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In the tropical area of Veracruz (Mexico) the decision of when and how to carry out tillage operations is based on qualitative criteria. It often results in excessive and unnecessary work, energy waste, operational delay, soil exposure to water erosion and soil structural damage. Objective criteria are needed in this area for selecting when and how to do cultivation in order to meet crop and conservation requirements. The workable range of typical soils of the area (Haplic Pheaozems) was quantified by assessing in-field implement effects on the soil structure and measuring the specific energy applied by the tractor–implement combination. This was done over a range of soil moisture contents inside and outside the theoretical friable consistency state of the soils, determined by the shrinkage and plastic limits. Empirical relationships between initial moisture content and the technological result of tillage showed that these results for moist loam and clay soils shifted from optimum to poor at soil water potentials that coincides quite well with the plastic limit. However, as soil was drying out, the implement effect changed from optimum to sub-optimum at soil moisture contents well above the shrinkage limit, so the actual field workable range was smaller than the theoretical friable status of the soils. The minimum input of specific energy to obtain optimum results, was close to the soil water potential where results changed to sub-optimum as soils were drying out. To support decisions for tillage planning and operation, valuable information on workable periods can be obtained by making use of quantified workability thresholds.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter is important to improve and sustain soil fertility in tropical agroecosystems. The combined use of organic residue and fertilizer inputs is advocated for its positive effects on short-term nutrient supply, but the effect of the integrated use on long-term stabilization of soil organic C and N is still unclear. We conducted a 1.5-y soil incubation experiment with maize (Zea mays) residue and urea fertilizer to examine the stabilization of C and N in four Sub-Saharan African soils differing in texture (sand, sandy loam, clay loam, and clay). The inputs were enriched with 13C and 15N in a mirror-labelling design to trace the fate of residue-C and N, and fertilizer-N in combination. We hypothesized that combining inputs would enhance the stabilization of C and N relative to either input alone across a range of soil textures. The treatments were destructively sampled after 0.25, 0.5, and 1.5 y to assess input-derived C and N stabilization in soil macro- and microaggregate fractions. The combination treatment had a significant but small (2% of residue-applied C) increase in residue-C stabilized in the total soil after 0.25 y, but this increase did not persist after 0.5 and 1.5 y. While combining residue and fertilizer decreased the amount of residue-N stabilized within 53- to 2000-μm sized soil aggregates (e.g., 7% less at 1.5 y), it increased the stabilization of fertilizer-N at all sampling times (e.g., 20% more at 1.5 y). The increased amount of fertilizer-N stabilized was significantly greater than the amount of residue-N lost in the combined input treatments in the three finer textured soils at 1.5 y, indicating an interactive increase in the stabilization of new N. Our results indicate that combining residue with fertilizer inputs can increase the short-term stabilization of N, which has the potential to improve soil fertility. However, benefits to N stabilization from combining organic residues and fertilizer seem to be less in coarser-textured soils.  相似文献   

Attempts were made to evaluate correlations of total trace elements with various soil characters in the hope that such correlations would allow prediction of the trace element status of paddy soils in Tropical Asia.

Among the 11 trace elements studied, Ni and Cr showed by far the highest correlation, followed by the pairs of V and Zn, Ni and Zn, and Cr and Zn.

High positive correlations of trace elements with soil characters were found for the following pairs: total Fe2O3, and V and Zn, total K20 and Rb, total CaO and Sr, total TiO2, and V, total Al203 and Zn, 10 Å clay content and Rb, clay and V, and sand and Zr. Among the negative correlations, the highest was between total SiO2 and V, followed by those between total SiO2 and Zn and sand and Zn.

