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刘晶 《农业工程》2020,10(3):21-23
牧草是发展畜禽生产,特别是草食家畜生产的基础,牧草中不仅含有家畜必需的各种营养物质,还含有对维持反刍家畜健康特别重要的粗纤维,这是粮食与其他饲料所不能替代的。我国是牧草生产大国,但牧草生产机械化水平却不高,不仅影响了牧草的产量、质量,也影响了农牧民收益。为了生产优质的牧草,该文介绍了牧草种植及生产机械化技术,包括播种、田间管理和收获等环节。   相似文献   

甘肃省牧草生产机械化发展现状与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析甘肃省牧草自然条件、经济基础、牧草生产机械化历史和现状以及发展过程中存在的主要问题,提出了牧草生产机械化持续发展的若干技术对策和建议。  相似文献   

陶琳新 《农业机械》2022,(2):78-79+82
甘肃省山丹县发展优质牧草产业具有得天独厚的自然条件,牧草生产全程机械化,是实现该产业高质量发展的关键所在。全面介绍了当地燕麦草机械化生产发展现状、社会服务组织建设、推广适应的技术路线和技术要点、全程机械化生产存在的问题,并提出相应的对策,为当地燕麦草全程机械化生产的健康、持续发展提供了参考。  相似文献   

牧草生产机械化:西部农业机械化发展新的增长点   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
20余年的改革开放,我国经济,尤其是东部及沿海地区发展到了一个新的水平,并且仍以较快的速度向前发展;相对而言,西部的经济仍较落后,与东部的差距不断加大。在这种背景下,党中央及时作出开发西部的战略决策,西部大开发将成为未来一个时期内经济工作的重点。西部地区是我国典型的以农牧业生产为主的地区,相对人少地多,自然条件恶劣,干旱缺水,水土流失严重,基础设施条件较差,农业生产能力脆弱,牧草生产长期得不到足够的重视,机械化生产发展缓慢。随着各地农业结构比例的调整,与开发畜牧业相连的人工牧草种植业正呈现出快速…  相似文献   

达茂旗总面积1.8万km^2,草原面积约1.6万km^2,是包头市唯一的一个牧业旗,也是最大的草原区。2007年全旗天然草场牧草虽经历了春、夏阶段性干旱,产量有一定减少,但总产高于2006年,属正常年份。特别是牧草的主要营养成分含量也普遍较高,家畜适口性较好,单位面积各类营养物质收获量较大,饲草比较充足,有利于家畜的安全越冬度春。  相似文献   

牧草是指家畜能够采食的各种草类。种植牧草具有以下好处:  相似文献   

1种植牧草的意义 牧草是指家畜能够采食的各种草类.种植牧草具有以下好处:  相似文献   

我国疆域辽阔,南北气候差异大,东西地形地貌迥异。各地的气候条件、土壤的酸碱度存在差异,各地区应根据实际情况与自然条件,合理选择牧草品种,以适应性强、产量高、品质好为佳。本文探讨了怎样种草养畜,如何选择牧草品种,如何进行牧草种植与牧草管理,如何饲喂草食畜。  相似文献   

吉林省白城牧场是全国主要牧草生产基地之一,每年都有大量的草粉出口于日本,但因受自然条件(主要是干旱)的影响,致使牧草产量很不稳定。近几年来应用引进的2071型喷灌机进行牧草喷灌,取得了一定效果。为了准确地掌握2071型喷灌机的工作性能和喷灌的气象效应,吉林省白城地区农业气象试验站与吉林省白城牧场喷灌试验站  相似文献   

基于优良的草地资源禀赋,内蒙古草食畜牧业的发展在全国处于领先地位。牧草作为重要的饲草资源,对于推动草食畜牧业发展、优化农业产业结构、改善农业生态环境以及应对气候变化等方面都具有重要意义。然而当前内蒙古牧草产业在生产、加工及流通方面还存在着诸多问题。本文在剖析内蒙古牧草产业发展现状的基础上,揭示出其主要制约因素是牧草的种植、加工转化、商品化与家畜饲养没有形成完整的产业链,并提出在生产中应加强牧草种植技术的培训及应用,注重机械配套;在加工环节应提高专业化水平,完善牧草收储—加工体系建设;在流通环节完善各环节的衔接,加强产业信息化。  相似文献   

The quantity and quality of feed available throughout the cycle of the seasons is a powerful constraint upon the rate at which livestock populations may expand and the rate at which they produce. To investigate this constraint in a national livestock development planning context it was necessary to develop an accounting system to interface feed demand with feed supply in what has been termed a Feed Balance Sheet. This presents feed deficits and/or surpluses within identified livestock production systems. The paper deals mainly with ruminant livestock populations grazing natural and improved grasslands and utilizing crop residues and agro-industrial by-products. The data illustrating the way in which the accounting system was developed are drawn from information on Sudanese livestock populations.  相似文献   

