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便携式人工模拟降雨装置的设计与率定   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
用人工模拟降雨研究径流,可以大大缩短试验周期,加速雨水入渗规律和土壤侵蚀规律的研究进程。目前的人工模拟降雨装置普遍存在体积庞大、操作复杂、试验成本高等问题,在现实应用中难以推广。该文针对以上问题设计了一种由喷淋系统和供水系统构成的便携式人工模拟降雨装置。该装置采用单喷头、下喷式模拟降雨结构,通过控制输水管道供水压力和改变喷头型号,实现了不同雨强、不同历时的人工模拟降雨过程。通过降雨特性试验表明,该装置可实现降雨强度为0~140mm/h的模拟降雨,降雨均匀性能保持在80%以上,雨滴直径主要分布在0.1~5.5mm之间,能够满足不同直径的雨滴获得2~2.9m/s的终点速度。试验结果与天然降雨有较高的相似性,可有效实现模拟降雨。  相似文献   

人工模拟降雨装置的设计及其参数率定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
[目的]针对水环境领域中地表径流的水质研究所需的降雨特点,设计了一种人工模拟降雨装置。[方法]该模拟降雨装置采用3个规格不同的喷嘴式喷头,利用不同喷头的启闭与组合实现不同雨强的模拟。[结果]经率定,此装置降雨强度可达0.3~2.0mm/min,在此范围内降雨均匀系数均在85%以上,雨滴中数直径的范围为1.09~2.25mm,最大雨滴直径不超过6mm,雨滴终点速度可达到2~2.9mm/s。[结论]该装置模拟降雨与天然降雨的相似程度较高,可用于模拟真实的降雨情况。  相似文献   

人工模拟降雨的能量相似及其实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 能量相似是降雨模拟的基本原则。通过对雨滴粒径、雨滴击溅速度、降雨均匀度等能量相似要素的分析和探讨,提出实现降雨模拟能量相似的重要手段,即在降雨高度、雨滴发生器等条件不变的情况下,通过调节雨强来实现降雨能量的相似;通过加大供水压力等手段可提高降雨动能,所以在降雨模拟实践中,降雨高度不一定需要达到使所有粒径的雨滴均达到终速所需的高度。  相似文献   

<正>在坡面水土流失规律的研究过程中,应用径流试验小区,观测天然降雨所产生的水土流失数量,从中分析水土流失与影响因子的定量关系,建立水土流失予报方  相似文献   

人工模拟降雨装置在水土保持方面的应用   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
王洁  胡少伟  周跃 《水土保持研究》2005,12(4):188-190,194
利用人工模拟降雨装置进行室内与野外试验已成为水土保持研究的一个重要手段。用人工模拟降雨方法可以加速土壤侵蚀、降雨产流及入渗等试验,避免自然因素的影响,在既定时间内迅速获得试验所需数据,顺利完成计划试验。主要介绍了我国人工模拟降雨装置在水土保持方面应用的研究近况、模拟降雨装置的主要设计技术参数,以及本实验室于2003年研制成功的Kust03-1型人工模拟降雨装置在云南山地的应用。  相似文献   

人工模拟降雨试验降雨特性及问题分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于试验的需要和人工模拟降雨的优点,越来越多的研究者采用人工模拟降雨。但在大量的试验中,人工模拟降雨试验的降雨特性与天然降雨特性之间联系不够紧密,对应特性之间存在差异。除了人工模拟降雨特性与天然降雨特性的不统一性外,人工模拟降雨试验中还存在一些自然与非自然因素导致的问题,在关注并逐一克服这些问题的同时,将人工模拟降雨和高科技技术,如GPRS等结合起来,应用于更广阔的领域。  相似文献   

国内外人工模拟降雨装置综述   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  

用于降雨侵蚀的人工模拟降雨装置实验研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  

人工模拟降雨大厅及模拟降雨设备简介   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
黄土高原土壤侵蚀和旱地农业国家重点实验室人工模拟降雨大厅位于陕西杨陵农科城,降雨大厅面积为1296m^2,其规模为世界上第二大模拟降雨大厅(图1)。该降雨大厅为我国土壤侵蚀与水土保持科学定量化研究提供了平台。  相似文献   

