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乙烯利诱导水稻根内通气组织形成的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 以扬稻6号(Oryza sativa L.)幼苗为材料,研究乙烯利对根内组成型通气组织形成的影响。结果表明,随营养液中乙烯利浓度的增高,中皮层部位细胞解体形成通气空腔数增多,超氧化物歧化酶的活性呈下降趋势;以正常生长的水稻根系为对照,100 mg/L乙烯利处理后根尖10 mm和距根尖10 mm以上部位的木葡聚糖转葡糖苷酶(XET)基因表达量均显著高于对照相应部位,XET基因的积累与通气组织形成具有一致性;对处理与对照根尖10 mm部位超微结构比较发现,乙烯利处理后根系皮层细胞发生死亡解体的时间早,在距离根尖4 mm处多数细胞内核已解体消亡,细胞壁周围可见较多的高尔基体、线粒体和膜包裹的空泡等。  相似文献   

【目的】为解决我国南方温敏核不育水稻制种过程中遇低温易发生育性转换问题,对处于育性转换敏感期的温敏核不育水稻进行低温诱导并喷施不同浓度乙烯利,探讨其对温敏核不育水稻育性的影响。【方法】利用温敏核不育水稻株1S和准S为材料,在育性敏感时期对其进行连续7d冷灌池低温(22.5℃)诱导并分别喷施乙烯合成促进物质乙烯利和抑制物质二氧化氯溶液,统计花粉可染率及套袋自交结实率,对乙烯合成关键酶进行实时荧光定量PCR分析。分离并分析了乙烯合成途径关键酶OsACO5OsACS5的启动子。【结果】在22.5℃低温诱导条件下,株1S和准S连续7 d喷水处理后的可染花粉率分别是4.3%和8.9%,套袋结实率分别是1.6%和2.5%;与喷水对照相比,喷施1600mg/L乙烯利,株1S和准S可染花粉率分别下降3.3和7.2个百分点,且都无结实;喷施1500mg/L二氧化氯溶液的株1S和准S可染花粉率分别上升3.5和3.3个百分点,套袋结实率分别上升0.78和0.52个百分点。在低温诱导条件下(以喷水为对照),连续7 d喷施1600mg/L乙烯利时,株1S和准S幼穗中OsACO5OsACS5基因表达量显著升高,分别是对照(喷水)的1.19、1.24(株1S)和1.24、1.1(准S)倍;连续7 d喷施1500mg/L二氧化氯溶液时,株1S和准S幼穗中OsACO5基因表达量变化不显著,而株1S和准S中OsACS5基因表达量显著降低,分别是对照(喷水)的93%和89%。与正常大田温度相比,在22.5℃低温诱导7 d时,喷水、喷施1600mg/L乙烯利及1500mg/L二氧化氯溶液处理分别会导致株1S和准S幼穗中OsACO5OsACS5基因下调表达。此外,发现OsACO5OsACS5的启动子除含TATA盒和CAAT盒等基本结构以外,还含有多个组织特异表达及乙烯调控顺式作用元件。【结论】低温诱导条件下,在温敏核不育水稻育性敏感期,喷施1600mg/L乙烯利可抑制育性转换。  相似文献   

