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Allozyme polymorphisms were used to assess genetic variation and relationships among ten Cicer species (annuals and perennials) growing in Turkey. Using seven enzyme systems, 12 putative scorable loci were detected and surveyed for polymorphism in an accession collection including wild and cultivated forms. Variation was generally low within accessions and species, but common between species. Cluster analysis based on the pairwise genetic distance coefficients among accessions and species using UPGMA revealed two species clusters; one includes three perennials (C. montbretii, C. isauricum and C. anatolicum) and the other contains six annuals (C. pinnatifidum, C. bijugum, C. judaicum, C. echinospermum, C. reticulatum and C. arietinum) and one perennial species (C.incisum). Grouping obtained in allozyme analysis appears to be consistent with the classification these species into three sections. However, contrary to relationships obtained in previous studies, three perennial species from section Polycicer were relatively distant to the group containing annuals. One perennial species, C. incisum from section Chamaecicer, clustered with annuals showing a close similarity. The grouping of six annual species was consistent with the previous reports of relationships. The relationships deduced between perennials and annuals appear to shed light on the evolution of annual habit from perennial habit.  相似文献   

Elaeagnus compatible Frankia isolates from Tunisian soil have been previously clustered with Frankia, colonizing Elaeagnaceae and Rhamnaceae in two different phylogenetic subgroups, while strain BMG5.6 was described as a new lineage closely related to Frankia and Micromonospora genera. In this study we further assess the diversity of captured Frankia and the relationship with BMG5.6-like actinobacteria, by using nifH gene sequences. Using PCR-RFLP screening on DNA extracted from lobe nodules, additional microsymbionts sharing BMG5.6 features have been detected proving a widespread occurrence of these actinobacteria in Elaeagnus root nodules. Neighbour-Joining trees of Frankia nifH sequences were consistent with previously published 16S rRNA and GlnII phylogenetic trees. Although four main clades could be discerned, actinobacterial strain BMG5.6 was clustered with Frankia strains isolated from Elaeagnus. The present study underscored the emanation of new diazotrophic taxon isolated from actinorhizal nodules occupying intermediate taxonomic position between Frankia and Micromonospora. Moreover, its aberrant position in nifH phylogeny should open network investigations on the natural history of nitrogen-fixing gene among actinobacteria.  相似文献   

Boerhavia diffusa is extensively used in herbal medicines as well as in the Ayurvedic system, because it contains a set of clinically important compounds. In the present study, the genetic variability in Boerhavia diffusa between accessions of different geographical origin within the Indian territory is assessed through random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Twenty-eight accessions of Boerhavia were screened with eighteen primers of which nine were found to be the most informative. The degree of polymorphism was found to be high in accessions collected from different places of Uttar Pradesh (Set II) in comparison to other states of India (Set I). A relatively lower level of polymorphism was recorded in accessions collected from diverse locations around Lucknow (Set III). Accessions from neighbouring geographical regions exhibited more similarity than those from distant regions (as revealed by the set I analysis). Certain diagnostic markers may be correlated with morphological character(s) such as plant type. BDL appeared most distinct and divergent from the rest of the accessions and the BDJ plant in set II also showed least similarity estimate. Fragments of 5.62 Kb and 4.47 Kb with primer GN59 was found to be unique for BDP and BD2 having ovate leaf character, whereas ovoid leaf genotype exhibited 0.79 Kb (GN34 primer) fragment. Similarly a unique band type (0.35 Kb) with primer GN83 was present in BDL and BD1 that share light pink flower. Jaccard's, and Nei and Li similarity coefficient values amongst the accessions were in the range of 0.22 to 0.89 and 0.33 to 0.93, respectively. Association of RAPD markers with the leaf characteristics, flower colour as well as with geographical locations has been made. This shows that RAPD markers are also useful for the study of genetic structure of Boerhavia populations.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity is an area of concern for sustaining crop yield. Information on genetic relatedness/diversity among Gossypium arboreum L. cultivars/genotypes is scanty. We have used random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis to assess the genetic divergence/relationship among 30 genotypes/cultivars of G. arboreum. Of 45 primers surveyed, 63% were polymorphic. Out of the total number of loci amplified, 36% were polymorphic. The calculated genetic similarity between the cultivars/genotypes was in the range of 47.05–98.73%. Two genotypes, HK-244 and Entry-17, were the most distantly related. The average genetic relatedness among all the genotypes was 80.46%. However, most of the cultivated varieties showed a close genetic relationship, indicating a narrow genetic base in comparison to the non-cultivated germplasm. The calculated coefficients were used to construct a dendrogram using the unweighted pair group of arithmetic means (UPGMA) algorithm, which grouped the genotypes/cultivars into two major and three smaller clusters. The study is the first comprehensive analysis of the genetic diversity of G. arboreum germplasm and identifies cultivars that will be useful in extending the genetic diversity of cultivated varieties and future genome mapping projects.  相似文献   