槽式人工模拟降雨机的工作原理与特性   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
利用人工模拟降雨,可以进行各种下垫面条件下土壤侵蚀与水土保持实验研究,大大缩短了试验研究周期,已成为室内与野外试验的重要技术手段,是获取土壤侵蚀、水土保持效益、土壤侵蚀模型等相关研究数据的有效途径。在详细论述人工模拟降雨机的基本要求和类型的基础上,重点论述了槽式人工模拟降雨机的结构、工作原理及其优缺点,旨在促进我国人工模拟降雨机研制的步伐,为土壤侵蚀与水土保持相关实验研究提供参考。  相似文献   

人工模拟降雨装置及其应用介绍   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国水土保持科研人员借鉴国外经验,通过改装与自我研发,研制了不少能满足室内和室外试验要求的人工模拟降雨装置。经过多年的发展,人工模拟降雨装置已在水土保持科学研究中得到了广泛应用,并积累了大量的观测资料,为进行土壤侵蚀预测预报打下了基础。系统介绍了近20年来我国人工模拟降雨装置研制的发展及目前应用情况。  相似文献   

槽式摆喷头下喷式人工模拟降雨机的雨强及其空间分布率定   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
人工模拟降雨机由于不受时间和空间的限制而成为研究降雨影响入渗、产流、冲刷、侵蚀产沙等动力学机理的重要试验手段。为解决我国目前降雨机模拟降雨特性与天然降雨特性相差较大的问题,设计了槽式摆喷头下喷式人工模拟降雨机。通过试验分别率定了该降雨机单喷头降雨雨强和多喷头组合降雨雨强的相关参数.以便为用户应用提供技术指标。该降雨装置在2.5m的高度下模拟的雨强范围为11.3~132.5mm/h。单喷头受雨面呈矩形,沿喷头摆动方向2.0m宽,垂直摆动方向2.7m长,受雨面积为5.4m^2。为形成均匀的雨强空间分布,需进行多喷头组合。组合实验表明,沿摆动方向的相邻喷头最佳距离为1.1m,沿垂直摆动方向的相邻喷头最佳距离为1.5~1.6m,组合后的雨强空间均匀性系数达到0.89以上。目前测试雨机的单机由5个喷头组成,相邻喷头为摆动方向,距离1.1m。用户可根据实验面积自行选择争机喷头数量和雨机数量.相邻雨机喷头间的水平距离建议为1.5~1.6m。  相似文献   

The set‐up and characterisation of an indoor nozzle‐type rainfall simulator (RS) at Wageningen University, the Netherlands, are presented. It is equipped with four Lechler nozzles (two nr. 460·788 and two nr. 461·008). The tilting irrigation plot is 6 m long and 2·5 m wide. An electrical pump supplies the constant flow during the experiments. The spatial distribution of the rainfall was measured with 60 rain gauges equally distributed on the experimental plot. Thies® Laser Precipitation Monitor was used to measure the size and falling velocity of the raindrops. Four different flow rates were applied (Q1–4). From the collected data, spatial rainfall intensity and spatial kinetic energy distribution maps were created; Christiansen uniformity coefficient was calculated for each flow rate. The results of the experiments revealed that the rainfall parameters (spatial rainfall intensity, kinetic energy, raindrop size distribution and fall velocity) in the RS are not homogeneous (Christiansen uniformity ranges from 68·5% to 83·2%). Accordingly, the whole plot can only be irrigated irregularly applying a wide range of intensities and rainfall energies. The RS offers a good opportunity to study great variety of process intensities such as splash erosion, runoff generation, soil aggregate stability, organic matter migration and scaled landscape development. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Land degradation processes start with accelerated runoff and sediment delivery. In this study, rainfall‐runoff induced sediment transport is investigated using data from an indoor laboratory experimental setup consisting of a rainfall simulator and an erosion flume. The data are analysed to develop empirical models using sediment discharge, slope, flow discharge, rainfall intensity and sediment size. Fine and medium sands are considered as bare soil in experiments. Four rainfall intensities (45, 65, 85 and 105 mm h−1) are applied with combinations of lateral and longitudinal slopes of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. Eighty experiments are conducted. Flow is measured, and sediment within flow is separated and weighted. Experimental data are used for developing empirical models through multiple regression with parameters optimized by genetic algorithm. Results show that slope is the main contributing variable to the sediment transport over hillslopes. Accommodating variables among slope, rainfall intensity, flow discharge and median diameter of sediment as independent variables, one‐variable, two‐variable and four‐variable models are developed considering also that higher number of parameters increases the performance of the model with higher cost of parameterization. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

