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The objective of this study was to investigate the pharmacokinetics and tissue disposition of meloxicam after repeated oral administration in calves. Thirteen male British × Continental beef calves aged 4 to 6 months and weighing 297–392 kg received 0.5 mg/kg meloxicam per os once daily for 4 days. Plasma meloxicam concentrations were determined in 8 calves over 6 days after first treatment. Calves were randomly assigned to be euthanized at 5, 10, 15 (n = 3/timepoint), and 19 days (n = 4) after final administration. Meloxicam concentrations were determined in plasma (LOQ= 0.025 μg/mL) and muscle, liver, kidney, and fat samples (LOQ = 2 ng/g) after extraction using validated LC–MS–MS methods. The mean (± SD) Cmax, Cmin, and Caverage plasma meloxicam concentrations were 4.52 ± 0.87 μg/mL, 2.95 ± 0.77 μg/mL, and 3.84 ± 0.81 μg/mL, respectively. Mean (± SD) tissue meloxicam concentrations were highest in liver (226.67 ± 118.16 ng/g) and kidney samples (52.73 ± 39.01 ng/g) at 5 days after final treatment. Meloxicam concentrations were below the LOQ in all tissues at 15 days after treatment. These findings suggest that tissue from meloxicam‐treated calves will have low residue concentrations by 21 days after repeated oral administration.  相似文献   

Thirty milligrams per kilogram of sulfadiazine/trimethoprim (SDZ/TMP, Tribrissen) was given orally and subcutaneously (s.c.) to two groups of male, Holstein calves. One group was fed milk-replacer throughout the 13-week period of the study while the second group was weaned onto a chopped grain-fiber mixture when 5 weeks old. Serum and urine were assayed for concentrations of unchanged drug. Trimethoprim bioavailability, following oral administration at 1, 6 and 12 weeks of age, is higher in milk-fed calves (non-ruminants) than in grain-fiber-fed calves (ruminants); bioavailability decreases with increasing age in both groups of calves. Serum concentrations above 0.1 micrograms/ml (the level of sensitivity of the assay) could not be obtained in ruminating calves. The rate of SDZ absorption following oral administration, as determined by the Wagner-Nelson method, was very slow in all the calves in this study with average half-life values ranging from 8.2-12.67 h; absorption was slightly faster in ruminating calves. Absorption of SDZ is rate-limiting and determines the biological half-life of the drug; SDZ serum concentrations above 2 micrograms/ml were maintained in all calves for at least 24 h. Following s.c. administration of Tribrissen to 7-and 13-week-old calves, urinary excretion patterns indicated that TMP was slowly released from the injection site; serum concentrations were below 0.1 micrograms/ml. In contrast, absorption of SDZ was very rapid; values for tmax were 1.5-1.8 h. The pharmacokinetic parameters for SDZ were calculated according to a one-compartment open model; neither diet nor age had a significant effect on SDZ disposition following s.c. injection. Subcutaneous administration of 30 mg/kg Tribrissen, b.i.d., may be the best therapeutic regimen; even though measureable concentrations of TMP cannot be achieved in the serum following a single s.c. dose, TMP concentrations should accumulate and, because of its sustained release, provide almost continual potentiation of SDZ.  相似文献   

