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1种母羊 对于后备青年母羊,在配种前30~40天,应安排繁殖母羊在较好的草地放牧,使母羊在繁殖季节能正常的发情配种。对体况较差的母羊,给予短期补饲。妊娠前期即妊娠前3个月,所需营养与空怀期基本相同。妊娠后期,此时胎儿生长迅速,这一阶段需要给母羊提供营养充足、全价的饲料。管理上,前期要防止发生早期流产,后期要防止母羊由于意外伤害而发生早产。一般羔羊的哺乳期约3个月,哺乳前期约15个月,母乳是羔羊的主要营养来源。母乳量多、充足,羔羊才能生长发育快,体质好,抗病力强,存活率就高。如果母羊的哺乳前期处于早春枯草期,放牧条件差,一般都需补饲。  相似文献   

1实施配前优饲 配前优饲即配前加强营养,配种前1—1.5个月应对繁殖母羊抓膘复壮,为配种妊娠贮备营养。把繁殖母羊放到最好的草山上饱食优质的牧草。对于因草质不佳,膘情不好的母羊,要短期优饲,应在放牧归舍后补饲精料,待体况中等时再行配种。  相似文献   

春夏秋季是羊发情、繁殖的高峰期,如何发挥公母羊的繁殖潜力,应掌握以下六项关键技术: 1 配种前优饲 配种前1~1.5月给母羊补饲配合饲料,对体况差的母羊要实行优饲,以恢复体况,促进发情。在配种期,对配种任务  相似文献   

孕前补饲对山羊繁殖性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择健康、空怀、经产、膘情中等以上的母羊分为两组(试验组70只,对照组52只),比较孕前补饲对山羊受胎率、产羔率、初生重、羔羊成活率等繁殖性状的具体影响程度.结果发现试验组与对照组母羊产单羔和双羔的百分率差异不显著,产多羔的母羊比对照组高4.3%;母羊受胎率差异不显著;羔羊死亡率比对照组下降16.9%;产单羔的初生重差异不显著,双羔的初生重比对照组高0.14 kg,差异极显著(P<0.01).在配种前搞好放牧抓膘和补饲,实行满膘配种,是提高母羊繁殖性能的重要措施.  相似文献   

<正>1配种期的生理特点和催情补饲8~10月是母羊秋季发情配种的旺季。在配种以前和配种期间,催情补饲是增加母羊采食量的一种措施,其目的是提高排卵率及随后的产羔率。在配种前将母羊转移到茂盛的优质草场,就可实现催情补饲。如果没有这样的草场,可通过给母羊在常规饲粮基础上每日补充足量谷物或颗粒料,也能达到同样的效果。通常,催情补饲是在与公羊放在一起的大约2周前开始,进入配种季节后持续2~3周,总的催情补饲期为4~6周。  相似文献   

1空怀期空怀期是指羔羊断奶到配种受胎时期,此阶段空怀母羊虽然没有妊娠或泌乳负担,但其营养好坏直接影响配种与妊娠状况。此期要注意母羊的抓膘复壮,为配种妊娠贮备营养。在配种前1.0~1.5个月实行短期优饲,提高母羊配种时的体况,达到发情整齐、受胎率高、产羔整齐、产羔数多。日粮配合上以维持正常的新陈代谢为基础,对断奶后较瘦弱的母羊,  相似文献   

春夏秋是羊发情、繁殖的高峰期,在羊饲养生产中,如何发挥公母羊的繁殖潜力,增加产羔数,是提高养羊经济效益的重要途径。配种前优饲。配种前1~1.5月给母羊补饲配合饲料,对体况差的母羊要实行短期优饲,以恢复体况,促进发情。在配种期,对配种任务重的公羊,应注意增加蛋白质、维生素A、维生素E及矿物质的补给量,并每天加喂一枚带壳鸡蛋,保证其旺盛的性欲力和交配能力,并保证精液品质优良。选留多羔亲代。公母羊的多胎性具有明显的遗传性。在繁育饲养工作中,要注意选留双胎公羊做种公羊,选留双胎母羊做基础母羊。及时鉴定发情母羊。在饲养或放…  相似文献   

