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This is the first morpho-histological comparison of guanaco ovaries between reproductive (long-days) and non-reproductive (short-days) seasons, and oestrogen receptor-alpha (ERα) and beta (ERβ) detection. Different stages of follicle development were found in the cortical area, but no corpus luteum was detected. The size and frequency of antral follicles and large atretic follicles were higher in long-day ovaries than short-days, consistent with ovarian activity in this season. Differential expression of ERα and ERβ was observed in follicles at different stages of development between short and long days. These data reveal histological and molecular differences between reproductive and non-reproductive seasons of guanaco ovaries.  相似文献   

This study aimed to describe the radiographic anatomy and osteology and to evaluate angular radiographic measurements—Norberg angle, inclination angle and anteversion angle—of the pelvic limbs in free‐ranging capybaras. Twenty cadavers of free‐ranging capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), including five adults and 15 subadults, were studied. Ventrodorsal, craniocaudal, dorsoplantar and mediolateral radiographic views of the pelvic limbs were obtained. The radiographic features were described together with bone samples. The hip bone (os coxae), shaped like an isosceles trapezoid, was elongated and narrow with the presence of an oblong obturator foramen, sagittal ilial wing and rectilinear ilial body. The femoral shaft was relatively straight, while the greater trochanter was projected above the femoral head. No sesamoid bones of the gastrocnemius and popliteus muscles were observed radiographically or for those animals used in gross macroscopy. The fibula was located lateral and parallel to the tibia. Eight tarsal bones, four metatarsal bones and three digits were identified. The mean radiographic measurements included Norberg angle of 125.9°; respective angles of femoral inclination by the Hauptman B and Tomlinson methods of 139.9 and 141°; anteversion angle of the femoral head and neck of 29.80°. The bones of the pelvic limbs in capybaras have several anatomical characters and radiological features that are shared with members of the caviomorph superfamily Cavioidea. The radiographic angles measured in this study help characterize the functional morphology of this species.  相似文献   

This study evaluated ovarian activity in late gestation and post‐partum in guanacos in captivity. Follicular dynamics was monitored every second day from 40 days before and other 40 after delivery by transrectal sonography and by plasma steroids concentrations. Seven out of eight (87.5%) of gestating females presented ovarian follicular activity under progesterone levels >3 nmol/l with maximum follicular size of 8.42 ± 0.83 mm from days 23 to 1 before delivery. After delivery, all females have follicular wave development from day 0 to 38, with larger follicular size and longer follicular wave phases and interwave interval when compared with pre‐partum data. During post‐partum period, there was a close relationship between follicle size and estradiol‐17β concentration, with r = 0.69 at the beginning of growth phase and r = 0.86 in association with the largest dominant follicle. Plasma estradiol‐17β concentration varied from 11.92 to 198.55 pmol/l. Plasma estrone sulfate, free estrone and progesterone returned to baseline concentrations during peripartal period and remained basal thereafter. The results described follicular activity during late gestation and early post‐partum period. These findings provide relevant information to understand physiological changes occurring during this reproductive key period in seasonal breeders with long gestation duration as New and Old World camelids.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of different photoperiods and melatonin treatment on plasma prolactin concentrations in guanacos, a South American camelid, in captivity. Fourteen adult female guanacos, not gestating or lactating and isolated from males, were studied. The control group was exposed to natural daylight, during short days (N = 7, 10L:14D) and long days (N = 7, 16L:8D). The treatment group (N = 7, 10L:14D) received melatonin implants every 23 days for 6 weeks during long days. Blood samples were taken at intervals of 1 week for 3 weeks, starting the third week of treatment. Prolactin concentrations were measured using competitive ELISA. Plasma concentrations of prolactin in non-lactating female guanacos have seasonal changes, with a higher concentration (p < .001) in short days (3.50 ± 2.24 ng/ml) than long days (1.10 ± 0.91 ng/ml). Melatonin treatment significantly decreases (p < .05) plasma concentrations of prolactin on the 21st day after the treatment. These findings are the first report of an endogenous circannual rhythm of plasma prolactin concentration and the action of melatonin treatment on prolactin secretion in this wild camelid.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the mean intraocular pressure in llamas ( Lama glama ) and alpacas ( Lama pacos ) using applanation tonometry. Animals studied: Ten llamas and 10 alpacas. Procedures: Intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured with a Tono-Pen™ XL (Mentor Ophthalmics, Inc., Norwell, MA, USA). Three values, with 5% variance, were recorded for each eye. Least-squares means were determined for IOP for each eye of llamas and alpacas. Controlling for age, differences between left and right eye were analyzed using anova . Two age groups were established, less than 5 years and greater than 5 years. The effect of age on IOP within each group was analyzed by linear regression. Probability values of less than 0.05 were considered significant. Results: Comparison of mean IOP between right ( n  = 20) and left eyes ( n  = 20), independent of species type, showed no differences in IOPs for llamas and alpacas. Mean IOP declined with increasing age in llamas and alpacas. Mean IOPs for 20 eyes in 10 llamas was 16.96 ± 3.51 mmHg. Mean IOP for 20 eyes in 10 alpacas was 16.14 ± 3.74 mmHg. Mean IOP for all eyes ( n  = 40), independent of species, was 16.55 ± 3.55 mmHg. The range of IOP in normal llamas and alpacas within 2 SD (95% of the population) was 14.89±18.21 mmHg. Conclusions: There was no significant difference in IOP between alpacas and llamas. Mean IOP in both species decreased with increased age.  相似文献   

