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Damages in Christmas tree-plantations of Norway spruce by Rosellinia minor (Höhn.) Francis. In a plantation of Christmas trees of Norway spruce in the valley of Rhine (Vorarlberg, Austria) an epidemy of Rosellinia minor (Höhn.) Francis occurred in 1987 and 1988. 10 years old trees were totally affected by the fungus. Differences in fruiting-structures between R. minor, R. herpotrichoides (Hept. and Davids.) and R. aquila (Fr.) de Not. are discussed.  相似文献   

Occurrence of Fomes annosus in the soil of spruce stands (Picea abies Karst) . In stands of spruce Fomes annosus was found to occur in a viable state in the litter and soil to a depth of 25 cm. Successful isolations were obtained from 153 samples out of a total of 216. In ca. 40% of the 153 samples Fomes annosus could be isolated from 9 mg of soil; in the remaining samples it was found either in 90 mg, 230 mg or in 900 mg. The results raise the possibility of direct infection of the roots of spruce by Fomes annosus from the soil.  相似文献   

H. Butin  R. Kher 《Forest Pathology》1998,28(5):297-305
A new species of the coelomycetous genus Gloeosporidina found on leaves of Platanus × hispanica in Germany is described and illustrated. Culture trials and RAPD patterns demonstrate that the fungus is a part of the developmental cycle of Apiognomonia veneta, the cause of sycamore anthracnose. The relationship between Gloeosporidina moravica and Apiognomonia quercina on oak and between Gloeosporidina sp. and Apiognomonia errabunda on beech is described. The maintenance of the Apiognomonia spp. discussed as separate species is warranted because of differences in spermatial size among the Gloeosporidina states.  相似文献   

Scleroderris lagerbergii – a weak parasite in healthy Pinus nigra stands. In 4 healthy pine stands isolations were made from suppressed branches showing recent decay in the course of natural pruning. Scleroderris lagerbergii was isolated from 44 long shoots out of a total of 168. In suppressed branches the parasite causes death of the tissue of the long shoots weakened by reduced assimilation.  相似文献   

Studies of cytology and growth of different strains of Fomes annosus (Fr.) Cooke. I. Numbers of nuclei and DNA content in different isolations and stages of development. In cytological and cytophotometric studies, determinations were made of nuclear numbers and DNA contents of both conidia and basidiospores, of the primary mycelium and of mycelium after plasmogamy. Information was also obtained on parasexual phenomena in dikaryotic mycelium which can be held responsible for the great variability of the fungus.  相似文献   

Production of hysterothecia from pure cultures of Lophodermium pinastri (Schrad.) Chev. A method is described for the production of hysterothecia from pure cultures of L. pinastri. Previously sterilized needles of Finns sylvestris, after being overgrown on the culture dish are removed and put on living moss under natural conditions. In 2–2,5 months hysterothecia appear.  相似文献   

Infection of roots of spruce (Picea abies Karst.) by Fomes annosus present in the soil. 108 roots of spruce were severed at approximately 50 cm from the base of the tree. The resulting wounds were invaded by Fomes annosus originating as mycelium or basidiospores in the soil. Infection rate on limestone soils was 41 %, on other soils 10 %. Odontia bicolor also grew into spruce roots from the soil.  相似文献   

The development of the apothecium of Drepanopeziza salicis– the perfect state of Gloeosporium salicis– following the appearance of the microconidia has been described. The formation of both microconidia, which possibly have a spermatial function of mature ascospores and the incubation period of the ascospore-infection have been related to climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Drei Jahre alte Fichten wurden nach einer sechsmonatigen Anzuchtsphase in verschiedenen Bodensubstraten sieben Wochen lang mit 140 μg SO2/m3 begast. Dabei kam ein Begasungsprinzip zur Anwendung, das auch bei Dauerbelastung konstante Gaskonzentrationen, unabh?ngig von sich ?ndernden Depositionsraten gew?hrleistet und Gaswechselmessungen in der geschlossenen Anzuchts- und Begasungskammer erlaubt. Es zeigte sich, da? sowohl n?hrstoffarme B?den als auch eine SO2-Belastung im Kronenbereich zu Beeintr?chtigungen des Mineralstoffhaushaltes der Pflanzen führen. Insbesondere in den Wurzeln kam es nach einer siebenw?chigen Begasungsdauer zu einer starken Verminderung der Calcium- und Magnesiumgehalte. Auch die Photosyntheseleistung der Pflanzen und der Chlorophyllgehalt der Nadeln wurde durch die kombinierte Belastung mit sauren, n?hrstoffarmen Substraten und Schwefeldioxid st?rker beeintr?chtigt als durch den jeweiligen Einflu? der einzelnen Faktoren.
Effects of sulfur dioxide on spruces (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) growing in different soil substrata Exploratory investigations on photosynthesis and mineral nutrient supplies following long-term application of low SO2 concentrations
Summary Three-year-old spruce plants were grown in different soils for six months and then treated with 140 μg SO2/m3 for seven weeks. The fumigation system used provides constant gas concentrations during a long-term fumigation period. Information on the combined growth and fumigation chamber is presented. It can be shown that not only nutrient deficiency in the soil but also dry deposition of SO2 affects the mineral supply of plants. In particular the contents of calcium and magnesium in the roots were drastically reduced after the 7-week exposure period. The combination of acid soil and sulfur dioxide had a greater effect on both net photosynthetic rates of the plants, and chlorophyll contents of the needles as compared with the effect of only one of these stresses.

Herrn Prof. Dr.W. Liese zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

A method for examining Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) for susceptibility and resistance to the spread of Fomes annosus (Fr.) Cooke . An easily applied method is described for determining the results of infections and the reactions of young Norway spruce to Fomes annosus. By the use of genetically homogeneous material, e. g. clonal plants, the importance of environmental factors such as nutrient supply and also the varying virulence of different fungal strains can be studied.  相似文献   

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