补饲能量蛋白饲料提高云岭山羊繁殖力研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为探索提高云岭山羊繁殖力的营养措施及为制定饲养标准提供基础数据,在马鸣种山羊场选用450只繁殖母羊开展了繁殖母羊配种准备期、妊娠期、哺乳期时等能量5水平梯度蛋白和等蛋白5水平梯度能量对山羊繁殖力影响的试验研究。结果表明:云岭山羊放牧饲养仅能获得60%~80%的营养,补饲蛋白饲料可使云岭繁殖母羊第一情期发情率、产羔率、羔羊初生重、3月龄断奶重和成活率比对照组分别提高115.43%、94.56%、17.06%、17.94%和6.26%;补饲能量饲料提高的对应比例分别为108.60%、99.93%、12.80%、21.49%和6.88%。5水平等能量梯度蛋白饲料组中以蛋3组效果最好,5水平等蛋白梯度能量饲料组中以能9组效果最好。方差分析结果显示:补饲蛋白、能量饲料与对照组的体增重、繁殖率差异极显著(P<0.01);蛋3组与蛋1、蛋2组,能9、能8组与能6、能7组的体增重、繁殖率差异显著(P<0.05)。建议对云岭山羊繁殖母羊在空怀和妊娠前期、妊娠后期、哺乳期按每天每千克体重分别供给DCP2.72g、2.86g、3.66g;DE0.37MJ、0.41MJ、0.48MJ的日粮。  相似文献   

<正>1山羊补饲对育成山羊进入枯草期时,应注意补饲青干草,当严寒来临时应适当补饲精料。对当年春羔在越冬的补饲方面应给予重视,使其在冬春季节里仍能继续生长发育。母羊补饲主要是重点放在母羊的妊娠后期和哺乳期。在有饲料条件的情况下,在母羊配种前的  相似文献   

秋季是母羊发情配种最集中的黄金季节 ,对适龄母羊适时科学配种 ,是提高母羊准胎率和多羔率的有效措施。现将科学配种方法简介如下 :1 选留种羊及母羊比例 选留一胎多羔的公母羊作种 ,保持一胎多羔的品种特征。提高适龄母羊在羊群中比例。一般是二产后的母羊产双羔率高 ,因此 ,选 4~ 6岁龄的母羊占羊群总数量的 55%为宜。2 配前催膘 适龄母羊在配种前 1个月 ,应进行短期优饲 ,每只每天补饲精料 1 0 0~2 50 g。因为适龄母羊膘情好 ,发情正常 ,可提高母羊繁殖率。3 配种抢膘 羊的配种适期正是抢秋膘时期 ,抢好秋膘 ,可使母羊的排卵数…  相似文献   

产羔期、补饲水平对考力代羊生产和繁殖性能影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了研究草地一绵羊系统中草畜供求间的动态平衡,寻求在人工草地放牧条件下适宜的产羔时期及在此时期给产羔母羊的合理补饲水平,1990~1993年,在贵州省威宁县灼甫联户示范牧场进行了两期产羔期及补饲水平对绵羊生产性能影响的试验。产羔期的改变,导致了母羊及羔羊体重的不同变化趋势。结果显示出母羊体重对其生产、繁殖性能的重要性。春羔母羊配种前体重较之冬羔母羊提高9.75kg,两者产羔率分别为139.2%和116.1%。春羔母羊较高的双羔率导致了春羔母羊较之冬羔母羊更低的繁殖成活率(分别为91.2%和104.7%)。断奶时,春羔较之冬羔体重高5.25kg,但断奶以后这种优势即消失了。补饲水平的差异对母羊及羔羊体重有一定的影响,但在牧草丰富的条件下表现得并不很强烈。  相似文献   

旨在研究围产期补饲精补料对戈壁地区妊娠期放牧蒙古羊母羊增重、血液生理生化指标、泌乳性能以及羔羊生长性能的影响。选取20只体况相近、平均体重为(60±5.54)kg的妊娠期蒙古羊母羊, 按平均体重分为试验组和对照组, 每组10只。对照组按照传统补饲方法补饲玉米300 g/(只·d), 试验组补饲精补料300 g/(只·d)。补饲试验预饲期5 d, 正饲期60 d。测定试验母羊初始体重和补饲试验末体重, 计算总增重;补饲试验结束时, 采集试验母羊血液样本, 测定血液常规指标和血清生化指标;从产后第15天起使用差重法测定母羊泌乳量, 持续到产后第85天;测定羔羊的初生重、90日龄重, 计算羔羊在90日龄内的日增重。利用统计学方法对对照组和试验组的上述指标进行分析。结果表明, 在补饲试验期间, 试验组母羊与对照组母羊的总增重差异不显著(P>0.05), 试验组母羊的体重减少幅度比对照组母羊低1.71%;试验组母羊的各项血液常规指标和血清生化指标与对照组母羊相比差异均不显著(P>0.05);整个泌乳期试验组母羊的泌乳量都高于对照组母羊, 其中, 产羔后75 d和85 d, 试验组母羊的泌乳量显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)高于对照组母羊;与对照组羔羊相比, 试验组羔羊的90日龄体重和90日龄内日增重有所提高(P>0.05)。综上提示, 围产期补饲精补料能够提高放牧蒙古羊母羊的产后泌乳量, 并且有助于提升羔羊日增重。  相似文献   