Two different species of hemoplasmas, Mycoplasma coccoides and M. haemomuris, are known to infect small rodents such as mice and rats. However, there are no previous reports of hemoplasma infection in capybara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris). The aim of our study was to determine whether these hemoplasmas might infect capybaras from Southern Brazil. Blood samples from 31 animals: 10 captive and 21 free-ranging capybaras were collected and packed cell volume and total plasma protein were measured. DNA was extracted and PCR assays for M. coccoides and M. haemomuris were performed. Using the M. coccoides-PCR assay 64% of the capybaras were positive, 80% free-ranging and 30% from captive animals. The prevalence of infection between the groups was significantly different (p = 0.001). Sequencing of the nearly entire 16S rRNA gene from the positive samples suggested a novel hemoplasma isolate with identity of 92% with M. coccoides and 86% with M. haemomuris. All capybara samples were negative for M. haemomuris infection. DNA of a housekeeping gene was successfully amplified from all samples. This is the first evidence of a hemoplasma infection in capybaras.  相似文献   

This study aimed at investigating the influence of genetic and non-genetic factors on immune traits to inform on possibilities of genetic improvement of disease resistance traits in local chicken of Kenya. Immune traits such as natural and specific antibodies are considered suitable indicators of an individual's health status and consequently, used as indicator traits of disease resistance. In this study, natural antibodies binding to Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin (KLH-NAbs) was used to measure general disease resistance. Specific antibodies binding to Newcastle disease virus (NDV-IgG) post vaccination was used to measure specific disease resistance. Titers of KLH-NAbs isotypes (KLH-IgM, KLH-IgG and KLH-IgA) and NDV-IgG were measured in 1,540 chickens of different ages ranging from 12 to 56 weeks. A general linear model was fitted to determine the effect of sex, generation, population type, phylogenetic cluster, line, genotype and age on the antibody traits. A multivariate animal mixed model was fitted to estimate heritability and genetic correlations among the antibody traits. The model constituted of non-genetic factors found to have a significant influence on the antibody traits as fixed effects, and animal and residual effects as random variables. Overall mean (±SE) concentration levels for KLH-IgM, KLH-IgG, KLH-IgA and NDV-IgG were 10.33 ± 0.04, 9.08 ± 0.02, 6.00 ± 0.02 and 10.12 ± 0.03, respectively. Sex, generation and age (linear covariate) significantly (p < 0.05) influenced variation across all the antibody traits. Genotype effects (p < 0.05) were present in all antibody traits, apart from KLH-IgA. Interaction between generation and line was significant (p < 0.05) in KLH-IgM and NDV-IgG while nesting phylogenetic cluster within population significantly (p < 0.05) influenced all antibody traits, apart from KLH-IgA. Heritability estimates for KLH-IgM, KLH-IgG, KLH-IgA and NDV-IgG were 0.28 ± 0.08, 0.14 ± 0.06, 0.07 ± 0.04 and 0.31 ± 0.06, respectively. There were positive genetic correlations (0.40–0.61) among the KLH-NAbs while negative genetic correlations (−0.26 to −0.98) were observed between the KLH-NAbs and NDV-IgG. Results from this study indicate that non-genetic effects due to biological and environmental factors influence natural and specific antibodies and should be accounted for to reduce bias and improve accuracy when evaluating the traits. Subsequently, the moderate heritability estimates in KLH-IgM and NDV-IgG suggest selection possibilities for genetic improvement of general and specific immunity, respectively, and consequently disease resistance. However, the negative correlations between KLH-NAbs and NDV-IgG indicate the need to consider a suitable approach that can optimally combine both traits in a multiple trait selection strategies.  相似文献   

