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The sensitivity and specificity of the complement fixation, gel diffusion and ELISA tests for the diagnosis of Brucella ovis infection of rams have been compared using three different antigenic preparations. The antigens obtained by petroleum ether - chloroform - phenol, or cold saline extractions gave poorer diagnostic results than those obtained by hot saline extraction in all the tests. The best sensitivity was obtained with the ELISA (97.6 per cent) followed by the gel diffusion (96.4 per cent) and complement fixation tests (92.7 per cent). The gel diffusion test detected as positive the two rams negative in the ELISA, while the complement fixation test did not improve the sensitivity of the other tests. Under these conditions all the tests were 100 per cent specific when testing sera from rams free of B ovis.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to evaluate the performance and agreement of various commercial and in-house Neospora caninum antibody assays used in dairy cattle in North America, and to investigate reproducibility of two assays performed in different laboratories. From 1998 to 2005, three enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs, a competitive ELISA-VMRD Inc., an indirect ELISA-Biovet Inc., and another indirect ELISA-Herdchek IDEXX Corp.), two indirect fluorescent antibody tests (IFATs, VMRD Inc., and in-house USDA) and one N. caninum agglutination test (NAT, in-house USDA) were utilized to test 397 randomly selected dairy cattle serum samples from 34 herds in eastern Canada for antibodies to N. caninum. The manufacturers' recommended cut-off values were used to evaluate test performance and agreement between tests. One IFAT (VMRD Inc.) performed well (sensitivity and specificity: 0.97 and 0.97, respectively) using reference sera (n = 452), therefore, results from this IFAT on the 397 samples could subsequently be used as the reference standard to calculate test characteristics for the other assays. Only 11% of the 397 sera were found to be N. caninum-positive with the IFAT. Prevalence-adjusted bias-adjusted kappa (PABAK) ranged from 0.06 to 0.99. Positive agreement was moderate to very good (P(pos) = 0.25-0.96). Negative agreement was very good for all assays (P(neg) > 0.94) except NAT (P(neg) = 0.66). Sensitivity was > or =0.89 for all assays except the NAT, which had a significantly lower sensitivity (0.66). Specificity was high (>0.94) for all assays except for one indirect ELISA (specificity = 0.52). This indirect ELISA did not perform satisfactorily when used in 1998, but an improved version of the ELISA performed as one of the best assays in 2004. Reproducibility of the competitive ELISA was excellent, but the reproducibility of the indirect ELISA that was improved was low (concordance correlation coefficient = 0.90 and 0.36, respectively). The performance characteristics observed for most assays in this study make them useful for screening antibodies to N. caninum in cattle.  相似文献   

The complement fixation test (CFT), the enzyme labelled immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the gel diffusion precipitin test (GD) were compared, for the diagnosis of Brucella ovis infection in rams. The sensitivities of the tests in 109 rams which were shedding B. ovis in their semen were: CFT 96.3%; ELISA 97.2%; GD 91.7%. The specificities of the tests in 141 rams from non-infected flocks were: CFI 99.3%; ELISA 98.6%; GD 100%. Predictive values of the three tests were measured in 285 rams from infected flocks. Thirty-eight percent of these rams were shedding B. ovis in their semen. Predictive values of positive tests were: CFT 75.5%; ELISA 66.7%; GD 72.5%. Predictive values of negative tests were: CFI 97.1%; ELISA 97.6%; GD 93.8%.  相似文献   

AIMS: To analyse the performance characteristics (sensitivity/specificity) of two enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) against the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). METHODS: A total of 1199 sera were tested in two ELISAs and the IFAT and results analysed utilising software that performed a receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. RESULTS: Sensitivity and specificity for the two ELISAs were calculated for a range of different cut-offs. Minimal misclassification was achieved at cut-offs that, in the case of the Central Animal Health Laboratory (CAHL)-ELISA were in line with previously published cut-off values. In the case of the IDEXX-ELISA lower cut-off values than suggested by the manufacturer were calculated. CONCLUSIONS: ROC-analysis resulted in optimised, as compared to the IFAT, cut-off thresholds for the CAHL and IDEXX-ELISA which can be further adjusted depending on the purpose of the investigation.  相似文献   