The effects of exogenous melatonin on reproductive performance of 737 Polypay and Polypay-cross ewes were evaluated during a late March and April breeding period. Different concentrations (2 or 10 mg) routes of administration (fed vs implanted) and durations of administration (20 or 40 d before breeding) were studied. Estrus was synchronized in all ewes using 60 mg medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP) in a vaginal pessary. Number of mature ewes lambing/ewe present at lambing was increased (P less than .05) nearly 20% by implanting for 40 d with melatonin (75%) or by feeding either 2 (72%) or 10 mg (73%) melatonin for 40 d before spring breeding compared with untreated control ewes (54%) or ewes implanted for only 20 d before breeding (58%). Date of lambing, number of lambs born/ewes lambing and number of lambs born alive/ewe lambing were not altered significantly by treatments. Number of yearling ewes (n = 166 for ewes 1.5 yr old at lambing time) lambing/ewe present at lambing was lower (P less than .01; 26%) than that of mature ewes (n = 381, greater than or equal to 2.0 yr; 68%). We concluded that feeding 2 or 10 mg melatonin or implanting melatonin for 40 d enhanced reproductive performance and effectively overcame the restrictions of seasonality of breeding in mature ewes. In yearling ewes, 10 mg melatonin increased the number of ewes lambing.  相似文献   

The effects of anthelmintics treatments in controlling gastrointestinal nematodes in breeding ewes in a semi-arid area of Kenya were determined. The study carried out during two breeding seasons, between June 2000 and December 2001 where albendazole was administered to groups of ewes, 2 weeks before mating, 3 weeks to lambing and mid lactation indicated significantly lower nematode egg counts in treated than untreated groups of ewes. In the first breeding season, reduced rainfall resulted in pasture scarcity and weight loss in both groups of ewes through out the gestation period, but losses were higher for the untreated group. In the second season, both groups of ewes showed a steady increase in weight gain during the gestation period and post-partum, but weight gains were higher in the treated group. In lambs, weight gains at 6 weeks were higher for treated ewes than control groups, in both breeding seasons. The results of this trial indicate that anthelmintic treatments in breeding ewes in the study area are beneficial in reducing gastrointestinal nematode infections and improving performance of the ewes and their lambs. In addition to the treatments, breeding ewes should be given feed supplementation particularly during periods of pasture scarcity.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine whether short-term progesterone supplementation post mating or shearing of ewes in early pregnancy affected either the proportion of ewes that lambed or that had multiple lambs, or the birthweight of lambs. METHODS: Romney ewes (n=457) were synchronised in oestrus using controlled internal drug-releasing (CIDR) devices containing progesterone, and mated to Romney rams over a 5-day period. The mid-point of mating (Day 0) occurred 2 days after the withdrawal of CIDR devices. Ewes mated (n=397) were randomly allocated to one of four treatment groups: shearing at Day 5, shearing at Day 30, no shearing, and no shearing plus progesterone supplementation using a CIDR device inserted on Day 3 for 6 days. During the period from Day 5 to Day 27, six harnessed Suffolk rams were placed with the ewes and matings recorded. At Day 48, all ewes that did not return to the Suffolk rams were scanned for pregnancy using ultrasound. At Day 140, single- and multiple-bearing ewes were set-stocked at 15.1 and 12.2 ewes/ha, respectively, and equivalent numbers of ewes from each treatment group were placed in each paddock. Blood samples from 10 unshorn and 10 progesterone-supplemented ewes were collected on Days 3, 6 and 9, and analysed for plasma progesterone concentrations. Lambs were identified to their dam and weighed within 12 h of birth, and again at 27 and 93 days after the mid-point of lambing. The ewes were weighed at regular intervals throughout the trial. RESULTS: Plasma progesterone concentrations of supplemented ewes were higher than those of unsupplemented ewes (3.28 vs 1.75 ng/ml) on Day 6 (p=0.02) but not on Day 9 (4.58 vs 4.63 ng/ml). Treatment of ewes had no effect on either the proportion of ewes which lambed to the synchronised mating period or that had multiple lambs. Lambs born to ewes shorn at Day 30 tended (p=0.09) to be heavier at birth (by 0.28 kg) than those born to unshorn ewes but this effect was not evident when data were corrected for length of gestation. Neither shearing at Day 5 nor progesterone supplementation had any effect on the birthweight of lambs, and the treatment of ewes had no effect on the survival rate of lambs to weaning. CONCLUSIONS: Progesterone supplementation for 6 days beginning 3 days post mating did not increase either the proportion of ewes that lambed or that had multiple lambs, or the birthweight of lambs. Shearing 5 days after mating had no significant effect on the reproductive performance of ewes and need not be avoided, but is unlikely to result in an increase in lamb birthweight. Shearing ewes at Day 30 may result in an increase in the birthweight of lambs but, ideally, ewes should be further advanced in pregnancy before shearing is undertaken.  相似文献   