Soil material classes and inherent potentiality ratings previously established were found to have some value for the prediction of the status of certain trace elements in soil.  相似文献   

Like most ecosystems of the world, tropical dry forests of the central coast of the Gulf of Mexico are inadequately preserved. Given that reserve expansion is unlikely, it is imperative that the conservation capacity of the matrix surrounding reserves is enhanced. Here, we examine the habitat value of isolated pasture trees and patches of secondary regrowth in terms of their terrestrial and arboreal ant assemblages in both a wet and dry season. These simplified wooded systems increase species densities within the agricultural matrix and provide habitat for some forest ant species. Estimated species richness of arboreal ants was particularly low on isolated trees, highlighting an important limitation. This was not the case for terrestrial ants, which were particularly species rich under isolated trees. We also found that the inter-site variations in species densities and similarity to the forest ant assemblage for terrestrial and arboreal strata were not correlated, suggesting that responses to restoration may not be as uniform as often thought. This has important implications for the use of indicator taxa in suggesting the response of other taxa. In terms of species composition, neither secondary regrowth nor isolated trees were appropriate replacements for forest fragments, even though the studied forest fragments were small (13-32 ha). The ant assemblages did not exhibit a seasonal change in composition. However, season influenced the contrast between habitats, with isolated trees being more distinct from pasture, and regrowth more closely resembling forests, during the wet season. Microclimatic variables indicate that the forests were least affected by the tropical dry season, and this may contribute to their characteristic fauna. We conclude that even small forest patches make a unique contribution to landscape conservation and that, where reserves are limited, conscientious management of the landscape matrix may provide some species with sufficient new habitat to survive outside of reserve systems. These conclusions are influenced by both season and strata studied.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to quantify interannual variations of total evaporation (ET) in a tropical rainforest in Sarawak, Malaysia. To this end, we conducted 10-year meteorological measurements and formulated a simplified big-leaf model that reproduces transpiration (Et), rainfall interception (Ei), and ET as the sum of these. The model was validated independently using eddy covariance fluxes, rainfall interception based on throughfall and stemflow measurements, and sap flow measurements conducted for more than 2 years. Using the model, Et, Ei, and ET were estimated for the period 2000-2009. Annual Et, Ei, and ET averaged over 10 years were estimated as 1114, 209, and 1323 mm, respectively, with small seasonal fluctuations. The derived estimates showed conservative year-to-year variations in annual Et, Ei, and ET (CV = 5-7%) in contrast to considerable year-to-year variations in annual rainfall (CV = 11%). Specific rainfall characteristics (e.g. intense short duration storms) at this site can explain the conservative year-to-year Ei variations. Small interannual variations in meteorological conditions and absence of severe drought during the study period can explain the small year-to-year Et variations. To characterize ET at our site, we also compared Ei and ET at our site with those of other tropical forests. Based on the derived ET characteristics, we discuss possible ET changes in response to changes in rainfall regime at this site.  相似文献   

We characterized the tree seedling community within seven forest fragments of different size (3-640 ha) at Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. We considered individual density, species richness, diversity, composition and functional group (shade tolerant, non-pioneer-light demander and pioneer species). We recorded 8038 individuals, belonging to 128 species and 40 morphospecies. Overall, shade-tolerant species had the highest density and diversity followed by non-pioneer-light demanders and pioneer species. Mean individual density per plot was not related to fragment size, but mean species richness per plot, total observed species richness and diversity were inversely related to fragment size, with the smallest fragments having the highest values. Species composition comparisons highlighted low similarity among fragments. Furthermore, larger fragments shared more species with the smallest fragments than between each other. Our results show that the largest fragments do not always hold the highest species richness; that small fragments comprise of high seedling species diversity, and represent a high regeneration potential for tree native species in the study landscape.  相似文献   

Nitrification and nitrifying potential of tropical and subtropical soils   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Nitrification was measured in five different soils (slate alluvial soil, sandstone shale alluvial soil, sandstone shale and slate alluvial soil, red soil, and Taiwan clay). In these soils different lag periods were recorded before the onset of nitrification. Nitrifying activity was highest in sandstone shale alluvial soil and the lowest in acidic red soil. A part from those in the red soil, the numbers of nitrifying bacteria detected were all higher than numbers reported in temperate soils. However, there were no clear relationships between the numbers of nitrifying bacteria and the rate of nitrification in these soils. When soil cores were incubated for 3 weeks, no NO inf2 sup- or NO inf3 sup- was defected in the slate alluvial soil. This was ascribed to denitrification.  相似文献   

