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Theoretical concepts and relationships were used to develop a deterministic pig growth model. The model predicts, in a continuous form, growth and body composition of boars, barrows, and gilts according to genotype, diet, and management conditions. The model is aggregated at the whole-animal level with three main elements of body composition; total body DNA, total body protein mass (PT), and total body mass of lipids, with PT determining the secondary elements of ash and moisture. The primary factors regulating growth were associated with cellular hyperplasia and hypertrophy in agreement with the basic concepts described by Baldwin and Black (1979). Differential equations representing DNA accretion and protein synthesis and degradation were adapted from Oltjen et al. (1985). Normal pig protein growth was characterized from published data. Body PT was used to reflect several metabolic activities related to animal size and age, as in some prior models. Dietary energy and protein were used in sequence until requirements are satisfied, first for maintenance, then for protein growth, and finally for fat deposition. A comparison between experimental and simulated results illustrates that the model may simulate growth and body composition of young pigs adequately.  相似文献   

A dynamic herd simulation model for a swine production unit has been developed. The model is discrete and stochastic and the appropriate random distributions have been defined from the literature or empirically estimated. Theoretical concepts and relationships presented previously are used to simulate growth and the overall life cycle of individual animals. Simulated animals are young pigs (from birth to slaughter age), gilts, and sows. Animal events are farrowing, weaning, mating, end-nursery (transfer from nursery to the growing-finishing facility), and slaughter and are processed individually using a next-event scheduling orientation package. Animals within the herd are culled for different health and reproductive reasons. Genetic parameters, diet composition, and herd management are input variables chosen by the user. The effects of nutrition, genetics, season, and other factors on several reproductive parameters are considered. Model evaluation is performed by studying the output of the model under specified herd situations. The herd model adequately simulates animal flow and dynamics of the herd.  相似文献   

Lactation and growth of three contemporary lines of grade Targhee sheep developed from the same genetic base were characterized by three experiments performed over a period of 2 yr. Two lines (HW and DH) had been selected for 120-d weaning weights for 24 yr prior to beginning these experiments. A third line (C) was a randomly selected control. Year I experiment contrasted 10 DH with 7 C ram lambs fed to 58 kg. Year II experiments utilized 9 C, 14 DH and 10 HW ram lambs and 11 ewes suckling twins from each line. All Year II ram lambs were born and weaned as twins, then fed to 50 kg. Mature DH and HW ewes were heavier (P less than .05) than C ewes (65.2 and 68.8 vs 54.9 kg), and the DH and HW lambs grew faster than C lambs both before (P less than .05) and after weaning (P less than .05). While both DH and HW lambs drank more milk (2,419 and 2,368 vs 2,059 g X d-1 X pair-1; P less than .10) only HW ewes showed a trend towards greater potential milk production than controls (HW = 2,774 vs C = 2,155 g X d-1 X ewe-1 P less than .12). The HW lambs tended to be leaner than C lambs (P less than .05), but DH lambs did not differ from either line. Lambs from DH and HW lines required less post-weaning feed (121.9 and 129.3 vs 152.0 kg P less than .05) and exhibited 17 and 16% greater weight per day of age at 50 kg than controls (P less than .05). The DH line displayed lower feed: gain ratios than controls in both post-weaning trials (6.68 vs 7.30 to 58 kg; 5.83 vs 6.24 at 50 kg; P = .06).  相似文献   

This study was conducted to model the growth of carcass, viscera, and empty body components and component composition of pigs. Quantitative tissue and chemical composition of 319 swine, representative of barrows and gilts from five commercial genetic populations, was determined at eight stages of growth between 25 and 152 kg. After whole body grinding and carcass dissection, proximate analyses were performed to calculate concentrations of protein, lipid, moisture, and ash of carcass, viscera, empty body, carcass lean, and carcass fat. Linear and nonlinear equations were developed to investigate the growth patterns of each component. Nonlinear growth functions accounted for the greatest amount of variation in empty body protein, lipid, moisture, and ash mass. Differences (P < .05) existed between barrows and gilts for nearly all components investigated. Carcass lean and fat tissues significantly increased in lipid percentage and decreased in moisture percentage as live weight increased. There were significant changes in the ratio and composition of the tissues of barrows and gilts during growth. Nonlinear models fitted the data better than allometric equations for nearly all of the components investigated.  相似文献   