Background: Natural autoantibodies (N(a)ab) were found in every species tested so far, and are likely important in maintaining homeostasis.

Objectives: (1) To determine N(a)ab in Bos taurus calves, (2) evaluate effects of diet and age on N(a)ab binding repertoires in calves, and (3) delineate bovine liver cell lysate (BLL) antigens related with variation in rumen score and body weight.

Animals and methods: Effects of age and diet on staining of BLL fragments by IgM and IgG antibodies in serum samples collected at 20 or at 26 weeks of age from bull calves either fed a restricted or ad libitum diet were analyzed using quantitative Western blotting. Correlations between fragments stained and grouping of calves were done by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Redundancy analysis (RDA) was done to relate rumen score and body weight variation at slaughter at 27 weeks of age with stained BLL fragments.

Results: In sera from all calves IgM and IgG antibodies binding BLL antigens were found. Corresponding fragments were stained, but quantitative differences in staining intensities were related to diet and age for both IgM and IgG. PCA revealed that age had a greater influence than diet on BLL fragment staining. RDA suggested that staining by IgM or IgG of specific BLL fragments was related with variation in rumen score and body weight.

Conclusions and clinical importance: Analyses of N(a)ab in serum could be a potential tool to estimate the health status of cattle, and be used to evaluate effects of husbandry practices.  相似文献   

In this study, natural cycling of BoHV-1 infection was investigated in two groups of dairy cattle containing 2120 head. Group 1 comprised 127 animals and they were monitored for BoHV-1 infection virologically and serologically in six consecutive sampling periods. It consisted of naive heifers between 6 and 8 months of age, while in group 2, age, sex and the BoHV-1 serostatus of the animals were disregarded. The animals in group 1 were found to have seroconverted at the second sampling. Results of the serological study showed slight antibody response after natural BoHV-1 infection in the herd and neutralizing titres fell below protective levels in the 6–8 months after the peak. During the 2-year study period, one recurrence was detected after primary infection. Virus isolation studies revealed a cytopathic effect indicative of BoHV-1 in two nasal swabs taken during the fifth sampling period from animals with mild upper respiratory tract symptoms. As the study was carried out under natural conditions, it is not known whether the viruses isolated were from recurrences or re-infections. Data from cross-neutralization tests with herd isolates showed higher antibody response than those with the reference virus. The dynamics of BoHV-1 in both groups were found to be statistically similar.  相似文献   

