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本文通过四川省射洪县的事例,分析了丘陵地区机械灌溉在发展农业和农村经济中的地位和作用,以及目前存在的困难和问题,提出了发展对策建议。 相似文献
四川巴州区大连村距城区5公里,地处大连山的半腰,该村有人口1032人,耕地面积65.81hm^2,其中水稻常年栽插面积47.9hm^2。供全村使用的黑石腔水库也座落在该村,但水低田高,耕地几乎均需提水灌溉, 相似文献
丹棱县位于四川盆地边缘,属典型的丘陵县,耕地与水源高差一般在5米至120米之间,受孤地、独丘地貌以及紫色土丘陵地域条件的限制,蓄水条件差。全县耕地1.7万公顷,需要提水灌溉的粮食和旱地经济作物面积约1.13万公顷。近日,丹棱县农机部门对全县机电提灌站逐一进行了实地调查,找出了提灌站建设存在的主要问题,提出了合理建议。 相似文献
龙垭一小型提灌站于1992年农民自筹资金建成,该站装机18.5KW,机组为一台IS100-65-200A单级单吸离心泵。建成后,运行仅H年,累计运行时间不到1500小时,水泵就遭严重破坏。至改造之前,水泵虽在运转,但噪声极大,压力不够,测得泵出口处压力仅0.34MPa,杨水管出口已不出水。经现场观测和对泵解体分析,查出了泵的破坏情况及成因、管路系统的不足,并针对实际情况进行了改造,经实测验证了改造的正确性。.一、故障现象及泵的破坏该站新建成时,就有流量不足的问题。由于资金和技术原因,也未曾解决。我们对该站进行了现场观测,对… 相似文献
文宫片区地处龙泉山脉,属于典型丘陵,虽有仁寿黑龙潭水库的灌溉,但我片区高家镇、鳌陵乡地势较高,不能充分享受黑龙潭水库的灌溉,水稻、玉米等农作物都要靠提灌站来栽插、保苗、保收,农机提灌已成为农业抗旱保丰收的重要措施。 相似文献
农村机电提灌是农田水利建设的重要内容,是确保农业增产增收的基础设施,在历年抗旱救灾战役中发挥了积极的作用,做出了显著的贡献,一直得到各级党委政府的高度重视,农村机电提灌站建设力度也越来越大,现就我在农村小型机电提灌站建设中的一些技术要点与大家分享。 相似文献
罗江县长堰村地处鄢家镇场镇周围,辖8个农业合作社,幅员面积25平方公里,系典型的浅丘农业村。全村总人口1530人,劳动力980个(转移程度约40%),总耕地1274亩。2001年全村农民人均纯收入达2450元,已纳入国家扶贫新村建设。经过多年发展,全村已建机电提灌站15座(固定提灌站8座、移动提灌站7座),基本能够满足水田灌溉需要。2002年全村计划投资33万元,兴建提灌站6座(其中技改1座)/107千瓦,新增出水量500方/小时,新增和改善灌面1080亩。为什么长堰村已经解决水田灌溉的情况下,… 相似文献
针对北京山区有的地方还存在着节水意识淡薄、灌溉方法简单、水量浪费严重的情况 ,在水资源动态平衡分析、对水资源进行合理配置的基础上 ,提出了在北京山区建设农业节水灌溉工程的规划目标 ,论述了采用先进的节水灌溉技术和措施 ,尽快实现北京山区农业节水灌溉化 ,达到山区水资源的高效利用 ,促进实现山区农业现代化的技术依据 ,并进行了效益分析。 相似文献
利用Excel中的规划求解功能解决了梯级泵站经济扬程确定的问题。首先根据最小功率原理写出灌区总功率计算表达式;然后对实测的灌溉面积与高程关系数据进行曲线拟合,并写出拟合表达式.最后在Excel中求出泵站分级数一定前提下,灌区总功率最小所对应的各级站的净扬程。利用这种方法和经济扬程确定的相关理论,准确、快速地确定梯级泵站经济扬程。这种方法与传统的图解法、试算法相比,具有快捷、精确等优点。 相似文献
The objective of this work was to identify a new efficiency-driven pumping station regulation aiming at maximum energy savings in on-demand irrigation systems. This objective can be achieved by matching the discharge and the pressure head required by the network (characteristic curve of the network) during an entire irrigation season by regulating the operation of the pumping station on the basis of operating the pumps at maximum efficiency. The characteristic curve of the network can be obtained by using an appropriate stochastic generation and hydraulic model. Additional performance analyses were also carried out using the AKLA model in order to better characterize the hydraulic behavior of the irrigation systems under study. The characteristic curves of the centrifugal pumps were adapted to the network curve by equipping the pumping station with variable-speed devices. Several types of regulation based on variable-speed techniques were identified and analyzed. The energy consumption for each regulation technique was quantified for two on-demand irrigation districts in Southern Italy, managed by the Water Users Organization “Consortium of Capitanata”. It was demonstrated that, in comparison with the current pumping station regulation, maximum energy savings may be achieved when pump regulation is carried out with variable-speed devices to maintain the pumps at maximum efficiency. 相似文献
Development of small tanks lined with low-density polyethylene film has provided irrigation facilities on the upland areas of hills on a limited scale. To utilise the scarcely available water, a gravity drip irrigation system was designed for the hilly terraces. The system had the capability to provide uniform emitter discharge throughout the command area spread on several terraces with varying elevations and irregular shapes. The design includes the estimation of the command area of the tank (runoff or low discharge spring-fed) using data on rainfall, evaporation and crop water requirement, and the hydraulics of the drip irrigation system. A useful and more pertinent star configuration of microtube layout with one lateral line feeding four rows was devised which had some advantages over the traditional layouts in terms of achieving the desired discharge rate, better handling of the system, appropriate water delivery, adjustment in spatial head variation due to friction loss in pipes as well as field slopes, and economic factors. Pilot testing of the system showed that the system worked efficiently, with field emission uniformity above 90%. Although the design criteria were developed for the topographical and climatic conditions of the mid-hills of the north-west Himalayas, they can easily be adapted for other locations. 相似文献