Six healthy adult mixed breed dogs were each given 5 oral doses of trimethoprim (TMP)/sulfadiazine (SDZ) at 2 dosage regimens: 5 mg of TMP/kg of body weight and 25 mg of SDZ/kg every 24 hours (experiment 1) and every 12 hours (experiment 2). Serum and skin concentrations of each drug were measured serially throughout each experiment and mean serum concentrations of TMP and SDZ were determined for each drug for 24 hours (experiment 1) and 12 hours (experiment 2) after the last dose was given. In experiment 1, mean serum TMP concentration was 0.67 +/- 0.02 micrograms/ml, and mean skin TMP concentration was 1.54 +/- 0.40 micrograms/g. Mean serum SDZ concentration was 51.1 +/- 12.2 micrograms/ml and mean skin SDZ concentration was 59.3 +/- 9.8 micrograms/g. In experiment 2, mean serum TMP concentration was 1.24 +/- 0.35 micrograms/ml and mean skin TMP concentration was 3.03 +/- 0.54 micrograms/g. Mean serum SDZ concentration was 51.6 +/- 9.3 micrograms/ml and mean skin SDZ concentration was 71.1 +/- 8.2 micrograms/g. After the 5th oral dose in both experiments, mean concentration of TMP and SDZ in serum and skin exceeded reported minimal inhibitory concentrations of TMP/SDZ (less than or equal to 0.25/4.75 micrograms/ml) for coagulase-positive Staphylococcus sp. It was concluded that therapeutically effective concentrations in serum and skin were achieved and maintained when using the manufacturer's recommended dosage of 30 mg of TMP/SDZ/kg (5 mg of TMP/kg and 25 mg of SDZ/kg) every 24 hours.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine tissue depletion of penicillin G in calves after oral ingestion with milk replacer and estimate a withdrawal period. DESIGN: Longitudinal controlled trial. ANIMALS: 26 Holstein calves. PROCEDURE: Once daily, 24 calves were fed milk replacer containing procaine penicillin G (0.68 mg/kg [0.31 mg/lb] of body weight); 2 calves served as controls. After 1 feeding, 12 calves were euthanatized in groups of 3 each 4, 6.5, 9.5, and 13 hours after feeding. After 14 days, 12 calves were euthanatized in groups of 3 each 4, 6.5, 9.5, and 13 hours after the final feeding. Concentrations of penicillin G were determined in tissues, blood, and urine by use of high-performance liquid chromatography. RESULTS: Penicillin G was not detected in muscle samples of treated calves. The highest concentrations of penicillin G in plasma, kidney, and liver were 13 ng/ml, 92 ng/g, and 142 ng/g, respectively. Thirteen carcasses had violative drug residues; 12 had violative residues in the liver only, and 1 had violative residues in the liver and kidney. A 21-hour withdrawal period was estimated. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Liver had the highest concentration of penicillin G and was most likely to have violative residues. Feeding calves milk containing penicillin G has the potential to cause violative drug residues in tissues. It is recommended to observe an appropriate withdrawal time prior to slaughter if calves are fed milk from cows treated with penicillin G.  相似文献   

Disposition kinetics of gentamicin was determined in buffalo calves following repeated parenteral administration of 5 mg/kg body weight. The absorption (t1/2 Ka) and elimination half-life (t1/2 beta) were found to be 0.40 +/- 0.12 and 4.33 +/- 0.39 h, respectively. Statistical comparison of the values of pharmacokinetic determinants generated in this study with the corresponding values following single intramuscular injection at the same dose level as reported earlier by GARG and GARG, 1990, revealed that the consecutive administration of drug influenced the pharmacokinetics profile of gentamicin. Elimination half-life was significantly longer (P < 0.05). Since elimination rate constant value was significantly reduced, the subsequent dosage will have to be reduced particularly if kidney functions are not normal. Otherwise, dosage regimen need not be changed.  相似文献   