本研究在玉米秸为粗饲料条件下,比较羊驼与绵羊对2种精粗比饲粮干物质采食量、养分表观消化率、瘤胃环境和总尿嘌呤衍生物排出量等方面的差异。试验选用1岁左右羊驼[体重(25.8±4.7) kg]与绵羊[体重(28.3±5.8) kg]各4只,试验采用有重复的2×2拉丁方设计,分别饲喂精粗比为5∶5(MS)和7∶3(LS)的饲粮。结果表明:1)羊驼干物质采食量极显著低于绵羊(P<0.01),羊驼对粗脂肪、磷表观消化率极显著高于绵羊(P<0.01);羊驼瘤胃戊酸、异丁酸和异戊酸含量以及pH极显著高于绵羊(P<0.01),而乙酸含量显著低于绵羊(P<0.05);羊驼总嘌呤衍生物、尿酸和尿囊素排出量与绵羊间存在极显著差异(P<0.01)。2)羊驼对MS饲粮粗蛋白质、中性洗涤纤维、粗脂肪表观消化率极显著高于LS饲粮(P<0.01),绵羊对MS饲粮干物质、有机物、粗蛋白质、粗脂肪表观消化率显著高于LS饲粮(P<0.05);羊驼MS饲粮干物质、钙、磷表观消化率极显著低于LS饲粮(P<0.01)。羊驼饲喂MS饲粮瘤胃中pH、异丁酸含量极显著高于LS饲粮(P<0.01),丙酸含量显著高于LS饲粮(P<0.05);绵羊饲喂MS饲粮瘤胃中异丁酸和异戊酸含量极显著高于LS饲粮(P<0.01),丁酸含量极显著低于LS饲粮(P<0.01);羊驼饲喂MS饲粮瘤胃中乙丙比显著低于LS饲粮(P<0.05)。2种动物总嘌呤衍生物和尿囊素排出量在2种饲粮间没有显著差异(P>0.05),羊驼饲喂MS饲粮时尿酸排出量显著高于LS饲粮(P<0.05)。综上所述,在玉米秸为粗饲料条件下,羊驼与绵羊对2种精粗比饲粮干物质采食量、瘤胃环境以及表观消化率和总尿嘌呤衍生物排出量等方面均存在一定的差异。  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin (Ig) G and natural antibody (NAb) IgM are passively transferred to the neonatal calf through bovine colostrum. Maternal IgG provides pathogen- or vaccine-specific protection and comprises about 85% of colostral Ig. NAb-IgM is less abundant but provides broad and nonspecific reactivity, potentially contributing to protection against the dissemination of pathogens in the blood (septicemia) in a calf’s first days of life. In the dairy and beef industries, failure of passive transfer (FPT) of colostral Ig (serum total protein [STP] <5.2 g/dL) is still a common concern. The objectives of this study were to: (1) compare colostral IgG concentrations and NAb-IgM titers between dairy and beef cows; (2) assess the effect of beef breed on colostral IgG; (3) compare passive transfer of colostral Ig in dairy and beef calves; and (4) estimate the heritability of colostral IgG and NAb-IgM. Colostrum was collected from Holstein dairy (n = 282) and crossbred beef (n = 168) cows at the University of Guelph dairy and beef research centers. Colostral IgG was quantified by radial immunodiffusion and NAb-IgM was quantified by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. In dairy (n = 308) and beef (n = 169) calves, STP was estimated by digital refractometry. Beef cows had significantly greater colostral IgG (146.5 ± 9.5 standard error of the mean [SEM] g/L) than dairy cows (92.4 ± 5.2 g/L, P <0.01). Beef cows with a higher proportion of Angus ancestry had significantly lower colostral IgG (125.5 ± 5.8 g/L) than cows grouped as “Other” (142.5 ± 4.9 g/L, P = 0.02). Using the FPT cutoff, 13% of dairy and 16% of beef calves had FPT; still, beef calves had a significantly larger proportion with excellent passive transfer (STP ≥6.2 g/dL, P <0.01). The heritability of colostral IgG was 0.04 (±0.14) in dairy and 0.14 (±0.32) in beef. Colostral NAb-IgM titers in dairy (12.12 ± 0.22, log2 [reciprocal of titer]) and beef cows (12.03 ± 0.19) did not differ significantly (P = 0.71). The range of NAb-IgM titers was 9.18–14.60, equivalent to a 42-fold range in antibody concentration. The heritability of colostral NAb was 0.24 (±0.16) in dairy and 0.11 (±0.19) in beef cows. This study is the first to compare colostral NAb-IgM between dairy and beef cows. Based on the range in NAb-IgM titers and the heritability, selective breeding may improve colostrum quality and protection for neonatal calves in the early days of life.  相似文献   