Two doses of Streptozotocin (50 and 100 mg/kg body weight) were administered to two groups of pregnant gilts at d 80 of gestation to determine the influence of two levels of maternal diabetes on the gilts, their developing progenies and the body composition of the pigs. All the experimental animals received 1.82 kg of gestation diet/day throughout gestation. Serum glucose concentration increased to hyperglycemic levels in low-dose and high-dose groups; insulin concentrations decreased (P less than .01) in the high-dose, but not in the low-dose group (P greater than .05). Maternal free fatty acids (FFA) increased (P less than .05) in both treatment groups when compared with the control. However, birth weight of the litter and litter size were not affected. The liver weight increased (P less than .01) in the progeny of high-dose but not the low-dose group. Total liver DNA and RNA were not altered by the treatments, however; total liver protein and protein:DNA ratio increased (P less than .01) in the progeny of high-dose gilts. Pigs from high-dose and low-dose groups showed increases (P less than .01) in liver glycogen concentrations and percentage liver lipid. Body chemical composition data showed increases in percentage dry matter and percentage lipid (P less than .05 and P less than .01, respectively) in the progeny of high-dose but not in the low-dose group. It was concluded that streptozotocin administered to gestating gilts increased the maternal nutrient supply to the developing pigs, which resulted in higher energy status of the pigs at birth.  相似文献   

Growth, development and body composition in three genetic stocks of swine   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Differences in growth, chemical body composition and visceral organ development were evaluated in three genetic stocks: Beltsville Highfat (HF) and Lowfat (LF) Duroc-Yorkshire composites and a Hampshire X Large White cross (CX). Ten sets of littermate barrows were used from each stock. One pig from each set was slaughtered at 10, 17 and 24 wk of age. After slaughter, each pig was dissected into three fractions: carcass, head and feet, viscera and blood. Backfat was measured at three locations and visceral organs were weighed separately. Each fraction was frozen, ground, sampled and analyzed in duplicate for protein, fat, water and ash. The CX pigs were heaviest at all ages and contained the most fat-free mass (FFM). The HF pigs were smallest and contained the most fat, while LF pigs tended to be intermediate. The LF pigs deposited a greater proportion of weight in head and feet and a greater proportion of total FFM in the carcass than HF and CX pigs. Estimated allometric growth coefficients for non-fat chemical components relative to empty body weight (EBWT) were lower for HF than LF and CX, which were similar. Coefficients for fat were similar among stocks yet intercepts differed widely. Relative to total FFM, water increased at a faster rate and ash a slower rate in CX pigs compared to HF and LF. Growth coefficients were calculated for internal organs relative to EBWT. Coefficients for organs of the digestive tract were not different among stocks. However, significant differences among stocks were found for heart, lung, spleen and liver that were not explained by differences in body composition.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of supplementing sow diets with oregano essential oils (OEO) during gestation and lactation on sow colostrum and milk composition and on the growth pattern and immune status of suckling pigs. A total of 70 second-parity sows were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 gestation dietary treatments within 24 h after service: control (CON) or CON + 250 mg/kg of OEO (OREG). In lactation, sows were again assigned to either the CON or OREG dietary treatment. Thus, the lactation treatments were CON-CON, CON-OREG, OREG-CON, and OREG-OREG. Colostrum and blood samples were collected from 6 sows per lactation dietary treatment. Thymus lymphocyte (T lymphocyte) subpopulations (γδ, cluster of differentiation 8, and 32 cluster of differentiation 4) were enumerated in blood and mammary secretions along with IGF-1, IgG, and IgA concentrations. Piglet growth rate were determined from 18, 17, 17, and 18 litters from the CON-CON, CON-OREG, OREG-CON, and OREG-OREG lactation dietary treatments, respectively. Growth rates were determined in 630 piglets, and piglets were individually identified and weighed on 1, 5, 9, 12, 16, and 19 d of age. Oregano essential oil supplementation during gestation or lactation had no effect (P > 0.05) on GE, CP, GE:CP, GE:fat, and IGF-1 in sow milk. Reductions of the fat percentage in milk on d 7 (P < 0.05) and d 14 (P = 0.07) were found in sows supplemented with OEO during lactation compared with those in the CON treatment. Milk from sows supplemented with OEO during lactation had the greatest number of T lymphocytes compared with those in the lactation CON treatment on d 14 of lactation (P < 0.01). The number of T lymphocytes in milk was greater for sows in the CON-OREG treatment compared with those other treatments on d 14 of lactation (P < 0.05). Energy intake was greater on d 1 to 5 in piglets from sows fed OEO during gestation than those from sows in the CON treatment (P < 0.05). A trend (P = 0.10) for greater milk intake was observed in piglets from sows supplemented with OEO during gestation compared with those from sows in the CON treatment. Similarly, a tendency for an increase in ADG on d 1 to 5 was found in piglets from sows supplemented with OEO during gestation compared with those from sows in the CON treatment (P = 0.10). Insulin-like growth factor-1 at birth and on d 7 and 14 of lactation did not differ among piglets from sows assigned to the different dietary treatments. Oregano essential oil supplementation of sow diets did not affect (P > 0.05) immunoglobulin concentrations in piglets after suckling. Supplementing sow diets with OEO during gestation or lactation did not affect (P > 0.05) the T lymphocytes, percentage of T-lymphocyte subpopulations, and natural killer cell activity of piglets during lactation. Supplementing sow diets with 250 mg/kg of OEO during gestation and lactation did not affect the growth potential of and immune responses in suckling piglets.  相似文献   