【目的】为解决我国南方温敏核不育水稻制种过程中遇低温易发生育性转换问题,对处于育性转换敏感期的温敏核不育水稻进行低温诱导并喷施不同浓度乙烯利,探讨其对温敏核不育水稻育性的影响。【方法】利用温敏核不育水稻株1S和准S为材料,在育性敏感时期对其进行连续7 d冷灌池低温(22.5℃)诱导并分别喷施乙烯合成促进物质乙烯利和抑制物质二氧化氯溶液,统计花粉可染率及套袋自交结实率,对乙烯合成关键酶进行实时荧光定量PCR分析。分离并分析了乙烯合成途径关键酶OsA CO5和Os ACS5的启动子。【结果】在22.5℃低温诱导条件下,株1S和准S连续7 d喷水处理后的可染花粉率分别是4.3%和8.9%,套袋结实率分别是1.6%和2.5%;与喷水对照相比,喷施1600 mg/L乙烯利,株1S和准S可染花粉率分别下降3.3和7.2个百分点,且都无结实;喷施1500 mg/L二氧化氯溶液的株1S和准S可染花粉率分别上升3.5和3.3个百分点,套袋结实率分别上升0.78和0.52个百分点。在低温诱导条件下(以喷水为对照),连续7 d喷施1600 mg/L乙烯利时,株1S和准S幼穗中OsA CO5和OsA CS5基因表达量显著升高,分别是对照(喷水)的1.19、1.24(株1S)和1.24、1.1(准S)倍;连续7 d喷施1500 mg/L二氧化氯溶液时,株1S和准S幼穗中Os ACO5基因表达量变化不显著,而株1S和准S中OsA CS5基因表达量显著降低,分别是对照(喷水)的93%和89%。与正常大田温度相比,在22.5℃低温诱导7 d时,喷水、喷施1600 mg/L乙烯利及1500 mg/L二氧化氯溶液处理分别会导致株1S和准S幼穗中OsA CO5和Os ACS5基因下调表达。此外,发现OsA CO5和OsA CS5的启动子除含TATA盒和CAAT盒等基本结构以外,还含有多个组织特异表达及乙烯调控顺式作用元件。【结论】低温诱导条件下,在温敏核不育水稻育性敏感期,喷施1600 mg/L乙烯利可抑制育性转换。  相似文献   

粒粒饱对水稻灌浆期间衰老的延缓作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
于水稻初穗期施用二元植物生长物质粒粒饱,就其延缓水稻灌浆成熟期衰老进程的作用进行了研究。粒粒饱对稻株灌浆成熟期延缓衰老作用明显,对易发生早衰的籼型三系杂交稻效应尤其显著。在黄熟期观察,功能叶片的SOD活性比对照高1.9倍,MDA含量比对照低30%,根系伤流量比对照高约1倍。粒粒饱延缓稻株衰老的效应似可分成对产量形成的直接效应和间接效应两类,直接效应是提高籽粒呼吸强度,间接效应是延缓功能叶片 SOD 活性和根系伤流液的下降。  相似文献   

水稻根尖边缘细胞对铁胁迫的缓解效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 从20个水稻品种中筛选出较耐亚铁的水稻品种协优9308和敏感品种IR64,采用静置培养(使边缘细胞附于根尖)和摇床培养(移除根尖边缘细胞),测定根相对伸长率、含水量、根尖保护酶(POD、SOD、CAT)活性以及各根段铁含量,研究边缘细胞对水稻根尖铁胁迫的缓解效应。结果表明,铁毒处理抑制根的伸长、降低幼根的含水量,移除边缘细胞的根相对伸长率以及含水量都低于保留边缘细胞的根,且随着铁毒处理时间的增加,根相对伸长率和幼根的含水量总体呈现下降趋势。在200 mg/L铁毒处理下,根尖保护酶(POD、SOD、CAT)活性受到抑制(除静置培养下协优9308的POD活性外),摇床培养对酶活性的抑制程度较大。铁毒处理使根段铁含量显著上升,静置培养下根段铁含量从0~2 mm到8~10 mm依次增大,摇床培养除8~10 mm根段外其余均无显著差异。说明边缘细胞在水稻根尖铁毒防御中起着一定的作用。  相似文献   

主要节水灌溉方式对水稻根系形态生理的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻是耗水第一大作物。发展节水栽培对稻田水分高效利用和缓解我国水资源短缺具有重要意义。水稻根系是吸收水分和养分的重要器官,也是多种激素、氨基酸和有机酸合成的重要部位。水分管理措施的改变会直接或间接引起根系生长发育发生改变,从而影响水稻地上部生长发育和产量形成。本文综述了干湿交替灌溉、控制灌溉和覆盖旱种对水稻根系形态和生理特性的影响,提出了今后节水灌溉下水稻根系的研究重点,以期为改善水稻根系形态生理和高产节水栽培提供理论依据。  相似文献   