Hemoplasmas were detected in two apparently healthy captive South American coatis (Nasua nasua) from southern Brazil during an investigation for vector-borne pathogens. Blood was subjected to packed cell volume (PCV) determination, a commercial real-time PCR panel for the detection of Anaplasma spp., Babesia spp., Bartonella spp., Hepatozoon spp., Leishmania spp., Mycoplasma haemofelis, ‘Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis’, ‘Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum’, Neorickettsia risticii, Rickettsia rickettsii and Leptospira spp., and a pan-hemoplasma conventional PCR assay. PCV was normal, but both coatis tested positive for hemoplasmas and negative for all the remaining pathogens tested. Using different techniques for microscopy (light, confocal or SEM), structures compatible with hemoplasmas were identified. Sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene identified an organism resembling Mycoplasma haemofelis and another hemotropic Mycoplasma sp., with a sequence identity of 96.8% to a Mycoplasma sp. previously detected in capybaras.  相似文献   

The fatty acid (FA) patterns of plasma/serum triglycerides (TG), phospholipids (PL) and cholesteryl esters (CE) of captive and free-ranging black rhinoceroses (Diceros bicornis) were investigated. Free-ranging animals (n = 28) stemmed from four different regions. Captive animals sampled included specimens from North American (n = 11) and three different European facilities (n = 6). The European animals were tested on 1-4 different diets, resulting in a total of 15 blood samples. Regardless of differences between the free-ranging animals from different regions, differences between captive and free-ranging animals were relatively uniform: captive animals had higher overall proportions of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), due to levels of linoleic acid (LA, 18:2n6) that were drastically increased as compared to free-ranging animals. In contrast, levels of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3n3) were consistently lower on conventional zoo diets. n6/n3 ratios for TG, PL and CE were 1.6, 10 and 8 in samples from free-ranging animals, respectively, as compared to 4.1-16.3, 16-148 and 40-277 in samples from captive animals. There was a distinct correlation between the proportion of grain-based products (commercial concentrates, plain grains and bread) in the diets of the European animals and the measured levels of n6 PUFA. An animal from a facility with a very low proportion of grain products in the diet nevertheless had high LA readings, most probably due to the use of sunflower oil as 2% (dry matter basis) of its diet. One animal that received a high proportion of grass meal pellets due to an oral disease had increased ALA contents after the diet change. These results allow conclusions on the suitability of diets fed in captivity: the black rhinoceros is prone to several uncommon diseases that have been suspected to be linked to oxidative damage, possibly due to the disposition of this species to excessive iron storage. An unnatural dietary loading with PUFAs would exacerbate this problem. Additionally, n6 FAs are known as precursors of pro-inflammatory mediators, and their overrepresentation could therefore exacerbate any inflammatory processes. Therefore, the current practice of using grain-based feeds as major ingredients in captive rhinoceros diets is discouraged. Diet items containing ALA (a precursor of anti-inflammatory mediators) such as, fresh grass, fresh browse, the respective silages should be included at higher levels in diets for captive black rhinoceroses. Grass meal pellets, although a good source of ALA and linked with high levels of ALA in an animal of this study, must be chosen with care for black rhinoceroses due to their particular proneness for high iron contents.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells play a role in innate antiviral immunity by directly lysing virus-infected cells and producing antiviral cytokines such as interferon gamma (IFN-γ). We developed a system for characterizing the bovine NK response to foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV), which causes a disease of cloven-hoofed animals and remains a threat to livestock industries throughout the world. IL-2 stimulation of PBMC resulted in poor killing of human K562 cells, which are often used as NK target cells, while lysis of the bovine BL3.1 cell line was readily detected. Depletion of NKp46-expressing cells revealed that 80% of the killing induced by IL-2 could be attributed to NKp46+ cells. In order to characterize the response of NK cells against FMDV in vivo, we infected groups of cattle with three different strains of the virus (A24 Cruzeiro, O1 Manisa, O Hong Kong) and evaluated the cytolytic ability of NK cells through the course of infection. We consistently observed a transient increase in cytolysis, although there was variation in magnitude and kinetics. This increase in cytolysis remained when CD3+ cells were removed from the preparation of lymphocytes, indicating that cytolysis was independent of MHC-T cell receptor interaction or γδ T cell activation. In contrast, animals monitored following vaccination against FMDV did not exhibit any increase in NK killing. These data suggest that NK cells play a role in the host immune response of cattle against FMDV, and contrast with the suppression of NK activity previously observed in swine infected with FMDV.  相似文献   