Phenotypic diversity for agronomic characteristics was determined in an experiment with 29 landraces and 14 improved varieties of rye from the Nordic area, Germany and Poland. The accessions were scored for 12 characters. Effects of the location, year, type, and country of origin for landraces were investigated with analysis of variance. Phenotypic variations for the traits were estimated using the Shannon–Weaver diversity index. The genetic variation was high, with an average of H 0 = 0.566. The landraces from Norway, Sweden and Finland showed the highest variation, whereas the improved varieties had the lowest. The German material also had low variation but the status of this material is uncertain. The genetic diversity showed that 70% of the variation was found within the accessions. A cluster analysis was carried out to identify the relationship between the accessions. The material grouped into eight clusters, where clusters I to V included landraces from Sweden, Finland and Norway, except for cluster III, which included one improved variety from Denmark. Cluster VI comprised a single Swedish landrace from Gotland. Most of the improved varieties were in cluster VII and the last cluster contained accessions from Germany and Sweden.  相似文献   

Increasing the knowledge of the molecular diversity of a crop is essential for extending its genetic base, identifying cultivars and selecting parental varieties for breeding programs. In this sense, Cucurbita maxima Duch. is poorly characterised. Nineteen accessions of this species and 8 related Cucurbita accessions were included in a genetic diversity analysis. For this purpose, Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA markers (RAPDs), which analyse neutral variability, and Sequence-Based Amplified Polymorphism (SBAPs), which preferentially amplify coding regions of the genome, were used. While the UPGMA cluster and the principal coordinates analysis obtained using RAPDs did not group the different accessions according either to fruit morphological criteria or to passport data (origin and agro-climatic conditions), the principal coordinates analysis obtained using SBAPs grouped the different pumpkin accessions fundamentally according to the type of use (human consumption, animal fodder or ornamental). This passport trait is reported to be associated with agronomic breeding characters of interest. The usefulness of both types of markers for discriminating accessions of breeding interest is discussed.  相似文献   

Genetic variation within the U.S. cucumber collection (Cucumis sativus var. sativus L. and var. hardwickii (Royle) Alef.) was assessed by examing the variation at 21 polymorphic isozyme loci and comparing the results of this investigation with a similar previous analysis of 14 loci. About 29% (15 of 51) of the enzyme systems examined in an initial survey were polymorphic. Seven loci (Ak-2, Ak-3, Fdp-1, Fdp-2, Mpi-1, Pep-gl and Skdh) which were not previously used to estimate genetic diversity, were assessed. On average, 1.4 loci were polymorphic per enzyme system and 2.2 alleles were present per polymorphic locus. The frequency of polymorphisms was relatively low for Fdp-1(2) (0.01), Mpi-1(1) (0.03), and Skdh(1) (0.02). Principal component and cluster analyses of allelic variation at polymorphic loci separated a diverse array of 757 cucumber accessions from the U.S. National Plant Germplasm Systesm's (NPGS) collection into distinct groups by country (45 nations examined). All accessions of C. s. var. sativus were isozymically distinct from C. s. var. hardwickii, which were themselves dissimilar from each other. Data suggest that C. s. var. hardwickii is not a feral derivative of extant C. s. var. sativus populations. The allelic profile of C. s. var. sativus accessions originating from Burma, Thailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Zimbabwe and Ethiopia were distinct from the other accessions examined. Allelic fixation has occurred at Pgd-2 in accessions from Burma, and at Ak-2 in accessions from Zimbabwe and Ethiopia. Some of the countries examined that were in close geographic proximity (e.g., Thailand, Indonesia and Hong Kong) contained accessions with similar isozyme profiles. Accessions are fixed for certain alleles [e.g., Gr(1) (100%), Fdp-1(1) (100%) and Mpi-2(2) (50%) for accessions from Thailand, Indonesia and Hong Kong]. Grouping countries by continent or sub-continent (i.e., North and South American, China, Eastern Europe, Western Europe) and by numbers of accessions examined (i.e., India/Burma, Iran, Japan, Turkey, and remaining accessions) was used to identify accessions with unique allozymic profiles [PIs 209064 (USA), 257486 (China), 188749 (Egypt), 285607 (Poland), 369717 (Yugoslavia), 357844 (Poland), 255936 (Netherlands), 183127 (India), 200818 (Burma), 200815 (Burma), 137836 (Iran), 227013 (Iran), 227235 (Iran), 451976 (Japan), 181752 (Syria), 181874 (Syria), 169383 (Turkey), 171613 (Turkey)].  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of 10 commercial cultivars of common beans, developed in Northern Argentina was analyzed based on RAPD markers. Sixteen primers were assayed and among them only 4 showed polymorphisms. A similarity matrix was generated by applying three different association coefficients, Simple Matching, Jaccard and Dice. By the UPGMA method dendrograms were generated and also the principal coordinate analysis was performed. The similarity values found were higher than 40% suggesting that genetic diversity is low. Both cluster analysis and principal coordinates analysis associated commercial cultivars either to the Andean or the Mesoamerican gene pool.  相似文献   