The effects of land use on soil chemical properties were evaluated, and earthworm communities and the decomposition rate of three typical land use systems in tropical Mexico, namely banana plantations (B), agroforestry systems (AF) and a successional forest (S) were compared.The study was carried out from November 2005 to April 2006. A completely randomized sampling design was established in six sites (B1, B2, AF1, AF2, S1 and S2). Soil properties and chemical characteristics (texture, pH, organic carbon (Corg), nutrients, and available Zn and Mn), earthworm communities and the decomposition of Bravaisia integerrima and Musa acuminata litter were analyzed over a period of 8 weeks.All soils were loamy clays with a medium to high content of nutrients. Three principal clusters were generated with the soil chemical properties: a first cluster for forest soils with high Corg and Ntot and low available Zn content, a second cluster for AF1 and a third cluster for B1, B2 and A2.The decomposition of B. integerrima litter was significantly faster (half-life time: 1.8 (AF2)–3.1 (B1) weeks) than that of M. acuminata (4.1 (AF2)–5.8 (S2) weeks). However, the decomposition rates did not differ significantly among the different sites.The greatest earthworm diversities were observed in AF2 and B1. Native species were dominant in the forest soils, whereas exotic species dominated in AF and in the banana plantations. The abundance and biomass of certain earthworm species were correlated to physical and chemical soil parameters. However, litter decomposition rates were not correlated with any of the soil physical–chemical parameters.While none of the land use systems studied led to a decrease in nutrient status, earthworm biodiversity and abundance, or in litter decomposition rate, they did result in a change in earthworm species composition.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of tropical grass species in strips of different length in trapping sediment from cropland was assessed, and the influence of filter length was determined. The assessment was made under natural rainfall which induced sheet and rill erosion in run‐off plots and then using simulated run‐off which caused concentrated erosion. The evaluated grasses were elephant grass, lemon grass, paspalum and sugarcane. Run‐off plots were on a 10% slope in a randomized complete block design replicated three times. Filter lengths were 2.5, 5 and 10 m against a 10‐m‐long sediment source area planted with maize on a clay loam soil. The results show that sediment trapping effectiveness (TE) increases nonlinearly with increasing filter length for all grasses. Under natural rainfall, more than 70% of sediment was trapped in the first 5 m, and lengthening the strip to 10 m only resulted in a marginal increase in TE. With concentrated run‐off, more than 70% of sediment was trapped in the first 5 m and lengthening the strip to 10 m resulted in a significant increase in TE. Paspalum and lemon grass performed significantly better than other grasses (P < 0.05), owing to their spreading growth pattern over the soil surface. Paspalum also has the highest root density in the upper 0.3‐m layer of the soil followed by lemon grass, hence offering the greatest resistance to erosion from concentrated flow. The results demonstrate that tropical grass filter strips provide a viable means for reducing the sediment flux from cropland.  相似文献   

We evaluated the relationship between amphibian and reptile diversity and microhabitat dynamics along pasture-edge-interior ecotones in a tropical rainforest in Veracruz, Mexico. To evaluate the main correlation patterns among microhabitat variables and species composition and richness, 14 ecotones were each divided into three habitats (pasture, forest edge and forest interior) with three transects per habitat, and sampled four times between June 2003 and May 2004 using equal day and night efforts. We measured 12 environmental variables describing the microclimate, vegetation structure, topography and distance to forest edge and streams.After sampling 126 transects (672 man-hours effort) we recorded 1256 amphibians belonging to 21 species (pasture: 12, edge: 14, and interior: 13 species), and 623 reptiles belonging to 33 species (pasture: 11, edge: 25, and interior: 22 species). There was a difference in species composition between pasture and both forest edge and interior habitats. A high correlation between distance to forest edge and temperature, understorey density, canopy cover, leaf litter cover, and leaf litter depth was found. There was also a strong relationship between the composition of amphibian and reptile ensembles and the measured environmental variables. The most important variables related to amphibian and reptile ensembles were canopy cover, understorey density, leaf litter cover and temperature.Based on amphibian and reptile affinity for the habitats along the ecotone, species were classified into five ensembles (generalist, pasture, forest, forest edge and forest interior species). We detected six species that could indicate good habitat quality of forest interior and their disappearance may be an indication of habitat degradation within a fragment, or that a fragment is not large enough to exclude edge effects. Different responses to spatial and environmental gradients and different degrees of tolerance to microclimatic changes indicated that each ensemble requires a different conservation strategy. We propose to maintain in the Los Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve the forest remnants in the lowlands that have gentler slopes and a deep cover of leaf litter, a dense understorey, and high relative humidity and low temperature, to buffer the effects of edge related environmental changes and the invasion of species from the matrix.  相似文献   

