health Monitor surveys that were carried out in 1998, 2000 and 2002. SETTING: Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania. SUBJECTS: For each survey, nationally representative random samples of adults aged 20-64 years were drawn from population registers (Estonia, n = 3656; Finland, n = 9354, Latvia, n = 6015; Lithuania, n = 5944). RESULTS: Differences were revealed between the countries in the consumption of foods that contain fat. Finnish people consumed butter on bread, high-fat milk, meat and meat products, and vegetable oil for cooking less frequently than people in the Baltic countries. Cheese was most popular in Finland. Educational differences in fat-related food habits were examined by applying logistic regression analysis. A positive association was found between level of education and consumption of vegetable oil used in food preparation. Drinking high-fat milk was associated with low education in all countries. People with higher education tended to consume cheese more often. Educational patterns in the consumption of butter on bread and in the consumption of meat and meat products differed between countries. CONCLUSIONS: The consumption of foods containing fat was related to educational levels in all four countries. The diet of better-educated people was closer to recommendations for the consumption of saturated and unsaturated fats than the diet of people with lower level of education. The educational gradient was more consistent in Finland than in the Baltic countries. These existing educational differences in sources of fat consumed should be taken into account in the development of national cardiovascular disease prevention programmes.  相似文献   

Grapes are a valuable source of numerous phytonutrients, including the intensively studied constituent, resveratrol. A question worth addressing is the potential of dietary grape consumption to positively modulate human health. Many studies have suggested cardiovascular benefits, and some work has indicated cancer chemopreventive activity. Data are particularly compelling in the area of skin cancer prevention. With financial support provided by the California Table Grape Commission, novel and exciting preliminary data are emerging from independent research suggesting beneficial activity against other less prevalent but devastating illnesses, such as Alzheimer's disease and urinary bladder dysfunction. It is further suggested that some of the copious amounts of data obtained with resveratrol may be relevant to grape consumption, especially responses that can be mediated by low concentrations of the substance. Whether future specific health claims will be sought from or allowed by regulatory authorities is not known, but based on existing data, it is clear that grapes should be considered an integral component of fruit and vegetable enriched diets that are recommended by health authorities and widely accepted as beneficial for human health and disease prevention.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To explore how time spent watching television (TV) is associated with the dietary behaviours of New Zealand children and young adolescents. DESIGN: Secondary data analysis of a nationally representative, cross-sectional survey. SETTING: In homes or schools of New Zealand school students. PARTICIPANTS: In total, 3275 children aged 5 to 14 years. RESULTS: The odds of being overweight or obese increased with duration of TV viewing for children and adolescents when controlling for age, sex, ethnicity, socio-economic status and physical activity. Children and adolescents who watched the most TV were significantly more likely to be higher consumers of foods most commonly advertised on TV: soft drinks and fruit drinks, some sweets and snacks, and some fast foods. Both children and adolescents watching two or more hours of TV a day were more than twice as likely to drink soft drinks five times a week or more (P = 0.03 and P = 0.04, respectively), eat hamburgers at least once a week (both P = 0.02), and eat French fries at least once a week (both P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that longer duration of TV watching (thus, more frequent exposure to advertising) influences the frequency of consumption of soft drinks, some sweets and snacks, and some fast foods among children and young adolescents. Efforts to curtail the amount of time children spend watching TV may result in better dietary habits and weight control for children and adolescents. Future studies examining the impact of advertising on children's diets through interventions and international comparisons of legislation would provide more definitive evidence of the role of advertising in child and adolescent obesity.  相似文献   

Two different approaches have been used to study relationships between soil and human health: aggregate‐ and individual‐level. Aggregate‐level is the primary approach used in the geosciences and broadly relates spatial soil characteristics to geographic incidence of disease. However, this may not be appropriate for a wide range of exposures and disease outcomes. For example, many diseases with long latency periods are associated with early life or cumulative exposure to the causative agent, rather than an individual’s current geographical location. Public health scientists and epidemiologists often refer to aggregate‐level studies as being ‘hypothesis forming’, and consider individual‐level approaches as the ‘gold standard’ for investigating causes of human health outcomes. This paper investigates the appropriateness of individual‐level study for disease outcomes associated with soil by reviewing the weight of evidence from individual‐level studies that have included exposure to soil as a risk‐factor for disease. The majority of these studies are very specific, inspired by explicit case reports and medical records. The review showed that exposure to soil was implicated mainly in the spread of enteric parasites, but also in the incidence of certain cancers, bacterial infections, and mycoses. There was little evidence for specific soil contaminants as causative agents of disease at an individual level but there was also little evidence contrary to this. Further individual‐level studies into soil:human health scenarios are required in order to derive more appropriate dose‐effect relationships for regulatory science and risk assessment.  相似文献   

Illegal wildlife trade is a widespread activity with direct impacts on biodiversity and street markets are frequently pointed out as hotspots in the wildlife trade route. However, due to its illegal character, it is difficult to accurately estimate how many individuals and how much money are handled by traders. Precise data on the number of individuals and species involved, and the drivers behind the illegal wildlife trade are essential for fighting it. We use the example of the metropolitan area of Recife, in northeastern Brazil, a well-known route of illegal wildlife in the country, to access the extent and impact street markets may have on biodiversity. We present quantitative and qualitative information on the illegal trade of wild birds in eight street markets in the area, indicating which species are preferred and why, estimating the number of animals and the volume of money involved, and quantifying the impact that the removal of those animals may have. We observed a high and diversified species offer, biased towards adult male songbirds, with birds of 15 families and 55 species on sale. Birds are kept in poor conditions and some individuals are sold for as little as US$ 1.00. However, we projected that up to 50,000 wild birds may be sold annually in the markets surveyed, including possibly 16,800 individuals of Sporophila nigricollis (the yellow-bellied seedeater), the most frequently observed species. The activity is profitable and may deal with significant amounts of money (up to nearly US$ 630,000.00/year). The numbers involved indicate that street markets are significant wildlife sinks, with a large and frequently ignored impact that must be taken into account in the control and conservation of the biodiversity, not just in Brazil but elsewhere.  相似文献   

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