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动物园动物的应激行为与动物福利管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物园动物是人工驯养的动物,动物的应激行为表现是动物与饲养管理人员、游人之间和与笼舍环境的应激,是人为造成的。分析广州动物园动物应激行为表现,与广州动物园动物的福利水平,提出动物园动物福利管理思路和方法。减少动物园动物的应激行为,在饲养管理中定人、定点、定时、定量。在动物繁殖期分笼,设立专门的产房和育幼室。应用动物行为丰容技术和动物园笼舍建设生态化。让动物康乐生活,防疫好,疾病少,寿命长,合理繁殖。  相似文献   

龟咽部取钩手术2例桑青芳刘小青蔡勤辉张马龙张均利黄勉(广州动物园兽医院,广东510070马来西亚巨龟(Orlitiabornensis),别名黑龟、山龟。食用、滋补、药用和动物园展览价值较高。广州动物园盘龙苑作为展览动物有较长饲养史。1996年,2只...  相似文献   

黑猩猩概况黑猩猩(P-en troglodytes)产于非洲西部和非洲近赤道的地带。它在动物园里富有很高的观赏价值。广州动物园早于1977年开始饲养,1983年又引进一对成年的黑猩猩,翌年首次娩出一只幼兽,呼名“蔓莉”。幼兽1.5月龄时取出进行人工哺育。“蔓莉”的亲兽“蔓莉”的双亲于1983年底由美国圣地亚哥学会送给广州动物园。当时二者年  相似文献   

恒河猴敌鼠钠盐中毒蔡勤辉(广州动物园,510070)关于恒河猴敌鼠钠盐中毒的报道很少。现将广州动物园猴子山恒河猴敌鼠钠盐中毒病例报告如下:1发病经过及症状:1991年3月5日,广州动物园灭鼠人员在猴子山的洞口、小径投放了大量的故鼠的盐谷。3月12日,...  相似文献   

恒河猴敌鼠钠盐中毒病例蔡勤辉,林喜双(广州动物园)关于恒河猴敌鼠钠盐中毒的报道很少见,现将广州动物园猴子山恒河猴敌鼠钠盐中毒病例介绍如下:1发病经过及症状1991年3月5日,广州动物园灭鼠人员在老鼠经常出没,而恒河猴又能接触到的猴子山的洞口、小径,投...  相似文献   

广州动物园饲养河马有30多年历史,1987年至今共繁殖了23头河马,成活率100%。人工圈养的河马在3-4岁性成熟,5岁左右体成熟并可繁衍。本文就广州动物园多年来河马的饲养、繁殖及育幼等工作进行回顾和总结,旨在为河马的保育及进一步研究打下基础。  相似文献   

广州动物园草食动物饲用木本植物的筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
象草是广州动物园草食动物的主要青饲料,但在冬季和早春季节象草供应量不足,且营养价值明显下降。洋蹄甲、山指甲和小叶榕是广州常见的3种常绿木本植物,但没有作为饲料的报道。我们通过动物的喜食程度比较,饲养效果观察,植物冬季营养成分分析以及抗营养因子胰蛋白酶抑制剂活性的测定,发现这3种植物适宜广州动物园草食类动物的食用,特别是在冬季和早春可以用来替代部分象草,以弥补象草供应的不足。  相似文献   

近亲华南虎仔人工哺育成功谢柳英(广州动物园)华南虎(Pantheratigrisamoyensis)被世界列为濒临灭绝的珍稀动物。它在动物园饲养的头数亦是屈指可数了。通过各种渠道扩大华南虎种群,拯救这一濒危物种,亦是野生动物工作者的义务和职责。广州动...  相似文献   

广州动物园于2000年首次引进鹤鸵雏鸟饲养,2018年正式开始对鹤鸵繁殖初步探索,共产蛋13枚,成功孵化雏鸟2只。广州动物园通过对圈养鹤鸵的饲养、繁殖等方面进行初步探究,已经初步掌握了鹤鸵在华南地区圈养的技术要点,为该物种的异地保护和繁育提供了重要的科学参考。  相似文献   

黄腹角雉大肠杆菌病的诊疗报告蔡勤辉,林善双广州动物园510070广州动物园饲养的黄腹角雉出现以体温升高、精神沉郁、打瞌睡、排水样粪便为特征的疾病,经病理剖检、实验室检查,诊断为大肠杆菌病。现报告如下。一、临床症状1992年8月2日,群养的黄腹角雉中有...  相似文献   

经过在陕南地区连续多年的定点观察、测试和比较分析 ,初步设计了适合陕南地区自然气候特点的陡坡地水土保持型生态桑园建设模式 ,并对不同类型的示范桑园进行了水土保持效果和生态效应的测试比较。结果表明 ,在陕南地区陡坡耕地建立生态桑园 ,可显著降低土壤侵蚀程度 ,提高土壤保水能力。  相似文献   

我国饲草饲料资源开发及其利用前景   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
马进 《四川草原》2000,(1):17-21
人类食品分为动物性食品和植物性食品 ,随着人类生活水平的提高 ,人类对动物性食品需求量逐渐增加。动物性食品来自于畜牧业 ,饲草饲料的生产和供给情况对畜牧业发展起到关键作用。近年来 ,随着我国畜牧业的大力发展 ,饲料工业已经具有一定规模 ,因此对我国饲草饲料资源的合理的开发和利用是具有极其重要意义。  相似文献   