Chia, Salvia hispanica L., was a staple crop in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. Despite the great potential of the species as an oilseed crop, little research related to domesticated and wild varieties exists. A study was undertaken to assess genetic diversity among 38 wild and domesticated accessions of S. hispanica collected throughout Mesoamerica by using RAPD markers. Genetic diversity was higher among wild varieties (H G= 0.15) than all domesticated varieties (H G= 0.10) and modern commercial domesticated varieties (H G= 0.02), suggesting a slight loss of diversity accompanying domestication and a near lack of diversity in modern commercial varieties. In addition, the preliminary results indicate that the center of genetic diversity is in the highlands of western Mexico.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity among some important Syrian wheat cultivars was estimated using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Five Triticum aestivum L. and 10 Triticum turgidum ssp. durum were analyzed with 11 EcoRI–MseI primer pair combinations. Of the approximately 525 detected AFLP markers, only 46.67% were polymorphic. Cluster analysis with the entire AFLP data divided all cultivars into two major groups reflecting their origins. The first one contained T. aestivum L. cultivars, and the T. turgidum ssp. durum cultivars and landraces were grouped in the second. Narrow genetic diversity among all cultivars was detected with an average genetic similarity of 0.884. The lowest similarity index (0.9) was found between Cham5 and Hamary (durum wheat), whereas this value was 0.93 between Salamony and Bouhouth 4 (T. aestivum L.). The narrow genetic diversity level indicates that these genotypes could be originated from the same source. AFLP analysis provides crucial information for studying genetic variation among wheat cultivars and provides important information for plant improvement.  相似文献   

Turkey is an important producer of cornelian cherries (Cornus mas L.), especially in northern Anatolia. Seed propagation and long-term human selection has given rise to a great diversity of trees. Twenty-six cornelian cherry genotypes (CC1–CC26) from the Coruh Valley in northern Anatolia were evaluated for genetic relationships by using Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers, based on 56 decamer random primers, seven of which showed reliable polymorphisms. These seven primers generated 80 markers, with 77 (96.25%) displaying polymorphisms. Cluster analysis of the cornelian cherry genotypes was performed based on data from polymorphic RAPD bands, by using Jaccard’s similarity coefficient and the Unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic average (UPGMA) clustering method. A similarity matrix showed that the highest genetic similarity (0.913) was between CC15 and CC16 and the least (0.129) was between CC4 and CC16. The cophenetic correlation coefficient between the similarity matrix and the cophenetic matrix of the dendrogram was relatively high (r = 0.87), supporting the validity of the dendrogram. Based on these results, RAPD analysis can be used for the characterization and grouping of cornelian cherry genotypes. Genetically divergent genotypes identified in this study may be useful for future breeding programs. This is the first study demonstrating that RAPD analyses can be used to differentiate and classify cornelian cherry genotypes.  相似文献   

Black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) is one of the important medicinal plants that used in food and pharmaceutical industries. In the present study, 32 Iran endemic black cumin genotypes were evaluated through randomized complete block design with three replications in 2016 and 2017 growing seasons to determine the extent of genetic diversity and character associations for agro-morphological and phytochemical traits. Results showed the significant differences between genotypes for all traits studied. Clustering analysis using agro-morphological and phytochemical traits grouped genotypes into the two distinct groups. The values of percentage of essential oil and fatty oil content varied from 0.65 to 0.1.36% and 25.30% to 35.02% between genotypes, respectively. The highest seed yield and fatty oil yield obtained for Arak genotype. GC and GC/MS analyses of essential oil and fatty oil compositions of the Arak genotype revealed that p-cymene and linoleic acid were main components, respectively. Stepwise regression analysis revealed that shoot dry mass, days to ripening and seed length were the most important traits associated with seed yield, fatty oil yield and essential oil yield. Hence, these traits can be considered as important indicators for early selection for seed yield and quality in black cumin breeding programs.  相似文献   

