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Tropical Animal Health and Production - The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of rumen-protected oil (soybean and palm oil) in supplements for beef cattle during the fattening...  相似文献   

This article describes current methods of controlling acute bovine pulmonary emphysema (ABPEE) and edema, lungworm and gastrointestinal nematodes, and bloat in grazing beef cattle. Success in handling outbreaks of these conditions and in their prevention depends on an understanding of their epidemiology and pathogenesis. Supplementation with ionophore antibiotics is effective in prevention of ABPEE and bloat and may also prevent other diseases of cattle that graze lush pastures.  相似文献   

人工草地纯种短角肉牛放牧系统优化研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
以云南省种羊场纯种短角肉牛群人工草地放牧饲养为对象,以年出栏100头种牛为目标,进行饲草预算和草畜动态平衡,充分利用人工草地的牧草生长量和营养物质,母牛怀孕后期适当补饲混合精料,全年牛群饲养量达375头,全年共需饲草料642.67t(DM),其中人工草地提供764t(DM),饲料地提供339t(DM)。经过优化牛群结构和饲草需求动态平衡,该系统尚有一定发展潜力。  相似文献   

Cattle are major hosts of Cryptosporidium spp. Cryptosporidiosis in neonatal calves is associated with retarded growth, weight loss and calf mortality, and zoonotic infections in humans. In many areas, cow-calf glazing system is an important beef cattle rearing method with distinct advantages in terms of cost and the labor required. However, few epidemiologic studies of Cryptosporidium spp. have been conducted in this system, especially using molecular diagnostic tools. To understand the transmission of Cryptosporidium spp. in a grazing system, we followed cryptosporidiosis on a grazing farm in Osaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, in northwest Japan for one year. Fecal samples were collected from Japanese Black and Japanese Shorthorn cattle and examined by PCR-RFLP and sequence analyses. Of 113 fecal samples collected in October 2010, 23 (20%) were positive for Cryptosporidium, including 15 samples (13%) having C. bovis, 6 (5%) having C. ryanae, and 2 (2%) having mixed infections of both species. Additionally, C. bovis or C. ryanae was detected on all other sampling dates involving smaller numbers of animals. The infection rate of C. bovis was significantly different among age groups, and calve-to-calve infection might be the major route of cryptosporidiosis transmission in beef cattle. Interestingly, one animal had C. bovis infection or re-infection for one year. Our results suggest that C. bovis and C. ryanae are distributed in Japan, but might have low level of detection in grazing beef cattle.  相似文献   

Our objective was to evaluate a replicated (n = 2) Midwestern year-round grazing system's hay needs and animal production compared with a replicated (n = 2) conventional (minimal land) system over 3 yr. Because extended grazing systems have decreased hay needs for the beef herd, it was hypothesized that this year-round system would decrease hay needs without penalizing animal production. In the minimal land (ML) system, two replicated 8.1-ha smooth bromegrass-orchardgrass-birdsfoot trefoil (SB-OG-BFT) pastures were rotationally stocked with six mature April-calving cows and calves and harvested as hay for winter feeding in a drylot. After weaning, calves were finished on a high-concentrate diet. Six mature April-calving cows, six mature August-calving cows, and their calves were used in the year-round (YR) grazing system. During the early and late summer, cattle grazed two replicated 8.1-ha SB-OG-BFT pastures by rotational stocking. In mid-summer and winter, April- and August-calving cows grazed two replicated 6.1-ha, endophyte-free tall fescue-red clover (TF-RC) and smooth bromegrass-red clover (SB-RC) pastures, respectively, by strip-stocking. In late autumn, spring-calving cows grazed 6.1-ha corn crop residue fields by strip-stocking. Calves were fed hay with corn gluten feed or corn grain over winter and used as stocker cattle to graze SB-OG-BFT pastures with cows until early August the following summer. First-harvest forage from the TF-RC and SB-RC pastures was harvested as hay. Body condition scores of April-calving cows did not differ between grazing systems, but were lower (P < or = 0.03) than those of August-calving cows from mid-gestation through breeding. Preweaning calf BW gains were 47 kg/ha of perennial pasture (P < 0.01) and 32 kg/cow (P = 0.01) lower in the YR grazing system than in the ML system. Total BW gains ofpreweaning calf and grazing stocker cattle were 12 kg/ha of perennial pasture less (P = 0.07), but 27 kg/cow greater (P = 0.02) in pastures in the YR grazing system than in the ML system. Amounts of hay fed to cows in the ML system were 1,701 kg DM/cow and 896 kg DM/cow-stocker pair greater (P < 0.05) than in the YR grazing system. Extended grazing systems in the Midwest that include grazing of stocker cattle to utilize excess forage growth will decrease stored feed needs, while maintaining growing animal production per cow in April- and August-calving herds.  相似文献   