The Rose Bengal Plate Agglutination test (RBT), the complement fixation text (CFT) and the tube agglutination test (TAT) were applied to serums from 345 feral and 80 domestic pigs sampled at slaughter. At least 2 of the 3 serological tests were applied to each serum. Tissues from all pigs were cultured for Brucella suis and the degree of culture effort was categorised from 1 to 4 in decreasing order. Fifty-eight feral and 35 domestic pigs were culture-positive. A greater proportion of culture-positive pigs was obtained for category 1 and 2 culture effort. Tissues yielding B. suis most often were mandibular, gastrohepatic and external iliac lymph nodes, spleen and various abdominal organs. Infection in domestic pigs was associated with exposure to feral pigs. The sensitivity (Se) in culture-positive pigs of the RBT (79.1%) was significantly greater than that of either the CFT (49.1%) or TAT (51.1%). The specificities (Sp) in culture-negative pigs were 81.2% for the RBT, 90.8% for the CFT and 81.0% for the TAT. A more realistic estimate of Sp for the RBT was considered to be 97.6%, based on serological results from 31,326 domestic pigs routinely tested for regulatory purposes. The RBT was clearly superior to the other 2 tests in this study. However, a more sensitive screening test would be preferable for use in a test and slaughter eradication program. The RBT would be a suitable confirmatory test.  相似文献   

Summary A comparative study of the standard tube agglutination test (SAT), Rose Bengal plate agglutination test and counter immuno-electrophoresis (CIEP) was made on 647 sera from naturally aborting ewes, orchitic, in-contact and apparently healthy sheep with no history of vaccination against brucellosis. No individual test could detect all the 13 known positive reactors (the foetuses of which yieldedBrucella melitensis) but by combination of two tests all 13 were positive. The SAT detected more reactors during the early stage of infection while CIEP performed better in later stages of infection. All these tests may be carried out in a field laboratory at very low cost.
Resumen Se llevó a cabo un estudio donde se comparó la efectividad de la aglutinación en tubo, la prueba Rosa de Bengala y la contrainmunoelectroforesis en 647 sueros de ovejas que habían abortado naturalmente, machos con orquitis, ovejas en contacto y ovejas aparentemente sanas, sin previa historia de vacunación contra brucelosis. Ninguna de las pruebas utilizadas pudo detectar individualmente todos los 13 reactores positivos (de los fetos de los cuales se aislóBrucella melitensis), pero la combinación de dos pruebas detectó todos los reactores positivos. La prueba de la aglutinación en tubo detectó la mayoría de reactores en los estadíos iniciales de la infección, mientras que la contrainmunoelectroforesis se comportó bien en estadíos iniciales de la infección, mientras que la contrainmunoelectroforesis se comportó bien en estadíos tartíos de la infección. Todas estas pruebas pueden realizarse, en laboratorios de campo a un costo bajo.

Résumé Les auteurs ont réalisé une étude comparative entre l'agglutination en tube standard (SAT), le test d'agglutination sur lame au Rose Bengale (RBPT) et la contre immunoélectrophorèse (CIEP), à partir de 647 sérums prélevés sur des brebis ayant avorté naturellement ou sur des moutons atteints d'orchite ou ayant été en contact mais restés apparement sains et sans passé vaccinal contre la brucellose. Aucun test individuel n'a pu reconna?tre comme positif l'un des 13 animaux reconnus réagissant (dont les foetus hébergeaientBrucella melitensis), mais par combinaison des deux tests, tous les 13 se sont révélés positifs. Le SAT a décelé plus de réagissants au cours des premiers stades de l'infection. Par contre, le CIEP a été plus sensible dans les derniers stades. Tous ces tests peuvent être réalisés dans un laboratoire de terrain à, un co?t trés bas.