The genus Jatropha is native of tropical America with more than 200 species that are widely distributed in tropics with a promise for use as an oil crop for biodiesel. This investigation was carried out to assess the genetic diversity of 12 Jatropha species based on random amplified polymorphic DNA markers. From 26 random primers used, 18 primers gave reproducible amplification banding patterns of 112 polymorphic bands out of 134 bands scored accounting for 80.2% polymorphism across the genotypes. Three primers viz., OPA 4, OPF 11, and OPD 14 generated 100% polymorphic patterns. The polymorphic information content was highest for the primer OPD 14 (0.50) followed by the primers OPF 11 and OPAD 11 (0.48). Jaccard’s coefficient of similarity varied from 0.00 to 0.85, indicative of high level of genetic variation among the genotypes studied. UPGMA cluster analysis indicated three distinct clusters, one comprising all accessions of J. curcas L., while second included six species viz., J. ramanadensis Ramam., J. gossypiifolia L., J. podagrica Hook., J. tanjorensis J. L. Ellis et Saroja J. villosa Wight and J. integerrima Jacq. J. glandulifera Roxb. remained distinct and formed third cluster indicating its higher genetic distinctness from other species. The overall grouping pattern of clustering corresponds well with principal component analysis confirming patterns of genetic diversity observed among the species. The result provides valid guidelines for collection, conservation and characterization of Jatropha genetic resources.  相似文献   

利用SSR标记对中国柚类资源及近缘种遗传多样性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用SSR标记研究了122份我国柚(CitrusgrandisOsbesk)类资源及近缘种遗传多样性。31对SSR引物从供试材料中检测出335个等位基因变异,平均每个位点可检测到9.85个等位基因。位点多态信息量(PIC)变幅为0.1939!0.9073,平均为0.7085。用UPGMA方法将122份材料分成7个组群,110个柚类品种在相似系数0.712,可细分成18个亚组,主要由沙田柚品种群、文旦柚品种群及庞大的杂种柚品种群组成。  相似文献   

We used AFLP analysis to explore the genetic relationship and diversity between and within 4 Mangifera species. We analyzed 35 accessions comprising 8 cultivars and 3 landraces of M. indica L., 11 landraces of M. odorata Griff., 7 landraces of M. foetida Lour., and 6 landraces of M. caesia Jack. Using 8 primer combinations produced a total of 518 bands, 499 (96.3%) of which were polymorphic among the 35 accessions. Clustering analysis showed that all 35 accessions were basically classified into 4 groups corresponding to the 4 Mangifera species. Our results indicate that the genetic relationship of these 4 Mangifera species based on AFLP analysis is in good agreement with their classification by classic methods. In addition, it was clearly revealed the genetic diversity between and within 4 Mangifera species. The findings obtained in this study are useful for the breeding in Mangifera species.  相似文献   

Genetic relationships and diversity of 45 Guizotia populations each consisting of ten individuals and belonging to five taxa of the genus Guizotia were analyzed using Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers. Five ISSR primers generated a total of 145 scorable bands across the 450 individuals used for the study. The percent polymorphic loci for the taxa ranged from 68.2 (G. arborescens) to 88% (G. scabra ssp. schimperi), with G. scabra ssp. scabra, G. zavattarii and G. villosa following G. scabra ssp. schimperi in this order with respect to the abundance of percent polymorphic loci. The Shannon-Weaver diversity indices (H′), for the five taxa also followed a similar pattern, with G. scabra ssp. schimperi exhibiting the highest H′ (0.7373) and G. arborescens the least (0.5791), while H′ for G. scabra ssp. scabra, G. villosa and G. zavattarii were 0.7313, 0.6620 and 0.6564, respectively. The least genetic distance (0.1188) was observed between G. scabra ssp. schimperi and G.villosa, revealing closer genetic relationships of the two species with each other than with the others, and the highest genetic distance (0.2740) was observed between G. scabra ssp. schimperi and G. zavattarii. The unweighted pair group method using the arithmetic average clustering of the five taxa using the standard genetic distances produced two clusters, with G. scabra ssp. schimperi and G. villosa occurring in one cluster and G. scabra ssp. scabra, G. arborescens and G. zavattarii together in the other cluster. The study reveals that G. scabra ssp. schimperi is more closely related to G. villosa than to G. scabra ssp. scabra.  相似文献   