德钦地区野生紫花苜蓿群落多样性特征及其来源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毕玉芬  车伟光  顾垒 《草地学报》2007,15(4):306-311
德钦地区野生紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)发现于云南省迪庆藏族自治州德钦县,主要分布于澜沧江、金沙江流域海拔2000~3000 m的干热河谷和森林边缘,是白刺花(Sophora viciifolia Hance)灌丛的草本成分之一,并在农区大量生长,调查表明,野生紫花苜蓿的生长和分布明显受降水量的影响;在干热河谷地区正常生长,但不能离水源太远;在自然群落中的竞争力较弱,当群落另有优势种时其物候期明显推迟;其根系发达,具有很强的水土保持能力;在水分及管理较好的条件下分枝可达800/m2以上;在自然状态下产草量达5 kg/m2以上;染色体为2n=32,系四倍体。考证分析结果初步认为:德钦地区野生紫花苜蓿来源由我国青海和甘肃传入西藏,然后在横断山脉南部峡谷地区生存下来,并沿河流方向逐渐向下游传播;在德钦地区的扩展可能与藏传佛教的传播活动有关。德钦地区野生紫花苜蓿是云南发现的唯一成群落分布的苜蓿资源,其多样的形态和地理分布特征,孕育着丰富的遗传基础,特别是在干热地区生存可能孕育特异性种质。  相似文献   

Auditory function of llamas and alpacas was assessed objectively by means of brainstem auditory-evoked response audiometry (BAER) to establish the normal hearing range and to test the hypothesis of a correlation between blue eyes, white coat, and deafness. Sixty-three camelids were available for the study. Thirteen animals had blue irides; 1 animal had 1 blue and 1 pigmented iris. Wave latencies, amplitudes, and interpeak latencies were measured under general anesthetic. Click stimuli (dB [HL]) were delivered by an insert earphone. Four to five positive peaks could be detected; waves I, II, and V were reproducible; wave II appeared infrequently; and wave IV generally merged with wave V to form a complex. Peak latencies decreased and peak amplitudes increased as stimulus intensity increased. A hearing threshold level of 10-20 dB (HL) was proposed as the normal range in llamas and alpacas. None of the animals with pigmentation of coat and iris showed any degree of hearing impairment. Seven of the 10 blue-eyed, pure-white animals were bilaterally deaf and one of them was unilaterally deaf. However, 2 blue-eyed, white animals exhibited normal hearing ability. Three blue-eyed animals with pigmented coat did not show any hearing impairment. All white animals with normal iris pigmentation had normal auditory function; so did the 1 animal with 1 normal and 1 blue iris. The high frequency (78%) of bilaterally deaf animals with pure white coat and blue iris pigmentation supports the hypothesis of a correlation between pigmentation anomalies and congenital deafness in llamas and alpacas.  相似文献   

通过氰仿/异戊醇法从羊驼血液和组织中提取羊驼基因组DNA,首次扩增出羊驼PRLR基因(Prolactin Receptor,PRLR)exon10序列(GenBank登录号为DQ206831),并与其它动物相应区域作了同源性比较,结果表明:羊驼PRLR基因exon10的开放阅读框为1133bp,包括1046bp的编码区和87bp的拖尾区;同源性比较显示,羊驼PRLR基因exon10的核苷酸序列与哺乳动物(牛、绵羊、猪、狗、兔、大鼠等)的同源性较高,达80%,氨基酸序列的同源性则≥66%,而与鱼类的同源性则较低,仅为40%~45%。  相似文献   

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