家畜养殖的生产模式已由粗放型向集约型转变,生产水平不断提高,但较低的劳动生产率和劳动力短缺等问题严重制约中国家畜养殖业的快速发展。利用现代信息和人工智能技术,研发家畜饲喂机器人,包括喂料、推料等机器人,实现数字化、智能化的家畜养殖,提高畜牧养殖生产力是解决上述问题的主要途径。为深入分析机器人技术在家畜养殖中的研究现状,本文收集了国内外家畜机器人研究实例和文献资料,从轨道式喂料机器人、自走式喂料机器人和推料机器人3个方面重点介绍家畜饲喂机器人的研究进展,分析了饲喂机器人的技术特点和实际应用情况,从技术和应用两个方面对国内外饲喂机器人进行了比较,并从战略规划制定、核心技术发展和产业发展趋势三个方面进行展望并提出发展建议,为家畜饲喂机器人在中国的进一步发展和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

畜禽设施精细养殖是现代畜牧业发展的前沿领域,其核心在于物联网与传统设施养殖的深度融合。近年来,随着传统家庭式养殖模式逐渐退出,中国畜禽养殖场的管理方式已逐步迈向集约化、规模化和设施化,基于养殖动物个体管理和质量保障且满足动物福利要求的畜禽设施精细化养殖已成为畜禽养殖业的最新发展趋势。本文在阐述畜禽设施精细养殖信息感知与环境调控的重要性的基础上,介绍了信息感知与环境调控相关前沿技术,分析了面临的问题与挑战,指出智能传感器技术将成为推动畜禽设施精细养殖进步的底层驱动技术,兼顾畜禽福利和生产性能的动物拟人化智能调控技术和策略等是面临的重要挑战。最后,就中国畜禽设施精细养殖关键技术如何落地提出了相关建议,旨在为中国畜禽设施养殖业的转型升级和可持续发展提供理论参考和技术支撑。  相似文献   

In face of climate change and other environmental challenges, one strategy for incremental improvement within existing farming systems is the inclusion of perennial forage shrubs. In Australian agricultural systems, this has the potential to deliver multiple benefits: increased whole-farm profitability and improved natural resource management. The profitability of shrubs was investigated using Model of an Integrated Dryland Agricultural System (MIDAS), a bio-economic model of a mixed crop/livestock farming system. The modelling indicated that including forage shrubs had the potential to increase farm profitability by an average of 24% for an optimal 10% of farm area used for shrubs under standard assumptions. The impact of shrubs on whole-farm profit accrues primarily through the provision of a predictable supply of ‘out-of-season’ feed, thereby reducing supplementary feed costs, and through deferment of use of other feed sources on the farm, allowing a higher stocking rate and improved animal production. The benefits for natural resource management and the environment include improved water use through summer-active, deep-rooted plants, and carbon storage. Forage shrubs also allow for the productive use of marginal soils. Finally, we discuss other, less obvious, benefits of shrubs such as potential benefits on livestock health. The principles revealed by the MIDAS modelling have wide application beyond the region, although these need to be adapted on farm and widely disseminated before potential contribution to Australian agriculture can be realized.  相似文献   

Water scarcity is a major factor limiting food production. Improving Livestock Water Productivity (LWP) is one of the approaches to address those problems. LWP is defined as the ratio of livestock’s beneficial outputs and services to water depleted in their production. Increasing LWP can help achieve more production per unit of water depleted. In this study we assess the spatial variability of LWP in three farming systems (rice-based, millet-based and barley-based) of the Gumera watershed in the highlands of the Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia. We collected data on land use, livestock management and climatic variables using focused group discussions, field observation and secondary data. We estimated the water depleted by evapotranspiration (ET) and beneficial animal products and services and then calculated LWP. Our results suggest that LWP is comparable with crop water productivity at watershed scales. Variability of LWP across farming systems of the Gumera watershed was apparent and this can be explained by farmers’ livelihood strategies and prevailing biophysical conditions. In view of the results there are opportunities to improve LWP: improved feed sourcing, enhancing livestock productivity and multiple livestock use strategies can help make animal production more water productive. Attempts to improve agricultural water productivity, at system scale, must recognize differences among systems and optimize resources use by system components.  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》1986,21(1):69-82
Although the caloric food requirements for direct human consumption are relatively easy to estimate on a global basis, much less is known about competing livestock feed requirements in food-deficit countries. A systems approach to estimate livestock feed requirements in centrally planned countries is used to project import requirements for grain and oilseeds. Projections of future grain and oilseed imports are related to increases in livestock production.  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》1998,57(3):301-313
Some objective criteria for defining conditions of exceptional drought were evaluated using the GrassGro decision support tool. In two analyses, pasture and animal production were simulated from historical daily weather records for the last 95 years at sites in central New South Wales. The first analysis successfully discriminated between two sites 40 km apart, only one of which had received an effective fall of rain during a long dry spell. In the second analysis, production was simulated at one of these sites to identify the exceptional droughts over the 95-year period from the percentage ranking of moving averages of monthly rainfall, available green herbage and the supplementary feed required for sheep survival. Greater summer rainfall in the second half of the period meant that most of the exceptional droughts were in the first half. We suggest that a monitoring system based on shire-by-shire simulations of appropriate grazing systems, using 18-month moving averages of the weight of supplementary feed required for the survival of the animals, may be a practicable way of establishing exceptional drought circumstances.  相似文献   