Effects of vegetation and nutrient availability on potentail denitrification rates were studied in two volcanic, alluvial-terrace soils in lowland Costa Rica that differ greatly in weathering stage and thus in availability of P and base cations. Potential denitrification rates were significantly higher in plots where vegetation had been left undisturbed than in plots where all vegetation had been removed continuously, and were higher on the less fertile of the two soils. The potential denitrification rates were correlated strongly with respiration rates, levels of mineralizable N, microbial biomass, and moisture content, and moderately well with concentrations of extractable NH inf4 sup+ , Kjeldahl N, and total C. In all plots, denitrification rates were stimulated by the removal of O2 and by the addition of glucose but not by the addition of water or NO inf3 sup- .This is Paper 2772 of the Forest Research Laboratory, Oregon State University  相似文献   

Little is known about the relationship between soil biological function and the physical and chemical characteristics of soil-feeding termite nests in the Lopé tropical rainforest (Gabon). We compared nine soil-feeding termite nests of Cubitermes of different ages (fresh to mature to old) and six surrounding soils that originated from three forests differing with respect to age and vegetative cover according to 14 physical and chemical variables and acid (pH 4) and alkaline (pH 9) phosphatase activities. Physical and chemical variables of the studied samples were influenced by the three factors tested: (1) forest age, (2) termite activity (nest versus soil), (3) termite nest age. Soils from the gallery forest were strongly discriminated from all the other soils studied notably due to their high organic matter contents. All mature nests showed significant increases in K, P, clay and fine silt, pH, and cationic exchange capacity compared to soils. Some nests also had increased amounts of organic matter and larger water retention capacities. Moreover, we observed that with age the termite nests possessed decreased values of these variables from fresh to mature to old. Likewise, phosphatase activities also differed according to the three factors tested. Due to its high organic matter contents, the highest phosphatase activities were noted in the gallery forest. Within each forest, phosphatase activities decreased in mature nests compared to soils and tended to be higher in fresh nests compared to mature nests. These differences might be due to an inhibition by high inorganic P contents, as mature nests were enriched in this element and to the quality of organic matter as nests are built with termite faeces. Termite activity has an important role in influencing physical and chemical variables and phosphatase activities.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2006,31(1-2):169-178
Increasing deforestation in Mexico in the past 40 years has led to significant land use changes. It is important to establish land use systems that allow for the necessities of an increasing population and the conservation of soil fertility in the long term. In this study, we investigated the influence of different land use forms on soil fertility in Tabasco, SE Mexico. We chose two different commonly used pastures (Cynodon plectostachyus and Brachiaria decumbens) and a succession forest. We characterised soil fertility by physico-chemical parameters (texture, density, pH, P, Corg., Ntot., cation exchange capacity (CEC)) as well as by biological parameters, such as litter decomposition, microbial biomass and earthworm community. To estimate litter decomposition we used leaves of Gliricidia sepium, a common fodder tree in the region. The three land use systems had very similar soil chemical characteristics. All three can be characterised as acidic (pH between 4.1 and 5.3) with a high content of organic matter and total nitrogen. However, the three land use systems differed significantly with respect to their soil biological characteristics. Earthworm density as well as litter decomposition were significantly lower under B. decumbens than in the other soils. In all land use systems, the participation of macrofauna and mesofauna accelerated litter decomposition rate significantly as compared with decomposition with microfauna and microflora alone.We extracted two components of the pool of data by main component analysis. The acidity component explained mainly the microbial litter decomposition rate. The rate of litter decomposition – with participation of soil meso- and macrofauna – could be explained by the humus component. We assume that biological parameters were more suitable to characterise differences between the different land use systems. The use of C. plectostachyus and succession forest showed a positive effect on soil fertility.  相似文献   