The Dutch national Brucella abortus eradication programme for cattle started in 1959. Sporadic cases occurred yearly until 1995; the last infected herd was culled in 1996. In August 1999 the Netherlands was declared officially free of bovine brucellosis by the European Union. Before 1999, the programme to monitor the official Brucella-free status of bovine herds was primarily based on periodical testing of dairy herds with the milk ring test (MRT) and serological testing of all animals older than 1 year of age from non-dairy herds, using the micro-agglutination test (MAT) as screening test. In addition, serum samples of cattle that aborted were tested with the MAT. The high number of false positive reactions in both tests and the serum agglutination test (SAT) and complement fixation test (CFT) used for confirmation seemed to result in unnecessary blockade of herds, subsequent testing and slaughter of animals. For this reason, a validation study was performed in which three indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), the CFT and the SAT were compared using a panel of sera from brucellosis-free cattle, sera from experimentally infected cattle, and sera from cattle experimentally infected with bacteria which are known to induce cross-reactive antibodies (Pasteurella, Salmonella, Yersinia, and Escherichia). Moreover, four ELISAs and the MRT were compared using a panel of 1000 bulk milk samples from Brucella-free herds and 12 milk samples from Brucella abortus- infected cattle. It is concluded that the ELISA obtained from ID-Lelystad is the most suitable test to monitor the brucelosis free status of herds because it gives rise to fewer false-positive reactions than the SAT.  相似文献   

During 1999, serum samples were collected from beef cows on pastures in western Canada. Some of the herds had a history of confirmed abortions associated with Neospora caninum infection. All these samples were initially analyzed using a single application of 1 common commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for antibodies to N. caninum. From these initial results, 239 positive and 250 negative samples were randomly selected for further testing. This group of samples was retested using the 3 commercially available ELISA tests for N. caninum as per the manufacturer's recommendations. The agreement between 2 of the ELISAs was good (K = 0.76); agreement of these 2 tests with the third test was much lower (K = 0.46 and 0.60). Quantitative agreement between tests measured by intraclass correlation coefficients was also acceptable between the first 2 tests but was almost zero when the first 2 tests were compared with the third. This information is necessary to understand the differences in seroprevalence reported in different regions from laboratories using different methods.  相似文献   

Maedi-Visna virus (MVV) infection in sheep is present in several European countries, including Norway. The current Norwegian surveillance and control programme for MVV infection uses three serological tests: an agar gel immunodiffusion test (AGID) and two commercially available indirect ELISAs (Institut Pourquier, P-ELISA and HYPHEN BioMed, H-ELISA). From 18 flocks with suspected or confirmed MVV infection, sera from naturally infected sheep were obtained, and sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) of the three tests were estimated in absence of a perfect reference test using latent class models in a Bayesian analysis. The AGID had higher Sp (95% posterior credibility interval (PCI) [98.4; 99.9]) than either ELISA (95% PCI: P-ELISA, [95.1; 99.0]; H-ELISA, [91.4; 96.6]), but much lower Se (95% PCI: AGID, [41.4; 59.8]; P-ELISA, [92.7; 100.0]; H-ELISA, [90.9; 99.4]). Currently the P-ELISA is used for screening and positive samples are subsequently confirmed by a setup using all three tests in a serial reading. The Se and Sp of the serial interpretations with and without the H-ELISA were estimated. The results suggested that the H-ELISA could be dropped as a confirmatory test as the Se of the three test serial reading was reduced significantly without adding a significant improvement of the Sp compared to the serial reading of the P-ELISA and AGID alone. However, the perceived cost of false positives versus false negatives will influence this decision. Estimates of the predictive values for the tests and combinations suggested that the P-ELISA is a good choice of screening, but confirmatory tests are needed to achieve acceptable levels of positive predictive values.  相似文献   