Tetracycline hydrochloride was administered to domestic rabbits using a single bolus by the intravenous and oral routes. Pharmacokinetic parameters were determined for intravenous (10 mg/kg) and oral (150 mg/kg) administration. The effect of fasting for 12 h on the drug elimination kinetics after oral administration was evaluated. Tetracycline was added to the drinking water at 800 mg/L or 1600 mg/L. Drug and water intake and serum levels were monitored. Mean serum pharmacokinetic parameters following intravenous administration were; 0 intercept beta curve B (microgram/mL) = 7.5, rate of elimination from body -b (min-1) = 0.0058, half life elimination from body -t 1/2 b (min) = 120.0, wt(kg) = 3.2 determined using combined male and female data. Mean serum pharmacokinetic parameters after oral administration (single bolus) were -B (microgram/mL) = 1.54 (full stomach) and 2.71 (empty stomach), b(min-1) = 0.0037 (full stomach) and 0.0035 (empty stomach), t 1/2 b (min) = 190.3 (full stomach) and 216.2 (empty stomach). Administration of tetracycline in the drinking water produced very low to nondetectable levels of drug in the serum, even at high dosage, and the 1600 mg/L drug concentration was accompanied by a significant drop in water intake. Thus, it is evident that concentrations of tetracycline of up to 1600 mg/L drinking water will not produce levels of antibiotic consistently detectable in the serum.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the stereospecific pharmacokinetics of ketorolac (KT) in goats following a single 2 mg/kg intravenous (i.v.) dose and a single 6 mg/kg oral dose. A stereoselective high pressure liquid chromatography assay was used to quantify ketorolac plasma concentrations. Pharmacokinetic parameters for both stereoisomers were estimated by model independent methods. Following an i.v. dose, the plasma concentration profiles for the stereoisomers were similar with half-lives of 1.05 ± 0.62 h for R -KT and 1.05 ± 0.61 h for S -KT. Clearance values for R - and S -KT after an i.v. dose were 0.53 ± 0.23 and 0.54 ± 0.23 L·h/kg, respectively. Following an oral dose, the terminal half-lives were longer with values of 34.08 ± 11.81 and 33.97 ± 12.19 h for R -KT and S- KT, respectively. The average bioavailability was 133 ± 23% for R -KT and S -KT, respectively. The longer half-lives and high apparent bioavailability after oral dosing are suggestive of a slow absorption process in the gastrointestinal tract and recycling. The results indicate that interconversion of the stereoisomers of ketorolac is absent in goats. However, studies with individual isomers are needed before any conclusion can be drawn about the lack of bioinversion.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the effect of feeding on the plasma disposition of triclabendazole (TCBZ) in goats following oral administration. A total of eight goats, aged 14–16 months and weighing 20–30 kg were used in this study. The animals were allocated into two groups (fasted and fed groups) of four animals each. The goats in fed group were fed ad libitum but the animals in fasted group were not fed 24 h before and 6 h after drug administration. Commercial oral drench formulation of TCBZ (Endex-K, 5%) was administered orally to animals in two groups at dose of 10 mg/kg bodyweight. Heparinized blood samples were collected between 1 and 192 h after treatment and the plasma samples were analysed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for TCBZ, TCBZ sulphoxide (TCBZ–SO), and TCBZ sulphone (TCBZ–SO2). Relatively very low concentration of TCBZ parent drug was detected between 2 and 48 h, but TCBZ–SO and TCBZ–SO2 metabolites were present between 2 and 192 h in the plasma samples of fed and fasted animals. Fasting significantly enhanced the plasma concentration of TCBZ and its metabolites. The availability of TCBZ, TCBZ–SO and TCBZ–SO2 in the plasma samples of fasted goats were markedly greater compared to those of fed goats. It was concluded that fasting decreases the digesta flow rate and prolongs the retention of the drug into the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in enhanced quantitative gastrointestinal absorption or systemic availability of TCBZ and its metabolites in fasted goats.  相似文献   

Copper disodium edetate in recommended doses was apparently responsible for the deaths of one calf and clinical signs of toxicosis in 5 others on one farm, and 7 deaths and clinical signs of toxicosis in a number of others on another ranch. Signs of hyperexcitability, hypermetria, hindlimb weakness, head pressing, depression, and opisthotonos occurred 6 to 24 hours after injections and preceded death by 1 to 2 days. Necropsy and histologic examination revealed massive liver necrosis. High blood concentrations of liver enzymes in affected cattle that did not die indicated that they had liver damage. High blood concentration of iron in cattle that died indicated possible interaction of copper and iron.  相似文献   

Oxibendazole (OBZ) was administered to eight horses at an oral dose of 10 mg kg(-1) bodyweight each. Parent OBZ could only be detected in plasma at the 0.5 and 1.0 hours post administration sampling times and the mean maximum plasma concentration was 0.008 microg ml(-1). Parent OBZ was detected in faeces between 12 and 72 hours after administration and the highest dry faecal concentration was detected at 24 hours. An unidentified metabolite was detected in plasma between 0.5 and 72 hours. The unidentified metabolite in the plasma of treated horses corresponded to the second eluted metabolite in the in vitro study. Metabolism of OBZ to its metabolite in vitro was significantly inhibited by co-incubation with the cytochrome P450 inhibitor piperonyl butoxide. These results indicated that first-pass metabolism decreases OBZ bioavailability in horses. The in vitro metabolism of OBZ was significantly inhibited by piperonyl butoxide and this could be utilised to extend the exposure of nematodes to the parent molecule.  相似文献   

