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Dyspnea in an adult bull caused by a large laryngeal granuloma was corrected by use of a surgical technique that allowed resection of the mass without ventral laryngotomy. Endoscopy was used for visualization of the mass during the oral surgery. The technique may be performed in the field.  相似文献   

Clinical and pathological observations were made on a case of bilateral cryptorchidism in a bull. Sexual libido could not be assessed because the bull was housed alone. The location of the intraabdominal testes indicated that surgical castration would necessitate a flank laparotomy incision.  相似文献   

Branchial cleft cyst was diagnosed in a 6-month-old Angus bull with a large swelling in the distal ventral neck region. A definitive diagnosis could not be attained from results of the clinical examination, radiography, and ultrasonography. Diagnosis was made from histologic examination of the surgically removed mass. Branchial cleft cysts are remnants of the branchial apparatus and are considered rare in domestic animals. The differential diagnosis should include the thymic form of bovine viral leukosis, thymoma, abscess, goiter, and thyroid gland tumors as well as other rare cysts that can develop in the same location.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old Holstein bull was examined because of a mass involving the cranial portion of the right hemimandible and the oral cavity. The mass had been observed 2 weeks earlier. The bull had lost weight throughout the 45 days before admission, and was anorectic at the time of admission. An aneurysmal bone cyst of the mandible was diagnosed.  相似文献   

A 3-1/2-year-old Canadian Hereford bull was diagnosed with spastic syndrome. The disease had not been reported previously in Canadian Herefords and, in this case, it had a strong familial component with a relatively early age of onset (1 to 2 years). Signs of the disease were exacerbated while the bull was housed indoors.  相似文献   

A ten year old Hereford bull with Chediak-Higashi syndrome was examined at necropsy after a lifelong history of recurrent bacterial infections. Amyloidosis, which has not been previously reported in Chediak-Higashi, was identified in liver, spleen and kidney.  相似文献   

Multicystic renal dysplasia was found in a 6-day-old Japanese black bull. Grossly, both kidneys were markedly small (2.0 x 3.5 cm) with numerous cysts ranging from 1 to 8 mm in diameter. Histopathologically, both kidneys consisted of many irregularly enlarged cysts, immature glomeruli, small ducts and anomalous stromal connective tissues containing focal persistent mesenchyme characterized by a proliferation of stellate cells with myxomatous area. These features are compatible with those of multicystic renal dysplasia in humans and other mammals.  相似文献   

Behavioral, electrophysiologic, and pharmacologic tests were performed on a 2 1/2-year-old Brahman bull suspected of having narcolepsy. Placement on a tilt table or electroejaculation induced apparent sleep and cataplexy. Electrophysiologic recordings during the episodes revealed the low-voltage, high-frequency electroencephalogram, reduced electromyogram amplitude, and rapid eye movements in the electrooculogram associated with rapid eye movements sleep. Physostigmine salicylate appeared to elicit and potentiate the episodes, whereas atropine sulfate and imipramine reduced or blocked them. The combined results of the tests supported the diagnosis of narcolepsy.  相似文献   

A mature Brangus bull received the recommended dose of chlorpyrifos and became dull and inappetent 3 days later. Clinical findings included weakness, dehydration, rumen stasis, and rumen distention with fluid and gas. Blood cholinesterase activity was 25% of normal. The bull's condition improved after treatment with pralidoxime, antimicrobials, electrolyte solutions, vitamins, and adsorbents. Five weeks later, the bull had gained weight, the blood cholinesterase activity was 70% of normal, and the results of a semen evaluation indicated he was a satisfactory potential breeder.  相似文献   

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