Objective   To compare infections of gastrointestinal nematodes in 2-year-old ('maiden') spring-lambing Merino ewes in the upper and lower 25% of body weights (BW) at joining.
Design   An observational study over two consecutive years on two farms in western Victoria.
Methods   On each farm, ewes were weighed at the end of mating. Ewes within the upper and lower quartile of BW formed two groups that grazed together for the remainder of the year. On each farm, 20 ewes from each group were also treated with controlled release capsules containing ivermectin to minimise the effects of parasitism. Measures of worm infections were worm egg counts, total worm counts and assessment of breech soiling ('dag score'). Measures of production were BW, numbers of deaths, pregnant ewes and weaned lambs in each group, and response to treatment with a capsule.
Results   No consistent difference was found in mean worm egg counts between ewes in the high and low BW groups and total worm counts of ewes before lambing were not significantly different in either year. Breech soiling of low BW ewes was consistently higher on both farms in both years. Those ewes also reared 7% to 14% fewer lambs. The difference in BW between the low and high groups remained highly significant on both farms throughout both years.
Conclusion   A strategic approach to worm control is appropriate for ewes in both high and low BW categories. Management options for low BW ewes include culling, supplementary feeding to increase BW before mating, or delaying mating for 12 months.  相似文献   

AIMS: To substantiate a previous report of improved fertility and perinatal lamb mortality rate following iodine supplementation in a Manawatu Romney ewe flock. To contribute data which might be used to predict a response to iodine supplementation. METHODS: A controlled iodine supplementation trial was performed over 2 successive years. The possible confounding factor of different lambing paddocks on perinatal lamb mortality was removed by the reversal of the paddocks used by the supplemented and control ewes during the second year. RESULTS: During 2 successive years, iodine supplementation resulted in improved reproductive performance in a Manawatu Romney flock with 21% and 14% more lambs born to supplemented than to control mixed-age ewes in 1996 and 1997 respectively. Supplementation also resulted in improved perinatal lamb survival, although this effect was greater during the wetter 1996 Lambing season. Despite the production response during both years, a difference in lamb thyroid:bodyweight ratio was only noted following the drier 1997 winter. Ewe thyroid hormone concentrations before mating and during mid-pregnancy were poor indices of deficiency. CONCLUSIONS: Iodine deficiency should be included in the list of differential diagnoses for poor reproductive performance in ewes and in the investigation of high perinatal lamb mortality rates. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The annual cost associated with iodine deficiency in this Manawatu Romney flock is conservatively estimated at dollar 6.00 per ewe. This economic loss is considerably greater than the annual cost of iodine supplementation using iodised oil.  相似文献   

在内蒙古草原牧区,冬季对绵羊补饲精喂的研究具有重要的意义。为研究产羔前对母畜舍饲精料后,呼伦贝尔短尾羊体重、体尺及经济效益的变化,本研究选取60对待产的呼伦贝尔短尾母绵羊作为试验对象,在母畜产羔前一个月,试验组母畜舍饲精料,对照组仅补饲干草,分析100日龄内家畜体重、体尺及经济效益变化。利用方差及偏最小二乘回归法,分析产前补饲对家畜个体、生产效益的影响及影响家畜体重的主要体尺权重,结果显示,100 d时间段内,母畜体重呈先减少后增加的趋势;仔畜出生后一个月左右的时间段,试验组仔畜的胸围、胸宽、体高、胸深、体长和体斜长显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。影响呼伦贝尔短尾羊体重的主要体尺指标为:胸围、胸宽、体高和胸深,影响权重达到50%以上。补饲使得仔畜的成活率、出售价格显著高于未进行补饲的对照组(P<0.05)。通过补饲母畜不仅可以影响仔畜体重和体尺指标,而且对提高仔畜成活率和经济效益具有重要的作用,这为今后后备母羊的选育、家畜的精准淘汰提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