初生仔猪体内储备铁(Fe)只有40~50mg,正常生长每天需要7~8mg,而母乳中含Fe量仅0.002mg/g乳,仔猪平均每天仅能从母乳中摄取1mgFe,如不及时给仔猪补Fe,其体内储备的Fe,将在1周内耗完,患生理性贫血症,影响仔猪生长发育。目前仔猪补Fe的主要方式,在仔猪生后3~4d,于后腿部肌肉注射补Fe剂。这类补Fe剂有富Fe力、牲血素等,其主要成分为糖配Fe。注射补Fe方式的缺陷,是往往造成注射部位大量流血、注射部位感染等。 酵母Fe是Fe的有机形式,同时酵母Fe富含优质酵母蛋白和B族…  相似文献   

Effects of pig birth (first 3-wk period) and rearing environments on growth and muscle quality characteristics of loins were evaluated in three experiments over seasons in west Texas and central Missouri. Housing systems included indoor slatted-floor buildings, indoor deep-bedded buildings, outdoor housing on dirt, and outdoor housing on alfalfa pasture. Experiments were conducted during the growing/finishing phases and pigs were slaughtered at the same age. Loins were collected, vacuum-packaged, and stored for 14 d at 2 degrees C. Pigs born and finished in an outdoor environment during the summer months (Exp. 1) had a greater ADG (0.92 vs 0.82+/-0.06 kg/d, P < 0.05) and had heavier carcass weights (87.9 vs 78.4+/-2.4 kg, P < 0.05) than pigs born and finished in an indoor environment with a slatted-floor finishing building. Carcasses from the outdoor-reared group measured a larger (P < 0.05) loineye area and were fatter (P < 0.01) at the first rib, last rib, and last lumbar vertebra measurements than carcasses from the indoor-reared group. Loin chops from outdoor-reared pigs had darker color scores in the retail display case throughout the 4-d period, measured lower L* values on d 1, and had more discoloration and browning on d 4 than loin chops from the indoor-reared group. During the winter months (Exp. 2), no difference was detected in ADG, carcass measurements, sensory characteristics, or shear force values from indoor-born pigs placed in either an outdoor or indoor finishing environment. Pigs finished on deep bedding (Exp. 3) had heavier carcass weights and more backfat (P < 0.01) than pigs finished on slats, but no differences were detected in sensory panel or shear force results. Overall, carcass measurements, pH, drip loss, sensory panel, and shear force values were similar among the groups finished in different housing systems. Outdoor or deep-bedded systems may increase growth rates of pigs if suitable land area and resources are available, but pork quality of loins will be similar for pigs finished in either conventional or alternative systems.  相似文献   