The purpose of the work reported in this paper was to analyse the relevance of the concept of conversion efficiency to India's agriculture, in general, and to India's dairying, in particular.On the basis of this work, the main conclusions were: The concept of conversion efficiency can be useful to decision-makers in India's agriculture sector; however, when using the concept, care has to be taken to differentiate between inputs which are scarce and inputs which are in free supply, such as crop residues and natural herbage. Dairy production in India is based on the use of crop residues and natural herbage; for this reason, such scarce inputs as are used in India's dairy production are used efficiently, and there need be no conflict between the production of milk in India and the production of other foods needed for an adequate national diet.  相似文献   

In sub-Saharan Africa problems associated with water scarcity are aggravated by increasing demands for food and water, climate change and environmental degradation. Livestock keeping, an important livelihood strategy for smallholder farmers in Africa, is a major consumer of water, and its water consumption is increasing with increasing demands for livestock products. At the same time, current low returns from livestock keeping limit its contribution to livelihoods, threaten environmental health and aggravate local conflicts. The objectives of this review are to: (1) synthesize available knowledge in the various components of the livestock and water sectors in sub-Saharan Africa, (2) analyze livestock-water interactions and (3) identify promising strategies and technological interventions for improved livestock water productivity (LWP) using a framework for mixed crop-livestock systems. The interventions are grouped in three categories related to feed, water, and animal management. Feed related strategies for improving LWP include choosing feed types carefully, improving feed quality, increasing feed water productivity, and implementing grazing management practices. Water management for higher LWP comprises water conservation, watering point management, and integration of livestock production in irrigation schemes. Animal management strategies include improving animal health and careful animal husbandry. Evidence indicates that successful uptake of interventions can be achieved if institutions, policies, and gender are considered. Critical research and development gaps are identified in terms of methodologies for quantifying water productivity at different scales and improving integration between agricultural sectors.  相似文献   

In the Northern Highlands of Ethiopia, integrated crop-livestock production within smallholder farms is the dominant form of agricultural production. Feed availability and quality are serious constraints to livestock production in Ethiopia in general, and in its Northern Highlands in particular. The objective of this study was to describe the relationship between feed availability and quality and live weight gain, milk and manure production and the soil C balance in Teghane, Northern Highlands of Ethiopia. The so-called JAVA model procedure, that essentially predicts metabolizable energy intake and animal production on the basis of feed quality and quantity, has been used and linked to a soil carbon balance. Forages were ranked according to their quality (on the basis of metabolizable energy intake by livestock) in descending order. Rations were formulated by stepwise including components of increasingly lower quality to calculate the trade-offs between feed quantity and quality. In the model, the soil C balance was described in relation to soil organic matter decomposition, C input from roots, grazing and/or harvesting losses, feed residues and manure. Moreover, an analysis of monetary values of live weight gain/loss, manure and draught power is included. The results of the model showed that mean daily live weight gain and milk production per TLU continuously increased with decreasing herd size, while total annual live weight gain reached a maximum (62 Mg) at the use of the 30% best feeds and a herd size of 630 TLU. Soil C balance at this level of feed use is negative and deteriorates with increasing feed use. The model estimated an optimum herd size of 926 TLU to attain the maximum combined monetary value of live weight gain, manure and draught power at 50% feed use. Actual herd size in the study area was 1506 TLU. Our results indicate that in areas where feeds of very different quality are available, maximum benefits from meat and/or milk production and soil C balance can be attained by selective utilization of the best quality feeds, through a storage and carry-over system.  相似文献   

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