Two 25-d trials (late summer and early winter) were conducted to determine the influence of supplementation method on forage use and grazing behavior. Fifteen ruminally and 12 esophageally fistulated steers (316 and 400 kg, respectively) were blocked by weight and assigned randomly to one of three treatments: 1) self-feeding supplement (via Calan gates) with salt as a limiting agent; 2) daily hand-feeding supplement plus salt; and 3) daily hand-feeding supplement without salt. Supplement intake was restricted to .95 kg.steer-1.d-1 with .23 and .40 kg of salt.steer-1.d-1 during summer and winter, respectively. Neither season nor supplementation method affected forage (1.64% of BW) or total (1.89% of BW) OM intake (P greater than .10). Total OM digestibility was greater (P less than .05) in the summer, in salt-supplemented steers, and when steers were self-fed supplement. Digestibility of NDF was greater (P less than .05) in the summer than in early winter, but did not differ among treatments (P greater than .10). Fluid dilution rate was greater (P less than .05) for salt-fed and self-fed steers during the summer but similar among treatments (P greater than .10) during the winter. Total VFA concentrations did not differ among treatments during summer, but were slightly greater (P = .07) in hand-fed steers during the winter. Steers fed supplements containing salt consistently displayed lower (P less than .01) acetate:propionate ratios, and self-fed steers had lower (P less than .01) acetate:propionate ratios during the summer. Ruminal ammonia concentrations did not differ (P greater than .10) among treatments and between periods.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

肉牛产业是兴安盟畜牧业发展的主导产业,也是农牧民收入的重要来源,近几年,全盟肉牛产业取得长足发展,肉牛存栏量、牛肉产量持续稳定增长,但仍存在优良种畜供应能力不足、生产经营方式落后、科技推广水平偏低和抵御市场风险能力薄弱等问题。本调研报告通过实地调研兴安盟肉牛养殖情况现状,分析目前存在的主要问题并提出相关建议,为促进全盟肉牛产业的健康、高质量发展提供坚实基础。  相似文献   

试验选用健康的三江平原放牧肉牛50头,体重在320 kg左右,随机分成5组,每组10个重复,每个重复1头牛。肉牛放牧采食的同时,试验各组按牛重的0.6%、0.8%、1.0%、1.2%和1.4%每头每天分别饲喂1.9(A组)、2.5(B组)、3.3(C组)、3.8 kg(D组)和4.5 kg(E组)的精料补充料,预试期10 d,试验期60 d。旨在研究冬季放牧条件下,不同精料补饲量对放牧肉牛生长性能的影响。结果表明:(1)随着精料补饲量的增加,肉牛的平均日增重逐渐增加,B组显著高于A组(P<0.05),C、D、E组极显著高于A组和B组(P<0.01);(2)饲料转化率以C组最高,为35.63%,显著高于其他各组(P<0.05),并呈现先增加后降低的规律;(3)经济效益C组最高,C组60 d育肥收入较A组极显著提高176.42%,较B组显著提高80.12%,与C组和D、E组相比略有增加,但差异均不显著(P>0.05)。结果说明,按牛体重的1.0%补饲精料效果最好。  相似文献   

肉牛放牧管理日程在师宗畜牧场应用,增加必要的设施建设,改善了管理,改过去全年配种全年产犊为季节性配种季节性产犊,使牧场的管理人员和工作量比从前减少三分之一,BMY牛繁殖成活率从1998年的40%提高到2000年的62.22%,提高了22个百分点。  相似文献   