A total of 64 gilts initially weighing 120 kg were used to evaluate body composition occurring during pregnancy and lactation. All animals were fed a 14% protein corn-soybean meal diet. Eight gilts were slaughtered each at breeding, 57 and 105 d postcoitum and at 5 and 25 d postpartum, with a corresponding number of nongravid females killed at similar periods except at 5 d postpartum. Chemical composition of the empty body (ingesta-free) and maternal body (empty body minus reproductive products) was determined. Gravid gilts were heavier with larger quantities of water, protein and fat than nongravid gilts by the termination of pregnancy, but these differences were attributable to the products of conception. After the reproductive tissue components were subtracted, no indication of pregnancy anabolism was evident. Hydration in gravid swine was evident at 105 d postcoitum but was attributed to the higher water contribution from conceptus products, not maternal tissue. Maternal body fat appeared to fluctuate during gestation and lactation, whereas body protein and ash content were less affected. Both the empty body and maternal body contained approximately 83.5% protein and 16.5% ash when expressed on a fat-free dry basis, suggesting that compositional changes during reproduction largely reflect water and fat content changes in the dam's body. Carcass measurements generally reflected body compositional data.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of dietary supplementation of pregnant and lactating mares with concentrated dried live yeast culture on the nutrient content and rate of production of milk during early lactation and on the growth of their nursing foals. Pregnant mares were fed the same diets, with or without 20 g/day of yeast culture, from 4 weeks before foaling through the eighth week of lactation. Milk production at the onset of lactation, as measured by the weigh-suckle-weigh technique, was significantly stimulated by yeast culture supplementation, although the effect was only temporary. However, the nutrient composition of mares milk was altered by continued yeast culture supplementation through at least the eighth week of lactation. Gross energy (kcal/100 g milk), sugar, fat, protein and total amino acid contents (g/100 g milk) were significantly increased. The concentrations of a number of individual amino acids tended to be greater in the milk of supplemented mares, but most of these individual differences were not statistically significant. The intakes of energy (Mcal/day), sugars, fat, protein, total amino acids, leucine, lysine, serine and valine (g/day) were significantly greater by the foals nursing supplemented mares through 8 weeks. The foals nursing supplemented mares exhibited significantly greater rates of gain by the fourth week of life, and faster growth at the withers after 6 weeks. The efficiency of converting mare feed to neonatal body mass was 24% greater in the foals of supplemented mares, These data indicate that supplementing mares with dietary yeast culture during early lactation resulted in more efficient and rapid growth of their nurslings.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate the effect of piglet birth weight on future BW, growth, backfat, and longissimus muscle area of pigs in a commercial U.S. production system. Pigs (n = 5727) at a commercial farm were individually weighed and identified within 24 h of birth. Weights were collected prior to weaning (n = 4108), after finisher placement (n = 3439), and 7 (n = 1622) and 16 (n = 1586) weeks into finishing; hot carcass weight was also collected (n = 1693). Average daily gain during lactation, nursery, finishing, and overall (birth to 16 weeks into finishing) was calculated. During BW collection 16 weeks into finishing, real-time ultrasound backfat thickness and longissimus muscle area were measured. Sex × birth weight (linear and quadratic) interactions were observed for BW at weaning and finisher placement and daily gain during pre-weaning and nursery. Linear birth weight × cross foster interactions were observed for weaning weight and pre-weaning gain. Linear and quadratic effects of birth weight on BW at weaning, finisher placement, 7 and 16 weeks into finishing, and hot carcass weight and average daily gain during pre-weaning, nursery, finishing, and total were observed. For all measures of BW and average daily gain, as birth weight increased subsequent BW and average daily gain increased at a decreasing rate; however, for the sex × birth weight (linear and quadratic) interactions, heavier birth weight barrows were lighter and grew slower than gilts of comparable birth weight. Worth noting, the birth weight × sex interactions described very few pigs in the extreme portion of the birth weight distribution. For birth weight × cross foster interactions, non-cross fostered pigs were increasingly heavier and faster growing as birth weight increased compared to cross fostered pigs. Heavier birth weight pigs tended to have increased backfat depth (P = 0.07). Linear and quadratic effects of birth weight on longissimus muscle area were observed; as birth weight increased muscling increased at a decreasing rate. Regardless of interactions or period of production, increased birth weight resulted in heavier future BW, faster daily gain along with larger longissimus muscle area prior to harvest. In all instances the magnitude of the negative effect of birth weight increased as birth weight decreased.  相似文献   