Treatment of a 9-year-old spayed female mixed-breed dog with trimethoprim-sulfadiazine for a prolonged period resulted in clinical signs of hypothyroidism, and results of thyroid gland function tests were indistinguishable from those associated with endogenous hypothyroidism. Drug-induced hypothyroidism was diagnosed on the basis of history, normal thyroid uptake of sodium pertechnetate, and complete recovery of thyroid gland function after administration of trimethoprim-sulfadiazine was discontinued.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken in order to evaluate and compare ivermectin's (IVM) plasma disposition kinetic parameters after oral or intramuscular (IM) administration in horses. Ten clinically healthy adult horses, weighing 380-496 kg body weight (BW), were allocated to two experimental groups of five horses. Group I, was treated with an oral paste formulation of IVM at the manufacturer's recommended dose of 0.2 mg/kg BW. Group II, was treated IM with an injectable 1% formulation of IVM at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg BW. Blood samples were collected by jugular puncture at different times between 0.5 h and 75 days post-treatment. After plasma extraction and derivatization, samples were analysed by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. A computerized kinetic analysis was performed, and data were compared using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. The parent molecule was detected in plasma between 30 min and either 20 (oral) or 40 (IM) days post-treatment. Significant differences were found for the time corresponding to peak plasma concentrations (tmax) and for absorption half-life. Peak plasma concentrations (Cmax) of 51.3 +/- 16.1 ng/ml (mean +/- SD) were obtained after oral administration and of 31.4 +/- 6.0 ng/ml for the IM route. The values for area under concentration-time curve were 137.1 +/- 35.9 ng day/ml for the group treated orally, and 303.2 +/- 4.3 ng day/ml for the IM treated group. The mean plasma residence times were 4.2 +/- 0.4 and 8.9 +/- 0.7 days for oral and IM-treated groups, respectively. The results of this study show that the route of administration considerably affects the disposition of IVM. A significant difference in bioavailabilty and half-life of elimination of IVM was observed after IM administration compared with oral administration. A close relationship between pharmacokinetic profiles and the clinical efficacy of IVM was established.  相似文献   

Amikacin was detectable (> 0.02 μg/ml) in plasma for 12 h in horses and donkeys and for 8 h in ponies following intravenous (i.v.) administration at a dose the rate of 6 mg/kg bodyweight The elimination half-life (harmonic mean) of amikacin was 2.8, 1.6 and 1.9 h in horses, ponies and donkeys, respectively, and the mean body clearance was relatively slow (45.2, 82.4 and 58.0 ml/h.kg, respectively). A suitable dosage interval for the i.v. administration of amikacin sulphate to horses, ponies and donkeys, at a dose rate of 6 mg/kg, would be every 8 h in horses, and every 6 h in ponies and donkeys. Following i.v. administration there were no marked alterations in caecal liquor pH, the number of viable bacteria isolated, or the short chain fatty acid (SCFA) concentrations in caecal liquor and faeces. Amikacin was not detected (< 0.02 μg/ml) in plasma following administration by nasogastric tube to ponies with cannu-lated caecal fistulae; however, there were high concentrations of amikacin measured in caecal liquor (maximum 16.2–99.4 μg/ml). Despite the high drug concentrations in caecal liquor, there were only slight alterations in the number of viable bacteria isolated. However, there was a reduction in caecal liquor pH to < 6.6, but few changes in caecal liquor SCFA concentrations. Faecal SCFA concentrations, dry matter content and consistency did not alter markedly.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether single-fraction and combination modified-live bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) vaccines commercially licensed for parenteral administration could stimulate protective immunity in calves after intranasal administration. DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. ANIMALS: 39 calves. PROCEDURES: Calves were separated from dams at birth, fed colostrum with a minimal concentration of antibodies against BRSV, and maintained in isolation. In 2 preliminary experiments, 9-week-old calves received 1 (n = 3) or 2 (3) doses of a single-component, modified-live BRSV vaccine or no vaccine (8 control calves in each experiment), and were challenged with BRSV 21 days after vaccination. In a third experiment, 2-week-old calves received combination modified-live virus (MLV) vaccines with or without BRSV and calves were challenged with BRSV 8 days later. Calves were euthanized, and lung lesions were measured. Immune responses, including serum and nasal antibody and nasal interferon-alpha concentrations, were assessed. RESULTS: BRSV challenge induced signs of severe clinical respiratory tract disease, including death and pulmonary lesions in unvaccinated calves and in calves that received a combination viral vaccine without BRSV. Pulmonary lesions were significantly less severe in BRSV-challenged calves that received single or combination BRSV vaccines. The proportion of calves that shed virus and the peak virus titer was decreased, compared with control calves. Protection was associated with mucosal IgA antibody responses after challenge. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Single and combination BRSV vaccines administered intranasally provided clinical protection and sparing of pulmonary tissue similar to that detected in response to parenteral delivery of combination MLV and inactivated BRSV vaccines previously assessed in the same challenge model.  相似文献   