Comparative tests such as FAT, ELISA, RIA, IEO and CF in the diagnosis of dourine in the horse have proved a satisfactory concordance ratio of the ELISA with CF, which seems to be the most reliable test. Discrepancies have been observed as to the other tests which appear less sensitive than CF test.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was conducted to identify risk factors for herd infection by Brucella spp. in dairy cattle in the suburbs of Asmara, Eritrea. Data were collected from 64 herds, randomly selected from a total of 99 herds with a minimum herd size of 9 cows. A questionnaire was used to gather data on management, hygiene and herd structure. Serum samples collected from all pregnant heifers, cows and bulls, were screened for Brucella infection by the Rose Bengal test (RBT), and all RBT-positive sera re-tested with the complement-fixation test (CFT) for confirmation. A seropositive herd was defined as one in which at least one animal tested positive in the CFT. There were 23 (36%) positive herds among the 64 studied. Both multiple logistic and multiple betabinomial regression modeling were used to analyze the data. Mixed-breed herds, compared to single (exotic)-breed herds, were found to be independently associated with increased herd seroprevalence (OR=5.2, 95% confidence interval 1.4–18.7) in the multiple logistic model with the herd infection status as the dependent variable. The importance of this variable was supported by the multiple betabinomial regression model (OR=3.3, 1.4–7.6) with animal-level prevalence within herd as the outcome variable. Both models also revealed the presence of a negative association between seropositivity and cattle stocking density.  相似文献   

Results from four serological tests for diagnosing brucellosis--serum tube agglutination (SAT), agar gel immunodiffusion (AGIT), Rose Bengal plate (RBPT) and complement fixation (CFT)--were compared using sera from goats from farms infected with Brucella melitensis. Ninety-two goats were negative and 29 positive to all four tests. The remaining 85 reacted to one or more tests. The RBPT was the most sensitive test and the AGIT the most specific, when compared with the CFT. The results suggest that the SAT adds little information when used with other tests but that RBPT and AGIT are useful for testing caprine brucellosis where facilities for the CFT are not available.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the diagnostic performance of a complement fixation test, an agar gel immunodiffusion test, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and a whole-blood interferon-gamma assay for paratuberculosis in 14 sheep experimentally infected with Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Longitudinal study. RESULTS: The IFN-gamma assay detected more experimentally infected sheep, and earlier, than any of the serological tests. None of the antibody assays was able to detect all sheep with histologically confirmed paratuberculosis. CONCLUSIONS: The superior performance of the IFN-gamma assay in detecting infected sheep in this small experimental population warrants its further evaluation in a larger population of sheep naturally exposed to M a paratuberculosis.  相似文献   

The serum agglutination test (SAT), the Rose Bengal plate test (RBPT) and the milk ring test (MRT) were used in the diagnosis of caprine brucellosis. There was a close correlation between the SAT and RBPT when both tests were negative but the RBPT failed to detect 79.82 per cent of sera in excess of 50 iu. Also, owing to the relatively poor milking potential of the Nigerian goat and the false positive results with the MRT, it is concluded that the SAT offers a better serological diagnostic tool for caprine brucellosis in this locality.  相似文献   

Serological tests were performed on 380 cats with necropsy-confirmed heartworm disease to compare the performance of currently available commercial laboratory and point-of-care heart-worm serological tests in a heartworm-endemic area. Overall, antigen tests detected 79.3% to 86.2% of heartworm infections and were highly specific. Most cats with false-negative antigen tests had a single male worm. Antibody tests detected 62.1% to 72.4% of heartworm infections and had a wider range of false-positive results (1.4% to 19.1%) than antigen tests (0.3% to 2.0%). Serological tests for feline heartworm infection varied in diagnostic performance. Combining results from antigen and antibody tests achieved greater sensitivity than using either test alone.  相似文献   

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