水稻是耗水第一大作物。发展节水栽培对稻田水分高效利用和缓解我国水资源短缺具有重要意义。水稻根系是吸收水分和养分的重要器官,也是多种激素、氨基酸和有机酸合成的重要部位。水分管理措施的改变会直接或间接引起根系生长发育发生改变,从而影响水稻地上部生长发育和产量形成。本文综述了干湿交替灌溉、控制灌溉和覆盖旱种对水稻根系形态和生理特性的影响,提出了今后节水灌溉下水稻根系的研究重点,以期为改善水稻根系形态生理和高产节水栽培提供理论依据。  相似文献   

甘蔗伸长盛期乙烯利处理对节间ATP酶和转化酶活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了甘蔗伸长盛期100mg/L乙烯利处理对3个甘蔗品种桂糖11号、桂糖15号和新台糖16号的Ca2+-ATP酶、Mg2+-ATP酶、中性和酸性转化酶活性的影响。3个品种间Ca2+-ATPase与Mg2+-ATPase的活性有差异,但相同品种的Ca2+-ATPase和Mg2+-ATPase的活性变化趋势基本一致。在甘蔗伸长盛期100mg/L乙烯利处理可以提高节间1的Ca2+-ATPase和Mg2+-ATPase的活性。在甘蔗伸长盛期节间2的中性和酸性转化酶表现基本一致的动态变化趋势。100mg/L乙烯利处理可以提高节间2中性和酸性转化酶活性。结果表明,在甘蔗伸长盛期乙烯利处理促进甘蔗蔗糖代谢活动,提高能量代谢水平,从而促进甘蔗生长。   相似文献   

To properly explore the photoreceptor for the negative phototropism in rice (Oryza sativa L.) root, lights with different wavelengths were applied to investigate the effect of light quality on phototropic bending. The phototropic bending could be induced prominently by blue/ultraviolet light, whereas not by red or far-red light. The absorption spectrum of the extracted solution from rice root cap had two peaks at 350 nm and 450 nm, respectively, and the molecular weight of the 120 kD protein in the root cap under unilateral light was larger than that under the dark. It suggested that the blue light receptor might be the photoreceptor for the negative phototropism in rice root.  相似文献   

留桩高度对再生稻根系的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
以培矮64S/E32为材料,设10,15,20,25,30,35,40 cm等7个留桩高度处理,研究了留桩高度对头季根系进入再生季后的活力恢复与维持、再生根的发生等的影响.结果表明,再生根主要由低位再生苗产生;再生稻齐穗期,随留桩高度的降低,再生根根量及再生根根量占再生稻总根量的比例增大,而头季根根量减小;高留桩有利于头季根系活力的恢复与维持,而低留桩有利于再生根的发生.综合考虑根量、根系活力与吸收面积等因素,各留桩高度下,头季根仍是再生稻根系的主体.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):164-173

Morphological adaptation of roots is critical for plants to survive under waterlogging. In this study, we evaluated the capacity of wheat to form aerenchyma in seminal roots in combination with the growth angle of the roots. We used five Japanese cultivars from the waterlogging-prone Kanto-Kyushu region in Japan, and a non-Japanese cultivar, Bobwhite for comparison. Seedlings in pot culture were waterlogged at a 3-cm depth for 7 days. The first adverse effect of waterlogging on plant growth was a significant reduction of root dry mass. The reduction rate varied with the cultivar, and it was 19.2% in cv. Shiroganekomugi and 40.0% in cv. Norin 61. Root aerenchyma was initially observed on the 2nd day of waterlogging and developed until the 7th day, in all 6 cultivars. Quantitative analysis of the aerenchyma development revealed no significant difference in radial distribution among the cultivars, whereas a slight difference was found in the axial distribution. As a consequence, the heavier root weight of Shiroganekomugi was not related to either the radial or axial developing capacity of aerenchyma but might be due to the effect of its shallow root angle in the soil. These results suggest that the capacity to form aerenchyma in the seminal root is not sufficient for expression of waterlogging tolerance in the Japanese wheat cultivars.  相似文献   