王春霞 《国际沙棘研究与开发》2017,(1)
新疆是全国第二大牧区,通过浅埋式滴灌种植,研究苜蓿的根系、株干生长情况,对比分析发现浅埋式滴灌技术,能够节约水资源,大大减轻劳动强度,使牧区落后的生产经营方式和管理机制得到改变,为牧业丰产丰收奠定了坚实的基础,也为项目区牧民脱贫致富做出积极贡献.对新疆的稳定和发展具有重要的经济效益和社会效益. 相似文献
为确定塔里木灌区棉田合理的灌溉量提供依据,通过田间小区试验,定量研究了不同灌溉量(8 100、6 600、5 100、3 600 m3/hm2)与棉花产量、渗漏水量及总氮淋失量之间的关系,应用费用-效益法分析,得出经济效益和环境效益最优的棉花灌溉量。结果表明:该试验条件下,总氮淋失量为3.3~28.4 kg/hm2;渗漏量与灌水量成线性正相关,渗漏量为670~2 201 m3/hm2。棉花产量与灌水量呈现二次相关关系,当棉花产量最大为1 765 kg/hm2时,相应的灌水量为 6 937 相似文献
Recent droughts in the humid southeastern United States have focused attention on the need for and use of supplemental irrigation. Total annual rainfall amounts are sufficient for most crops in the region. However, erratic distribution of rainfall and the low water-holding capacities of most soils in the region cause frequent drought stresses in many crops. An on-farm study was conducted in southeastern Alabama to evaluate the effects of farmers' irrigation scheduling decisions on soil moisture variations in peanut fields irrigated with center-pivot irrigation systems. The study showed that the way irrigation was practiced in this high rainfall area often caused soil moisture deficit (SMD) level higher than the desired SMD limit during over 20% of the 140-day growing season. This is partially due to farmers' tendency to delay irrigation in anticipation of rainfall which may or may not occur, as rainfall during the growing season is often erratic and local. In contrast SMD in non-irrigated fields was higher than the SMD limit for half of the growing season.Abbreviations SMD
soil moisture deficit
- ET
- Reff
effective rainfall
water holding capacity 相似文献
农村小型泵站信息化管理 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以农村小型泵站纸质档案及Excel电子文档数据源作为信息化管理的工程背景,分析其信息化管理的方法与实现技术,基于农村小型泵站信息管理内容及其信息化管理软件要实现的目标,选择先进的通用数据库管理系统及图形支撑系统,开发了农村小型泵站信息管理软件,解决了农村小型泵站信息管理中的数据的采集、统一更新、各种查询方式、多种统计、报表的自动生成及输出等,对通用数据库系统ACCESS与通用图形支撑系统AutoCAD联接技术进行了较为深入的研究,并通过两者的联接实现从工程位置图动态查询其农村小型泵站数据库中的数据及其反向功能. 相似文献
Field studies were done in 2003 and 2006 to evaluate the performance of water pillow (WP) irrigation as an alternative to furrow irrigation (FI) for soybean growth in semi-arid climatic conditions. There were four irrigation treatments: two of which (FI and WP1.0) were full irrigation, in that the water deficit in the soil profile (0.9 m) was brought to field capacity in 10-day intervals. The other two treatments (WP0.75 and WP0.50) were deficit irrigation treatments, and received 75% and 50% of WP1.0 irrigation amount. The highest seed yield was achieved with the WP1.0 treatment. Irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) and water use efficiency (WUE) were influenced significantly by the irrigation methods and levels (P ≤ 0.05). The highest values of WUE and IWUE were obtained by the WP0.75 and WP0.50 treatment, respectively, in both study years. However, the smallest irrigation amount resulted in lower total yield for the WP0.50 treatment, and is not recommended. In conclusion, the WP0.75 treatment is recommended for soybean production in order to attain higher values of IWUE and WUE, and to conserve water and maximize yield with the same volume of water. 相似文献
J. M. Tarjuelo J. Montero F. T. Honrubia J. J. Ortiz J. F. Ortega 《Agricultural Water Management》1999,40(2-3):315-331
One of the most appropriate sprinkler systems for arid or semi-arid areas – where a great deal of irrigating water is required – are the permanent set systems and the continuous-move laterals. To know the reality of water application in this type of areas, many field evaluations of solid set systems and centre pivot irrigation were conducted in Castilla-La Mancha region (Spain). The main factors affecting water application and evaporation and drift losses with these systems (pressure, wind speed, sprinkler type, etc.) were analysed. A set of performance guidelines and recommendations for the design and management of sprinkle irrigation is presented to attain the highest uniformity and efficiency in water application in semi-arid areas. To use working pressure as low as possible, but with sprinklers that produce a great deal of middle size water drops along with night irrigation for minimising evaporation and drift losses are important aspects. 相似文献