Several Danish investigations were carried out in order to elucidate the influence of nutrition, sex and slaughter weight on the body composition in pigs. In this paper we discuss whether selection of breeding animals should be based mainly on: (1) per cent meat in the carcass, (2) a combination of per cent meat, daily gain and feed consumption per kg live weight gain, or maybe better, (3) a combination of per cent meat and feed consumption per kg meat produced.Investigations comprising five different energy and protein levels and 1100 pigs slaughtered at live weights varying from 80 to 120 kg showed that both feeding intensity and slaughter weight influenced the carcass composition. Increasing feeding intensity and increasing slaughter weight caused a deterioration in the ratio between meat and subcutaneous fat. The feeding intensity had only little influence on kg meat produced whereas increasing feeding intensity caused an increase in kg subcutaneous fat produced.The females contained more meat than did the male castrates. Besides, the deterioration in carcass composition due to increasing slaughter weight and feeding intensity were lower in the females than in the male castrates. Daily gain increased with increasing feeding intensity. The investigations indicate maximal protein synthesis to take place within the live weight area of 90–100 kg.High correlations were found between the chemical composition of the different anatomical fractions in 90-kg pigs. The empty pigs (live weight minus the content of the digestive tract) weighed on average 80.8 kg, of which 42.0% was dry matter. The dry matter contained 41.1% protein, 51.1% chemical fat, 7.7% ash and 7080 kcal per kg. The meat fraction contained 55% of the protein, 30% of the chemical fat and 38% of the energy in the empty pigs.  相似文献   

昌潍白猪系山东省优良地方猪种,主要产于潍坊市各县、区,以生长发育快、耐粗饲、抗病力强、肉质好等优良性状而著称。为了探讨该品种内分泌腺的生长发育规律及其与体重的相关性,我们对1-8月龄昌潍白猪内分泌腺的性状指标进行了测定分析,以期为进一步开发利用这一地方良种提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Feed intake characteristics of 192, 27-d-old weanling pigs housed in groups and given ad libitum access to feed and water were measured individually with the use of computerized feeding stations. The groups were either homogeneous or heterogeneous as to BW distribution; pigs of three defined initial BW classes were used (mean BW of 6.7, 7.9, or 9.3 kg). The effects of BW distribution, BW class, and sex were studied with regard to average performance traits, latency time (interval between weaning and first feed intake), initial feed intake (intake during the first 24 h following first feed intake), and daily increase in feed intake during the interval between first feed intake and the day on which energy intake met or exceeded 1.5 times the maintenance requirement. Homogeneous and heterogeneous groups had similar latency times, initial feed intakes, and daily increases in feed intake. For the period 0 to 34 d after weaning, ADFI and ADG were also similar for homogeneous and heterogeneous groups, but gain:feed ratio was greater (P < 0.05) in the homogeneous groups. Gilts had higher (P < 0.05) initial feed intakes than barrows and also had greater (P < 0.05) ADFI and ADG during the period 0 to 13 d after weaning. Pigs with average BW of 6.7 kg had higher (P < 0.05) initial feed intakes than their counterparts with average BW of 7.9 kg and 9.3 kg, but the daily increase in feed intake was similar for the three groups. The lighter pigs had more daily visits and a lower feed intake per visit and tended to have a shorter postweaning latency to the onset of feeding than the heavier pigs. This study indicates that the high variability in early feeding behavior among group-housed weanling pigs may be related to BW and sex.  相似文献   