Morpho-Physiological Changes in Roots of Rice Seedling upon Submergence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Submergence is a serious environmental condition that causes large loss in rice production in rain fed lowland and flood affected area. This study evaluated morphological and physiological responses of rice roots to submergence using two tolerant rice genotypes FR13A and Swarna-Sub 1 and two sensitive ones Swarna and IR42. The tolerant genotypes had higher survival rate and less shoot elongation but greater root elongation during submergence than the sensitive ones. After submergence,the tolerant genotypes also had higher root dry weight and more active roots than the sensitive ones.Tolerant genotypes exhibited less root injury, with less malondialdehyde production and slower electrolyte leakage after submergence. Tolerant genotypes also maintained higher concentrations of soluble sugar and starch in roots and shoots and higher chlorophyll retention after submergence than the sensitive ones.Our data showed that root traits such as root activity and root growth are associated with survival rate after submergence. This is probably accomplished through higher energy supply, and membrane integrity is necessary to preserve root function and reduce injury during submergence. These root traits are important for submergence tolerance in rice.  相似文献   

The O2- production, scavenging capacity, photooxidation, protein content, and SOD activity were studied in leaves of Yayou 2 (indica-japonica hybrid rice) and Shanyou 63 (indica hybrid rice) at filling stage. It was shown that protein content decreased gradually with days of heading in two varieties in natural condition, and the decrease in Shanyou 63 was more than that in Yayou 2. The rate of O2- production and SOD activity increased from heading to 20 days after heading, then decreases but still maintained certain levels until 30 days after heading in two varieties. O2- production rate in Shanyou 63 was more than that of Yayou 2, but SOD activity was contrary in two varieties. In addition, the change of O2- and SOD under photooxidation condition was consistent with the tendency above under natural condition. It was also shown that there was negative correlation between protein degradation and O2- / SOD in the process of senescence in flag leaves after 20 days of heading. It is suggested that O2-/SOD could be used as an index of scavenging ability for O2- during senescence in rice.  相似文献   

以六种浓度的乙烯利对初花期花生进行叶面喷施,定期观测其主要农艺、生理生化及产量指标。结果表明,喷施适宜浓度的乙烯利可抑制地上部分的生长,提高叶片和植株物质积累量;100 mg/L和150 mg/L乙烯利处理能优化花生植株的生理生化特性,表现为显著提高花生叶片的蛋白质含量和叶绿素含量及SOD和POD活性,增强花生叶片的光合速率和蒸腾速率,增强了主根活力,降低花生叶片丙二醛和可溶性糖含量;200 mg/L乙烯利处理能提高植株的单株结荚数、饱果率和产量,但百果重和百仁重有所下降。  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):437-445

Nodal root anatomy was compared among twelve upland and lowland rice (Oryza sative L.) varieties with tropical origin which were grown in hydroponic culture and under field conditions. The traditional upland japonica varieties showed the largest diameter of root, stele, and xylem vessel followed by modern upland varieties. There was a clear varietal difference in the ratio of stele to root diameter, which was associated with the genetic group rather than with the ecosystems. The japonica varieties had a significantly larger stele diameter relative to the root diameter than indica and aus varieties. The indica and aus varieties displayed more xylem vessels per unit area of stele than the japonica varieties, but the diameter of xylem vessel was smaller. Equivalent xylem vessel diameter (De) was more dependent on the number of xylem in the indica varieties than in the japonica varieties. Distinctly different types of sclerenchyma anatomy were identified among the varieties. The development of sclerenchyma was classified into four different types based on thickening of cell wall in the outer cortical parenchyma and the number of sclerenchymatous cell layers. Like the xylem anatomy, the varietal differences in sclerenchyma development were more associated with genetic group rather than the ecotype. The japonica varieties had higher frequency of the types which have a doubled cell layer in sclerenchyma with thick cell wall than indica and aus. The difference among the genetic groups was nearly consistent across growing conditions, aerobic and submerged soils. These results indicated that sclerenchyma development is controlled by a genetic factor.  相似文献   

为探究接触刺激与 2,4 表油菜素内酯(2,4-Epibrassinolide,2,4-eBL)诱导的水稻(Oryza sativa L.)根不对称生长之间的关系,本研究采用悬吊培养法和根冠蘸蜡法模拟接触刺激的有无。结果表明:仅有 2,4-eBL 或接触刺激存在时,水稻根不对称生长比例较低,不超过 9.7%;而当 2,4-eBL 和接触刺激同时存在时,水稻根不对称生长比例高达 90.7%。采用根冠蘸蜡法模拟接触刺激也得到类似结果。本文研究外源施加 2,4-eBL 诱导水稻根不对称生长的现象及在此过程中接触刺激发挥的关键作用,为探究油菜素类固醇(Brassinosteroids,BRs)与接触刺激之间的关系提供新见解。  相似文献   