Livestock grazing endophyte (Acremonium coenophialum Morgan-Jones and Gams)-infected tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) perform poorly due to tall fescue toxicosis, especially when animals are under heat stress. In order to determine whether thiamin promotes recovery from tall fescue toxicosis, 1 or 0 g of thiamin per day, as mononitrate, was fed orally to adult Angus (Bos taurus) cows (380 +/- 8 kg) grazing either tall fescue pasture with and without endophyte or alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). A tethered grazing system employing a split-plot design was used to estimate intake and components of ingestive behavior. No significant differences attributable to thiamin supplements were seen in rates of intake and biting, grazing time and intake per bite when cows grazed endophyte-infected tall fescue during the first 4 d of exposure. When cows grazed endophyte-infected (greater than 95%) tall fescue with 2,091 micrograms/g loline alkaloids after 4 d of exposure, the untreated animals ingested herbage dry matter (DM) at 1.19 kg/h, whereas the cows receiving thiamin ate 1.57 kg/h (P less than .05). Cattle achieved these rates of DM intake by forming bites of 1.0 and 1.2 g DM at 24 and 26 bites/min when treated with 0 and 1 g of thiamin per day, respectively. Thiamin supplements had no effect on ingestive behavior of cows grazing endophyte-free tall fescue or alfalfa after exposure to these forages for 4 d. Responses to thiamin generally were greater when cattle grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue were exposed to heat stress. Oral thiamin supplementation may alleviate tall fescue toxicosis of beef cattle during warm weather.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of subclinical, naturally acquired gastrointestinal nematode infestation on weight gain in yearling cattle kept on pasture. DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 799 Bos taurus yearlings kept on pasture with 2,805 herd mates in eastern and central South Dakota. PROCEDURE: 11 trials were initiated at 9 sites from 1999 through 2001. For each trial, approximately 10% of cattle in each site's pasture group were identified, weighed, and administered a bolus of ivermectin (sustained-release formulation) prior to turnout. A similar subgroup of nontreated control cattle was identified and weighed prior to turnout. For each trial, treated and control groups remained with the larger pasture group throughout the entire grazing season. At the end of the grazing season, weight measurements and fecal samples were obtained from all treated and control cattle; average daily grazing gain was calculated and compared between these 2 groups. RESULTS: Treatment of grazing cattle with ivermectin increased average daily gain by 0.0459 +/- 0.01 kg/head/d (mean +/- SEM; 0.1 +/- 0.02 lb/head/d), compared with that achieved in control cattle. Control cattle had significantly greater fecal egg counts at grazing season end than treated cattle. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Compared with anthelmintic-treated cattle, yearling cattle with naturally occurring gastrointestinal nematode infestations kept on pasture in the US Northern Plains had a decreased average daily gain equivalent to 6.6 kg (14.5 lb) less gain in a 143-day grazing season. Strategies for control of nematode populations in pastures should be considered to ameliorate this production loss.  相似文献   

人工草地肉牛放牧系统夏季留茬高度试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过探索不同放牧强度对放牧系统人工草地优质牧草再生产力影响,在朗目山混播放牧草地牧草生长旺盛的6-8月开展了不同留茬高度对人工草地质量,牧草生长,牲畜采食量,牧草利用率等影响试验,结果表明,留茬10-12cm的牧草净产量,利用率,草地质量,牲畜采食量均最佳,是实现放牧系统人工草地合理利用和提高效益的理想留茬高度。  相似文献   

Effects of animal gender and age, use of a growth stimulant, and supplementation with grain alone or grain plus other substances on ADG by growing beef cattle grazing bermudagrass paddocks with sod-seeded rye, wheat, and ryegrass were determined. Two grazing experiments (Exp. 1: late winter through mid-spring; Exp. 2: late spring through mid-summer) were conducted. Experiment 1 used 96, 12- to 13-mo-old Simmental-cross calves (heifers, 240 kg; steers, 272 kg), half of which were implanted with zeranol. Within each implant treatment, cattle received no supplement or .5% BW (DM) of ground corn alone or plus a mix of protein meals, zinc sulfate, thiamin-HCl, or salt. Daily gain was higher (P less than .05) with than without supplementation and was similar (P greater than .10) among supplement treatments. In Exp. 2, 96 crossbred beef steers, approximately 7 (230 kg) or 15 mo old (250 kg), were not supplemented (control) or received .5% BW (DM) of ground corn on d 1 to 84 (C-C), corn plus a protein meal mix on d 1 to 84 (CP-CP), corn on d 43 to 84 (O-C), corn plus the protein meal mix on d 43 to 84 (O-CP), or corn on d 1 to 42 and corn plus the protein meal mix on d 43 to 84 (C-CP). Daily gain on d 1 to 84 was affected (P less than .05) by supplement, age, implant, and the supplement x implant interaction (nonimplanted: .37, .56, .68, .40, .49, and .49; implanted: .37, .62, .54, .49, .70, and .71 kg for control, C-C, CP-CP, O-C, O-CP, and C-CP, respectively).  相似文献   