We investigated the diversity of rhizobia isolated from different indigenous legumes in Flanders (Belgium). A total of 3810 bacterial strains were analysed originating from 43 plant species. Based on rep-PCR clustering, 16S rRNA gene and recA gene sequence analysis, these isolates belonged to Bradyrhizobium, Ensifer (Sinorhizobium), Mesorhizobium and Rhizobium. Of the genera encountered, Rhizobium was the most abundant (62%) and especially the species Rhizobiumleguminosarum, followed by Ensifer (19%), Bradyrhizobium (14%) and finally Mesorhizobium (5%). For two rep-clusters only low similarity values with other genera were found for both the 16S rRNA and recA genes, suggesting that these may represent a new genus with close relationship to Rhodopseudomonas and Bradyrhizobium. Primers for the symbiotic genes nodC and nifH were optimized and a phylogenetic sequence analysis revealed the presence of different symbiovars including genistearum, glycinearum, loti, meliloti, officinalis, trifolii and viciae. Moreover, three new nodC types were assigned to strains originating from Ononis, Robinia and Wisteria, respectively. Discriminant and MANOVA analysis confirmed the correlation of symbiosis genes with certain bacterial genera and less with the host plant. Multiple symbiovars can be present within the same host plant, suggesting the promiscuity of these plants. Moreover, the ecoregion did not contribute to the separation of the bacterial endosymbionts. Our results reveal a large diversity of rhizobia associated with indigenous legumes in Flanders. Most of the legumes harboured more than one rhizobial endosymbiont in their root nodules indicating the importance of including sufficient isolates per plant in diversity studies.  相似文献   

Today, emmer wheat, T. turgidum subsp. dicoccon, widely grown in the past is a candidate crop for sustainable agriculture in Italy. As part of a research project aimed at the enhanced use of the hulled wheat germplasm, molecular characterization was carried out to understand the genetic structure of the crop and to identify accessions of interest. A collection of 194 accessions was analyzed with 15 microsatellite loci (SSRs), while only a sample of 38 accessions was tested with 19 RFLP probes. The marker loci were selected on the basis of their independent genomic distribution. Genetic distances and allelic frequencies were calculated for each marker class. The genetic relationships were visualized with dendrograms. RFLP loci were, on average, less polymorphic than SSRs. An average Dice's genetic distance of 0.22 for RFLPs vs 0.38 for SSRs was detected, while an expected average heterozygosity per locus of 0.23 for RFLPs vs 0.26 for SSRs was also estimated. With a least number of 10 loci per marker class it was possible to identify each genotype. The most diverse accessions had different geographic origins. Germplasms from Italy and Ethiopia appear to belong to a more primitive genepool, given that a group of accessions from these countries were genetically differentiated from a Russian-Iranian group.  相似文献   

豌豆蚜是我国苜蓿上危害最为严重的害虫之一。利用微卫星标记研究了我国绿色型豌豆蚜10个地理种群的遗传相似性、基因分化、遗传距离与地理距离和海拔之间的关系及其基因结构。选取15对引物扩增300个个体,共检测到41个多态性条带,多态性条带百分率(PPB)为100%。10个豌豆蚜地理种群观测等位基因数(Na)为1.592 7,有效等位基因数(Ne)为1.356 9,Nei’s基因多样性指数为0.206 6,Shannon-Wiener指数(I)为0.307 6。新疆维吾尔自治区、陕西省、河南省种群的遗传多样性较高,内蒙古自治区、山东省、青海省种群相对较低。然而,10个地理种群豌豆蚜(绿色型)的遗传分化较高(Gst=0.399 6)。种群聚类分析结果显示,全部豌豆蚜种群明显聚为两大类群,山东省、河南省种群为一大类群,其余为另一大类群。Mentel检测表明,遗传分化与地理距离、海拔无显著相关性。我国豌豆蚜种群具有非常丰富的遗传多样性,应加强豌豆蚜的监测和治理。  相似文献   

Summary Factor, Principal component and canonical analyses were used to study the extent of genetic diversity among 30 accessions of West African okra. Genetic variability among the accessions proved to be large. Pigmentation of various parts of the accessions and fruit characteristics contributed significantly to the total variation observed. Factor analysis and principal component analysis produced similar results which were substantially different from those produced by canonical analysis. The first three canonical variables accounted for 100% of the total variance while the number of pods per plant, and pod weight primarily accounted for the first canonical variable. Whereas the second canonical variable was primarily loaded by number of seeds per pod and fruit colour, the third canonical variable was comprised of a weight of 100 seeds and number of epicalyx segments.The level of variability observed supports the opinion (Stevels, 1988, 1990) that this okra type constitutes a separate species.  相似文献   

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