Neomycin sulfate was administered to calves by the intravenous and intramuscular routes. Serum drug levels were determined and the intravenous pharmacokinetic parameters derived using the Gauss-Newton nonlinear fitting algorithm and the two compartment open model. The kinetic parameters determined were as follows: zero time intercept, serum drug level 68.045 +/- 15.894 micrograms/mL, alpha slope intercept 37.666 +/- 13.874 micrograms/mL and beta slope intercept 30.379 +/- 12.638 micrograms/mL; equilibration rate (pool I and II) 0.081 +/- 9.064 min-1; elimination rate 0.004 +/- 0.001 min-1; half-time alpha 14.774 +/- 11.236 min, half-time beta 166.596 +/- 47.576 min; first order elimination constant 0.009 +/- 0.002 min+; transfer rate constants, central to peripheral, 0.032 +/- 0.026 min+ and peripheral to central 0.045 +/- 0.037 min-1; volume of central compartment 0.186 +/- 0.047 L/kg; volume of distribution 0.388 +/- 0.130 L/kg; body clearance 0.002 +/- 0.001 L/kg/min.  相似文献   

Fenbendazole (FBZ), oxfendazole (fenbendazole sulphoxide, FBZSO), and albendazole (ABZ) were administered orally to donkeys at 10mg/kg bodyweight. Blood and faecal samples were collected from 1 to 120 h post-treatment. The plasma and faecal samples were analysed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The parent molecule and its sulphoxide and sulphone (FBZSO(2)) metabolites did not reach detectable concentrations in any plasma samples following FBZ administration. ABZ was also not detected in any plasma samples, but its sulphoxide and sulphone metabolites were detected, demonstrating that ABZ was completely metabolised by first-pass mechanisms in donkeys. Maximum plasma concentrations (C(max)) of FBZSO (0.49microg/mL) and FBZSO(2) (0.60microg/mL) were detected at (t(max)) 5.67 and 8.00h, respectively, following administration of FBZSO. The area under the curve (AUC) of the sulphone metabolite (10.33microg h/mL) was significantly higher than that of the parent drug FBZSO (5.17microg h/mL). C(max) of albendazole sulphoxide (ABZSO) (0.08g/mL) and albendazole sulphone (ABZSO(2)) (0.04microg/mL) were obtained at 5.71 and 8.00h, respectively, following ABZ administration. The AUC of the sulphoxide metabolite (0.84microg h/mL) of ABZ was significantly higher than that of the sulphone metabolite (0.50microg h/mL). The highest dry-faecal concentrations of parent molecules were detected at 32, 34 and 30h for FBZSO, FBZ and ABZ, respectively. The sulphide metabolite was significantly higher than the parent molecule after FBZSO administration. The parent molecule was predominant in the faecal samples following FBZ administration. After ABZ administration, the parent molecule was significantly metabolised, probably by gastrointestinal microflora, to its sulphoxide metabolite (ABZSO) that showed a similar excretion profile to the parent molecule in the faecal samples. The AUC of the parent FBZ was significantly higher than that of FBZSO and ABZ in faeces. It is concluded that the plasma concentration of FBZSO was significantly higher than that of FBZ and ABZ. Although ABZ is not licensed for use in Equidae, its metabolites presented a greater plasma kinetic profile than FBZ which is licensed for use in horses. A higher metabolic capacity, first-pass effects and lower absorption of benzimidazoles in donkeys decrease bioavailability and efficacy compared to ruminants.  相似文献   

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