During the past few decades, Mexico has been converting tropical dry forest (TDF) into cropland and pasture, with land degradation expressed as soil erosion being the main environmental consequence. The factors and processes influencing soil erosion are related to scale. At a microscale, the stability of soil aggregates has a significant impact on soil erodibility and strongly influences other soil properties. However, at plot and watershed scales, these relationships are less well known. The relationships between the distribution of soil aggregate size, soil properties and soil erosion were examined for two soil geomorphological units (hillslopes over granite and hillslopes over tuffs) and three land uses (TDF, unburned pasture and burned pasture) within the Chamela watershed of west–central Mexico. To evaluate soil aggregation as a parameter for upscaling soil erosion, the researchers measured microtopographic features at plot scales and interpreted 1:35,000 panchromatic aerial photographs at a watershed scale. Analysis of variance indicated significant differences in soil organic carbon (P < 0.05) and soil moisture (P < 0.01) contents between the two soil geomorphological units, and field tests showed differences in soil texture and structure.  相似文献   

Samples of alluvial soil from mixed sandstone shale and slate and of Taiwan clay were collected from two sites, both managed under a similar crop rotation scheme. The fields were further divided into sections which were managed under either conventional farming or sustainable farming practices. When the soil samples were collected in April 1989, after 1 year of operation under conventional or sustainable practices, the nitrification activities of both soils managed under sustainable practices practices. The nitrifying activities in Taiwan clay samples collected in April 1993 which had been managed with chemical or with organic fertilizer were not significantly different. However, nitrifying activity in the alluvial soil was higher under sustainable than under conventional practices. Numbers of NH 4 + -oxidizing bacteria were not significantly different in any of the soil samples irrespective of the different management practices. In contrast, higher numbers of NO 2 - -oxidizing bacteria were detected in both soils managed sustainably. The results also indicated that the composition of NH 4 + -oxidizing bacteria differed in the alluvial soil when managed with different kinds of fertilizer.  相似文献   

Limited information is available on the changes of surface chemical properties of tropical soils with time during the pedogenesis. Soil samples of three profiles derived from basalts of 10, 1330 and 2290 kilo annum (ka) in age were collected from adjacent locations in a tropical region of Hainan Province, China. The changes in soil surface chemical properties and the mineralogy of the soil clay fraction with time were investigated using ion adsorption, micro-electrophoresis, and X-ray diffraction analysis. The content of 2:1-type clay minerals decreased, while those of kaolinite and gibbsite increased with increasing basalt age and degree of soil development. The content of pedogenic free iron (Fe) oxides and the ratio of free Fe oxides/total Fe oxides increased with soil development stage, while soil poorly crystalline Fe and aluminum (Al) oxides had an opposite trend. The positive surface charge of the soils increased with increasing basalt age and degree of soil development; this was consistent with the change in their contents of free Fe/Al oxides. However, the value of negative surface charge had an opposite behavior. The soil derived from 10-ka-basalt had much more negative charge than soils derived from 1330- and 2290-ka-basalt. Soil net surface charge and zeta potential of the soil clay-fraction decreased with the increase in basalt age. Both net charge–pH curves and zeta potential–pH curves shifted to positive values with increased basalt age and degree of soil development. Increasing age also elevated the point of zero net charge of the soil and the isoelectric point of soil colloids.  相似文献   