To determine the ovarian response to the ram effect after treatment with melatonin, on 8 March, 71 Rasa Aragonesa ewes were randomly assigned to either the treatment group and given an 18mg melatonin implant or the untreated group. On 19 April (day 0), rams were introduced into the flock. Melatonin treatment produced a significantly higher percentage of cyclic ewes at ram introduction (P<0.05). Melatonin-treated ewes had their first oestrus after ram introduction significantly earlier than did untreated ewes (P<0.0001), and the groups differed in the distribution of their ovarian response. Most (80%) of the treated ewes exhibited a silent ovulation followed by a cycle of normal duration, whereas about half (52%) of the untreated ewes exhibited a silent ovulation, a short cycle, and another silent ovulation followed by a cycle of normal duration (P<0.05). At ram introduction, melatonin-treated ewes, cyclic and non-cyclic, had higher mean plasma progesterone concentrations than did untreated ewes. The proportion of ewes that mated within the first 17 days of the mating period was significantly higher among the treated ewes than in the untreated ewes (P<0.0001). Furthermore, at lambing, 39% of the melatonin-treated ewes lambed within the first 17 days of the lambing period, while none of the untreated ewes lambed in that period. The untreated group exhibited peaks in mating between days 18 and 21, and particularly, between days 22 and 25, when the majority of ewes lambed; peaks did not occur in the treatment group. Treated and untreated ewes did not differ significantly in fertility, litter size and fecundity. In conclusion, melatonin treatment modifies the ovarian response to the ram effect in ewes, which leads to modifications in mating patterns, and consequently, the lambing curve.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine whether short-term progesterone supplementation post mating or shearing of ewes in early pregnancy affected either the proportion of ewes that lambed or that had multiple lambs, or the birthweight of lambs.

METHODS: Romney ewes (n=457) were synchronised in oestrus using controlled internal drug-releasing (CIDR) devices containing progesterone, and mated to Romney rams over a 5-day period. The mid-point of mating (Day 0) occurred 2 days after the withdrawal of CIDR devices. Ewes mated (n=397) were randomly allocated to one of four treatment groups: shearing at Day 5, shearing at Day 30, no shearing, and no shearing plus progesterone supplementation using a CIDR device inserted on Day 3 for 6 days. During the period from Day 5 to Day 27, six harnessed Suffolk rams were placed with the ewes and matings recorded. At Day 48, all ewes that did not return to the Suffolk rams were scanned for pregnancy using ultrasound. At Day 140, single- and multiple-bearing ewes were set-stocked at 15.1 and 12.2 ewes/ha, respectively, and equivalent numbers of ewes from each treatment group were placed in each paddock. Blood samples from 10 unshorn and 10 progesterone-supplemented ewes were collected on Days 3, 6 and 9, and analysed for plasma progesterone concentrations. Lambs were identified to their dam and weighed within 12 h of birth, and again at 27 and 93 days after the mid-point of lambing. The ewes were weighed at regular intervals throughout the trial.

RESULTS: Plasma progesterone concentrations of supplemented ewes were higher than those of unsupplemented ewes (3.28 vs 1.75 ng/ml) on Day 6 (p=0.02) but not on Day 9 (4.58 vs 4.63 ng/ml). Treatment of ewes had no effect on either the proportion of ewes which lambed to the synchronised mating period or that had multiple lambs. Lambs born to ewes shorn at Day 30 tended (p=0.09) to be heavier at birth (by 0.28 kg) than those born to unshorn ewes but this effect was not evident when data were corrected for length of gestation. Neither shearing at Day 5 nor progesterone supplementation had any effect on the birthweight of lambs, and the treatment of ewes had no effect on the survival rate of lambs to weaning.

CONCLUSIONS: Progesterone supplementation for 6 days beginning 3 days post mating did not increase either the proportion of ewes that lambed or that had multiple lambs, or the birthweight of lambs. Shearing 5 days after mating had no significant effect on the reproductive performance of ewes and need not be avoided, but is unlikely to result in an increase in lamb birthweight. Shearing ewes at Day 30 may result in an increase in the birthweight of lambs but, ideally, ewes should be further advanced in pregnancy before shearing is undertaken.  相似文献   

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