由于人工模拟降雨可以解决天然降雨耗时长、成本高以及难以取得精准控制数据等问题,越来越多的学者使用该方法进行科学研究。通过降雨量测量和计算分析方法,测定了Veejet80150喷头降雨特征参数,评价了改进后槽式下喷模拟降雨机的降雨均匀性。结果表明:Veejet80150喷头降雨面积为矩形,且随喷头高度增加而增加,中心点降雨强度随高度增加而减小,并从中心点向外呈规律性减小,便于多喷头组合,获得空间均匀降雨。多喷头组合降雨时,2.5 m高度下的降雨均匀系数在0.88~0.90范围内;4 m高度下的降雨均匀系数在0.94~0.95范围内,该降雨机均匀性好,喷头高度大于2.5 m时可满足试验要求。  相似文献   

Rainfall simulators are an important tool in studying soil erosion, which is a key process contributing to land degradation. The kinetic energy of simulated rain is central to these studies and it is used as an indicator of the raindrops' ability to detach particles from the soil surface. The main purpose of this experimental work was to explore the usefulness of incorporating meshes underneath pressurised nozzles' rain simulators that intercept the drops sprayed out by the nozzles and change the simulated rain characteristics, namely by increasing the rainfall kinetic energy. The laboratory experiments included testing four types of spray nozzles (discharge from 2·3 to 11·9 L min−1), combined with a high‐density polyethylene mesh (square aperture of 20 mm). The effect of the mesh was studied for three vertical distances between the nozzle and the mesh (0·20, 0·40 and 0·60 m). A laser disdrometer was used to measure the diameter and fall speed of the simulated raindrops. For the mesh‐free simulations, the nozzles produced drops having on average a mean equivalent diameter of around 0·6 mm and a mean fall speed of about 1·5 m s−1. The mesh increased the formation of bigger drops (>2·5 mm) and, consequently, increased the rainfall kinetic energy of the simulated rain; the magnitude of this increase varied with the spray produced by the nozzles. Results show that meshes can be useful for increasing the kinetic energy of the rainfall simulated by nozzles within soil erosion studies. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

野外模拟降雨条件下坡面降雨入渗、产流试验研究   总被引:43,自引:12,他引:43  
利用野外模拟降雨试验,研究了植被类型、降雨强度、地表结皮、覆盖杂草等对荒草地和裸地降雨入渗、产流的影响。结果表明:裸地因降雨易产生地表结皮,产流时间主要取决于降雨强度,两者的关系可用幂函数描述,达显著水平;荒草地由于植被覆盖度较高,产流时间主要取决于土壤初始含水量,两者的关系可用线性公式描述,达极显著水平;与裸地相比,荒草地能延缓产流,并有效拦蓄径流;裸地形成地表结皮后,产流提前,平均入渗率降低,但坡面覆盖杂草(尤其是坡中下部覆盖杂草)能有效拦蓄径流、延缓产流、增加入渗,并促进土壤水分向深层的运移,而雨后采用抑制蒸发的措施能起到类似的效果  相似文献   

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