To assess the impact of S fertilization on bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) quality and Cu metabolism in cattle, two studies were conducted during the summer grazing season (1999 and 2000). Pasture replicates (16.2 ha; n = 2/treatment) received the same fertilizer treatment in each growing season, consisting of 1) 67 kg N/ha from ammonium sulfate (AS), 2) 67 kg N/ha from ammonium nitrate (AN), and 3) control (no fertilizer; C). Forage sampling was conducted at 28-d intervals following fertilization by the collection of whole plants (four samples/pasture) in randomly distributed 1-m2 grazing exclusion cages and analyzed for CP, in vitro organic matter digestibility, S, P, Ca, K, Mg, Na, Fe, Al, Mn, Cu, and Zn. To determine the effect of fertilizer treatment on liver trace mineral concentrations in grazing cattle, random liver tissue samples were collected (n = 12; four/treatment) at the start and end of the study period in 2000. Ammonium sulfate fertilization increased (P < 0.001) forage S concentration in both years. Plant tissue N concentrations were increased by N fertilization, regardless of source, in 2000, but not in 1999. Cows grazing AS pastures had lower (P < 0.05) liver Cu concentrations at the end of the study period in 2000 compared to AN and C. In Exp. 2, 37 Cu-deficient heifers grazing AS fertilized pastures were obtained from the same location and allocated to one of two treatments, consisting of supplements providing 123 mg/d of either inorganic (Cu sulfate; n = 12) or organic (Availa-Cu; n = 15) Cu. Treatments were delivered for 83 d. Liver Cu increased over time in all heifers regardless of treatment; however, heifers supplemented with Availa-Cu tended (P = 0.09) to have higher mean liver Cu concentrations than those receiving Cu sulfate. The results of these studies indicate that AS fertilization of bahiagrass increases forage S concentrations. When provided free-choice access to a complete salt-based trace mineral supplement, cows grazing AS-fertilized pastures had lower liver Cu concentrations than cows grazing pastures fertilized with AN; upon removal from high-S pastures, cattle were able to respond to Cu supplementation.  相似文献   


Beef production from veld, in the short term, was found to be greater under a continuous grazing system than under a rotational grazing system. Average daily gains decreased from a maximum in late‐spring and the highest three‐year mean value was 0,5 kg/animal/day. Livemass gains/ha were highest at a stocking rate of 2,2 animals/ha and were 131,4 kg/ha under continuous grazing and 88,6 kg/ha under rotational grazing. Estimated mean maximum gains/ha were 0,78 kg/ha/day at a stocking rate of 2,5 animals/ha under continuous grazing and 0,55 kg/ha/day at a stocking rate of 1,7 animals/ha under rotational grazing. However, optimum economic stocking rates were estimated to occur below those where beef production/ha was maximum.  相似文献   

We investigated 2 outbreaks of osteomalacia as a result of phosphorus (P) deficiency in herds of lactating beef cows grazing subtropical native pastures in Uruguay. Cows exhibited pica, difficulty to stand and walk, rib fractures, and body weight loss even with adequate forage availability. Osteopenia and severe osteomalacia were observed on gross and histologic examination. The concentrations of bicarbonate-extractable P in soil (4.0, 4.1 mg P/kg), total P in pasture (0.9, 1.1 g P/kg), inorganic P in serum (1.0, 0.71 mmol P/L), and P in bone (73 mg P/mL) were all low. Although injectable and mineral salt supplements provided additional P in both outbreaks, these supplementary amounts were insufficient to prevent P deficiency. The P ingested by the cows from the pasture and supplements would have provided 20–55% of their daily P requirements of ~21 g P/d. Osteomalacia occurred in cattle at the 2 ranches as a result of severe P deficiency in the soil and forage, and inadequate P supplementation. Following diagnosis, control of P deficiency in beef cattle requires estimation of the amount of pasture P ingested and provision of sufficient additional supplementary P to meet the animals’ requirements.  相似文献   

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