豺、狼巴氏杆菌病诊断与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于 1 995年 9月下旬长春动植物园豺、狼突然发生死亡 ,其中豺 2只 ,狼 2只 ,经临床、病理和细菌学检查确诊为巴氏杆菌病。后经实行综合性防治措施 ,有效地控制和消除了该病。  相似文献   

Histological examination revealed the gullet worm (Gongylonema pulchrum) embedded in the lingual mucosa of two of four dead Bolivian squirrel monkeys (Saimiri boliviensis) from a zoological garden in Kyushu, Japan. The zoo had kept the monkeys as a colony of approximately 80-100 individuals in a moated, open ground since 1981. To assess the incidence of G. pulchrum infection in this colony, lingual scraping with disposable plastic sticks was conducted in February during 2 consecutive years (2003 and 2004). The oval, thick-shelled egg containing a larva was found in 15 of 27 arbitrarily-chosen adult monkeys (55.5%) in 2003, and 27 of 106 monkeys (25.5%) in 2004. Infection of other zoo-kept mammals with G. pulchrum was not assessed. Since the gullet worm infects a variety of mammals including primates as natural definitive hosts, and dung beetles and cockroaches as intermediate hosts, the zoological garden may provide an ideal environment for the parasite. Zoo veterinarians should be aware of this disease in kept mammals, and should consider in the case of primates, monthly or bimonthly prophylactic anthelmintic treatment.  相似文献   

Based on the law of animal welfare and on the EU-rule about keeping of wild animals in zoological gardens 15 zoological gardens in Brandenburg were inspected by a temporary team consisting of one veterinarian from the state office of feeds and agriculture, the local authorized veterinarian and one director of the zoogardens. Data of every zoological garden at first were recorded by special lists of queries. So it was possible to estimate the keeping conditions and to realize deficiencies and the main problems. During the local inspection these data were controlled and the structure of keeping units as well as the conditions and behaviour of the animals were evaluated. Every unit was evaluated taking into consideration all points of view. If necessary proposals for improvements were made which were to enforce by the local authority. Furthermore the documentation and the economic areas were inspected. The number of kept species and animals was relatively low. Only two zoological gardens were to classify as mean ones. The majority of the fences and aviaries corresponded with the minimal demands of the today rules resp. was larger in the dimension and space. There were very nice keeping units, but also some deficiently in the structure or in the quality of the ground. By some photographs positive and negative examples are demonstrated. The feeding and also the veterinary service were on high level. The team found out that staffs of the zoogardens had a positive position to animal welfare. Step by step they improved the keeping conditions. The central inspection by a multi-professional team was estimated positively and should be repeated in certain intervals. The used lists of queries were suitable. The valid rules and guide lines should be revised in near future.  相似文献   

A highly fatal disease of parrots kept in zoological garden is described; it manifests itself as abrupt mass death of the birds. Deposits of necrotic changes with the occurrence of intranuclear inclusions of the Cowdry A type were found in the liver of dead parrots. The virus was isolated on chick embryos and tissue cultures of chick embryo cells. The bioassay was performed on Psittacus undulatus. The occurrence of herpesvirus nucleocapsids and complete virions in the infected tissue cultures was detected by means of electron microscopy.  相似文献   

动物园动物粪便中苏云金芽孢杆菌调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了寻求新的苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bt)菌株,对福建省福州市动物园和三明市动物园41种动物(其中哺乳动物33种、禽类8种)粪便中Bt进行调查。从50个粪便样品中共分离到253株芽孢杆菌,其中有15株含有晶体蛋白,确定为Bt,Bt分离率为30%。在所分离的粪便样品中,采自草食动物粪便的Bt分离率最高,达35.5%;其次是杂食动物粪便的Bt分离率为25%,肉食性动物粪便的Bt分离率最低,仅18.2%。结果表明:植物源日粮动物粪便中的Bt含量较高。  相似文献   

杭州动物园淡水饲养的海豹 (6只 )首次发现感染了半眉虫 (Hemiophrys) ,斜管虫(Chilodonella cyprini)和杯体虫 (Apiosoma)等纤毛虫。病海豹表现为离群独居、漂浮水面、流泪眨眼、食欲减退、感染区被毛脱落并覆盖一层白色薄膜。采用浓度 0 .55mg/ kg硫酸铜加浓度0 .2 mg/ kg硫酸亚铁合剂 ,内池药浴 1 2 h后 ,转外池 (0 .3mg/ kg硫酸铜 )饲养 ,隔日一次 ,疗程为 1 4天 ,取得了较为理想的治疗效果。  相似文献   

The distribution on serovars of 60 Salmonella isolates from reptiles kept in captivity in Denmark during the period 1995–2006 was investigated. The isolates were all recovered from clinical specimens submitted to the National Veterinary Institute. A majority of the samples were from reptiles in zoological gardens or similar, while a minor number was from reptiles kept in private homes. A total of 43 serovars were detected, most of them being what is usually called exotic serotypes, and many not having a trivial name, while a few isolates belonged to well‐known human pathogenic serovars, such as S. Enteritidis, S. Typhimurium, S. Bovismorbificans. One isolate was rough and two were non‐typeable. Isolates from turtles belonged to the subspecies enterica, while many isolates from both sauria and snakes belonged to other subspecies. The findings underline the potential zoonotic risk by handling reptiles in zoological garden or other public settings, or keeping pet reptiles in private homes.  相似文献   

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