In order to provide data with which to challenge a model of metabolism of lactating sows, we conducted a study to determine milk production and body and mammary composition in sows consuming a range of energy and amino acid intakes and nursing 11 to 12 pigs. Sows (2nd through 4th parity) consumed the same ration during gestation and consumed 6.1 kg/d (as-fed) for a 20 d lactation. Litter size was standardized at 12 pigs within 3 d of farrowing. Diets were formulated to provide three different amounts of protein intake and two different amounts of fat intake. Protein intakes of sows in high (HP), medium (MP), and low protein (LP) treatment groups were 863, 767, and 678 g/d with 59, 53, and 47 g/d lysine at two levels of fat intake, 117 (LF) and 410 g/d (HF). Number of pigs weaned per litter was 11.4 +/- 0.5 and milk production and litter weight gain was less (P < 0.01) in the last week of lactation for sows consuming the least protein. Medium and low protein intakes increased (P < 0.05) loss of body lean and protein. Change in carcass protein during lactation was -1.4, -3.0, -2.2, -1.2, -1.9 and -2.1 kg (SD 2.6) for sows fed HPLF, MPLF, LPLF, HPHF, MPHF, and LPHF. Body fat (carcass and visceral) change was 0.4, -3.7, -4.1, -0.3, 3.4, and -1.3 kg (SD 6.6) in HPLF, MPLF, LPLF, HPHF, MPHF, and LPHF groups. Total amount of mammary parenchyma increased more (P < 0.05) in sows fed a higher fat diet. These data are consistent with general knowledge of changes in body composition in lactation of sows. However, changes in body protein and fat were correlated across treatments and different from that reported for sows nursing smaller litters. These data help our quantitative understanding of nutrient flux in sows nursing large litters and allow a severe challenge of existing models of metabolism in sows.  相似文献   

The development of obesity in porcine fetuses was investigated using a lean and obese strain of pigs at 80, 90, 100 and 110 d of gestation. In absolute terms, fetuses of obese gilts (FO) generally had lower carcass weight and contained less total protein, dry matter and ash than fetuses of lean gilts (FL). In relative terms (percentage of wet carcass weight) FO, compared with FL, generally had decreased percentages of water and increased percentages of protein and lipid. Comparisons based on absolute terms revealed body composition of the strains to be different at 90 d, indicating that factors responsible for obese-type growth were active before that time. Both body composition and hormone concentration differences were most pronounced at later gestation ages. Depressed growth hormone, elevated cortisol, and a tendency toward elevated insulin concentrations in fetal plasma were apparent in late gestation for FO compared with FL. These hormonal patterns are consistent with onset of obesity in FO in late gestation. Greater weights of semitendinosus and longissimus muscles were observed in FL vs FO at 90, 100 and 110 d of gestation (P less than .05). These greater muscle weights were generally accompanied by greater contents of RNA, DNA and protein in FL muscles at these same ages. However, at 80 d, FL had greater absolute DNA content in semitendinosus muscle whereas muscle weight was similar between the strains. This suggests that greater muscle weights for FL than FO were caused by more nuclei in muscle of FL. In general, indices of hypertrophy (protein/DNA) and protein synthetic capacity (RNA/DNA) of muscle were usually similar for both strains at all gestation ages. It is concluded that decreased muscle growth in late gestation of FO compared with FL is more related to fewer total nuclei and perhaps fewer myofibers than to an impaired cellular capacity for protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate effects of feeding level of milk replacer on body growth, plasma metabolite and insulin concentrations, and allometric growth of visceral organs in suckling calves. Holstein bull calves (n = 8; 3–4 days of age) were fed either a low amount (average 0.63 kgDM/day, LM) or high amount (average 1.15 kgDM/day, HM) of high protein milk replacer until they were slaughtered at 6 weeks of age. Body weight (BW) at 4, 5, and 6 weeks of age, feed intake, average daily gain, and feed efficiency were higher in the HM than LM calves. The HM group had higher plasma glucose at 3 and 4 weeks of age and insulin levels after the age of 4 weeks compared with LM calves whereas no effect was detected on plasma nonesterified fatty acid or urea nitrogen concentrations. The HM calves had greater empty body weight (EBW), viscera‐free BW and most of the organs dissected than LM calves. Relative weights (% of EBW) of liver, spleen, kidneys, and internal fat were higher, whereas head and large intestine was lower in HM than LM calves. The results suggest that increased milk feeding levels would accelerate the growth of the body and specific organs.  相似文献   

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