Stuart S. Bamforth   《Pedobiologia》2007,50(6):515-525
Decomposition occurs in the aboveground and ground litter and soils of tropical rain forests, but little is known about the protozoa that stimulate bacterial activity and turnover. I examined litter and ground soils, epiphytic bryophyte soils on tree trunks and branches, and adventitious roots of lianas attached to tree trunks, within 2 m above ground in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, within the Caribbean National Forest, Puerto Rico. Amoebae numbered 69,000–170,000, ciliates 1000–25,000, and testate amoebae 58,000–190,000 g−1 dry wt. of litter, but were reduced by 0.25–0.5 of these abundances in the underlying soils. In the aboveground soils, amoebae numbered 64,000–145,000, ciliates 1000–8000, and testate amoebae 84,000–367,000 g−1 dry wt. of soil. Eighty species of ciliates and 104 species of testate amoebae were found. About 50% of the individuals in ciliate and 33% in testate amoebae populations were small r-selected species, illustrating that functional differences between species determine community composition. Although protozoan numbers are best described as “protozoan potential” because many individuals may be dormant, the high moisture content of tropical rain forest litter and soils suggest almost continually connected soil water films (necessary for protozoan transport), and together with the large numbers and biodiversity of protozoa, suggest that a major proportion of these protozoa contribute to the bacterial decomposition channel of organic matter.  相似文献   

The fate of much of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity is linked to the management of human-modified forest landscapes in the humid tropics. This Special Issue presents the first pan-tropical synthesis of research on the prospects for biodiversity in such systems, with eight individual regional summaries covering Mesoamerica, Amazonia, Atlantic forest of South America, West Africa, Madagascar, Western Ghats, Southeast Asia and Oceania. Two additional papers compare the state of conservation science in tropical forests with both temperate forests and savannah systems. This overview paper provides a comparative analysis of the threats and opportunities facing tropical forest biodiversity, thereby helping to identify the most pressing areas of future research and region-specific factors that contribute towards the effectiveness of individual conservation initiatives. While many of the threats facing tropical forest biodiversity are commonplace they vary markedly in their relative importance across different regions. There is a critical lack of comparable data to understand scale dependent processes, or the relative importance of varying geographic and historical contexts in determining present-day patterns. Conservation science has a key role to play in safeguarding the future of tropical forest biodiversity, but needs to become more effectively embedded in the context of real-world conservation challenges and opportunities. Significant progress can be achieved by improving the cost-effectiveness of research as well as the exchange of ideas and data amongst scientists working in different, often isolated parts of the world. We hope this special issue goes some way top achieving this exchange of knowledge.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) storage and turnover is influenced by interactions between organic matter and the mineral soil fraction. However, the influence of clay content and type on SOC turnover rates remains unclear, particularly in tropical soils under natural vegetation. We examined the lability of SOC in tropical soils with contrasting clay mineralogy (kaolinite, smectite, allophane and Al-rich chlorite). Soil was sampled from A horizons at six sites in humid tropical areas of Ghana, Malaysian Borneo and the Solomon Islands and separated into fractions above and below 250 μm by wet sieving. Basal soil respiration rates were determined from bulk soils and soil fractions. Substrate induced respiration rates were determined from soil fractions. SOC lability was significantly influenced by clay mineralogy, but not by clay content when compared across contrasting clay minerals. The lability of SOC was lowest in the allophanic and chloritic soil, higher in the kaolinitic soils and highest in the smectitic soil. Our results contrast with conventional concepts of the greater capacity of smectite than of kaolinite to stabilize SOC. Contents of dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate extractable Fe and Al were inversely related to SOC lability when compared across soil types. A stronger inverse correlation between content of ammonium-oxalate extractable Fe and SOC lability was found when considering the kaolinitic soils only and we conclude that the content of active Fe (hydr-) oxides controls SOC stabilization in the kaolinitic soils. Our results suggest that the validity of predictive models of SOC turnover in tropical soils would be improved by the inclusion of soil types and contents of Fe and Al (hydr-) oxides.  相似文献   

The microbial contribution to extractable N and P after the air-drying of eight Indian dry tropical Ultisols was quantified. Air-drying of the soils decreased microbial biomass C by 25–53% but increased extractable N and P by 14–34% and 24–121%, respectively. This increase in the extractable N and P was accounted for, to some extent, by microbial biomass killed due to air-drying. Microbial biomass contributes 17–36% and 19–82% to the extractable N and P, respectively, possibly due to air-drying of the soils. I conclude that due to contamination of microbial biomass with the available nutrients in air-dried soils, measurements of extractable nutrients should be made on field-moist soils. Received: 22 October 1996  相似文献   

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