镉胁迫下水稻SOD活性和MDA含量的变化及其基因型差异   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
以4个水稻品种为材料,采用土培试验,研究了不同土壤镉浓度对水稻超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性和丙二醛(MDA)含量的影响,水稻叶片SOD活性和MDA含量在生育进程中的变化,以及SOD活性和植株镉含量的关系。结果表明: 1)轻度镉胁迫有利于提高水稻的SOD活性,而高浓度镉胁迫对水稻的SOD活性有抑制作用;MDA含量与SOD活性存在负相关关系,随着土壤镉浓度的增加,MDA含量先下降后上升。2)在水稻生育过程中,SOD活性分蘖期>乳熟期>齐穗期;MDA含量随生育期一直增加。3)镉胁迫对水稻叶片SOD活性的影响存在基因型差异,分蘖期不同水稻基因型间SOD活性的差异最大。4)水稻的SOD活性与植株和稻米的镉含量呈负相关,齐穗期的SOD活性与镉含量的相关性达显著水平。  相似文献   

A major problem in hybrid rice production is the occurrence of leaf senescence during the grain filling stage that can result in reduction of yield. Changes in contents of several endogenous hormones are related to leaf senescence. The relationship between endogenous hormones and leaf senescence in the rice hybrid Tiyou 418 and its parents Tijin and C418, was undertaken for investigation. Indicators of leaf senescence, including superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, malondialdehyde (MDA) accumulation and chlorophyll content, as well as the contents of abscisic acid (ABA), zeatin riboside (ZR), gibberellin (GA1/3) and auxin (IAA) in the leaves were determined. Different rates of leaf senescence were observed in the three materials. Senescence occurred earliest and fastest in Tijin, followed by Tiyou 418 and then C418. A similar trend was recorded in ABA, ZR, and IAA contents during the grain filling stage in the three materials. Changes in (GA1/3 ZR IAA)/ABA ratios were also similar, being quite stable during the early stage of leaf senescence, and decreasing markedly during the late stage. The ratio declined more dramatically in Tijin, in accordance with its faster leaf senescence. The results suggest that the ratio of (GA1/3 ZR IAA)/ABA regulates chlorophyll content, SOD activity, MDA content and membrane lipid peroxidation. It is postulated that endogenous hormones may play a role in the regulation of leaf senescence in a systematic way.  相似文献   

两系籼型杂交水稻齐穗后光合作用和衰老特性的研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
对籼型两系与三系杂交水稻群体光合作用和衰老特性进行了比较,研究结果表明齐穗后剑叶叶绿素和可溶性蛋白质含量、超氧化物歧化酶活性、群体光合速率、脂质过氧化产物丙二醛含量、群体干物质生产量在组合间差异达极显著水平,两系和三系中各有指标值高低的组合;群体光合作用和衰老特性的差别主要在组合间,而不在两系和三系两种类型之间,两系杂交稻未有明显的优势。籼型两系杂交水稻的配组中应选配齐穗后叶片衰老慢、群体光合速率高的组合,提高抽穗至成熟期的物质生产量。  相似文献   

纹枯病菌对不同水稻品种叶片中抗病性相关酶活性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对优质抗纹枯病水稻品种ZH5、较抗纹枯病品种特青、感纹枯病品种Lemont及恢复系泸恢17、多系1号和GB8等水稻材料进行纹枯病菌接种,测定了水稻叶片中与抗病性相关的超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)、过氧化物酶 (POD) 的活性和丙二醛 (MDA) 的含量。不论纹枯病菌接种与否,ZH5和特青叶片中SOD活性均明显高于Lemont;纹枯病菌接种后,抗性品种ZH5和特青叶片中POD活性升高,感病品种Lemont 叶片中POD活性降低;不论是抗病还是感病的水稻材料,纹枯病菌接种后叶片中MDA含量均有所增加,但ZH5叶片中MDA含量明显低于其他参试材料。  相似文献   

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